IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #36

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Updated 8/17/2018
  1. Mollie’s jogging clothing is missing – pink sports bra, black shorts & running shoes
  2. Mollie’s devices are missing – cell phone, armband, FitBit and white earbuds
  3. She has about 3 different routes and likes to mix them up
  4. The dogs were in the basement
  5. DJ said the door was probably unlocked
  6. She typically picks up the car at her mom's house before dark
  7. She went for a run about 7:30
  8. She usually runs for 45 minutes
  9. LE reconstructed her run, relying on Fitbit data, cell phone pings and eyewitnesses
  10. A digital signal led police to the Guernsey farm area
  11. Video footage was collected from various businesses, including Casey’s & D&M
  12. Mollie's mom was asked by FBI if Mollie was "in a home" at 9:45
  13. She may have done homework (time unknown & unconfirmed)
  14. Snapchat appeared to be indoors & taken that day, viewed at 10PM
  15. Mollie was a creature of habit
  16. DJ sent her a text in the morning and she did not respond
  17. JT sent her at text approx. 7:30 am asking if she needed the car – no response
  18. There were no vehicles in the driveway (as there usually would be)
  19. Her driver's license, passport and debit card were at the house
  20. Usual evening routine: run, shower/eat or eat/shower, homework, bed
  21. No signs of a struggle or forced entry
Reported Sightings
  • NH, 7:30 pm - W Pershing Dr
  • RT, time unknown - W. Des Moines – walking east, would have to go N or S
  • DR, 8 pm - East 2nd Street - jogging west toward Casey’s
DC, time unknown, West St - told by LE (not an actual sighting) that MT jogged past his house and made it home

FBI poster indicates that Mollie was last seen running on Pershing Drive.
Thanks for the warning. That being said, I have to get offline awhile. How can we overlook who he is or that he is here illegally? I mean, as a human being, as a member of these United States, the sheer horror of what she must have gone through should make our blood boil. This could be my daughter, my sister, my granddaughter, my friend. Time folks stood up for what is right. There are killers all over this country. How many came from countries that do not value human life, we may never know.

Thanks for the WS site. You do great work and we do appreciate you.

If I allowed a political discussion about illegal immigration Websleuths would melt down in minutes. Seriously. The forum would go under from the massive amount of hatred that would spew from both sides and attract others who love to fight about politics.

The fact of the matter is this man is charged with 1st-degree murder not with being an illegal immigrant. If you want to discuss the illegal immigration problem feel free, on another forum. Not here.
Today and for the rest of this discussion, we will focus on Mollie and the facts of the case.

Illegal or not he killed Mollie.
Dear Everyone,

We understand everyone's emotions are running high in Mollie's case.

The fact is the perp is an illegal immigrant. If someone refers to him as such they are, in fact, telling the truth.

What we will not allow is even the slightest hint of a political statement. It doesn't matter how right you think you are or how important you feel your post is to this case, we are not allowing any sort of political statements or politicizing in Mollie's case in any way.

The other fact is these are two different topics.

If you want to discuss how Rivera was able to come into the US illegally or any sort of immigration topic you cannot use Websleuths as your platform. We will not allow it. It doesn't matter that a Republican may have been Rivera's employer. Again, nothing do do with Mollie's case. Let me stress one more time, we will not allow any sort of illegal immigration discussion/political discussion.


Because within minutes Websleuths would turn into an insult flinging, obscene language posting, making threats against others and more forum. In other words, like most other forums that try and discuss politics.
Websleuths would turn into something unrecognizable.

That's why.

Please stick to the facts of the case and ONLY discuss Mollie's case. The fact is Rivera is an illegal immigrant. That is the only fact to do with illegal immigration that will be allowed.

Please be respectful and help us keep Websleuths an interesting and mature place to post.

Let others fling the mud.

Keep Websleuths classy.

Thank you,
Remember everyone please no political discussion.

Rivera was in the U.S. illegally. That is a whole other topic that we are not going to take on at this time.

Discuss the crime itself and the surrounding investigation.

admin note: Posts have been removed from the previous thread. Please stay on the topic.

Do not:
* bring politics into the discussion. (still seeing attempts to sneak it in.)

* post irrelevant off topic comments (eluding to LE conspiracy, cat calling, *advertiser censored*, gun control, the homeless, etc,).

*link to the social media of family members and friends. It is not allowed to be referenced, discussed or linked.
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I'm sure someone is going to ask how I know that Mollie was raped. I don't. I do, however, know that she was identified by the clothing with, or near, or something with her body. If the report was: "based on what she was wearing", that's one thing. Someone posted the quote a ways back.
"Tibbetts clothing was also found at the scene." <--This implies the clothes were found separate from the body. Is it a fact that clothing was found at the scene? Yes. Does it mean the clothes weren't on the body? No.

But then look at this:
Man leads police to body, faces murder charge in Mollie Tibbetts case - CNN

"A body, dressed in Tibbetts' clothing, was covered in corn leaves." <--Was there a body? Yes. Was it dressed in clothing? Yes.
Opportunistic predators that snatch women off the street during daylight are extraordinarily brazen. As with Hannah Graham, Mollie was probably hit really hard in the head at the time of abduction. I think it's possible that she was assaulted first at the top right dot in the police map, and possibly again at the bottom right dot on the map. I think he then googled for a body-dump location and took her to the corn field.

Also, he wants everyone to believe that he did this because Mollie threatened to call police (I don't believe this). He wants everyone to believe that he is the victim and it is her fault that he "blacked out". She caused him to black out, and it isn't his fault that he realized he had a dead body in the trunk.

I don't think this is the first time he has done this. It is too organized. I think this is the first time he did it this close to home.

More bodies will turn up if it wasn't his first time. And more victims of assault/harassment will appear if this wasn't the first time.
Carried over...
He did not socialize with his employers. They did not run in the same circles. If they had happened to be in the same place at the same time and his gf or someone else called him by a different first name, it is likely his employer either:
a) would not have picked up on it at all. We all see/hear what we expect to see/hear;
b) would have thought it was a nickname or term of endearment;
c) thought they misheard, maybe even the entire statement.

CR simply used his fake id to get his checks cashed or to set up a checking account.

It is not likely that his banker would run into him in a setting where his name would even come up.

Same with his employer. Even if you attend the same downtown festival, you nod or wave across a crowd, but there's not necessarily any reason for a name to be called out.

IF his employer ever looked for him on SM, he would be looking for the fake name and prob. just think he wasn't on it. Only way the name might have come up would be if one of Mollie's friends, which the employers probably were, or someone else in their "circle" clicked on her list of friends and were scoping her out . . .

But the odds of the different names coming up in an awkward fashion were minuscule -- IMO
Probably true. I guess I just keep hearing 'everyone knew everyone' in this small town so I don't understand how there never any red flags. Something. Anything.

Its not judging them by their height, its that they act that way because of their height. It is legit a thing. Not saying tall people can't act that way, but it is super common in shorties. I call it little man syndrome.
This sounds insane to me. I’m 6’0” and I guess I’m considered “tall” although I don’t think I feel all that tall. And I’m only 6 inches taller than somebody who would a complex about how short he is? I don’t buy it.
If this were the case, wouldn't the owners of YF have been aware of him being a POI before the PC? They are saying that they found out about CR being involved in MT's death when everyone else did. If LE found CR through finding the car and it was owned by YF, I would think they would have to have been questioned by LE prior to the PC. MOO.
Same thing if he was living on the farm when they came to question him. Where did LE first approach him?
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