Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #25

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Given the fact that we now know perps admitted to burning Tara Grinstead’s body over a period of days and kept covering it up for another bonfire party after another, I think that LE should be suspicious of all bonfires right now. It sounds extreme, but the tip of Tara’s body being burned at the pecan orchard allegedly came in two weeks after her murder and they sent cadaver dogs down there but the cadaver dogs couldn’t even find the scent of her body and it led to an 11 year COLD case that’s evidence, except for the perp’s verbal admission to FBI of burning her body, resemble an insane ‘game of telephone’. Besides Bo Dukes verbal admission to the crime, everything else is “he said, she said, friend of boyfriend’s friend said” madness.

I will never forget how people said Bo Dukes seemed allegedly proud and bragged that he basically helped his friend get away with murder by burning her body. Sick!
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LE will warn a community when there's something specific to warn about and/or they have information about an imminent attack. If they have no concrete reason to believe another attack is coming, they're not going to warn generally. Don't quote me on this but I think in 76-77 during David Berkowitz's killing spree in NYC police actually warned women that there was a killer targeting women with long brown hair. Some young women on their own cut their hair shorter.
I think we can all agree there is some significance/strategy behind the website. Perhaps they are just keeping up with the times and it’s as simple as the PC made it out to be - providing lots of avenues so that people with all types of communication preferences can contribute. But I’m wondering if they don’t have reason to believe that this method would somehow engage the perp, like we’ve discussed. Might this suggest they believe he’s on the younger side? Another thought I had was maybe they have specific people they’re trying to elicit tips from (teenage children of the perp comes to mind), that they think might be more inclined to provide information via the Internet. Thoughts?

no there are just trying to keep the case in the headlines, missing cases lose there steam after a weeks and nothing, I don't believe they really found any evidence so its just something so put out there
My home in MN had a well that was there for at least 60 years. It was a capped pipe about 12 inches in diameter.

Are there other kinds of wells on property nowadays? A dug well certainly would not be sanitary.

In MN, all unused wells are supposed to be professionally capped.

supposed to be and are may be different. I have seen old dug wells with just a board over it and then leaves fall and after a few years it cant be seen anymore and with time it is forgotten. I also have seen a modern well, as in 30ish years old but still maintained and in use that when the top is off a adult can fit but no way move around much less get out, seen a diy self repair that was mighty risky but the man did fit and was lowered far enough to get to whatever he was doing then pulled back out by others.
Never underestimate LE. They have been silently working on this, for about three weeks.
Seeing this opinion and the retired LE member agree makes me feel soooo much better. Like, ok they have a plan. They will catch this creep whoever it is. Because honestly, the lack of info and progress we have seen has been extremely upsetting. I have a children in Iowa. I need this creep off the streets.
Holiday Lake area


Given the possibility that Mollie's abductor was only missing between 5PM July 18 and early morning July 19, I'm inclined to think that the abductor has done this before.

If this same predator has done this before, where and when did it happen? The most obvious connection is Evansdale Iowa on Friday, July 13, 2012. The date pairs nicely with 18-07-18, the day that Mollie was abducted.

If it is the same predator, then in addition to planting evidence that misleads investigators, this predator will choose a similar location for the body, like the Seven Bridges Park. He will know old bridges, slow shallow river, former recreation/party, seasonal hunting spots, and secluded wildlife area known by locals.

Even the Delphi girls fit that pattern.
Just wondering about timing.. wondering why the website for tips wasn't created before the searches at WC's... if the perp had placed evidence there he would be stressing- if he was never near WC's he would feel confident that he got away with it and may have exhibited behaviors in either case. I am sure LE has a plan and has had a plan since very early on.
Did anyone else notice that google maps now has images dated 2018 rather than 2016 for Brooklyn and the surrounding area? Could these have been updated since Mollie's disappearance?
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Also, I am pretty sure this is a stranger serial abducter because of today’s PC but also because of the remote, sleepy town of Brooklyn, IA. I closely followed Sierah Joughrin’s case who was brutally abducted by a serial abducter in a rural area in Ohio. I think the perp MAY have grown up in Brooklyn or has become familiar with it through work or friends. He probably figured it would be the best place to commit this horrible crime because of how remote the town is.

