IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #8

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Why hasn't/isn't TES or someone searching? I think a lot of time was wasting thinking they were in the lake. It needed to be drained, yes, but someone needs to do a thorough search. Didn't they stop searchers??

Parents' live isn't helping them for sure - but it could be something totally unrelated, or totally related. It's not a sure bet either way and all has to be investigated.
Ollipop, when I google earth RC's address, it looks like he is on the corner of Lake and (would it be) Gilbert Dr. and his driveway looks to connect to Gilbert. Can you tell me what is across the street?

Ollipop, I have a question too. I know you have already talked about this so I apologize for asking again but could the bikes have been ridden through the wooded area that starts right there in the curve of the road on S. Evans to access the bike trail or is there too much undergrowth? If the bikes could not have been ridden, could the girls have pushed their bikes through that wooded area? I mean from S. Evans, through the wooded area, to the bike trail. Thanks! I'll try to go back and find your photos again but I'm not very good at finding things.
To me, they were on a mission. The speed at which they were travelling seems to indicate that.

(I'm taking TG and RC's sightings as correct.)

Find out what that mission was, and you've found the girls.

I originally thought they were rushing to meet someone at the lake.

I am now starting to wonder if they were ORDERED to get to the lake, and quickly.

Quick, if you hurry you'll have time to....x...and be home again in time for x.

This comment brought back memories of my childhood I had not yet considered. My best friend and I were always on these kind of missions. We we on the hunt for candy usually, or something sweet. In fact, we used to ask the neighbors if they had any odd jobs we could do to earn some money. Obviously that was probably not the smartest thing to do.

My question for the locals is, does the lake area have a concession stand or is there a corner store/convenience store in close proximity?
Yes, they do.

They are.

There have been reports that they are going door to door in Waterloo, the next town over...not looking for the girls as such but looking for possible witnesses.

They are still searching the town trash.

The search efforts are continuing, but I believe LE has developed a workable theory and are following the breadcrumbs...hopefully two alive and well little girls at the end of it. Unfortunately life is not wrapped up in an hour like a CSI show and there is a world of hard work between believing you know what happened, and proving it.

I have faith. They WILL find them. This is not a random.

From what everyone keeps saying is that this town is small. So why not comb the whole town? If my kid was missing i would be all over this.

They have!!!!!!!

Sorry I'm standing up for LE here. Please do some msm reading before you throw out statements like that. The searches are alive and well and still ongoing.

They have!!!!!!!

Sorry I'm standing up for LE here. Please do some msm reading before you throw out statements like that. The searches are alive and well and still ongoing.


From my understanding they had a big search 2 days no more than that??? Ground searches through woods is what i was meaning. I know they are searching leads and tips.
I've been reading this thread for several days now. You all certainly have kept me on my toes and awake with all the posts. I'm several pages behind so please excuse me if I repeat anything that was already said.

1. Does it seem like their is an abundance of RSO in the area the girls rode bikes, it appears, on a regular basis? Maybe it's just me, but I don't know if I'd let my child ride around if I knew about all those predators (of course, I don't know if they are child predators or not, but it does seem like there are too many of them in the area).

2. I live near a bike/nature path and we have walked along it many times. The path always has numerous people on it. I'm just wondering how many people daily walk/ride the trail where the girls' bikes were found. I would think, on a summer day, there might be more than one rider who was able to report seeing the bikes (and swerving around one).

3. As someone who has been on a bike trail, I would find it strange if I saw two bikes (one definitely a child's bike, maybe both) lying on the pathway. I think I would have at least slowed down enough to look and make sure no one was injured as it seems, if he had to swerve, the bikes were almost thrown down on the ground. I would think it would be unusual to see this without seeing bikers close by. Just a thought ... I don't know maybe he just thought there were kids about somewhere.

4. I would never, in a million years, walk or ride the trail near my house alone and certainly wouldn't allow my child to do so. I don't live near a high-crime area, but the thought of isolation from the public seems a little scary. I wish I knew the area where Lyric and Elizabeth were riding ... maybe it's not that isolated. If that's the case, how was it someone took them without anyone noticing.

There seem to be so many loose ends in this case. I love the theories that I've been reading, but there are still so many unanswered questions.

As for a stranger abduction, it seems unlikely to me that someone would place the bikes there after taking the girls from another location. From what I've read about abductions, the kidnapper(s) do more of a grab and go then anything planned out to any degree. They usually stop their vehicle, get the kid in and leave. It seems like placing the bikes there after would take too much planning and leave them open to getting caught.

