Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #18

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Pregnancies can change everything. Many pregnant women have been killed due to being pregnant and that changing everything in the power dynamic in their relationships and their lives. No one knows if she was pregnant, but if she was, it would be a game changer and could certainly be a factor in her going missing IMHO.
There is no evidence whatsoever of her being pregnant.
Her used jogging clothes should have been in the house and apparently, were not. Unless she carried them out to wash at mom’s, which if she did this normally, mom probably would have said?
Yes. That's why I think she never made it home from the jog.

Actually no, mom's house is only a mile away from my understanding. It's roughly the same distance as my house to my mail box. I can tell you many times I have hopped in my car without my wallet and license with only my mail key to drive only a mile to get the mail. I can see Molly doing the same. Especially if she's in a hurry to get going before it's too dark and she doesn't want to carry a wallet or her purse while she runs there.
Yes it is prescription based and so far my plan still covers it but they limit quantity. It is pretty expensive and they limit me to 6 per month so I pay out of pocket for more because I sometimes get more than 6 in a month and dont ever want to be without having it handy.

Stinking insurance companies always trying to limit us or take things off the formulary lists so we have to pay out of pocket. :(
I just wanted to let you know- I work for an insurance company and deal with this matter daily. There may be quantity limits however you and your doctor can request prior authorization for a higher quantity based on medical necessity. If the insurance company denies the request, you can approve it. Medical records showing the necessity would prove the need and get the medication quantity approved. Don't pay for something out of pocket that you can get covered.
LE may have just said that to see what reaction or draw giving those “facts” would have solicited from the neighbor. Just because the LE said that to the neighbor when questioning him doesn’t mean it’s true. Sometimes they are waiting to be corrected with the known info so that they know the witness is legit. This isn’t the FBI’s first rodeo.
This sounds more like the mistake of an inexperienced investigator in the initial stages of an investigation than an intentional effort to mislead. Possible though.
I completely agree with you. I’m simply trying to fit her going on her jog, her apparently returning home, and the reason for her apparently remaining in her jogging clothes. If all of these things are true, then she might have planned on going to her mom’s house to perhaps pick up the car.

Agreed that going to pick up the car is one of the plausible reasons for leaving the house a second time that night, if she made it home from the jog. The one sticking point for me there is that she didn't take her wallet, which presumably contains her license. Would she drive without having her wallet/license with her? Another question for someone who knows Molly. (Maybe these are the kinds of details LE is thinking of when they say it's important to "get to know Molly").
Absolutely. But I was under the impression that her jogging clothes were missing.

Yes - the family identified that one of her sports bras and a pair of jogging pants were missing. Somehow they identified which top and which bottom were missing and possibly compared it to witnesses who saw her around 7:30 p.m.

She must have had more than one sports bra or she'd be washing it every night because she jogged daily.
I saw at least three different women as plaintiffs or mention in the cases/charges against WC. None of whom were his ex wife - who is not JJ, btw. It's possible they are all exes, but still concerning in terms of there being an ongoing pattern of behavior.

As a general plea, can we please try to be careful and avoid accusing victims of WC of being opportunistic fame-seekers or money-grubbers? JMO, but it comes across as victim blaming, this is a victim friendly site and the woman who was interviewed, and her daughter should be viewed as victims. It's corroborated in public court documents.

WC pled guilty to some of the charges and was convicted. Protection orders and no contact orders were granted against him many times. There's a pattern of behavior here against multiple women which is troubling. It's not just one, that needs to be emphasized. Harassment in the 1st degree involves threatening to commit a felony against the person, by the way.

It's disturbing to me that people (not just here but everywhere) seem to be downplaying stalking, harassment and violating no contact orders. Downplaying domestic abuse allegations. Obviously having been a survivor of DA myself(and being stalked by a SO after having left the country where the DA resided), my personal experiences are going to make this a very hot issue for me. I have a bias, but I am going to share my perspective anyway in the hopes of helping others to understand why I am disturbed by the train of thought I mentioned above.

