IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 56m56 minutes ago
Branstad: Clothing could have been collected for gunshot residue, biological material? Ludwick: Yes. Unfortunately by time I realized lead wasn't completed, it was the next day, it was not completed. @KCCINews #statevscarter #iacourts

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 53m53 minutes ago
Branstad asked Agent Ludwick about clothing collection following the homicide. He said Jason Carter's clothing was not taken until the next day. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 54m54 minutes ago
Branstad: You stated you wished you had tested the clothing? Ludwick says yes, I wish we would have taken the clothing. @KCCINews #statevscarter #iacourts

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 48m48 minutes ago
Ludwick has been on the stand for more than 3.5 hours at this point under direct from the defense. That direct will continue after our mid-morning break. #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 48m48 minutes ago
Court is taking a recess for the morning. @KCCINews #statevscarter #iacourts
Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 30m30 minutes ago
Trial is back in session. @KCCINews #statevscarter #iacourts

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 19m19 minutes ago
Defense’s direct has concluddd with Ludwick. Bull’s turn to cross-examine. #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 3m3 minutes ago
Bull: How many witnesses have you interviewed in this case? Ludwick: Over 200 @KCCINews #statevscarter #iacourts

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 2m2 minutes ago
With this line of question, state is trying to disprove the defense's theory that the investigation was inadequate. @KCCINews #statevscarter #iacourts

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1m1 minute ago
Marion Co. Attorney Ed Bull started his cross examination of Iowa DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick. At this point, Ludwick has been testifying for a total of about four hours. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 30m30 minutes ago
Defense’s direct has concluddd with Ludwick. Bull’s turn to cross-examine. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 7m7 minutes ago
Ludwick said after the murder, in the month of June 2015, Jason Carter was the first to present alternative suspects.

Jason gave Ludwick a name and said the motive was a land dispute. Ludwick said he immediately assigned an investigator to follow up on that, and that ...

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 7m7 minutes ago
... individual was found and interviewed. That individual gave law enforcement his phone, and cooperated fully.

The individual had not met with Bill or Shirley Carter. The dispute was with Jason Carter and was not heated.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 8m8 minutes ago
The first alternative suspects originating from public was Sept. 2015. That was from an inmate “asking for a deal” because he was loosing custody rights to his children.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 8m8 minutes ago
First interview was with a narcotics task force officer for about 70 minutes, mostly narcotics related. “He was not giving any credible information.” The task force officer didn’t seem interested and was starting to leave. That is when the individual said he had info ...

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 8m8 minutes ago
... regarding the Shirley Carter murder.

The task force inadvertently gave some information and then called Ludwick. Ludwick after learning of this information interviews the individual the next day.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 9m9 minutes ago
At that interview, Ludwick said the individual provided inconsistent with evidence.

The individual said at first it was a 22 handgun and then said it was a rifle.

He said he was told a month prior, Ludwick thought it strange he wouldn’t have said something earlier ...

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 10m10 minutes ago
... considering he was seeking a deal.

Ludwick determined the individual was not credible, but yet there was six additional interviews still. His statements continued to evolve overtime, Bull said and Ludwick confirmed.

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1m1 minute ago
Bull: "Have any law enforcement ever found Bill Carter's .270 bolt-action rifle?" Ludwick: "No. We have not." #StateVsCarter @WHOhd

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 23m23 minutes ago
Ludwick still in cross addresses the supposed getaway vehicle reported to be used in the homicide by alternative suspects.

That car was impounded by Marion County Sheriff’s Office the night prior to Shirley’s murder and remained there past the morning of the murder, per Ludwick.
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Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
Back from lunch. Regarding St. Patrick’s Day interview. “We don’t want to send an innocent person to prison” Ludwick says, after Bull asked why law enforcement keeps following up on information. #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 4m4 minutes ago
After lunch break, we're back. Iowa DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick is on the stand. Bull is asking Ludwick about possible suspects or leads Branstad mentioned and if the information he received from them was credible or matched the evidence officials had. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
Another instance of tips not matching evidence:

It was said the alternative suspects wanted presciption drugs and were rummaging through cabinets when Shirley Carter came in. A tip said she was accidentally shot but not killed. ...