brookyln isnt really remote its very close to a busy interstate, which brings in weird stuff, I still think it was a wacko pulling off a freeway maybe a rest stop, and seeing a girl running, thousands of sex offenders live among us.
I don’t think we should read too much into the word “recovery” of MT, right? To me, that means alive and safe OR remains. Am I correct?
I think it is used to describe the recovery of a body. Someone else may know if the term is ever used to describe a live person in terms of an investigation of a missing person. But when just the word recovery is used, in my opinion it is associated with retrieving or looking for someone who is no longer alive. Can anyone else make a more definitive statement??
I've seen several excellent summaries of the presser in the thread, but for anyone who prefers word-for-word, I've transcribed it in the attached file. My job requires a significant amount of transcription, so I'm confident I've recorded what was said accurately (except where noted as [unintelligible], typically when a reporter is talking). Hope it helps.


  • Mollie Tibbetts 8-13-18 press conference.pdf
    240.9 KB · Views: 56
It could be a local as easily as an outsider. If he simply grabbed her from behind while jogging, anyone could have done it. Maybe he had not really even planned it until he saw his chance. We just do not know, and neither, imo, does LE.

Everything they did say covered all the bases...truck stops, car washes. etc places that can be dangerous for women (as is anyplace). If they had a suspect, the website would not have been necessary unless they are simply hoping to cut back on nonsense phone “tips”. They would be tracking and investigating the suspect. I’ve worked tip lines and the calls are mostly ridiculous, not tips at all but suggestions for LE as to where to look, i.e exes, her jobs, her school, things that are so, so basic. Or “psychics” with their “near water.” Even in the Sahara...

As far as not wanting to say the public is 100% safe, well are they ever? People should always take care, be aware, use basic common sense, even if one is not abducted, one might be assaulted, mugged, etc...anywhere. We’ve seen crimes over trivia such as trying to steal phone, etc. just be alert as one always should be. As far as “abroad” if they DID mean overseas, well she was due to leave the country very soon, they would have checked for last minute tickets out of Iowa to any destination, see who they traveled with make sure she was not taken away under a fake passport i.e all routine stuff.

Sorry to write so much...but I still see nothing that shows they know anything for sure. I do wish they had asked folks to search their properties...maybe a shed was used, etc...or a piece of evidence dropped. All jmo...

Given the possibility that Mollie's abductor was only missing between 5PM July 18 and early morning July 19, I'm inclined to think that the abductor has done this before.

If this same predator has done this before, where and when did it happen? The most obvious connection is Evansdale Iowa on Friday, July 13, 2012. The date pairs nicely with 18-07-18, the day that Mollie was abducted.

If it is the same predator, then in addition to planting evidence that misleads investigators, this predator will choose a similar location for the body, like the Seven Bridges Park. He will know old bridges, slow shallow river, former recreation/party, seasonal hunting spots, and secluded wildlife area known by locals.

Even the Delphi girls fit that pattern.
I’m really appreciating your thoughts and logic tonight.

I agree with you. I think this is a perp that’s a pro, has done this before, and has mastered the skill. Sierah Joughrin’s killer had a failed abduction attempt at first and then succeeded at it unfortunately with Sierah. I also think the perp knew a sleepy, remote town like Brooklyn, IA would allow him to get away with not risking being seen.
I am wondering *if* LE seen cctv of her getting into a car and not being forced into a car and then her not ending up anywhere known and out of the normal for her would that be called missing or just left or kidnaping because she didn't get where she was expected to be and that has now been ongoing so long.....what would they call it? we don't know quality of what was on the car wash or angles or distance, I understand that.
This is not a recovery operation. You need a body to do a recovery. This is a missing person search.

The recovery of Mollie will lead to a large reward.

"A large reward is being offered for information leading to the recovery of Mollie. "
Do you find any significance in changing " safe return of Mollie" To the "Recovery of Mollie?"
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