DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Does anyone feel she is still alive, and, if so, under what circumstances?

Searching for reasons to hope here!
After watching the two videos of Mollie's dad being interviewed on MSM (links below), I definitely believe he believes she is alive and out there somewhere. At the end of one of the videos, when the interviewer asks him if he has anything to say to Mollie if she can hear the interview, and he says "...just come home, it'll be okay..."

‘It doesn’t matter what we’re going through’: Missing student’s father wants help, not sympathy

Mollie Tibbetts' father says he is putting his faith in the investigators
I’m confused by this because a Fitbit doesn’t ping unless synced with a phone via Bluetooth. So if it pinged there, the phone would have had to remain on. Very strange.

I think it was the reporter's assumption, tbh. It wasn't a direct quote by the agent. The reporting is so frustrating.
I think all the various fitbit theories are forgetting an important piece -- the only way LE would have useful fitbit data from after her disappearance is if the fitbit continued to sync.

That would mean (with a few highly unlikely exceptions) that the fitbit, regardless of whose body it was on, would have to be near MT's phone, and that phone would need to remain active.

But if her phone was still active, LE could track it. And while fitbits are unfamiliar to many who don't have them, most any perp is going to be aware that a live phone can be tracked.

Soon as the phone is off/discarded/out of battery, no more sync updates from fitbit. Until the fitbit itself is found, at least.

So I think it's highly unlikely there was any useful fitbit data except for right as whatever it was was happening.

Not to be a naysayer, but the extent companies go to nowadays to harvest and collect data... it makes me believe if it’s being tracked, it’s being recorded. Somewhere.
6th WB post for me, 1st re:Mollie. VERY long time lurker (even beyond this profile created in 2014); lost my log on info then and had to recreate. :(
NOW I get while all the rules on WS. I see people “make fun”, or be frustrated, and at times I myself wanted to/did scream at my monitor in frustration because what I wanted to say or share a tidbit that violated TOS rules. Well, I get it now (as much as I can without being in WS Admin shoes).
A bit ago, for the first time EVER, I commented on a FB “discussion and theory” group and it was re: Mollie. Seriously, my comment was “okay guys, just take a step back, breath, everyone is emotional, yadada, but let’s look at point b view “right, wrong or indifferent).”
Within SECONDS, I was blocked from commenting, yet broke no “rules”. Which are pretty “flexible” in a FB group.
Fact? I left the group upon seeing that. Clearly it’s a group for discussion ONLY if you’re so juvenile that you can’t have a mature discussion without ABUSING your admin “rights”.
Although the last 24 hours, I did get “more insight OR rumors (for all we know), it’s just not worth it. But, I’m old enough to know better, see ya or in their words, “bye Felicia”.
I’m pushing 50 (gaaaah) and for someone under 30 years old to block me from commenting, which was a very mature non-side taking, let’s just look at from all angles... let’s get along folks (when I WANTED to say KIDS).... I am peeved, but also chuckling.
Before I ruffle any feathers that belong to below 30 year olds and below .... I too look for opportunities to learn from YOUR perspective, IF in a mature and sensible and intelligent manner. Your generation has a way of making me see things I just simply cannot see, and vice versa.
I right now am honestly grateful to WB and all their Admins that while sometimes may seem like what I’ve seen others call “postings police”, I am very grateful to them all.
THIS should serve as a reason and why I am now and forever more grateful to WB, it’s creator, it’s Admins and the sites very reasonable TOS rules.

Rant over..... Mollie, we know you’re out there and there are so many that are holding out hope that you will be found. Hoping, C

*edited to correct autocorrect mistakes.
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Which is the same as saying they don't know what they're doing. They're inept. They're missing out on critical information because they don't know as much as the public does about how to conduct an investigation and what and when to release info.

Yeah, occasionally LE doesn't do a good job or drops the call on things. That becomes pretty apparent when family starts being vocal and going their own way.

But we have the FBI on this. They know what they're doing.

I guess I get a bit defensive on the part of LE who work so hard and do so much more than we can ever imagine. And then to hear people behind their keyboards scolding them for not conducting the investigation to their liking. It rankles a bit. So my apologies if I'm coming off too strong on this subject. It gets under my skin.
I don’t think they are inept in any way. But I also don’t think the silence means they know what happened and who did it but are pulling together a case. That doesn’t mean they are inept. The very best LE can’t solve a case if the clues aren’t there. I’ve seen some posts saying they think LE knows what happened and has a POI. I truly hope this is the case. I just don’t think it is. The men and women of the LE agencies working this case are working themselves to the bone. If it can be solved, they are going to do it. I just am starting to lose hope that it will be soon. I don’t blame LE for that.
The distance is so short though. Healthy 20 year olds who like to go on runs don't need rides to go a mile or less. And brothers generally don't offer them.

Part of this goes along with my theory of the case. I think she was taken (either by stranger or acquaintance) when heading to her mom's house for dinner. I think her plan was to walk there for dinner around 8-9 and to drive the shared car back to the boyfriend's house after dinner so that she could take care of the dogs in the morning. (Only reason she would drive vs walk after dinner is because it would be dark by then, and she'd need the car with her in the morning.) When the brother wakes up that morning and sees the shared car still there he assumes she found a different way to get to work and is asking if she needs to be picked up from work for a ride home at the end of the day.
I agree with the statement she could have been abducted walking to the mom's home. But I still think the brother, realizing the car was there, was going to go get her that morning because at that point she would have been running late with no car, and likely needed the car brought to her. Or, similarly, the red shirt she needed for work, that seems to be unlocated - perhaps she had mentioned she needed to go to the mom's before work (maybe the shirt is there somewhere, and hasn't been found by family yet), so he knew she needed to be there first before work, and realized she definitely hadn't been there, since the car was still there.
It is possible that whatever information is provided in the press conference and how it is specifically set out, may lead to the one tip that could solve this.

