I have NEVER seen a town with nobody outside. Nobody shopping, driving, playing, walking. It was like a Stephen King town. All the residents gone! I think I saw half a dozen humans on that 5 video drive.
I was thinking a bit of Stephen King, because a lot of his work is about how these innocent-looking small towns can have other things going on behind the picket fences. To be honest I'm not seeing anything dark on the drive around Brooklyn, it really does look idyllic to me.
Just about every place in Brooklyn looks like there's a house with windows or porch overlooking the street, and in the gaps you've got cars parked lightly along the road and you'd never know if someone would come out at that minute to get in the car. Even if Mollie was the victim of a ruse and got in a car voluntarily, trustingly, why didn't anyone see that happen?
If there was a car incident, surely someone would hear the screech of brakes and look out to see what's going on?
I am finding it very hard to get into the mind of a theoretical abductor on the streets of that town.
But another thing I'm reminded of is a UK case from a few years back...Milly Dowler, taken from a busy street just after she got out of school around 4pm. She was about 13 or 14 yrs old, and the perp turned out to be a very nasty serial attacker who we think might also be responsible for a countryside attack on a woman and her two daughters, the exact opposite of the busy street where Milly was abducted, and yet other things about the family attack are so similar. So I suppose some attackers just take their opportunity where they see it? And in Mollie's case it's not like anyone has apparently noticed Mollie getting pulled into a vehicle or voluntarily getting into a vehicle...by the next day when she was reported missing someone's probably only going to remember the color and shape of a vehicle, not the number on it? After the attack with the woman and her two daughters, the guy who attacked Milly Dowler got rid of the car he had, and I think he was someone who changed his car a lot over the years, because a car was seen near the mother/daughters attack yet somehow the association with him wasn't made until years later, and iirc he still hasn't admitted responsibility for that attack.
I'm sorry that's a bit rambling, but it's weird in a disappointing way how some of these perps can get away with some of their crimes for so long?