That boy has a very distinctive look. If someone knew him they would recognize/remember him. So if ICE is involved does that mean he is here in the US? I'm not sure I understand how they are involved.
I don't know... just thinking: Alanna's case/TH may have led them to someone else -- I'm thinking maybe someone at least slightly older than TH. You know, there was mention of an accomplice and they were wanting info on those cars ... then they quieted right down about all that. And of course, now they have TH's phone/computer, etc., could have led somewhere.
ICE was involved with Kyron Horman and Somer Thompson. With Somer, there were no crossing of state lines. Perp was American. I think ICE gets involved with crimes against children.
It may have zero to do with anything outside of the US
so weird it looks like It could be a female trying hard to disguise herself as male that would explain the wax or threaded eyebrows.
so weird it looks like It could be a female trying hard to disguise herself as male that would explain the wax or threaded eyebrows.
Do y'all think the kid trying to be identified is a local kid?
Is there a consensus yet on what type of hoodie he is wearing? Brand? What it says on front?
Do you think his eyebrow color could be light naturally but darker in these pictures due to makeup - eyebrow pencil?
Do you consider his lips to be full?
Do y'all think the kid trying to be identified is a local kid?
Is there a consensus yet on what type of hoodie he is wearing? Brand? What it says on front?
Do you think his eyebrow color could be light naturally but darker in these pictures due to makeup - eyebrow pencil?
Do you consider his lips to be full?
Local? No idea.
I think it's an adidas hoodie but not 100%.
I think the hair on his head may have been lightened, either chemically or sun-bleached. The eyebrows are their natural colour imo.
I don't know if I consider his lips to be full. Looks like he's wearing lip gloss or something to enhance them. Could just be how they look against his natural skin tone too. He kinda reminds me of Justin Beiber. Lol.
His facial features look to me like he's just an immature boy. Give him a few years and he'll probably look more adult. That said, there is something kind of sinister about his face that I can't really put my finger on.
In the first picture, his brows are groomed, darker then his hair, and his lips are plump. Many females would love to have those lips. Makes me wonder if he was 'selected' for this look.
Yes, when you consider there does not appear to be any facial hair.