Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #32

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Yes if you watch that video, at the very end the reporter points to the road sign and says we are at "470" and it cuts off.... let me find it again
Thanks, SheriBerry, I found it and listened. You're right. She did say 470th right before the video cut off. I think she must have misspoken as the overwhelming reports are at 460th. (Still only 1 mile from turnoff to WC's house and the well inspected pig [ping?] farm.)
Thanks, SheriBerry, I found it and listened. You're right. She did say 470th right before the video cut off. I think she must have misspoken as the overwhelming reports are at 460th. (Still only 1 mile from turnoff to WC's house and the well inspected pig [ping?] farm.)
It seemed like when she said 470th it was coming out as a question? Anyone else get that?
Mollie’s loved ones must be devastated and the community will be too. I just hope there is enough evidence to prove what happened and who did it, it is a real concern if Mollie’s remains have been exposed to the elements and wildlife all this time. I’m so sorry to type this.

I always thought Mollie looked so much like her Dad in photos. Her loved ones did everything they could to find her. I was hoping with all of you that she would be the exception to the statistics and would be found alive.
Why didn't they keep doing the grid searches when she first went missing? I think several people suggested calling Texas EquuSearch.
IMHO, based only on LE's assertion that they were "confident in their timeline", and my best guess, Mollie left a fairly precise digital footprint and LE chose to pursue more of a technological search as opposed to a physical one. Also, much of that area is private property and they'd need the owners' permission OR a search warrant to canvas the area the old-fashioned way.
FAA--posted NO FLIGHT ZONE Over Recovery area


8/3346 NOTAM Details

With the English river smack in the middle!
Mollie’s dad stated in an interview with Dateline that she was a lover of poetry

I’d like to think that Mollie would say these words to her family, from a poem written by Henry Scott Holand in 1910 (which also brought me a measure of comfort when my mom died):

Death is nothing at all

Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.
Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the corner.
All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

Death is nothing at all by Henry Scott Holland (Gurteen Knowledge)
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Exactly. You don’t keep a body around and then suddenly dispose of it because the dad is going home. This body was almost certainly dumped there around the time of the abduction.
Agreed - statistics and Occam's Razor tell us that she likely has been there the entire time. So sad...knew it would end this way but still just UGH. Her poor family, especially her dad.
Thanks, SheriBerry, I found it and listened. You're right. She did say 470th right before the video cut off. I think she must have misspoken as the overwhelming reports are at 460th. (Still only 1 mile from turnoff to WC's house and the well inspected pig [ping?] farm.)
I'm glad I'm not delusional! haha
I think this intersection is Iowa 21 and 460 ave. The street view on google is 7 years old but it seens to match

Google Maps

I wonder if she is in that Lincoln Wildlife area
It probably is a private road as google maps will not let me go up the road with the arrow. I'll bet the perp(s) dumped MT there in hopes that wildlife would take care of the evidence (poor MT). Having said that, the body probably wasn't there long if they can still recognize that it is her that fast without a thorough autopsy.
Just once I want to see LE go full cowboy in one of these post-discovery pressers towards the person(s) who did it. Instead of "we will find out who committed this horrible act and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law", I want to hear "listen to me you son of a *****, we are coming for you and when we find you, there will be no mercy. Be a man for once and turn yourself in before we turn you into a prison wife you pathetic waste of human space."

Full blown Toby Keith/Willie Nelson "Beer for my Horses" style. You know they and many of us are thinking it.

See if you can find on the internet the press conferences conducted by former Charlottesville PD Chief Timothy Longo during the Hannah Graham case. Not quite, but close. He also lectured whoever was listening and knew something to step forward.
It probably is a private road as google maps will not let me go up the road with the arrow. I'll bet the perp(s) dumped MT there in hopes that wildlife would take care of the evidence (poor MT). Having said that, the body probably wasn't there long if they can still recognize that it is her that fast without a thorough autopsy.
Don't think it's private. It is a dirt road and a lot of times the Google car won't go up dirt roads.
Luke Nozicka, Des Moines Register

Published 7:16 p.m. CT Aug. 20, 2018 | Updated 9:13 p.m. CT Aug. 20, 2018

Mollie Tibbetts' parents liked the name Grace. At the hospital in San Francisco, they didn't know if their middle child would be a boy or girl. Waiting to find out was an old-school approach — romantic and spontaneous.

But when they looked at her for the first time, they decided she wasn't a Grace, after all.

“Well, she’s more of a Mollie,” Rob Tibbetts remembers saying. .....

People in Brooklyn, a town of about 1,500 residents 70 miles east of Des Moines, say Tibbetts' disappearance has brought out the best in their city. Days after she vanished, at least 200 people gathered for a vigil at the high school, including people with no connection to Tibbetts.

Friends video-called Alexis Lynd, 19, who was vacationing in Florida, from the vigil. Lynd came home early from the trip; she could not enjoy it without knowing where Tibbetts was.
She's nurturing. She's a Harry Potter fan. We all know Mollie Tibbetts' face, but her friends and family say she's so much more.

late edit:

Minutes before the thread closed last night I read/shared this beautiful recap of Mollie's short life, and was so moved by the love and admiration Mollie garnered from all who crossed her path. I asked Mollie to come home. I waited until noon today to confirm the news already felt in my heart. Rest easy sweet Pie. May your Mum and Dad one day find peace.

Encourage all to read and remember this story of how Mollie lived, and not how she left us.
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It's King Farms, if the previous posts here and maps posted here are accurate. And Mollie is friends with some of the people who live there on FB. Again, not implicating them, but I am just saying I believe it will be somebody known to her and connected to that family and in the community somehow, because I think it is a big coincidence if not. There is a truck stop near there, so it's a possibility it is a stranger, but statistically in these cases it will be someone known to the victim.
I cannot see the truck stop on Google. Can anyone tell me which direction to look?
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