Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #15

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Although you can get around this by not opening that person's messages. You'll just have the notification/ count showing. You could even know what it said and have read it in the pop up notification, depending on length, but not have actually opened it so it would show as unread still.
Yes of course, I’m discussing this from the angle that she was communicating with him prior to this, so why would she suddenly ignore him? Unless she was trying to disappear, in which case, in order to do so effectively, she would have to turn the phone off. I don’t believe she left intentionally, so I don’t think she would have purposely ignored him. Unless they were in a fight...which would be concerning in itself and would likely have been mentioned by now or would be something that LE already knows about and would undoubtedly add layers to the mystery. So....I basically just said A whole lot of nothing.
If she left voluntarily, the family needs to be making emotional pleas directly to her. The kind, caring, compassionate Mollie everyone has described would respond to that. Even if she initially left voluntarily, but is now being held against her will (or even being threatened with herself and/or her family being harmed), what harm could deeply emotional family pleas do? And they may even be beneficial?
LE has not confirmed when MT actually fell off the digital grid (phone off), but we know she did not reply to brothers early am text 7/19, or any calls. I believe her communication disabled/off beginning about 10pm on 7/18. MOO
I have never heard when people said she stopped posting on SM? I don't want to look at the SM myself but I know people on here have looked and I'm curious when the last entries were made. An article I read said she was on Twitter constantly and that she was much more into Snap than her BF. I realize LE knows the answers to these questions but I'm curious if anyone here knows when she dropped off the digital grid?
What do you feel is the strongest, most compelling, confirmed lead in this case? How does it help to form your opinion and or theory?

I ask because I will tell you that my personal view is very few cases have had less of the above. I am not sure that anything we know that has been confirmed even helps move the pointer in any direction. You can see in many of the posts on here, that the frustration and emotions are a bit raw, and it seems to be coming from lack of anything coming out and the rehashing of "facts". I know no LE wants a case to go cold, but every action so far makes it seem that is where this is heading.

In my opinion is evidence she planned a short venture out in the early evening but planned to return to the farmhouse for sleeping. Evidence of that: the dogs were put in the basement, clearly linked to a pattern she was taught by the dog’s owners when leaving the house. She did plan to return, because her driver’s license, passport, contact lenses and clothes were left at the farmhouse. She planned to spend the night there, probably.

That’s pretty strong evidence she didn’t leave voluntary, but met up with some trouble either on the jog, or heading over to her mom’s (those could be interconnected and she was taking a jog for the 45 minutes and then end it at her mom’s).

Dad’s comments are interesting, and it keeps more information in the media to keep interest in Mollie’s case up, (like mom is doing) and I agree with him, since her body hasn’t been found, there is hope.

That’s not much evidence, but it does paint a picture of a young gal who is oriented to a following a schedule, following instructions, and easily predictable.
I think the 3 hours is taken too literally. I have had conversations with people that took a total of 3 hours or 2+ hours, because of dropped signal on phones etc. If one of the 2 is running around doing errands, could just be a 3-hour window when they talked. Again without the actual call records, it is all a guess.

I have had to speak with obnoxious, narcissistic, boastful, rude people where 10 minutes felt like 3 hours.
I guess it depends who buys her eyewear...if her folks do, they may know what she has.
Right, I know it was her the contacts, and of course we can all have our theories. My theory is that she had a set of contacts that DJ's mom didn't know about. My daughter wears contacts and she buys them in bulk a six month supply at a time. Mollie could have simply been wearing a new pair but DJ only saw the used pair she hadn't thrown away yet.

I can see this being the case (no pun intended lol). I just can't see Mollie going running without anything to help her see clearly. She would have had to see her Fitbit and phone to use while running.
I’m sure at least half of you roll your eyes when I launch into another “left voluntarily” rant so feel free to scroll on past.

Yes, I’m absolutely convinced of it. She left later in the evening with someone she knew and was expecting to come pick her up. She put the dogs away and left. Of course evidence that’s surely known to LE could easily disprove this, and what happened beyond the moment she left is pure speculation, but consider this:

Leaving voluntarily and being abducted are not mutually exclusive. We have no indication where she might have gone, who she might have gone with, or what happened next. Any number of scenarios are possible after that car pulls out of the driveway.

While it’s obvious that a long term voluntary disappearance was not meticulously planned, that leaves a few options to consider: it’s possible that she only planned to be gone a short while, maybe overnight and would be dropped off at her car by early morning. Maybe not even that long, the original intention could have been to just run down to Casey’s and grab an energy drink. Maybe she was planning on spending the night with someone. Regardless, when she walked out that door she didn’t necessarily intend to be gone indefinitely.

Family will not accept she’s missing volentarily. Fair enough, they know her better than we do and they’re probably right. Not certainly right, but probably right. But to say she left voluntarily is not to say she’s now missing voluntarily. And that’s the point of view dad is expressing.

And while dad does specify that this is his own speculation, it would not make sense for him to speculate one thing when he knows all the while it’s not true. Point being: dad’s speculation is consistent with what he knows.

And dad’s message I believe is quite clearly directed at both Mollie and the person she’s with - whether voluntary or involuntary at this point, and without regard to motive. There’s no easy way to resolve this without a terrible backlash. Dad understands this, he’s here to help. Whatever it takes, just get her back.

You certainly cannot rule that out. Your argument is pretty logical.
I saw on her SM where she posted pics of herself with family members with comments from her, that it’s always special when she can spend time with her family, to that effect.

Of course, her life could be misrepresented.

The point being does she enjoy a nomadic life, or does she want a regular job, a house, that kind of stuff.

I’m sure at least half of you roll your eyes when I launch into another “left voluntarily” rant so feel free to scroll on past.

