Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #22

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Although I know I shouldn't do it, I've been thinking again. If what's been said about her runs being about 45 minutes, I think the maps I've seen (including my own) have to have longer routes. The average running speed for a female is right around 10 mpm (6 mph), but accounting for her breathing problems and having already put in a day at work, I'm estimating her at closer to 5 mph; that would make it an average run of about 3.75 miles. Most of our maps have been about 2 miles, which makes me wonder where she'd go for the extra mile +. I hope my math is up to par today!

Just so nobody has to ask, my source for the average speed is:
Average Running Speed and Tips for Improving Your Pace
Agree. We have accounts that she wasn't the fastest runner and did not have the pace to compete in cross country at the college level even on a club basis. She ran to challenge herself and keep in shape and my sense was that she was proud of what he had accomplished with her personal fitness over the years given her breathing issues.
If anyone wants to read through it, I wonder if Brooklyn or other areas near there have Nextdoor.

Nextdoor is a site where people ask about lost dogs, strange things in the neighborhood, people to do different jobs, stuff for sale and whatever else.

Maybe someone wrote about something unusual on there
OT - if anyone wants some light and fun reading when this thread gets to be too much, you should check out the twitter account - @ bestofnextdoor. There is a classic thread of a neighborhood in Seattle that complained about the Seattle Seahawks games and someone shooting off fireworks whenever they scored a goal. One of them had the grand idea of meeting up at the local library to discuss the issue. I don’t want to spoil what happens next but it’s pretty funny.
Dad is desperately hoping that Mollie is with someone who knows her one way or another, and who is less likely to harm her because he cares about her. That hope has nothing to do with what actually happened.

There is no trace of where she was abducted, when it happened, why it happened, and who did it. If she was abducted by someone with whom she she had prior contact, investigators would have tracked that down and they would have something of a lead. As it looks, the only lead is a digital signature near Guernsey, and we know that has nothing to do with a prior relationship with anyone. I think it's also safe to assume that the lead has nothing to do with the location of Mollie.

Brilliant, Otto. Again.
What do you all think charges would be in this arrest many see as imminent? I can’t see how any charges related to Mollie can be made at this time, unless a suspect texted her that he planned to abduct her...
Is that possible? I know phone records can be acquired to see number of calls/texts and to what numbers... but can they actually get the text contexts?

Not unless you backup your text messages to somewhere on the cloud that LE can access--which you can do with androids and iphones. But the user has to set up/manage that back up process.

But your cell phone provider will typically only have records of numbers called/texted and not the content of the messages.

But nowadays there are apps (LINE, WhatsApp, SnapChat etc) that allow you to text/sms, call, even video call on some without it appearing in your cell phone provider's logs except as raw data usage.

Hopefully the FBI involvement means they contacted apple or whomever and got a list of apps Mollie downloaded from the app store. They might then be able to contact the app provider and at least find out what other users on that particular app platform Mollie had as "friends" and otherwise interacted with.
The carnival workers likely don't have a car.
You wouldn’t need a car to be lurking or hiding between the cornstalks, hanging out possibly doing drugs or up to no good and happen to a see a young pretty female run buy who was focused on running and listening to her iTunes. Perp comes up behind her covers her mouth and drags her into the cornfield and assaults her. Shes a small girl it wouldn’t be hard for a man. He could have a weapon gun or knife to her back. Destroys and/or powers off Fitbit and iPhone. Possibly bury them. Then perp runs off. She’s probably in those cornfields and won’t be found until Harvest in October.
I too am very intrigued about that Poweshiek Wind Project. Would like to understand better the details. Anyone?

[QUOTE="Indeed. As asked before, where were the workers housed? How many? How long were they there? Familiar faces? Hmmmm.[/QUOTE]

Could a worker or two maybe have gone up the the fair one night?
Sorry I think I need my own rant now. I apologize in advance for anyone who might be offended by my comments because they are not meant to offend ANYONE.

