IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Defense alleges state withheld exculpatory evidence
Missing gun ‘could be’ murder weapon

Mar 15, 2019

"COUNCIL BLUFFS — Once the jury was released for the day, attorneys spent roughly an hour arguing over whether Brady violations and the evidence warranted dismissing the first-degree murder charges against Jason Carter....

Brady violations refer to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brady v. Maryland, which states prosecutors must make all exculpatory evidence available to defendants in criminal cases.

Arguments ensued for about an hour Friday. The judge did not rule on the motion, allowing prosecutors time to respond...."

Defense alleges state withheld exculpatory evidence
Monday, March 18th:
*Trial continues (Day 7) (@ 9am CT) – IA – Shirley Carter (68) (June 19, 2015, Lacona) – *Jason Gene Carter (45) “son” arrested (12/17/18) & charged (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. $1M bond.
Trial moved from Marion County to Council Bluffs in Pottawattamie County.
Trial started 3/8/19. (estimate 3 weeks for trial).
A civil suit was brought against Jason by his father & siblings re mother’s death; 12/17/17 Jury unanimous decision that a preponderance of evidence existed he was liable for his mother’s death. 2/2/19: Judge Martha Mertz rules Carter will not get a new civil trial after he was found civilly responsible for killing his mother.

Court dates from 5/2/18 to 2/6/19 reference post #44 here: IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Court dates from 2/14/19 to 2/26/19 reference post #57 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Jury Selection from 3/5/19 thru 3/7/19 reference post #86 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Trial Days 1 (3/8/19) thru 3 (3/12/19) reference post #114 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*

3/13/19 Day 4: State witnesses: Iowa DCI Criminalist Mike Halverson. Joe Kennedy, the Vice President of BlueLine Training Group. (He says he specializes in cold cases. He reviewed the crime scene & victim/suspect). Darryl Valinchus. a former NYPD officer (cell phone data). Billy Dean Carter, Jason's bro. DW Lain, Jana Lain's husband. Teri Van Kooten, Marion County Medical Examiner. Trial continues to 3/14.
3/14/19 Day 5: States witnesses: Bill Carter, Jason's father. (Subject to recall). Jon Kraemer. assisted in the autopsy. Dr. Jonathan Thompson, Medical Examiner. Trial continues on 3/15.
3/15 Day 6: State witnesses: Lieutenant Brett Haupert. Iowa DCI criminalist Anna Young (prints). Iowa DCI Criminalist Victor Murillo (firearms). Brandon Smith, he worked at the local John Deere dealership and knew Jason and Bill Carter. Marion County Lt. Brian Bigaouette is walking the jury through some interrogation videos. State of Iowa rests its case in the Jason Carter murder trial. Defense will have a chance to start presenting its evidence on Monday morning, 3/18. Defense making their motion for dismissal and motion for judgment of acquittal now that jury is done for the day. Alleging Brady violations. Entering several emails from DCI agent Mark Ludwig they say indicates bias. a motion to dismiss from the defense. The judge says the court takes the emails under advisement. The prosecution has a chance to respond by Monday. The defense is now asking for a judgment of acquittal. Motion for judgment of acquittal is overruled.
Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 2h2 hours ago
#StateVsCarter: Court will not be in session today. This comes after a motion from the defense, "On Sunday counsel retrieved information consisting of more than 2 gigabytes of information including 121 items that include written reports, audio and video recordings." @WHOhd

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3h3 hours ago
Judge Brad McCall just popped his head into the media room. No court today. Asked if the reasons for the delay were public he said he thinks there will be an order filed today. So we will wait on that: #StateVsCarter #JasonCarter #ShirleyCarter #CarterTrial

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3h3 hours ago
Here is text of the order filed last night around 8:36 p.m. delaying the case for one day.

Just adds that defense requested the continuance on an "emergency" basis.



Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3h3 hours ago
Per defense's motion filed March 17 at 5:46 p.m., they received more evidence from the state over the weekend and seek time to review. They say this would mitigate (but not eliminate) prejudice to their client.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3h3 hours ago
"On Sunday, March 18, 2019 counsel retrieved information, consisting of more that 2 gigabytes of information, including 121 items that include written reports, audio recordings, and video recordings."

