Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #22

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If I ever need a lawyer to get me out of a hate crime, I'm contacting Peggy:

"But did the person who called you *expletive deleted* in the library spell it the same was as it was keyed into your car!?! SPELLING MATTERS!"

OT - if anyone wants some light and fun reading when this thread gets to be too much, you should check out the twitter account - @ bestofnextdoor. There is a classic thread of a neighborhood in Seattle that complained about the Seattle Seahawks games and someone shooting off fireworks whenever they scored a goal. One of them had the grand idea of meeting up at the local library to discuss the issue. I don’t want to spoil what happens next but it’s pretty funny.
I will stick my neck out here and even say that every 20 year old person today is aware of Tinder and how it is used. I live in a multi college area and my daughter's friends range in age from 19-25. College aged students. My daughter is in college. Every one of them has played on Tinder creating false account out of CURIOSITY. They are 20 for goodness sakes and are curious!

Loved your rant about 20 yr olds. What you described is so true about so many people in that age group and I'm glad you posted what you did to bring us back to the question that LE asked in the first PC which was 'who is MT'. MT is many things and what I have seen from looking at SM of some young adults is sometimes what you see on SM is not exactly the same as who they are and how exactly they spend their time. SM for many is almost as if they are crafting an image for themselves. So, the profile is part them and part what they would like to be seen as. Sometimes I think its easy to look at SM profiles and say we definately 'know' the person. I'm not certain this is always the case. By all accounts MT was surprisingly open in sharing different parts of herself and her life in her social media. But, I think there are certainly parts of herself that aren't on SM. I hope by now LE has figured all this out. I wouldn't be surprised if most 20+ somethings hadn't tried either fake profile on Tinder or one of its equivalents. Might MT have done so? I would be surprised if she hadn't. OT but somewhat touching on Tinder as discussed in original post, there was the case that got alot of publicity of person captured after killing women he met on Tinder. This killer moved around freely and seemed to kill at whim and this is what I found particularly chilling and disturbing.
Not unless you backup your text messages to somewhere on the cloud that LE can access--which you can do with androids and iphones. But the user has to set up/manage that back up process.

But your cell phone provider will typically only have records of numbers called/texted and not the content of the messages.

But nowadays there are apps (LINE, WhatsApp, SnapChat etc) that allow you to text/sms, call, even video call on some without it appearing in your cell phone provider's logs except as raw data usage.

Hopefully the FBI involvement means they contacted apple or whomever and got a list of apps Mollie downloaded from the app store. They might then be able to contact the app provider and at least find out what other users on that particular app platform Mollie had as "friends" and otherwise interacted with.
Cell providers do store content of text messages for a period of time. They can be released to LE with a subpoena/court order or warrant. MOO.
At the last PC, LE emphasizes “getting to know Mollie” and “figuring out WHY Mollie is gone.” I almost took that as a hint that they want the public to pick apart her SM to help find clues. I think many of us got a clearer picture of who she is from her SM, and realized that she IS just like other girls her age (most of whom make poor SM choices, my own daughters included). Before her SM was scrutinized, I think many of us just pictured a naive, sheltered, small town girl. Now we know that she is more complex than that.

Talking about her SM is relevant. She DID post pics of herself in her underwear on a public account. This matters because it could have attracted her perp. Also, the missing child story she told could certainly be meaningful in the investigation.

Also, I think many parents had never heard of vsco, so at least many are now aware of it because of her.

Again, I am not judging her, but I do think SM should be examined as closely as possible because it very well might lead to her.
I’ve mentioned this before but “getting to know Mollie,” means learning her habits, her personality, and delving into her relationships. Victimology is an essential component of conducting an investigation like this. If you understand your victim, you can begin to put the pieces together in regard to what may have happened.
I don’t think law enforcement wants people delving into her social media in order to help them in some way. They can do that on their own. They don’t need people wildly speculating as to her mindset, and reaching conclusions based on what she is wearing in photos. It’s just not helpful.
I too am very intrigued about that Poweshiek Wind Project. Would like to understand better the details. Anyone?

Indeed. As asked before, where were the workers housed? How many? How long were they there? Familiar faces? Hmmmm.[/QUOTE]
Links were posted last night. Looks to be down in the Guernsy area. Interesting coincidence? I'm still thinking contractors at co-op too? Random people from out of the area that wouldn't get a second look because they were in an official vehicle. Just a thought....
You wouldn’t need a car to be lurking or hiding between the cornstalks, hanging out possibly doing drugs or up to no good and happen to a see a young pretty female run buy who was focused on running and listening to her iTunes. Perp comes up behind her covers her mouth and drags her into the cornfield and assaults her. Shes a small girl it wouldn’t be hard for a man. He could have a weapon gun or knife to her back. Destroys and/or powers off Fitbit and iPhone. Possibly bury them. Then perp runs off. She’s probably in those cornfields and won’t be found until Harvest in October.