We are discussing the disappearance of a pretty, sweet and healthy 20 year old girl from a small town who happens to also be a college student in 2018. There are pages and pages of people opining on how someone she does not know or possibly is aware of but does not know well could approach her and take her. Again, this is 2018 and we live in a social media driven society which further complicates and in all honesty, endangers the safety of our young people.

Since this is the case and social media is being discussed here IG, Twitter, FB, SC etc, it is very apparent that MT was socially media savvy. I do not know a person that age male or female who is in fact NOT that way. Look around you and all you see are people on their phones every place you go. It is even more prevelent among younger people. So that IS a factor to be considered in this case and to deny that certain things happen or choose not to believe it and claim it is character assasination is not helpful to an OPEN discussion of the challenges LE has in solving this case and any other case where a young person is involved.

I will stick my neck out here and even say that every 20 year old person today is aware of Tinder and how it is used. I live in a multi college area and my daughter's friends range in age from 19-25. College aged students. My daughter is in college. Every one of them has played on Tinder creating false account out of CURIOSITY. They are 20 for goodness sakes and are curious! I have no doubt at that age if it were available I myself would have been curious enough to make a fake account to try it out. These girls do it for fun and laugh about their results together. These are not skid row girls, they are girls from wealthy families for the most part. Just curious.

To think that small town Iowa is different then small town anywhere else USA is wrong. My town has less then 400 people yet my kids were all aware of dating sites etc and used them. As their parent I certainly am not trashing my own children am I? Of course not so to suggest that IS another area to look into in regards to MT is 100% on topic and a necessary discussion to have in attempting to ascertain how someone young COULD be put into a vulnerable situation that goes out of control.

Mods please feel free to delete the post if you think it is irrelevant, but I happen to believe it IS irrelevant and discussing it is a factor in this investigation. It appears some people are not comfortable even considering the possibility here but that certainly does not make it any less likely that is could have occured. I will guarantee the FBI that has far more experience then any of us do in attempting to locate missing 20 year olds is in fact looking very closely at this very topic for this very thing.

I am a realist who is open and honest to discussing all REALISTIC possibilities and this IS one....

Rant over...
perfectly stated
O.K. everyone rant alert!

It is rare for me to rant, but I am really disappointed by seeing references to Mollie's videos, social media posts, etc. that question what she is wearing, her flirtatiousness, etc.
Give it a break! This is a lovely 20 year old girl acting like a 20 year old. Mollie is missing and most likely deceased, unless there is a miracle. Can we forget about her shorts or batting eyelashes or whatever else normal 20 year olds do on video and social media?

Let's FIND Mollie, not critique her outfits or fun loving behavior. I think she comes off as an absolutely lovely, normal young 20 year old. I don't like the inferences being made.

Rant over. Thank you for letting me express this opinion.

At the last PC, LE emphasizes “getting to know Mollie” and “figuring out WHY Mollie is gone.” I almost took that as a hint that they want the public to pick apart her SM to help find clues. I think many of us got a clearer picture of who she is from her SM, and realized that she IS just like other girls her age (most of whom make poor SM choices, my own daughters included). Before her SM was scrutinized, I think many of us just pictured a naive, sheltered, small town girl. Now we know that she is more complex than that.

Talking about her SM is relevant. She DID post pics of herself in her underwear on a public account. This matters because it could have attracted her perp. Also, the missing child story she told could certainly be meaningful in the investigation.

Also, I think many parents had never heard of vsco, so at least many are now aware of it because of her.

