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DNA Solves
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Which may just be reason to reconsider the protocols for ANY missing person, especially a teen or college aged person imo. When it comes to MISSING PEOPLE - time is the enemy.

We can't expect good results if protocols are antiquated.

Protocols are based on constitutional rights to privacy and due process. We are protected against search and seizure by the constitution. That includes "pinging" our phones until and unless there's probable cause to determine a crime has been committed and it's necessary to try to find someone.

That's not typically true within minutes of a missing person's report. Unless there are immediate, obvious signs of a struggle, like blood everywhere.

Other than that it is going to take a few days.
That is why I am akaski. Everything I have read thus far has reported he was offering her a ride from the boyfriend's home to her home ,not from work. I am asking where you read this because I have not read this in any of the media shared here.
on here in one of the post from some source
i never feel like they dont know what their doing. I feel they dont give the public enough info to know what their suppose to look for. They miss out on critcal information to me.

I completely agree, I feel they know exactly what they are doing... however... how does the public come forward when they don't really even know what they should be looking for. No idea of what time she went missing or from where.
Perhaps some here are right, LE knows exactly what happened, because they aren't giving out anything for the area to work with
Since there were 'assuming/supposedly' no vehicles at the house since she didn't have one and the other people living there were out of town, I wonder if anyone at the company next to the house noticed a car in the driveway early Thursday? There is probably someone/a couple people that leave work later or come in earlier than everyone else. I'm sure at the time they didn't think "oh my, there is a car in that driveway", but after hearing the story....hopefully could think back to anything they saw on their way into work Thursday morning (lights on, car in driveway, door open, etc.). Probably things they normally wouldn't pay attention to but can now remember...
I am going to break up your post into separate quotes to better respond. All from the same post.

They became involved at 24 hours from the earliest possible time she went missing, not 48 hours.

Last time I checked 24 hours is within the first 48 hour window.
Interesting theory. Agree that a 3 hr. phone call is not typical for most.
I don't like naysaying, but I don't find the conversation necessarily strange.

I have a daughter the same age as Mollie, who is in college, and taking summer courses. She has so much going on, so many exciting opportunities that she can talk for hours about her coursework, internships, class projects, future plans, trouble with college bureaucracy, frustrations with group projects, funny moments, etc. It is an exciting time of life, and it's fun for me to hear her talk, offer advice, relive my own college experiences, ask her questions, encourage her, etc. The conversations between parents and college students really can be long and delightful - and if you're close to a parent who doesn't live in the same home, those long conversations would be on the phone.

Perhaps Mollie was talking about a problem with her dad, but she could just have been talking about life in general. The phone call to me isn't a red flag unless we hear otherwise.

I’m trying to prepare myself for this press conference being rather uninformative. I’m not happy to hear they will be announcing a new reward. Not that I have anything against rewards but it says to me there won’t be a lot of answers, rather just a ‘we need more info’ type of announcement. I’m hoping at least they will clear up some contradictory information out there but I’m trying to prepare for the reality that they might not.
"Law enforcement will also be repeating the neighborhood canvas near Mollie’s home, jogging, and work routes. The entire community was taking part in the ground search over the last two days, so many neighbors were not at their homes at the time of the first neighborhood canvas," wrote Heaston, Tibbetts' cousin.

"The important part of ceasing the ground search is that those residents are home and available to speak with law enforcement."

Poweshiek County Sheriff Tom Kriegel "is confident that every home in Brooklyn has been visited. Every farm building, barn and shed in the area has been searched," Heaston wrote.

New clues sought as search continues for UI student in Poweshiek County
Do you recall the timeline for those snippets? Exactly when each was supposed to have occurred?

And this was all done by the SHERIFF? or was this going to be done by DCI team brought in.

As of when had every home in Brookly been visited - not searched - does that mean a grid search was not done?

Don't think I have to say anything other than JESSICA LUNSFORD ---
All big trucks have electronic logs. They can track location,time stops etc. Although Livestock haulers are exempt from some hours of service mandates( because it's hard on the stock) they do have electronic devices on board. Small farm trucks probably not. Hope they helps. Unless Mollie was in a very rural area, just seems unlikely she could have been quickly subdued by a driver in a large truck with it's airbrakes set in the middle of the road. JMO Hope this help you understand the logistics of the senario. Prayers for Mollie and family. Her Dad's interview was touching. You are all amazing. And Chi I spreading the word where ever we go ! Many Thanks
At no time do I believe LE withholds information crucial to finding a live person just to build a theoretical future case. That would be evil and insane.

I think it's clear they have a good grasp of what happened (foul play) and have legitimate reasons to protect certain info.

I love you but I think accusing the FBI and DCI of wanting to build a case rather than find a girl, is super unfair and not realistic.

These folks are desperate to find her and everything in their being is devoted to her rescue. It affects them personally. These cases haunt them. I've seen it up close.

If they feel releasing info is what's needed to find a live girl they would've done it a long time ago.

No way in hell, IMO, are they stupidly or stubbornly withholding crucial info so they can maybe prosecute someone one day instead of helping a live Mollie come home safe.

That's actually a terrible accusation.

I think they probably believe she has met with foul play and is unlikely to be alive or that if she's alive and being held, any info they release could backfire and cause a perp to panic and kill her.

I wish we could give LE a break. Her family, who knows VASTLY more than we do, sure seem to trust them.

The only thing LE needs to do is to work like the professionals they are and not allow the public to dictate what information is released and when.

Agree. I don’t think they actually need the public’s help. I think they have a good idea of what has happened, and that she is likely deceased. They wouldn’t say certain things that they have said unless they felt she was no longer in danger.
Do you have a link for where it was reported as a ride home from work? I have not seen that.

I agree it was reported both ways.

I can vouche that early on it was reported as a ride TO work, and when I went back to that same article I saw where they had changed it to say it was a ride "FROM work".

We all know the inconsistency of reporting has been really difficult in this case and that was one example.

Thats why there has been so many questions and confusion about this one topic about the ride. It was reported both ways and got changed from the very early reports.
I agree it was reported both ways.

I can vouche that early on it was reported as a ride TO work, and when I went back to that same article I saw where they had changed it to say it was a ride "FROM work".

We all know the inconsistency of reporting has been really difficult in this case and that was one example.

Thats why there has been so many questions and confusion about this one topic about the ride. It was reported both ways and got changed from the very early reports.
I was not trying to be mean to her so I hope it did not come off like that.
I’m curious as to why the farm is off limits . It was in MSM . In Danielle stislicki case it was allowed to discuss the house where items were removed even though the owner at the time of searches was not an official
My understanding is that we can discuss the farms themselves but not the owners of the farms. But if you really want to clarify you could PM the mod to ask...
You said they became involved as the "first 48 hours was nearing its end." 24 hours is not nearing the end of the 48 hour period. And 24 hours is the longest possible time from when she could have disappeared to when she was reported missing.

I would love to see the link for LE's published timeline. And my experience shows a missing person case being filed and an assigned investigator working the case can lag at times by 72 hours.
I’m curious as to why the farm is off limits . It was in MSM . In Danielle stislicki case it was allowed to discuss the house where items were removed even though the owner at the time of searches was not an official
Imagine if you're a property owner who happens to live near a criminal investigation, but you have absolutely nothing to do with the crime. Then, someone on the internet posts information about you and your property for the world to talk about.

Not cool.

WS doesn't allow it for good reason. But if you think you have info that should be discussed, ask a moderator if it's okay.

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