I had to flee a country to escape my abusive ex and he still tried to make contact, made inquiries which got back to me which indicated he might attempt to enter the country that I had fled to (due to knowledge of some future plans I had told him prior to the abuse). I've had panic attacks decades years later when I thought I glimpsed his face in a crowd, even though logically I know it couldn't have been him. The trauma and stress may lessen over time, but it doesn't take much to set off those same feelings of being terrified for my privacy, my safety and, at times, even my life. It is difficult to articulate what it feels like to live with that kind of ongoing fear. It can be paralyzing.

All I ask is for people to pause before accusing confirmed or even alleged victims of DA and other personal crimes as being attention seekers looking for a pay out.

There's still a massive stigma surrounding the reportage of domestic abuse, stalking/harassment and sexual assault. Far too often victims are accused of being crazy, hysterical, vindictive liars, willing participants or having provoked the criminal acts in some way. Is it any wonder so few women report crimes against their person when they often are the ones who get their reputations dragged through the mud even more than the accused? It takes a lot of courage and fortitude to make formal complaints to the police and even stick it out through the court process.

So, please, please can we be mindful of this and err on the side of sensitivity when discussing victims?
I agree with you 100% being he violated restraining orders goes towards disregarding a court order breaking the law. He shows a pattern with women. This is not a good character.
Yes, Kayla Brown SC was missing for two months and found ALIVE with her cell phone pings/computer records. 2017

While many details of just how authorities were able to zero in on Todd Kohlhepp’s 95-acre property in Woodruff as the site where a missing Anderson woman was being held captive, they have said that pings from kidnapping victim Kala Brown’s cell phone played a role in helping them to locate her.

Anderson police investigators were able to obtain cell phone records from AT&T, Brown’s cell phone service provider, after they had obtained a search warrant or court order, said Ann Elsas, spokeswoman for AT&T in South Carolina.

How police used pings from a cell phone to find Kala Brown
How they found Kala Brown and Charlie Carver
South Carolina woman found; body discovered on property - CNN

Thanks but that is different. They located her from her cell phone. It's well known that a cell phone can be located. That takes just seconds. With the right apps an individual can do that, instantly. But I'm talking about taking all of the data from a cell phone tower and trying to find a suspect with from that data. That is more like looking for a needle in a haystack. To that best of my knowledge, it has never been successful.
Dear MassGuy,

Mollie would have at least 2 or 3 sets of jogging clothes- tops and bottoms to wear interchangeably.

She jogged on a daily basis so she'd need a few jogging outfits.

She could have showered and changed into another set of jogging clothes that were comfortable, completed some homework, sent the Snapchat and headed off to her Mom's house.

I don't think this is accurate as one of the neighbors who saw her clearly identified what she was wearing on her jog and her mother stated it was these clothes that were missing. More than likely she didn't feel she had time to change after working on homework...without having to jog in the dark, which is apparently what happened anyway in MOO.
Either someone had a family they were trying to protect (I don't know marital status yet) and possibly committed an abduction or worse, or someone had a reputation to protect/didn't want people getting hurt and didn't know how to handle the consequences and made it look like an abduction.
I can't remember the case right now, but wasn't there a pregnant gal taken so that they could sell her baby at birth?
I don't really think Mollie is missing because of a pregnancy tho. It just got brought up because of her mothers comments about discussing with Mollie when she was pregnant with her and what would prompt that type of conversation.
Is there a link to where the latter two have been cleared?

A Week After Disappearance Mollie Tibbetts’ Brothers, Boyfriend Cleared in Investigation
“As in any investigation like this, those who are the closest to Mollie have been interviewed. Everybody within her family, boyfriend, at this point, we don't feel has any involvement in her disappearance” said Assistant Director of DCI Field Operations Mitchell Mortvedt."
Her boyfriend was over 100 miles away working a construction job — and Sheriff Tom Kriegel told ABC News that he and Tibbetts’ family have been helpful and cooperative.
“The brothers are not suspects,” Kriegel said.
As for the boyfriend, he added, “We have confirmed [his alibi]. He is not a suspect.”
The how does the evidence of her having returned fit in? If it exists, it changes things.

Answering a Question with a Question: What evidence do we have that she returned from her jog?
So, Mollie's father remarried last month.
I wonder what emotions that brought up for her. And for her mom.
~thinking outside the box~
Mollie was his "best man". All the photos from the wedding and afterward with them together with family (her brothers and her dad's new wife's family) she looked extremely happy.
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