Yes because it may lead to someone with a conscience picking up the phone. Law enforcement must feel it is worthwhile otherwise they wouldn’t do it and just issue a press release.
RSBM. If you read some of the news articles about the searches, they have direct quotes from one of the farm owners. They are not suspects or POI so we are not discussing them here.

I am not pointing any fingers at any owner of any biz. Morgan Harrington's case is a prime example.
I have been doing some research on the farms but I thought TOS here was that we can't sleuth anything/anyone unless they are a named suspect? Maybe a moderator can clarify. I have alot of info on the farms that is in public domain.

My questions were not about the OWNERS - if a family farm- but if that farm was owned by a BIG Ag company ? I should have been precise when I posted. If the farm is Big Ag owned, I was wondering about how logistics might work. I recall they mentioned they were searching two different hog farms. Just heightened my curiosity for whether the two farms belonged to the same BigAg company?

***I have zero intention of talking about anybody or any place in any other terms than as someone helping at this point.*** This is a missing person case afterall. So everyone who can do anything - be it a subcontractor who heard or saw something, an old neighbor or visitor to a neighbor, or a pig farmer who allowes LE to search their property. All good folks trying to do the best they can IMO.

My interest in the Hog biz was understanding how it works. Mollie was staying very close to CORN. And in order to get to either of these hog farms you had to go toward the town where she worked, right?

I wondered if there might be a name on a truck? Or a route from a farm to a delivery location closer to Mollie and Brooklyn? Or ...

That was where my mind was tracking.
So... If the car she shared with her brother was at her mom's house, maybe she got up early in the morning, grabbed her red work shirt and her phone, put the dogs in the basement for the day, and started jogging/walking over to her mom's? Maybe she vanished in the early morning hours then, while jogging to her mom's?
I’m starting to really believe that she infact never returned home from her evening run. Dogs were locked up and sounds to me like nobody really heard from her after. I’m starting to think the Snapchat that the bf didn’t open till 10 may have been sent much earlier. Just my thoughts at this time
how does that explain that law enforcement have said she was doing homework that night? I took that as after the jog? I wish wish wish they would confirm a timeline of sorts that they know.
good morning everyone

We Are Iowa Local 5 News
16 hrs ·
NEW: Press conference to be held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. regarding investigative response, tip line information, rewards, and information from The Missing Persons Clearinghouse in Mollie Tibbetts case. Will be streamed live on Facebook via Local 5 News


15 hrs ·
A stream of the news conference will be available on cbs2iowa.com
and this Facebook page on Tuesday.



Bringing press conference info forward.
My family owns a large farming operation (not in Iowa, and not pigs), and we primarily have our own trucks, and have family or employees who drive them. Most of the large scale animal producers will have their own, and even smaller crop producers have their own too. However, these employees may also drive a truck for other farmers in the area. It's pretty common in small ag communities - during harvest time, or when taking several truckloads of animals to sale or slaughter to call up "Larry" and ask if him and his kids want to help out, and then my family might go drive a truck for Larry's farm on a different day, or else "Larry" just has the commercial drivers' license, and everyone in the area knows him, so we call and say, "Hey, can you drive for us on Tuesday for a few hours," and he gets paid at the end of the day's work, and then we send him a 1099, as a contract employee at the end of the year. Just sharing this because it's common, and makes it nearly impossible to know all the people who probably interact on and around that farm on a relatively often basis, but not necessarily a consistent basis.
Thanks for the reply. This is great info to have. I have alot of familiarity with large scale fleet trucking but not necessarily ag related which seems more fragmented and independent.
I have heard - but do not know if this is true - that the hogs eating people "idea" is really only true if the hogs are underfed/hungry. The hogs in this situation I would expect are being fed to the max to fatten and sell as quickly as possible. But, perhaps I'm not correct in the knowledge I have of the history of hogs eating people - so take this statement with a grain of salt. I may try to research this after work (because that's a normal hobby, right? o_O)
My wife's father raises hogs. He has thrown anything from dead animals in a confinement to a casterated hogs own testicles and even a large dead animal will be completely gone in no time at all.
So... If the car she shared with her brother was at her mom's house, maybe she got up early in the morning, grabbed her red work shirt and her phone, put the dogs in the basement for the day, and started jogging/walking over to her mom's? Maybe she vanished in the early morning hours then, while jogging to her mom's?

That's possible too. I do feel pretty confident that she planned on taking the vehicle she shared with her brother to work. It has to be the way she planned to get to work. If she had planned on getting a ride from someone I feel like that person would have been the one who reported her missing and/or they would be a POI.
I don’t think they are inept in any way. But I also don’t think the silence means they know what happened and who did it but are pulling together a case. That doesn’t mean they are inept. The very best LE can’t solve a case if the clues aren’t there. I’ve seen some posts saying they think LE knows what happened and has a POI. I truly hope this is the case. I just don’t think it is. The men and women of the LE agencies working this case are working themselves to the bone. If it can be solved, they are going to do it. I just am starting to lose hope that it will be soon. I don’t blame LE for that.

I agree with you. Ido think they have a specific direction or directions. But I don't necessarily think they have it solved.
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