Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #27

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Not all over. Maybe they can do that near a home/business but that does not help them follow a person surreptitiously. Easier to do in busier place like a city.

why easier in a city? hide a camera on their car and it transmit the video.
Wow, I've been away on vacation and have missed so much! I don't have the time to catch up so I just read the tail end of the last thread....I get the vibe that opinions are shifting with this group...that she may be alive after all and is being held against her will? I've been here since the beginning and there was an entirely different vibe a couple of weeks ago. What is everyone thinking now?
1. The talk of her Asthma. She was known to have Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction in high school, however over 60% have no symptoms in adulthood. Also, exercise is ENCOURAGED in well maintained asthma cases

3. There was a lot of time wasted on WC. His prior stalking cases were NOT involving strangers. It was his ex and her daughter. He had a close personal relationship with them in the past. Just because people want him to be the perp, doesn't make it so.

People seem to underestimate how convincing a nice smile and gentle voice can be. I've asked people for directions near the University of Miami and people have actually offered to get in my car and show me how to get there. It's scary.

I agree with you re. the asthma. It's a red herring.

I don't agree that time was "wasted" on WC. If a digital footprint led to his property, then he was well worth investigating, regardless of whether he turns out to be the perp. Do you remember Ward Weaver, who murdered two young girls in the Pacific Northwest? He was a neighbor to both girls and was very glib in TV interviews, giving his "theories" about the girls' disappearances.

And yes, most people are fairly trusting--Mollie probably was, too. Someone may have used a ruse to get Mollie at a disadvantage.
I agree with previous posters who said that LE may have some people under 24/7 surveillance. But surveillance is probably more difficult in this setting, with its wide open spaces and few people, as extraneous cars and people stick out, unlike in a city.

Not necessarily.....the FBI has many ways & nobody could phantom the many ways that is possible.
They can get one if there is evidence of any kind... Im pretty sure a judge in the area would be pretty relaxed about signing off

If LE feels strongly about someone enough to want to track them then I would bet tons of money that a judge will gladly grant a search warrant to attach a GPS device to their vehicle.

With the attention this case has gotten they are not messing around and things will get done if they need to get done.
I find no merit in the hostage least no more than any other and less than some. But if it gives people hope...

I also do not believe LE has a suspect. If they did, I don’t think they would have shared any info at all at PC. Or bother with the website. They are open to all scenarios imo and hoping for a break. JMo
From past thread.....

Welcome to WS !!!

I get disappointed too when someone is not arrested shortly after a PC.

Here is where I think we stand.
If LE really knew for sure who took her then they would immediately go to that persons house and end up getting him down to the police station for further questioning. Just like they did with their initial person of interest.

So this tells me they really dont know for sure yet who took her.

With that said I do think they have some possible persons of interest that they are keeping a close eye on.
And they of course are trying to find more evidence to see where it leads them.

The bottom line is this case is not solved yet and that is sad to me. I hope it gets solved soon.
Hatfield, I agree with you totally on this.....still frustrating<modsnipped- dreams and visions are not allowed here>.....I feel it is someone local..<modsnipped- against TOS>.....yes, I normal is private....but heck, MT is missing and I would want to read, hear and see anything that had to do with a missing family member....but JMO
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I've also been thinking that if the perp was watching her on and off he would know her schedule. He would also know that he could walk into her house and have 45 minutes before she returned. A tired 20 years old woman would be shocked to open their door and get a gun in the face. He could have even had his car in the garage...
But there would be physical evidence he was in the house.
Isn't it true that a semi-truck doesn't have to weigh their trailer if they are NOT carrying goods?
Wow. Didn't know that. Tricky. But don't they- whoever they are- inspect contents before it goes on the road? That's probably not realistic I guess.

AFA car wash cameras: definitely don't rule those out, lol. They're up high on the sides of the bldg (you saw the picture)? I'd only go w condensation because high Iowa humidity, but not water from the hoses themselves. Even so, there's a number of cameras, so a spot on one doesn't render all footage unrecognizable.

Isn't there a different weight limit depending on what state the semi-truck is traveling through? Some require heavier weights than others.? And if you are not over that weight am I right in saying you are NOT required to stop at a weight station? But of course you risk getting pulled over if LE questions your weight (as soon as you pass up a weigh station) and stops you because them if you have abducted someone and have them in your trailer you would have to have some explaining to do. But I am not sure on the laws. It has been so long since I drove semi-truck.
again, getting a warrant can be done and no notice given.
Obviously. If you can get a warrant. The issue I was getting at is the increased difficulty of surreptitiously surveilling in a rural area (as opposed to urban) when you don't have enough to get a warrant, ie you have persons of interest, but no probable cause.
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