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
Then after she refused to give up meds someone took her to the pond, attempted to drown her, then took her back to kitchen and shot her again.

Evidence doesn’t support that at all, Ludwick said.

This scenario was vaguely brought up by defense earlier in his testimony.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 5m5 minutes ago
Bull is continuing, after we resumed from lunch around 1:20 p.m., to debunk or explain tip after tip, person after person, that defense brought up in their direct with Ludwick offering continued explanations.
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 1m1 minute ago
Regarding the gun supposedly stored in a wall in a Knoxville home.

hole was checked out, had cobwebs over it, and could not fit a handgun let alone a rifle, Ludwick says.

As far as evidence not being followed up on for years, Ludwick said his duty is to prioritize...

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
...and generally still agrees to this day how he prioritized information.

the unidentified on the gun case: If it belonged to any of the individuals it would have produced a notification since those individuals have been convicted of crimes and thus ...

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
... their prints are in the database the print was searched through, Ludwick says.

is one person who provided information that is consistent with evidence, Ludwick says: Jason Carter.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3m3 minutes ago
He knew it was dad’s rifle used, that there was an attempted burglary, and that the rifle was removed.

Re-direct now by defense.
Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 11m11 minutes ago
Bull: "What information did he [Jason Carter] provide that's consistent with the crime scene?" Ludwick: "Jason Carter knew that it was dad’s rifle used to kill mom and furthermore that rifle has been removed from the crime scene." #StateVsCarter @WHOhd

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 42s43 seconds ago
As we approach hour six of Ludwick’s testimony, defense attorney asks if Ludwick didn’t laugh when he saw/heard Jason Carter cry.

Ludwick says not sure if he laughed but he perceived the high pitched squeal as faked. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 1m1 minute ago
Now pointed to a deposition, Ludwick repeats his statement given: “Every time he [Jason Carter] would cry, I would chuckle at his lack of drama skills.”
Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 2m2 minutes ago
They're finally done with Ludwick after about 4 hours on the stand today. Bart Howard now called up and being sworn in. @KCCINews #iacourts #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 1m1 minute ago
Howard is a licensed private investigator. @KCCINews #iacourts #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 4m4 minutes ago
After about 6 hours on the stand, Special Agent Ludwick was excused. Branstad called Private Investigator Bart Howard to the stand. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd


Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
Private investigator Bart Howard drove with Jason Carter who had three re-enactments to time how long it would have taken to go from Cargill in Eddyville, to Heaberlin Farms, switching vehicles, and then to father’s farm. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
At speed limit: 1 hour and 3 minutes.

At speeds Jason Carter said he took on June 19, 2015: 1 hour and 40 seconds.

As fast as possible: 54 minutes and 6 seconds.
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3m3 minutes ago
On cross, Prosecutor Bull trying to discredit the analysis. We are going to watch portions of a video that Howard recorded now. On the drive that they tried to mimic speeds Jason Carter droce the day of the murder, Bull points out an inconsistency in the timeline.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3m3 minutes ago
Which centers around the text Jason Carter sent for farm chemicals. Prior testimony that was sent at 10:55 from the base of a driveway. But the test drive video would mean he would have had to wait about 7 minutes at the base of the driveway in order to match the timeline.

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 9m9 minutes ago
Court is seeing reenactments of Jason Carter's drive between Cargill in Eddyville, to Heaberlin Farms, switching vehicles and then to his family's farm. #iacourts #StateVsCarter @KCCINews

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 7m7 minutes ago
Right now the jury is watching a video Private Investigator Howard shot of a test run of Jason Carter's route that he drove the day of his mother's murder. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd


Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3m3 minutes ago
In the video, he waited only almost a minute.