Also, I read that the FBI believes the girls are still alive. Did they say that in the beginning or are they still saying that?
Ollipop, when I google earth RC's address, it looks like he is on the corner of Lake and (would it be) Gilbert Dr. and his driveway looks to connect to Gilbert. Can you tell me what is across the street?

I'm not sure I know his address. For some reason I thought I read it once and saw that he lived at the other end of Lake (a block to the south).

At any rate, if you drove across Gilbert on Lake, you'd end up in the lawn of the Evansdale Community Center, home to the police and fire stations.
Geez, can we keep these precious girls Alive until we have been told for sure they are not . Drugs or no drugs If it were my kids I would be on TV begging the perp to release them and let them go . Why is this lacking from the Parents .It really looks bad for them not to do some TV asking for the release of their children ..Such a darn shame ...
I've been reading this thread for several days now. You all certainly have kept me on my toes and awake with all the posts. I'm several pages behind so please excuse me if I repeat anything that was already said.

1. Does it seem like their is an abundance of RSO in the area the girls rode bikes, it appears, on a regular basis? Maybe it's just me, but I don't know if I'd let my child ride around if I knew about all those predators (of course, I don't know if they are child predators or not, but it does seem like there are too many of them in the area).

2. I live near a bike/nature path and we have walked along it many times. The path always has numerous people on it. I'm just wondering how many people daily walk/ride the trail where the girls' bikes were found. I would think, on a summer day, there might be more than one rider who was able to report seeing the bikes (and swerving around one).

3. As someone who has been on a bike trail, I would find it strange if I saw two bikes (one definitely a child's bike, maybe both) lying on the pathway. I think I would have at least slowed down enough to look and make sure no one was injured as it seems, if he had to swerve, the bikes were almost thrown down on the ground. I would think it would be unusual to see this without seeing bikers close by. Just a thought ... I don't know maybe he just thought there were kids about somewhere.

4. I would never, in a million years, walk or ride the trail near my house alone and certainly wouldn't allow my child to do so. I don't live near a high-crime area, but the thought of isolation from the public seems a little scary. I wish I knew the area where Lyric and Elizabeth were riding ... maybe it's not that isolated. If that's the case, how was it someone took them without anyone noticing.

There seem to be so many loose ends in this case. I love the theories that I've been reading, but there are still so many unanswered questions.

As for a stranger abduction, it seems unlikely to me that someone would place the bikes there after taking the girls from another location. From what I've read about abductions, the kidnapper(s) do more of a grab and go then anything planned out to any degree. They usually stop their vehicle, get the kid in and leave. It seems like placing the bikes there after would take too much planning and leave them open to getting caught.

Also, I read that the FBI believes the girls are still alive. Did they say that in the beginning or are they still saying that?

VERY GOOD FIRST POST. Very well thought out. :welcome::fireworks:
Could the scent of the girls transfer from their bikes onto persons whom may have stolen the bikes from the girls. Thieves could have then dropped the bikes in the park and headed into those bushes. I do not know anything about scent dogs, so just wondering.

The purse being thrown, imo, sounds like older kids, whom may have thought there was going to be money in the purse and then just tossed it.

I know I have thrown this theory around on here before, but because of the timeline, I can't help but wonder if the girls were abducted in the vicinity of the streets where the video surveillance picked them up on or near Brovan. I realize the video is being analyzed to confirm it was E and L.

I am hopeful that LE won't put all their eggs in one basket and explore other possibilities of where the abduction occurred because imo, it did not happen at the lake.

The girls knew they had to be back as per their Grandma, so if that is them on the video, they were riding pretty fast and I think it was to get back to E's home.

Since LE have no leads, it would not hurt to look into other possible scenarios and do not focus on the lake.

All just IMO only, but the bikes were riding away from the lake.
I've been reading this thread for several days now. You all certainly have kept me on my toes and awake with all the posts. I'm several pages behind so please excuse me if I repeat anything that was already said.

1. Does it seem like their is an abundance of RSO in the area the girls rode bikes, it appears, on a regular basis? Maybe it's just me, but I don't know if I'd let my child ride around if I knew about all those predators (of course, I don't know if they are child predators or not, but it does seem like there are too many of them in the area).

2. I live near a bike/nature path and we have walked along it many times. The path always has numerous people on it. I'm just wondering how many people daily walk/ride the trail where the girls' bikes were found. I would think, on a summer day, there might be more than one rider who was able to report seeing the bikes (and swerving around one).

3. As someone who has been on a bike trail, I would find it strange if I saw two bikes (one definitely a child's bike, maybe both) lying on the pathway. I think I would have at least slowed down enough to look and make sure no one was injured as it seems, if he had to swerve, the bikes were almost thrown down on the ground. I would think it would be unusual to see this without seeing bikers close by. Just a thought ... I don't know maybe he just thought there were kids about somewhere.