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3h3 hours ago
From their listing in the motion, it would indicate they view the evidence as exculpatory in that it would implicate other suspects in the murder.
Carter trial delayed after more evidence received
Defense received 2 gigabits of information Sunday


"COUNCIL BLUFFS —..... Action is now slated to resume at 9 a.m. Tuesday....

Branstad’s motion said included in the collection of evidence was a March 15 report indicating someone previously reported to law enforcement overhearing two brothers conversing.

One asked the other, “why the f--- did you shoot her?”

From March 7 there was a written report and audio recording of another individual stating they loaned their vehicle to one of the brothers, presented as alternate suspects by the defense, during the time of the homicide.

Further evidence from Feb. 14 rules out an alibi one of the potential suspects had given in deposition, according to the defense’s motion."

Carter trial delayed after more evidence received
Tuesday, March 19th:
*Trial continues (Day 7) (@ 9am CT) – IA – Shirley Carter (68) (June 19, 2015, Lacona) – *Jason Gene Carter (45) “son” arrested (12/17/18) & charged (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. $1M bond.
Trial moved from Marion County to Council Bluffs in Pottawattamie County.
Trial started 3/8/19. (estimate 3 weeks for trial).
A civil suit was brought against Jason by his father & siblings re mother’s death; 12/17/17 Jury unanimous decision that a preponderance of evidence existed he was liable for his mother’s death. 2/2/19: Judge Martha Mertz rules Carter will not get a new civil trial after he was found civilly responsible for killing his mother.

Court dates from 5/2/18 to 2/6/19 reference post #44 here: IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Court dates from 2/14/19 to 2/26/19 reference post #57 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Jury Selection from 3/5/19 thru 3/7/19 reference post #86 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Trial Days 1 (3/8/19) thru 3 (3/12/19) reference post #114 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Trial Days 4 (3/13/19) thru 6 (3/15/19) reference post #162 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*

3/18/19: No court today. On Sunday, March 17, 2019 counsel retrieved information, consisting of more that 2 gigabytes of information, including 121 items that include written reports, audio recordings, and video recordings." Judge grants continuance for 24-hours. Court continues on 3/19.
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 40m40 minutes ago
Following a one-day delay, we're scheduled to start rolling again at 9 a.m. this morning. #StateVsCarter #CarterTrial #ShirleyCarter #JasonCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Good morning! We are scheduled to pick up where we left on Friday in the #StateVsCarter trial. Catch up on Friday’s proceedings: http://ow.ly/xpRe30o6ukO @WHOhd #iacourts

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6m6 minutes ago
WATCH LIVE: #JasonCarter trial. Carter is charged with the shooting death of his mother. The defense is expected to begin their case.

https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/jason-carter/watch-live-jason-carter-murder-trial/ …
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 2m2 minutes ago
#JasonCarter - The defense calls their first witness, famed forensic pathologist, Dr. Cyril Wecht. https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/james-scandirito-jr/watch-live-james-scandirito-jr-murder-trial/ …


Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 46s47 seconds ago
Forensic Pathologist Wecht said in his opinion, Shirley Carter died about 2 hours before the time Jason Carter claims he found her dead. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
Dr. Cyril Wecht, forensic pathologist called by the defense (involved in cases such as assassinations of JFK and MLK Jr., and of course the OJ case), says he believes Shirley Carter was dead for rougly two hours before Jason Carter found her shortly after 11 am. #StateVsCarter
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Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 56s56 seconds ago
One line of questioning defense has taken whole trial is whether Shirley Carter’s temperature was taken once responders arrived (it wasn’t, by what is in effect a policy from state examiner’s office not to due to risk of causing damage). #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
State cross examination of Dr. Cyril Wecht. Dr. Wecht agrees that Shirley was shot twice, once from near the back door way and once up close. Prosecutor Ed Bull now starting with Dr. Wecht on the report he authored. #StateVsCarter
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 37m37 minutes ago
One line of questioning defense has taken whole trial is whether Shirley Carter’s temperature was taken once responders arrived (it wasn’t, by what is in effect a policy from state examiner’s office not to due to risk of causing damage). #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 37m37 minutes ago
Dr. Cyril Wecht said it is taught to do so and is commonly done in other areas, such as NYC. He said he is not aware of a forensic pathology textbook that doesn’t instruct this.
Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 19m19 minutes ago
Harrington said after looking at certain documents, "It is absolutely inconclusive that the mobile device moved." He's talking about one of Jason Carter's cell phones and if he can determine whether or not it left the area of the Carter Home. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 28m28 minutes ago
Cell phone forensics expert vs cell phone expert.