10:59:41 would be the arrival time on the day of the murder, Bull says, by this information. He asked if Howard knew what Jason Carter was doing for 8 minutes before calling his sister.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
If Jason was traveling at the fastest speed (topping out at approximately 73 mph in a 65 Howard says) he would have arrived at his father’s house before sending the text for chemicals at 10:55 a.m. that day.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 35s36 seconds ago
Howard’s testimony has concluded. We will be at recess for about 15 minutes.

Jason Carter’s Defense Attorneys Call Their First Witness (with clip)

MARCH 19, 2019

"COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa -- After a one-day delay in the State of Iowa v. Jason Carter trial, the defense started their case on Tuesday....

Forensic Pathologist Cyril Wecht reviewed both statements and other information to determine his opinion on the circumstances in which Shirley Carter’s body was found, including temperature of her body, level of stiffness and an approximate time of death.

He said he believes Shirley Carter died about two hours before she was found....

Defense also called a digital forensics examiner who looked at cell tower and phone record documents to figure out what cell tower was used for calls on one of Jason’s cell phones and whether or not he could tell if Jason left the area of the Carter home....

Defense attorneys also questioned IT Consultant Igor Dobrosavljevic about history and internet searches tied to several of Jason Carter’s email accounts.

The rest of the day was spent questioning Iowa DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick, who talked about other leads and tips in the case, some of which weren’t followed up on until during this criminal trial...."

Jason Carter’s Defense Attorneys Call Their First Witness

Defense begins presenting their case
Lead investigator questioned about murder query

MARCH 19, 2019

Defense begins presenting their case

Defense claims state ignored evidence in Shirley Carter's death investigation (with clip)

Mar 20, 2019

Defense attorneys continued to build their case Wednesday in the murder trial of Jason Carter....

Branstad questioned Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation Special Agent Mark Ludwick on the lack of forensic testing of Carter's clothing immediately following his mother's death....

On Tuesday, Dr. Cyril Wecht, forensic pathologist, testified about Shirley Carter's time of death...."

Defense claims state ignored evidence in Shirley Carter's death investigation
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These are all messed up again...

Jason Carter Trial Day 7 Part 4 Mark Ludwick Testifies 03/19/19

Published on Mar 20, 2019


Jason Carter Trial Day 8 Part 2 Mark Ludwick Testifies 03/19/19

NOTE: We will have the first part of Today's Testimony up soon.

Published on Mar 20, 2019


Jason Carter Trial Day 8 Part 3 Mark Ludwick Testifies 03/19/19

Published on Mar 20, 2019


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Jason Carter Trial Day 8 Part 4 Mark Ludwick & PI Bart Howard Testify 03/19/19

Published on Mar 20, 2019


Jason Carter Trial Day 8 Part 5 Jeremy McCormick & Brian Titus Testify 03/19/19

Published on Mar 20, 2019


The Daily Debrief Aaron Keller & Panel Discuss Bo Dukes James Scandirito & Jason Carter Trials 3/20

Jason Carter Trial Day 7 Part 3 Sean Harrington Igor Dobrosavljevic & Mark Ludwick Testify 03/19/19

Thursday, March 21st:
*Trial continues (Day 9) (@ 9am CT) – IA – Shirley Carter (68) (June 19, 2015, Lacona) – *Jason Gene Carter (45) “son” arrested (12/17/18) & charged (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. $1M bond. Marion County
Trial moved from Marion County to Council Bluffs in Pottawattamie County.
Trial started 3/8/19. (estimate 3 weeks for trial)
A civil suit was brought against Jason by his father & siblings re mother’s death; 12/17/17 Jury unanimous decision that a preponderance of evidence existed he was liable for his mother’s death. 2/2/19: Judge Martha Mertz rules Carter will not get a new civil trial after he was found civilly responsible for killing his mother.
Court hearings from 5/2/18-2/26/19, Jury Selection from 3/5/19-3/17/19 & Trial from 3/8-3/15 reference post #178 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*

