Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #4

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I suspect this is only going to work, if at all, with a kidnapper who plans to keep the victim alive for any length of time since it would take time for her to build sufficient rapport with him to influence his behaviour. If his intention is a quick rape/murder there would not be time for that. (Her and him/his respectively assumed as the most likely situation)

My thoughts on the subject have been influenced by Cary Staynor, who supposedly said about one of his victims that she was so compliant in fulfilling his desires that he felt sorry that he had to kill her.
Are we reading the same release? They dont say anything about what she did after her jog. They certainly don't say reports that she retuned home after are false.

Whoa. That's a bit of a leap.
The press release doesn't address anything after 7:30pm on July 18. For all we know, they have a boatload of evidence showing that she got back to the house, or they have none, but they haven't stated either way in any official press releases. It would be more fair to say that any reports that she returned home have not been confirmed or denied by the Iowa DCI press releases.
*screenshot removed* for sources please use links
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There used to be a belief that the best thing to do was try to placate the guy and look for a chance to escape. "Do what he wants and at least you'll get out alive." I don't know whether crimes have changed or it was always bad advice.

When I was a young girl (cough) and still in high school, a policewoman addressed our class and this is exactly what we were told. The only problem with that advice was that in those days if you were raped, the perpetrator apprehended and charged and the matter went to court, if you didn't have medical reports and photos of bruises, cuts etc to support your claim, the accused would say that it was consensual sex. For that reason the majority of girls/women didn't lay charges. Thankfully DNA testing is now seeing many of these men having to pay for their crimes.

NB. In Australia in those days high schools were segregated whereas now they're mostly co-ed like the USA, so it wasn't as if we had guys in our class who were getting a heads-up on what to do.
I haven't lived around corn fields but wouldn't transporting a body into a corn field show disruption like flattened areas? Or would they just naturally stand back up?
Also, I think most killers leave a body nearer the road for their own convenience.
We don't know that Mollie isn't still alive somewhere. It just seems to be searching for a needle in a haystack right now. I hope LE and FBI know a lot more than we do.

That all depends..... for example if you are super careful you could walk through it and not disturb. Or you could pick a place that is already disturbed. In PA and I’m sure everywhere deer and bear knock down a couple stalks eating so they very rarely are perfect rows. I’m thinking the chances of her being drug into corn without noticing would be slim to none. Walking thru corn stalks isn’t comfortable if someone did it you would know, cut up arms, bug bites out the wazoo, not an easy task in the slightest. Walking between corn rows is nothing like a corn maze.
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Question about how a fitbit "pings" or even the phone. If they searched those areas because of something from the Fitbit or phone I am curious if those things are accurate as in they "ping" where the person/device was or is that location where the signal was picked up as in a tower or something close by, but the phone/device/person might have been in a location close, but not that exact spot? I hope that makes sense..

I have heard other cases about someone's phone "pinging around town" or bouncing from tower to tower.. and so it doesn't mean that was exactly where the phone was, but it was closest to a certain tower it would ping in that spot.. but if moved it would ping on another tower.. could that be the case here? The "ping" was just close to those spots they searched.... as in someone taking her could have driven down the road and it would "ping" in that area, but maybe she wasn't there for long just passing by?
That’s a possibility in my opinion. I mean for all anyone knows, she can probably be on the other side of town, completely different from where LE is probably searching. Who knows ?!
3. Is the Fitbit like a cellphone in that it gives general location rather than precise? Could it seem that Mollie got home when in fact she was grabbed and taken into the building next door? This would explain why LE seemed to think she might have returned home and then retracted that info when there was nothing to indicate she had been there.

I believe she has the Charge 2 from looking at her VCSO pictures. I have the Charge 2, and it would be virtually impossible to know if I was inside my house or my neighbor's house. It shows a general map of where I go when I have run or bike activated as a workout, but it doesn't show houses on the map. It works in conjunction with a cell phone GPS.

If she had run activated to track her run and was able to sync it before she went missing, LE would have the data of her route and would know if she returned home. It sounds like she was able to sync it before she went missing, since they have the exact time of her run (7:30-7:45). Fitbit would not have synced if she hadn't opened the app on her phone.

My Charge 2 battery lasts about 3 days at most, so it's definitely dead now. If they find the device, it will provide crucial information about the days after her disappearance.
Law enforcement only gives us the details it needs to share in order to find Mollie, oversharing can hurt the criminal case when it eventually lands there. And it’ll land there :/

I’m so grateful for all law enforcement is doing. We often forget they are human with their own children and this affects them deeply. Props to them for doing the work which would be so hard for the rest of us.

Simple, perfect post.

Ames Police (@AmesPolice) | Twitter

It appears Ames Police deleted the tweet that Mollie arrived home after her run. So strange.

I don't know what right they had to be "clarifying" any details about the investigation to begin with. They're not part of it to my knowledge.

You can't choose who a witness might be. Could be someone comfortable speaking or not. I think scrutinizing a witness statement publicly could be a reason for someone NOT to want to speak up. I'd hate to become a suspect just because I thought I saw someone.