Yes, I’m absolutely convinced of it. She left later in the evening with someone she knew and was expecting to come pick her up. She put the dogs away and left. Of course evidence that’s surely known to LE could easily disprove this, and what happened beyond the moment she left is pure speculation, but consider this:

Leaving voluntarily and being abducted are not mutually exclusive. We have no indication where she might have gone, who she might have gone with, or what happened next. Any number of scenarios are possible after that car pulls out of the driveway.

While it’s obvious that a long term voluntary disappearance was not meticulously planned, that leaves a few options to consider: it’s possible that she only planned to be gone a short while, maybe overnight and would be dropped off at her car by early morning. Maybe not even that long, the original intention could have been to just run down to Casey’s and grab an energy drink. Maybe she was planning on spending the night with someone. Regardless, when she walked out that door she didn’t necessarily intend to be gone indefinitely.

Family will not accept she’s missing volentarily. Fair enough, they know her better than we do and they’re probably right. Not certainly right, but probably right. But to say she left voluntarily is not to say she’s now missing voluntarily. And that’s the point of view dad is expressing.

And while dad does specify that this is his own speculation, it would not make sense for him to speculate one thing when he knows all the while it’s not true. Point being: dad’s speculation is consistent with what he knows.

And dad’s message I believe is quite clearly directed at both Mollie and the person she’s with - whether voluntary or involuntary at this point, and without regard to motive. There’s no easy way to resolve this without a terrible backlash. Dad understands this, he’s here to help. Whatever it takes, just get her back.
I think it’s absolutely possibly that she left voluntarily initially, for anything really, what seems impossible, is that she would still be missing voluntarily. Still a possibility, but would be incredibly shocking to me anyway.
I was just thinking that it may be possible to make a lot of money selling a hog farm to a large company. If you had a history of stalking, and didn't seem to throw your money around buying nice clothes and a nice house, some people might think you could afford to hire someone to obtain whatever else you might desire.
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well, if someone is keeping tabs on me to the point that they know how many pair of contacts I have that might just give me more reason to want to walk off. I don't think anyone was keeping that detailed of info and I don't think anyone knows it to be fact. they may think they do but unless every move was being monitored I just don't see it.

I tend to think it started as her going with someone because she wanted to, things could have gone south after that.

I spent two weeks traveling threw 9 states along I80, I40, and in between this summer. I stayed at hotels and camp grounds, I ate out, I shopped and not once did I show my id. hotels simply ask me to write my info into page or card. no I could not have got on a plane or bus or rented a car without showing id. employment would require id. being gone until you run out of money, no id required.

Unless someone offered to "save her" from her perceived troubles and offered to foot the bill for everything to support her.

The possible pressure she may have felt that a proposal was on its way at the wedding was the big thing I kept wondering about. Would that be enough to make me run for the hills at her age. Possibly.
It may or may not be a good idea to speculate why. I'm happy that they are involved. Hopefully your post won't trigger a zillion replies with "It's because she is pretty and white, etc..." There certainly are situations where FBI must handle certain things. I'm not going to list them.
I keep thinking that its one thing that all the FBI agents showed up to work on the case but the interesting thing to me is if this case had no legs or wasn't in their mandate then they would have scaled back the allocation of resources. By all accounts the FBI has stayed and so there must be a reason. Maybe the reason they have stayed is because of the person that MT accepted the ride from?
OT...I have phone phobia...almost never use a phone, even to text. This goes back to both my sister, who will talk incessantly as long as the other person is still holding the line (maybe longer) and a job 20 yrs ago where for the first 15 or so months, I answered complaints. (It was a new state lotterry starting up...oh the complaints...) So for me, a long phone call = someone else’s terror of flying or snakes...well I have the snake one too. Anyway I use Messenger and email for everything remotely possible and those who like me know this.

All that said...I know people who would talk for hours on the phone if they can.
I have never heard when people said she stopped posting on SM? I don't want to look at the SM myself but I know people on here have looked and I'm curious when the last entries were made. An article I read said she was on Twitter constantly and that she was much more into Snap than her BF. I realize LE knows the answers to these questions but I'm curious if anyone here knows when she dropped off the digital grid?
I looked at her Twitter last night trying to see if she commonly posted any particular time of day, but it was scattered and it was actually less frequent than I was expecting. A couple times per day, maybe, mostly retweets, and some days with nothing. Don't know about other social media - I think her FB posts are actually hidden/ gone now, and I'm not on Snapchat and I think that's less public.
This is a narrative of what could have happened.My theory so to speak.

I get the gut feeling there was an acquaintance(school,family,friends) or a local who on occasion attempted to engage her in private conversation but she declined.

Whoever this person might be they could have just shown up & feigned distress. This 'needy' acquaintance probably appealed for her to use her knowledge of clinical psychology to help. This combined with her obvious interest in helping others might have swayed her to go with them against her better judgement.

I could see a pedator tragically appealing to her to go 'just say for a 5 min ride' and 'just talk'.

Please feel free to critique & as I am completely stumped.


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I am with you on the 3 hr phone call being unusual but when it was first discussed a number of threads ago the people that said it was in the range of 'normal' seemed to be in the majority. But I guess the world can be divided into 'talkers' and 'non talkers' so maybe MT and her dad are both 'talkers'?

Mollie may be, but that isn't the vibe I got/get from Dad. I'm SUPER close to my Mom. We talk every single day, for at least an hour-hour and a half (and text in between). We, also, live in different states (and are both women, so we can talk). But the only time we spoke on the phone for 3 hours was when I was confiding some 'heavy' things to her. Just my personal experience...
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