3/18/19: No court today. On Sunday, March 17, 2019 counsel retrieved information, consisting of more that 2 gigabytes of information, including 121 items that include written reports, audio recordings, and video recordings." Judge grants continuance for 24-hours. Court continues on 3/19.
3/19/19 Day 7: Defense witnesses: Forensic Pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht. Sean Harrington, a digital forensics examiner. IT Consultant Igor Dobrosavljevic. Iowa DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick (lead investigator). Trial continues on 3/20.
3/20/19 Day 8: Defense witnesses: Iowa DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick. Bart Howard (licensed private investigator). Trial continues on 3/21.
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2h2 hours ago
Somewhat of a speed up this morning, but am told we will have closing arguments this morning. Court convenes at 9 a.m. #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 1h1 hour ago
Good morning. We are at the Pottawattamie County Courthouse in Council Bluffs for the #StatevsCarter trial. Word around the courthouse is that closings will happen today. We'll see what transpires. @KCCINews #iacourts

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Good morning! We are nearing the end of the #StateVsCarter trial. Should be starting proceedings here in a few minutes. In the mean time, catch up on yesterday's testimony: http://ow.ly/FPcB30o8pR6 @WHOhd

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 1h1 hour ago
Jason Carter’s wife, Shelly, is among the new faces we have in the gallery for today. They hugged when he walked in. #StateVsCarter
Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 1h1 hour ago
All rise... #StatevsCarter @kccinews #iacourt


Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 1h1 hour ago
The defense and the state rest their cases. @KCCINews #IACourts #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 1h1 hour ago
At 9:21 am, the defense rests. At the same time, the state states they have no rebuttal evidence.
Judge is going to begin reading the jury instructions as well. #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 1h1 hour ago
Jury being given instructions by judge Brad McCall. @KCCINews #IACourts #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 56m56 minutes ago
#BREAKING: The defense rested its case. Instructions are being read to the jury. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 44m44 minutes ago
Time for closing arguments. State going first. Then defense/summation. Then state summation. @KCCINews #iacourts #StatevsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 40m40 minutes ago
#StateVsCarter: Marion County Attorney Ed Bull started his opening statement. @WHOhd


Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 40m40 minutes ago
"She was, she would have been terrified." Prosecutor Ed Bull says during closing arguments re: Shirley Carter's murder. @KCCINews #iacourts #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 35m35 minutes ago
Re: Carter's defense reenactment of drive from Cargill, to Haberline farm, to his family's farm -- "The math doesn't work." @KCCINews #iacourts #StateVSCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 32m32 minutes ago
"He's getting home way too soon for the rest of his story to make sense," Bull says. @KCCINews #IACourts #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 29m29 minutes ago
Ed Bull says defense's timeline is "mathematically impossible." @KCCINews #IACourts #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 28m28 minutes ago
Bull said, "Jason Carter is inconsistent on the things that directly link him to the crime." #StateVsCarter @WHOhd

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 24m24 minutes ago
Bull: "Count how many times Jason Carter says in that 911 call 'I don't know what happened. -- you're not supposed to know what happened.' How is he supposed to get assistance for his mom? Or is he starting the first steps of staging?" @KCCINews #iacourts #statevscarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 12m12 minutes ago
Bull: "In 18 minutes, Jason [Carter] goes from not knowing what happened to immediately knowing what happened." @KCCINews #iacourts #statevscarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 16m16 minutes ago
Bull: "How does Jason Carter know his parents' drawers have been pulled out? Jason was never in the room ... how does Jason Carter know his parents' bedroom was ransacked for any other reason that Jason Carter was the one who did it?" @KCCINews #iacourts #statevscarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 1m1 minute ago
Bull Re: defense pathologist. Says he's a certifiable expert. But his information coming out is only as the information coming in. "Garbage in, garbage out." @KCCINews #iacourts #statevscarter

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