State’s testified earlier that Jason Carter’s cell phone data indicated a move from the scene.

Defense expert disagrees and says as many as five cell towers, maybe more, could service the home. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 25m25 minutes ago
Defense’s expert, Sean Harrington, says he believes he has reviewed more information than the state.

He also says he spends more time investigating than testifying, and hs worked with law enforcement/prosecutors too. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 18m18 minutes ago
Prosecutor Ed Bull’s cross is focusing on witness’ qualifications and now pointing to mistakes made.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 17m17 minutes ago
“You got that wrong too?” Bull’s question is to the witness after another mistake.

Three mistakes identified thus far, but that is out of thousands of records the witness said.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
Harrington says he was called in by defense at 11th hour and has been working on this long hours the last two weeks. He hasn’t even cashed their retainer check uet, he says. #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 6m6 minutes ago
Lunch break time. When we come back, Marion County Attorney Ed Bull plans to continue cross examination of witness Sean Harrington. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd
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Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 19m19 minutes ago
IT Consultant Igor Dobrosavljevic is testifying now. He is telling the jury about Jason Carter's search history connected to certain email accounts he had. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd


Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 10m10 minutes ago
And just like that, we've moved on. Iowa DCI Agent Mark Ludwick takes the stand. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter


Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 12m12 minutes ago
Defense has called DCI special agent Mark Ludwick. He was the lead investigator on the case. The state did not call him to testify. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 10m10 minutes ago
She has offered an email as an exhibit where Ludwick wrote from the driveway five cell towers could be hit.

Now asking about an individual the defense has suggested as an alternative suspect.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 8m8 minutes ago
Ludwick says June 22, 2015 is the first he heard that the 270 rifle was missing, three days after Shirley Carter was killed.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
Testimony is centering around potential alternative suspects or other people the defense said have info that investigators didn’t appropriately follow up on. #StateVsCarter
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
Responding to a question about whether Ludwick is aware of alibi evidence for the three alternative suspects the defense is naming on the morning of June 19, 2015. Ludwick says he does not know where they were that day. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
A statement was reported that one of the three suspects told a female that they killed Shirley Carter with two others involved. The female reported that to law enforcement. Female also described a getaway car with another female as the driver.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
Supposedly, according to what defense is presenting here during questioning, the individuals were going to intercept a precription drug delivery. Gun went off accidentally then the alternate suspect fired another shot to kill Shirley Carter. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
Ludwick says investigators heard that story many times.

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2m2 minutes ago
The female individual who was driving the getaway, was on one of the cell phone towers but not one an antenna that covers the crime scene. She was on the one that would cover the town of Attica. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
Ludwick questioned about a tip that came in April 2016 from a female who purported to have learned information on the murder, including where the murder weapon was located. That female was first spoken to by law enforcement on Sunday, March 17, 2019. #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 30m30 minutes ago
Defense Attorney Christine Branstad has been talking about a lot of different names with Special Agent Mark Ludwick. Many of these names and actions she is talking about right now are leads or tips Iowa DCI received regarding the murder of Shirley Carter. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 15m15 minutes ago
#JasonCarter - DCI Spc. Agt. Mark Ludwick on the stand called by the defense. He is being questioned about other tips and leads that came in about the murder of Shirley Carter. Watch Live: https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/jason-carter/watch-live-jason-carter-murder-trial/ …


Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 3m3 minutes ago
Testimony will conclude for the day. We will resume at 9 a.m. tomorrow with Mr. Ludwick still on the stand for direct examination. #StateVsCarter
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Jason Carter on Trial for Killing Mom

