I've been laying low, staying quiet since the news of Mollie's body being located and CR's arrest. I had to leave the Mollie groups on FB I was following, because the discussions were upsetting. I don't like the political turn this case has taken, and people using Mollie's death to "prove their point." The focus should always be on Mollie, and her memory. I know there has been discussion of what will happen to the reward money; I hope it will go toward a scholarship fund for other aspiring "Mollies". My heart breaks for her family. </3 She was so close all this time. It makes me sad and sick. I didn't know her, but like many of you, I felt like I got to know her this last month. She reminds me so much of myself at her age.
I've been jumpy when out and about since the news came out. Some guys at the park asked me to come over and "help" them, and I pretended like I didn't hear them - I couldn't imagine them having good intentions. I don't carry pepper spray with me because I'm afraid I would use it too often on the wrong person (of course, better safe than sorry). I definitely always carry my phone on me and will not hesitate to dial 9-1-1 if someone is looking suspicious. I hate this world we live in, but I truly don't think the world is more unsafe now than it was 100 years ago. I think we're just more aware of the violence because of the internet and the way media reports now. Murderers have always existed.
I don't want to live my life in fear. I don't want to hold back on going on a run because I'm afraid I'll get attacked. I shouldn't have to live my life in fear.