4. I would never, in a million years, walk or ride the trail near my house alone and certainly wouldn't allow my child to do so. I don't live near a high-crime area, but the thought of isolation from the public seems a little scary. I wish I knew the area where Lyric and Elizabeth were riding ... maybe it's not that isolated. If that's the case, how was it someone took them without anyone noticing.

There seem to be so many loose ends in this case. I love the theories that I've been reading, but there are still so many unanswered questions.

As for a stranger abduction, it seems unlikely to me that someone would place the bikes there after taking the girls from another location. From what I've read about abductions, the kidnapper(s) do more of a grab and go then anything planned out to any degree. They usually stop their vehicle, get the kid in and leave. It seems like placing the bikes there after would take too much planning and leave them open to getting caught.

Also, I read that the FBI believes the girls are still alive. Did they say that in the beginning or are they still saying that?

BBM [ Bolded by Me]

As to the bolded portion above, I agree with you. The bikes being there lead me to two conclusions.

1. It was a local or locals who carried this out. I don't think someone passing through would know about the area or bother to stage the bikes there.

2. It was possibly someone known or connected to the victims, otherwise there would be no reason to try and make it look like the girls went into the lake.

OR 3. It tells me the girls were right there on the path when they were abducted or lured away.
From what everyone keeps saying is that this town is small. So why not comb the whole town? If my kid was missing i would be all over this.

Everyone keeps saying the town is small so why 200 plus RSOs. I live in a small town, under 5000 and we have 10 RSOs.

And when they say they cleared all 200 it makes me think of Jessica, did they search their houses inside and out. Ya know what I mean.
They have!!!!!!!

Sorry I'm standing up for LE here. Please do some msm reading before you throw out statements like that. The searches are alive and well and still ongoing.


Bu they haven't done a thorough search. Ollipop is a verified local who lives near the lake and yet he has never been questioned, LE has never been to his house.

Can you provide any MSM source regarding wide-scale searches taking place currently? I searched, and I could not find any reference to ongoing searches. Maybe LE has said the search is ongoing but if residents living very near the lake have not been questioned, then LE has not done enough IMO.
Could the scent of the girls transfer from their bikes onto persons whom may have stolen the bikes from the girls. Thieves could have then dropped the bikes in the park and headed into those bushes. I do not know anything about scent dogs, so just wondering.

The purse being thrown, imo, sounds like older kids, whom may have thought there was going to be money in the purse and then just tossed it.

I know I have thrown this theory around on here before, but because of the timeline, I can't help but wonder if the girls were abducted in the vicinity of the streets where the video surveillance picked them up on or near Brovan. I realize the video is being analyzed to confirm it was E and L.

I am hopeful that LE won't put all their eggs in one basket and explore other possibilities of where the abduction occurred because imo, it did not happen at the lake.

The girls knew they had to be back as per their Grandma, so if that is them on the video, they were riding pretty fast and I think it was to get back to E's home.

Since LE have no leads, it would not hurt to look into other possible scenarios and do not focus on the lake.

All just IMO only, but the bikes were riding away from the lake.

I agree with much of the above.

I think it might have happened in town, the girls were taken, the bikes left behind.

And possibly some older kids went for a joyride on the bikes, and the purse may have been on the handle bars.

My kids had their bikes taken from the playground by some older bullies a couple of times. The jerks would ride the bikes to their homes and leave them somewhere nearby. Luckily they got caught and we were not the ones who had to point the finger, because my DD was afraid it would make things worse.
Why hasn't/isn't TES or someone searching? I think a lot of time was wasting thinking they were in the lake. It needed to be drained, yes, but someone needs to do a thorough search. Didn't they stop searchers??

Parents' live isn't helping them for sure - but it could be something totally unrelated, or totally related. It's not a sure bet either way and all has to be investigated.

TES has to be approached by the family for them to come.
I've read a lot of posts in these past 8 threads discussing the different streets and routes the girls took on their bike rides. I'm 59 yo but I can still remember what it was like to get out on my bike and ride all over my small (8,000 or so pop.) hometown. When you're limited to a small amount of different routes to take you'd want to use them all. It would be awful boring to use the same route every time you were out riding your bike. Just because one way is shorter than the other doesn't mean much to a kid if they're just out riding. Going to the baseball field was pretty much an every day, several times a day, thing for me and my buddies in the summer but unless we absolutely knew there was a reason to hurry to get there, like a game we could join in, we would take any of 4-5 different ways and not just the shortest. I guess I'm trying to say it wouldn't surprise me a bit if anyone on any of those streets between Elizabeth's house and the lake said they'd seen them riding on their street on a fairly regular basis. JMOO

I agree somewhat, and have considered it at length. My only issue, with the Carpenters and Lake Ave, is that they seem to imply that the girls are there frequently, and turning around there. It's hard for me to explain further than I have, but it is just stands out as odd that, over a mile from home, in a spot where mom and gramma say the girls had never ride/ridden to, on a street that has nothing of obvious interest but is so close (yet out of the way to/from) to a trail around a lake, a playground, a skatepark, etc, that these people seem to feel like they "know" Elizabeth.