True. But witnesses don't have to go on the news. That's a choice.

There used to be a belief that the best thing to do was try to placate the guy and look for a chance to escape. "Do what he wants and at least you'll get out alive." I don't know whether crimes have changed or it was always bad advice.

It was always bad advice to go submissively with a bad guy. Predators never rape or kill where they encounter the person. Going with someone or allowing them to transport you means death.

My dad taught me the Three T's.

Predators go according to a pattern:

Test: They test the victim. This can be something like crossing the street to cross the victim's path to see how they react. Whistling at them. Asking for the time or directions.

Don't pass that test. Men have no right to ever approach a woman alone for any reason. Ask another man.

Women and girls are socialized to be pleasing and polite. We have to change that. My dad taught me to be tough and aggressive in those situations. Example? A man attempts to approaches me in a parking garage. "Excuse me, ma'am?"
"Uh, no! Get the f..k away from me!"
I don't care that I may seem crazy or rude. I don't care how embarrassing it may be. I just "failed" a possible test and could've saved my own life. Predators don't want difficult victims.

Threaten: After you pass their test they will try to threaten you in some way. It can be a comment or it can be a gesture like invading your physical space. Don't allow this. Example: When I was young a man at a bar came up and was socializing with our group. He was leering at the women. He made some comment about "If that was my wife I'd smack her." That could be a threat. Sort of a message of his propensity for violence. My response? "If some man hit me, I'd wait until he passed out, I'd sew the top sheet and bottom sheet together, I'd get a bat and beat him to death."

I said this while leaning forward and making aggressive eye contact. All taught by my dad.

You stop a threat and they pick a different victim. With physical threats same thing. Don't let people invade your personal space. Get loud, aggressive and physical. Like the recent waitress who grabbed and threw a grown man to the ground after he grabbed her butt.

Transport: They will always transport you to another location, if they are preying on you (unless they attack you in your home). Don't let this happen. Ever. I'd rather be shot or stabbed where I might be found and possibly rescued, then put in someone's trunk, and tortured and repeatedly raped before being killed.

Never ever go. Period.
Pulling my post from page 6 forward; I hope these areas have been checked.
The mine area has concrete and lime....
The lake area would be another place to look IMO.

I don't think this is a random stranger passing through that is involved. This is someone who knew she was alone and stalked, IMO. I think the Perp is hiding in plain site, as unsettling a thought as that is.
Even tho I understand kidnapping, stalking and trafficking, this is so reminding me of Holly Bobo's case where we have a little cabin....
And there he was all along. Just screaming for the attention that finally came his sick twisted evil way.
I want Mollie found safe and sound, so I won't go there in my head right now.
Just can't. :(
I’d like to know what she was doing before 5:30, when her brother dropped her off.

I believe I read she worked that day. Exactly what right before maybe just driving from work? If she got off a say 5 that would make sense, but I don't know work hours and I don't think they have said other than she was dropped off.
Am I allowed to ask a question regarding Dalton and his brother's construction company? If this is not allowed please let me know so I can delete. I was just wondering if the brothers worked alone or if they had other workers that worked with them. In thinking of suspects, something that crossed my mind is that if they did have employees or subcontractors, could one of them have known she was alone at the house? Maybe someone had a fixation on her and seized an opportunity to catch her alone. If she knew them, then she would have felt safe by being in their presence. Just a thought.
Just throwing out another thought..

What if they have found her alive and in order to try to bring down some type of sex trafficking ring, they haven't announced that and are trying to get more info on all those that are involved or save other girls.. or maybe they don't actually have her, but know where she is and are trying to gather more evidence or make those who have her think they don't know?
I have a request, I’m trying to keep all of the videos and news articles saved and in order. I can’t seem I find the one near the beginning that had a couple of her co-workers talking about her. Does anyone have that link? I hope this is ok to post here.
Other than rumors, haven't seen confirmation on the fitbit data being the basis of the farm searches.

Although the timing of LE acknowledging they had the fitbit data and that it was helpful and the searches might imply that it was the fitbit data that led them to the farms.

I believe the farms were 15+ miles south of Brooklyn.

Yeah. I think basic logic tells us that. They announced they got data from the fitbit. They then began targeted, specific searches with pros and announced that Mollie went running between 7:30-7:45 p.m., they know her direction of travel and they have a "solid timeline".
I am mystified by the missing shirt. I cannot imagine why she would put it on outside of the work situation. Who wants to wear a dirty shirt to work.

Maybe she has more contacts. They are expensive unless she has the extended wear ones. I often do not put my contacts in until the last thing before I leave as they are a hassle. That would indicate to me that she was taken in the morning.

But no! Why did she not show up for dinner? I would wonder as a mother no matter what.

I do think she was stalked or at least she had been noticed running and the perp took the perfect opportunity.

The hog farm is bizarre. No way would she go visiting,

Nothing makes sense.

The info from LE does not give enough info
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