Again, I am not judging her, but I do think SM should be examined as closely as possible because it very well might lead to her.
You wouldn’t need a car to be lurking or hiding between the cornstalks, hanging out possibly doing drugs or up to no good and happen to a see a young pretty female run buy who was focused on running and listening to her iTunes. Perp comes up behind her covers her mouth and drags her into the cornfield and assaults her. Shes a small girl it wouldn’t be hard for a man. He could have a weapon gun or knife to her back. Destroys and/or powers off Fitbit and iPhone. Possibly bury them. Then perp runs off. She’s probably in those cornfields and won’t be found until Harvest in October.
This doesn’t explain the searches that have been conducted, especially ones that are some distance away. I think it’s reasonable to think that they were performed because of data from Mollie’s phone or Fitbit. In your scenario, these items are left at the scene of the attack. Also, I think it’s highly unlikely that Mollie’s body would still be missing, if she were simply dragged into the corn and murdered there, regardless of how thick it is.
Not unless you backup your text messages to somewhere on the cloud that LE can access--which you can do with androids and iphones. But the user has to set up/manage that back up process.

But your cell phone provider will typically only have records of numbers called/texted and not the content of the messages.

But nowadays there are apps (LINE, WhatsApp, SnapChat etc) that allow you to text/sms, call, even video call on some without it appearing in your cell phone provider's logs except as raw data usage.

Hopefully the FBI involvement means they contacted apple or whomever and got a list of apps Mollie downloaded from the app store. They might then be able to contact the app provider and at least find out what other users on that particular app platform Mollie had as "friends" and otherwise interacted with.
I'm confused about that. I thought it was possible for LE to retrieve text messages, even deleted ones? Are you saying that's only possible if the user downloaded a certain app? Can't they still somehow find it? I am not a technical person but I always heard nothing is truly deleted and it has to be stored ( somewhere), therefore there is a process in which they can locate it?
I'm confused about that. I thought it was possible for LE to retrieve text messages, even deleted ones? Are you saying that's only possible if the user downloaded a certain app? Can't they still somehow find it? I am not a technical person but I always heard nothing is truly deleted and it has to be stored ( somewhere), therefore there is a process in which they can locate it?

I run all my messages through Google Messenger on my phone, so there's a copy of every conversation. Thankfully so, too. When my son passed away, it was comforting to view years of conversations we had through messages.
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From a simple mind, comes simple thoughts!

If LE's mission is to find and reunite MT with her family.....


If LE knows who MT is with and where they're located - then why not go get MT and bring her home?


If LE knows where MT is located - then why not go get MT and bring her home?


If LE knows who's MT with, but not where they're located - then why not ask for help from the public?


If LE does NOT know who MT is with or where she's located - then why not ask for help from the public?

Well said. Thanks for being real.
Thank you for understanding where I am coming from. Everyone wants Molly to be returned safely but chances are that is not going to happen. In the very least finding her abductor and her body is critical here in giving her parents some closure.

Having my own 20 year old daughter I would be the first to suggest to LE let's look to see what accounts she may have made up on Tinder, SC and the like. I also would be talking with her friends and asking them what names she was using. I am fortunate though because I have an open relationship with my daughter's friends. They would not hesitate to tell me what they know about what accounts she told them about. I have worked hard with my daughter to have open discussion because I do believe when our kids feel they can not talk to us about certain things, they have no where else to turn to but other people to discuss their anxieties or problems. I can not have any of my kids feeling they can not be direct with me. As a result, over the years I have established close relationships with their friends because of my openness with my kids. I have spent many a night over the last 15 years consoling teens about situations they have gotten themselves into and feel they can not approach their own parents with their problems. I've done my best to bridge that gap and help them speak openly to their parents about their issues even going with them when they spill their hearts out to their loved ones. It is a very emotional thing for them and everyone else as well.

I do this and continue to do this because I was the child of a much older couple and had no one to turn to when I went through my own trials and tribulations. I was the youngest in the family and my siblings ranged in ages from 6-20 years older then I. I was not close to them and often times felt alone and wishing someone were there to step in and help me.
That they scheduled it late in the day as opposed to the previous 2 made me wonder if they were giving themselves room to possibly 'postpone' it again.

Scheduling in the afternoon is often because they want to make sure they're the lead on the evening news. It's enough time to get the story in but not enough time to let another story bump them out.
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