I'm wondering if there is something of interest on that street that wouldn't be obvious to me and my kids of roughly the same age. A friend? A relative? We're a block away frequently, yet have NEVER walked or ridden on Lake. I had to drive over there to even confirm the name of the street, and I can almost see it from my house, lol.

Now, seeing the girls frequently on roads with natural turnarounds, points of interest, etc, closer to their home would not surprise me. Like the entire area of parking on Lafayette, or Sipple, Morrell, or Wema Avenues. Maybe the old elementary school with its playground just off the trail, or the skatepark, or somewhere off River Forest, etc. But to get this (I'm down by the lake, fyi) far away, and to choose that one out-of-the-way spot, with regularity, is odd to me.
I don't watch a lot of video clips, something to do with a slow computer, but the couple I have watched show Misty smiling. :(

I know I'm going to get bombarded here with cries of "everyone reacts different" but a mother who can smile while her baby might be getting raped/tortured/handed around as a freakn party treat, would not, under any circumstances smile, most especially two days after abduction.

It is a huge, glaring, obvious red flag for me that cannot be discounted, or explained away.

Mothers all over the world are alike. We would give our lives for our children, without hesitation. To think of our children in pain and fear is the most agonising thing a mother can ever, ever go through. It is far more painful than going through it yourself. There is no room or emotion left for smiley little chats with Anderson Cooper...every single breath of your body is devoted to praying and hunting for your child. This is a universal truth. The reason we are alive and posting on this board at all is because our mothers protected us, their mothers, their mothers mothers, and back into eternity...it is a basic human instinct to hunt and grieve for a lost child.

This is not occuring.

Further, it seems as though none of the family are cooperating...

Which is also unnatural behaviour for a family who believes their babies are lost, cold, being subjected to god.knows.what.

Add this into the FBI declaring on 21 July that they were still looking for live children, and it appears that perhaps Misty knows something we don't, which is almost always the case in these things...:banghead:

3:30 p.m. Saturday - EVANSDALE, Iowa --- Investigators still wouldn’t say they had any new leads Saturday afternoon, but stressed that they were “confident” both Elizabeth Collins and Lyric Cook-Morrissey are still alive.

FBI spokeswoman Sandy Breault wouldn’t say what made them confident, even as statistics show that the longer someone goes missing, the less likely it is they will be found.

“We believe the girls are alive, and we are not discouraged by the passage of time,” Breault told reporters at the Evansdale Community Response Center SaturdayOfficials said no arrest warrants had been issued but wouldn’t comment on any search warrants.

Hindering the investigation, Breault said, was a lack of cooperation from “all” of the two missing girls’ family and friends. She wouldn’t release details on who that person or persons may be.

“It’s a roadblock,” she said.

Police will only say that “physical evidence” was found relating to the girls, but wouldn’t say if it was found by police, the dive teams or by the search dogs brought in to canvass the area near Meyers Lake, where the two went missing July 13.

Breault said investigators are still following every tip that comes into the FBI or the Cedar Valley Crimestoppers hotlines and that it was a “top priority for the FBI.”

"I can't stress enough that we truly believe the girls are out there," Breault said. "We believe someone out there has information."



So why is there a lack of cooperation from EVERYONE? You know, they are actually not the important ones here, to be getting offended and defensive and storming out of interviews. All of this sort of behaviour detracts from what should be the main focus, finding the girls.


I'm wondering if there is something of interest on that street that wouldn't be obvious to me and my kids of roughly the same age. A friend? A relative? We're a block away frequently, yet have NEVER walked or ridden on Lake. I had to drive over there to even confirm the name of the street, and I can almost see it from my house, lol.

Now, seeing the girls frequently on roads with natural turnarounds, points of interest, etc, closer to their home would not surprise me. Like the entire area of parking on Lafayette, or Sipple, Morrell, or Wema Avenues. Maybe the old elementary school with its playground just off the trail, or the skatepark, or somewhere off River Forest, etc. But to get this (I'm down by the lake, fyi) far away, and to choose that one out-of-the-way spot, with regularity, is odd to me.

I agree maybe a new friend that just started the school a month or two before school let out?
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