Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #4

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Do we have a media thread?

I wish I had the time but what I'd like to see is a chronological summary of actual, specific quotes and/or official statements about this case, with cites. I would do it but I don't have time!! But I could help.

One does not exist. The information released from LE has been bare bones, and the reporting terrible. Investigative journalism is dead, the news consists of a enticing headline, designed to get maximum website hits. Fact checking/proofing isn't done because it's all about how fast you can get it out there.
Very good point! I always thought the “ok” mollie text back to her mom about dinner was because she was busy but knew she was going to be over shortly for dinner. My only problem with this theory is, where would she possibly disappear to without anyone seeing when it’s still daylight ? The only way no one would notice I feel is if she disappears on her own... if someone attempted to grabbed her, she would have fought like hell and I feel like someone would have heard her screaming ... unless... she willing went with someone she knew ...

But did you notice the area in front of the high school? (On Jackson near her mom's street) not a lot of houses. If it were around dinner time or shortly afterwards, I think most people would be inside. I don't know how easy it would be to hear anything from the street.
By the way, not sure if this was mentioned, but her Fitbit (assuming it's the Charge 2, or the Alta) is not waterproof. It's "splash resistant" meaning it is fine for being in the rain, but it's not OK to wear in the shower. Mollie would have presumably taken it off when she showered, then at one point put it back on again. If she used the sleep tracking feature, then this is usually when you'd recharge the Fitbit since most people wear it all day like a watch.
I'm perplexed by her not coming to dinner and nobody checked on her.......maybe they tried and since she didn't answer ( idk if they tried tho) they just figured she was asleep?
In almost every case I also see a theory proposed that they've possibly "found" a person and just aren't releasing that info. That has never panned out. Not once. And IMO it couldn't. There would be no way humanely possible to keep secret the discovery of a live human who had been missing. Or even a body.

The closest I've seen is reports of human remains found but not confirmation as to who it is until there's a positive ID. That does happen a lot.
This is soooo true.
There may be a serial (loooonnnng shot like being hit by lightening) with so many girls/women missing in that area.
Almost invariably, they are caught when a victim escapes, they are caught in the act or visiting the "remains" and taking trophies. :(
I promised my loved ones and I promise again right this second that I will never go to the second and final scene with a creeper. Period. At least I will be spared the real shizzzzz.
They do manage to sneak up and hit women (and men) from behind, but I am so wary and everyone knows where I am constantly because I drop pin locators with every friend I rely on.
Morgan's mom Gil taught us all that. 2-4-1 mama. ;(
Chi ETA----not all truckers are longhaul truckers. Most truckers (especially the strong and truly gifted women) are great folks. Just great. Road along for over a year with my second husband coast to coast until he got older and took a local dedicated overnight run to MS and back. The old gravy train.
He had to tell me about truckstop wisdom. That they really do hide under trucks when we're all sleeping and grab your ankle and twist it til it breaks and take you on a "forever" one hears a thing. They advertise their newest "for trades" in their sick disgusting internet sites. Now I am angry and want to puke.....sorry ya'll don't need to hear that. You don't need to know about the tire thumpers either.... :(
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Mollie tibbetts

Why do people keep making fake Mollie Tibbetts profiles? Are they jealous of the attention or are they just bored with their lives? Which is it?

1. Immature teens whose brains have not fully formed who think it's funny
2. People who will scam for money
3. Mentally ill

Amateur speculation and opinion only
But did you notice the area in front of the high school? (On Jackson near her mom's street) not a lot of houses. If it were around dinner time or shortly afterwards, I think most people would be inside. I don't know how easy it would be to hear anything from the street.

Aside from the vacant field across from the high school, at least a dozen houses are within a line of sight from that location, to both the north and to the south.
Several thoughts/questions: 1. If her mom thought she was coming over for supper, did she try calling her to find out if she'd changed her mind? 2. If someone had arranged to pick her up and take her to work, did he/she try calling Mollie or family looking for her when she didn't come out to car? 3. It concerns me that if she had a ride to work, no one has been mentioned as someone who was concerned because she never came out to get into car in the morning. I feel so sad for the family not knowing where Mollie is.

I'm perplexed by the fact that her mother doesn't seem to have followed up on it, when she didn't show up for dinner. The only thing I can think of would be that Mollie was very casual with family commitments, and they were used to having her say she'd show up, and then not show up--either from being tired, getting distracted by something else, or having a better offer show up.

This is a very long shot, but I've wondered if a 'friend' showed up and offered her something more interesting: "let's go out and have some fun." So, she shoves some money in her pocket, doesn't take her ID because she won't be driving--(or, her OTHER ID. When I was in college, quite a few years ago, a lot of people had fake IDs), doesn't take her glasses because she won't be driving--do we know exactly how severe her vision issues are? Are they really bad enough that a prospective night out on the town without glasses would be unthinkable? So, this scenario would be a variation on 'abducted by acquaintance.'

By the way, I've been trying to figure out why her prospective ride to work doesn't figure in the timeline. Perhaps it was on a: "if you need a ride, call me" basis. So, her brother assumed she's gotten a ride to work with the other person; the other person assumed she'd gotten the use of her brother's car, and she just fell between the cracks, with neither one realizing that anything unusual had happened.
Am I allowed to ask a question regarding Dalton and his brother's construction company? If this is not allowed please let me know so I can delete. I was just wondering if the brothers worked alone or if they had other workers that worked with them. In thinking of suspects, something that crossed my mind is that if they did have employees or subcontractors, could one of them have known she was alone at the house? Maybe someone had a fixation on her and seized an opportunity to catch her alone. If she knew them, then she would have felt safe by being in their presence. Just a thought.
Would also provide an “innocent” excuse to stop by the house. Forgot my skillsaw, left my boots...
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