But in this scenario, doesn't the last ping of the cell phone point right to the general area where her body is? I don't think that the perp would be likely to be lurking without a car, but with a shovel. I can see not finding her when they're searching a huge general area, but I'd hope they'd have intensive searches in the general area of that 'last ping.'
I’ve mentioned this before but “getting to know Mollie,” means learning her habits, her personality, and delving into her relationships. Victimology is an essential component of conducting an investigation like this. If you understand your victim, you can begin to put the pieces together in regard to what may have happened.
I don’t think law enforcement wants people delving into her social media in order to help them in some way. They can do that on their own. They don’t need people wildly speculating as to her mindset, and reaching conclusions based on what she is wearing in photos. It’s just not helpful.
Very well said. I hope everyone reads your post.! It is an important aspect of the investigation and is used to help find a suspect.
O.K. everyone rant alert!

It is rare for me to rant, but I am really disappointed by seeing references to Mollie's videos, social media posts, etc. that question what she is wearing, her flirtatiousness, etc.
Give it a break! This is a lovely 20 year old girl acting like a 20 year old. Mollie is missing and most likely deceased, unless there is a miracle. Can we forget about her shorts or batting eyelashes or whatever else normal 20 year olds do on video and social media?

Let's FIND Mollie, not critique her outfits or fun loving behavior. I think she comes off as an absolutely lovely, normal young 20 year old. I don't like the inferences being made.

Rant over. Thank you for letting me express this opinion.
Thank you for posting this. I have wanted to say exactly this...and also include the references to MT having a sugar daddy; another relationship that was secret; running off to start another life and that she has mental issues. I don't even know her or her family and these comments caused me pain and sadness. ImaGine if her family is reading the things that have been posted. She was abducted by either a stranger of someone she may have been familiar with. My only hope is that she is still alive and comes back to her family. She is a lovely girl moving on the right track in her life with a lovely family who is missing her terribly and is heartbroken she is missing. rant is over. Thanks to Roses for giving me the courage to speak up.
For those still in the stranger abduction court, can you explain why? Also, by stranger abduction, I mean absolute stranger, like immediate attack or grab and run... not someone she’d seen or spoken to a couple of times and would feel ok taking a “friendly ride” from. I just feel that this isn’t an absolute stranger, just like dad said, someone thought something... felt something... probably inaccurately, and got in over their head. But without more info, I’m open to possibilities, so stranger abduction folks, what does your gut say?

I think either is possible because we just can't see into this enough with the limited information we have.

But the 'Let's go for a ride' doesn't work for me because I don't see her completing her day and planning for work the next day, and fitting a 'ride' into all that at the end. And if it happened on her jog, I don't think it makes sense because why would she change her focus and stop that activity to hop in a car with someone. Certainly if it happened on her way to her mother's house, it makes no sense. If it was a meeting somewhere, I would think someone might have seen them, or if the meeting was a lure, what was an acquaintance driver going to do to contain her when it became clear to her they weren't going to burger hut or whatever. I suppose the person could have had a weapon, but that eliminates the 'something went south' scenario and enters the planned abduction realm. Where is this person and why has no one noticed strange behavior or other signs of change or stress? And why has LE focused on WC since Mollie did not know him?

I also don't think she'd take off for a meeting/get together, sweaty and in her running clothing, still wearing a FitBit. So I think she was likely grabbed in an opportunistic moment and it could have been someone relatively familiar, be it someone who either had been watching her, or recognized her when seeing her that evening and she was the chosen victim. Or, a stranger got her.

The latter makes sense to me because of so many cases where female joggers left for a routine run and were soon dead. The Karina Vetrano and Vanessa Marcotte murders are chilling examples, and even in the Jessica Ridgeway murder, the perpetrator tried to victimize an adult female jogger first. They were all literally ambushed. One was able to get away because the perpetrator was too surprised and unprepared to fight with his victim and he could't subdue her. Since we don't know where Mollie was, if she was on an outskirt as someone suggested, it was a grab and go, with perhaps knocking her down first, as in the Shunick case. I've read at least three cases where women were grabbed while talking on their phones. And Kelsey Smith was taken in a Target parking lot when she walked out and was followed to her vehicle.

There are people who simply prey on others and they do bold things that we can't imagine. Their victims are strangers to them who were just going about their business. But like I said, either is plausible since there are movements by Mollie we simply can't see.
Absolutely. Knowing someone committed a crime is very different from being able to prove it in court.