March 19, 2019


Jason Carter on Trial for Killing Mom

March 19, 2019


I'm confused because Law/Crime has so many Ytubes for today....:confused:
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Jason Carter Trial Day 7 Part 1 Forensic Pathologist Cyril Wecht Testifies 03/19/19


Jason Carter Trial Day 7 Part 2 Sean Harrington Testifies 03/19/19

Wednesday, March 20th:
*Trial continues (Day 8) (@ 9am CT) – IA – Shirley Carter (68) (June 19, 2015, Lacona) – *Jason Gene Carter (45) “son” arrested (12/17/18) & charged (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. $1M bond.
Trial moved from Marion County to Council Bluffs in Pottawattamie County.
Trial started 3/8/19. (estimate 3 weeks for trial).
A civil suit was brought against Jason by his father & siblings re mother’s death; 12/17/17 Jury unanimous decision that a preponderance of evidence existed he was liable for his mother’s death. 2/2/19: Judge Martha Mertz rules Carter will not get a new civil trial after he was found civilly responsible for killing his mother.

Court dates from 5/2/18 to 2/6/19 reference post #44 here: IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Court dates from 2/14/19 to 2/26/19 reference post #57 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Jury Selection from 3/5/19 thru 3/7/19 reference post #86 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Trial Days 1 (3/8/19) thru 3 (3/12/19) reference post #114 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Trial Days 4 (3/13/19) thru 6 (3/15/19) reference post #162 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*

3/18/19: No court today. On Sunday, March 17, 2019 counsel retrieved information, consisting of more that 2 gigabytes of information, including 121 items that include written reports, audio recordings, and video recordings." Judge grants continuance for 24-hours. Court continues on 3/19.
3/19/19 Day 7: Defense witnesses: Forensic Pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht. Sean Harrington, a digital forensics examiner. IT Consultant Igor Dobrosavljevic. Iowa DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick (lead investigator). Trial continues on 3/20.

WATCH LIVE: Jason Carter on Trial for Killing Mom

Watch Live: Jason Carter Murder Trial

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Good morning! Defense continues their case today in #StateVsCarter. @WHOhd


Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Iowa DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick is back on the stand this morning, continuing his testimony regarding leads, tips and other people he interviewed outside of the Carter family about the death of Shirley Carter. #StateVsCarter @WHOhd


Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 53m53 minutes ago
Branstad is asking Ludwick about people he interviewed. Defense has been throwing out a number of names. @KCCINews #iacourts #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 43m43 minutes ago
No one went to search until Nov. 2018, Branstad asks Ludwick to confirm. He did confirm. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 27m27 minutes ago
Branstad is back to name dropping, criticizing delays between names coming up and when they were interviewed. At times the time spans multiple years. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 10m10 minutes ago
Ludwick asked by Branstad about information received from an individual who is at this moment a federal prisoner. Ludwick says he “told us multiple stories to benefit his criminal process.”

Branstad said she has gone through about 20 different names. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 10m10 minutes ago
“Some of those are people who say I have heard from someone or I’ve heard a rumor.”

Ludwick says there was a lot of information didn’t match the evidence. For instance, that someone that said a male was stabbed 30 times in the back in this case. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 8m8 minutes ago
Names of a set of three individuals came up mutliple times Ludwick says. He starts to say the “evidence didn’t” before Branstad objects and the judge requests another question. #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 7m7 minutes ago
Branstad: At least a dozen people interviewed say it was a burglary gone wrong, correct?

Ludwick: Yes. @KCCINews #iacourts #StateVsCarter
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 5m5 minutes ago
A report of a white truck in the area around that time, as well as a man pushing a stroller-type carriage.

Ludwick says both were tracked down. The man was walking across the country, which was covered by media if I recall. #StateVsCarter

Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 4m4 minutes ago
A neighbor brought investigators detailed notes about a vehicle and its occupant/occupants “she wanted law enforcement to know about,” Ludwick said. #StateVsCarter

Chris Gothner KCCI‏Verified account @CGothnerKCCI 4m4 minutes ago
Branstad continues to object to Ludwick’s answers, saying he’s not answered questions and says he’s being argumentative. Judge has pretty much overruled all of these. @KCCINews #StateVsCarter #iacourts


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