IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #42

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I do think it’s possible, if not probable, that Mollie said something to the effect of “If you don’t leave me alone, I’m going to call the police.” I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if that occurred, as I think that’s a standard response to someone who has crossed the line between being annoying, and potentially being dangerous. Most of the time, this simple sentence would be enough to get someone to back off.

I also believe that this statement had absolutely no bearing on what occurred after it. Even if it did anger him, he wanted her, and he wasn’t going to be denied, no matter what Mollie said or did.
Exactly. If MT truly did say something along those lines that night, then CR was merely recounting the events as he remembered pre-blackout. It may be what happened, or it may be a form of victim-blaming, but it wasn't her fault he went into a rage, no way around it.
I guess I wasn't totally clear in what I was saying, but that's nothing new. I was trying to hurry because the page kept refreshing and leaving me with the quotes and only half of my answers so I had to keep rewriting them. They're determining more and more what different genes/markers in DNA affect, I've been participating in a small study to help with that (as a guinea pig, not a researcher.) what I'm curious about is: say they found 8 markers for Antisocial Personality Disorder, and they take a random 500 people with all 8 markers who were raised under similar conditions (good or bad), many/most may have the disorder, but others won't. I'm waiting for them to discover if there is one or more other markers that actually make them even more likely (like near 100% with all the markers) to develop the disorder, or one or more markers that make them less likely (like near 0% with all the markers). I know it's a lot to ask for, but it would be so useful IMO if a rapist/pedophile/whatever pro-created to check for those specific markers to see if they needed extra help while growing up - as long as it wasn't used as a method of determining whether to abort a baby conceived by rape, etc. All MOO again. I hope this isn't considered psychological or too OT, I consider it more scientific.
I think it is both psychological and scientific, and sounds really interesting. All I'm going to say is I believe environment will play a huge role either way... and on that note, I'm off to bed. First day of school tomorrow! Yippee!
Exactly. If MT truly did say something along those lines that night, then CR was merely recounting the events as he remembered pre-blackout. It may be what happened, or it may be a form of victim-blaming, but it wasn't her fault he went into a rage, no way around it.
Agreed. On its face, it makes sense. He twisted it though, in an effort to deflect some of his responsibility. This is a clear example of victim blaming, and spinning the truth in an effort to make himself look better.
It's possible that that was either where her heart stopped or her phone died. MOO
You're right, it could be a Fitbit signal. I keep going back to the fact that her injuries might not have killed her instantly, and so she might have bled to death in the trunk (assuming she was injured before the cornfield). Maybe that is the location her Fitbit stopped reading. JMO
I do think it’s possible, if not probable, that Mollie said something to the effect of “If you don’t leave me alone, I’m going to call the police.” I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if that occurred, as I think that’s a standard response to someone who has crossed the line between being annoying, and potentially being dangerous. Most of the time, this simple sentence would be enough to get someone to back off.

I also believe that this statement had absolutely no bearing on what occurred after it. Even if it did anger him, he wanted her, and he wasn’t going to be denied, no matter what Mollie said or did.

Why do you think CR panicked and flew into a rage? I think Mollie knew who he was and could very well report him to LE and possibly get a protection order. How long would CR be able to stay in the country if that happened?
Why do you think CR panicked and flew into a rage? I think Mollie knew who he was and could very well report him to LE and possibly get a protection order. How long would CR be able to stay in the country if that happened?
I don’t think he panicked. I think he carried out what he was planning to do. I think this was a sexual assault, and possibly a murder, from the get-go. He may have felt anger and fear when she made that statement, but I don’t think it had any bearing on what he intended to do.
Why do you think CR panicked and flew into a rage? I think Mollie knew who he was and could very well report him to LE and possibly get a protection order. How long would CR be able to stay in the country if that happened?
Getting deported was probably the least of the killer's concerns (reminder: he's not "CR" to me and ceased being deserved of an actual name once he committed this horrible act). He wanted Mollie sexually and wasn't taking no for an answer so her rejection followed by threat of calling the police triggered a rage within him. IMO it was a classic 'if I can't have you nobody will' and likely embarrassment about being denied by the object of his affection.

Purely selfish motive and a purely selfish act by a selfish person. Even his confession is filled with blame defecting actions and statements.
I'm surprise CR didn't attempt this again, since nothing was pointing at him that he was the perp. I wonder if he did go out scouting. It's always bothered me that LE indicated people shouldn't be afraid when in fact they should have been. Thank goodness they caught him.
I think the point is that if someone creeps you out and you are fearful then that is cause for an incident report. Many crimes have been solved because of incident reports prior to the actual crime dates. You can call and report anything you want- the police will respond and write up an incident report. It may not be investigated but the report will at least be on file should something happen in the future. If someone drives around the block several times and is looking at you and making you feel uncomfortable then a phone call to the police is completely valid. Of course, looking at someone isn’t going to land them in jail, but the incident report will start a paper trail should anything more serious happen down the road.

The Chief of Police told my DD to call 911 and file an incident report any time she felt threatened because it would increase the likelihood a judge will grant an emergency order of protection. She did and received a protection order that remains in effect over a year later.
I'm surprise CR didn't attempt this again, since nothing was pointing at him that he was the perp. I wonder if he did go out scouting. It's always bothered me that LE indicated people shouldn't be afraid when in fact they should have been. Thank goodness they caught him.
If he is in the mould of a serial killer, there is a cooling down period afterwards, where (even) they are scared of getting caught. His needs would have been satiated, and he may not have stuck again for some time. There are always exceptions though, and there is no indication that he is a serial killer, or proof that he would have become one.
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