Absolutely, everyone that follows these cases would need more than 10 fingers to count how many cases LE & everyone else knows 'who did it', but the prosecution can't justify the cost to prove it in court without a slam-dunk case. It is smart that they try to rattle someone & keep them off-balance to try an get someone on good terms, who accidentally trips them self's up (trying to be helpful) or comes down hard, whatever it takes to get a guilty plea.
You wouldn’t need a car to be lurking or hiding between the cornstalks, hanging out possibly doing drugs or up to no good and happen to a see a young pretty female run buy who was focused on running and listening to her iTunes. Perp comes up behind her covers her mouth and drags her into the cornfield and assaults her. Shes a small girl it wouldn’t be hard for a man. He could have a weapon gun or knife to her back. Destroys and/or powers off Fitbit and iPhone. Possibly bury them. Then perp runs off. She’s probably in those cornfields and won’t be found until Harvest in October.

But why would he be out there in the first place? Wasn't the fair about 15 minutes away?How did he get there? Also, cornfields, she very likely would have been found by now. From what I recall, there were searches above/around the cornfields and a row by row search just is not physically possible. But there would be obvious indicators that something unusual was going on in a field by now. Animal activity. Smell.
At the last PC, LE emphasizes “getting to know Mollie” and “figuring out WHY Mollie is gone.” I almost took that as a hint that they want the public to pick apart her SM to help find clues. I think many of us got a clearer picture of who she is from her SM, and realized that she IS just like other girls her age (most of whom make poor SM choices, my own daughters included). Before her SM was scrutinized, I think many of us just pictured a naive, sheltered, small town girl. Now we know that she is more complex than that.

Talking about her SM is relevant. She DID post pics of herself in her underwear on a public account. This matters because it could have attracted her perp. Also, the missing child story she told could certainly be meaningful in the investigation.

Also, I think many parents had never heard of vsco, so at least many are now aware of it because of her.

Again, I am not judging her, but I do think SM should be examined as closely as possible because it very well might lead to her.
True, but we should leave that to the experts. They have experience and are well trained with this sort of thing.
If I ever need a lawyer to get me out of a hate crime, I'm contacting Peggy:

"But did the person who called you *expletive deleted* in the library spell it the same was as it was keyed into your car!?! SPELLING MATTERS!"
LOL! She is great :p
IMO, no one thus far collecting $331K and growing cash reward money being for the SAFE Return of Mollie, and the 820+ leads that have resulted in no safe return of Mollie with the FBI involved early on in this case, and with two LE press conferences being cancelled is not a good sign. I wonder if there is a reward offered for information leading to arrest and conviction of person(s) responsible for the disappearance of Mollie would help find Mollie. There is no evidence that I've read about that shows Mollie was abducted by anyone. IMO, there is no evidence of any crime being committed that I've read about which may make LE search warrants potentially blocked (appealed) by social media companies. It's more the assumption that Mollie would never decided to disappear and the cease of all communication to anyone who has known her. There is also no evidence that it was actually Mollie herself who sent the Snapchat message to bf, just the assumption that because the picture may have been sent by her phone or computer and under her Snap account to someone she was romantically involved with and someone she regularly communicated with via Snapchat there is the assumption that Mollie sent the picture to bf that bf received between 10pm and 10:30pm. The challenge with digital communication is that without a witness or voice communication, IMO, digital communication can be misleading. Even VSCO, Instagram, Twitter, and fb messages can be someone other than the actual account holder.
IMO, Snap, Inc. may be able to retrieve the Snapchat photo that bf received and was auto deleted (not saved) 10 seconds later, but without evidence of foul play or that Mollie is being harmed in any way, being able to provide the Snapchat photo IMO contradicts the very essential reason many Snap members use Snapchat over the competition...the assumption that Snapchat photos get deleted forever within 10 seconds of receiver receiving who does not save within that 10 seconds. IMO, there is not person holding Mollie as hostage in order to collect any reward money. IMO, if a person could lead to a safe return of Mollie at this stage, that person would have already done so. IMO this case does not fit the profile of sex trafficking.
I’ve mentioned this before but “getting to know Mollie,” means learning her habits, her personality, and delving into her relationships. Victimology is an essential component of conducting an investigation like this. If you understand your victim, you can begin to put the pieces together in regard to what may have happened.
I don’t think law enforcement wants people delving into her social media in order to help them in some way. They can do that on their own. They don’t need people wildly speculating as to her mindset, and reaching conclusions based on what she is wearing in photos. It’s just not helpful.

Not to mention MT's family and friends. There was a tweet last night sent by a woman asking MT's friend what time MT liked a post. When the young woman deleted the post, the woman became accusatory. MT's friends and family shouldn't have to deal with this type of behavior. I almost think the reward has some people going crazy, believing they can solve the crime from their computers and cash in. Sheesh.
But lots of strangers could have been in town.....I didn't know about a carnival....
I think they are referring to the fair that MT was supposed to attend for work that day. That was the main reason for the mystery of the red shirt
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