IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Kyle Ocker‏ @Kyle_Ocker 2h2 hours ago
Here in the courthouse for today's testimony. We'll start the morning off with a resumption of cross-examination of Iowa State Patrol Trooper Jon Thorup.
Court is expected to begin at 9 a.m. today. #StateVsCarter #CarterTrial #ShirleyCarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 1h1 hour ago
RIGHT ON TIME! 9 a.m. and questioning continues in the Jason Carter murder trial here in Pottawattamie County. The jury is walking in now. Stay tuned for updates throughout the day. #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 54m54 minutes ago
Trooper Thorup is back on the stand. The defense is asking him about June 19, 2015 (the day Shirley Carter died). She wants to know what Bill and Jason said to him that day. #iacourts #statevscarter


Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 30m30 minutes ago
Attorneys are continuing where they left off yesterday questioning Trooper Thorup. He said after the murder sometimes Bill Carter would call him when he was upset and he would go over to his house just to sit with him and listen or watch TV. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 23m23 minutes ago
"What the hell happened?" We are listening to some sort of recording from Trooper Thorup the day of Shirley's death. You can hear a hysterical and rambling Jason on the tape. He is crying in the courtroom right now. #iacourt #statevscarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 13m13 minutes ago
"I see the blood and thought maybe she fell and hit her head," Jason Carter said. The jury is now hearing Trooper Thorup's recording from the day Shirley Carter was murdered. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 21m21 minutes ago
In the recording, you can hear Bill Carter confused by the burglary narrative. "They didn't even touch my check book."
Trooper Thorup responds with, "This isn't going to make any sense." #iacourts #statevscarter
Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 25m25 minutes ago
NEW WITNESS. We now have Curtis Seddon of the Melcher-Dallas Fire Rescue Department and Iowa Department of Public Safety on the stand. He is going through his background and training right now. #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 22m22 minutes ago
It's incredible how connected the Carters are in the community. Curtis Seddon was dispatched to the scene on June 19, 2015, as a first responder. He was also friends with Jason Carter in high school, graduated the same year and was HIS COLLEGE ROOMMATE. #iacourts #statevscarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 21m21 minutes ago
Marion County Attorney Ed Bull called Curt Seddon to the stand. He works for the Melcher-Dallas Fire and Rescue Department and was one of the first on scene at the Carter home. He was also Jason Carter's college roommate. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 14m14 minutes ago
Seddon said when he arrived Jason Carter told him somebody ransacked the house and she (Shirley) had been shot. "That statement to me was the point and time when I realized I would be stepping into a crime scene." @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 7m7 minutes ago
Seddon was the first emergency responder on the scene. He says he knew right away he was walking into a crime scene.

"I determined the victim was deceased, and I determined resuscitation efforts would not work at that point in time." #iacourts #statevscarter
Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 27m27 minutes ago
We have our first Carter family member on the stand. This is Jana Lain -- the defendant's brother, the victim's daughter. #iacourts #statevscarter


Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 20m20 minutes ago
Lain says Jason Carter called her the morning of June 19th to tell her his mother was laying dead on the floor. She asked him if he had called 911.

"He said, 'it's too late. She's cold. She's stiff. She's dead.'" #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 12m12 minutes ago
She says when she arrived on scene that day there were "lots and lots and lots of lights." She says she was shocked but stayed quiet to take it all in.

"You learn a lot more from listening than you do from talking." #iacourts #statevscarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 14m14 minutes ago
Jason Carter's sister Jana Lain is on the stand now. She is explaining her phone conversation with Jason when he claims he found their mother Shirley Carter dead on the kitchen floor. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 3m3 minutes ago
Jana Lain said she saw what was left of the crime scene on Saturday and touched the pool of blood and the "hole" in the floor. "That was the last place that my mom was so I put my hand in it and dragged my hand across it it was dry, but I put my hand in it.” @WHOhd #StateVsCarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 2m2 minutes ago
Lain says she was with Jason Carter in the house a few days after their mother's death and describes a moment he was inside the kitchen door.

"He stood back and he said, 'whoever shot mom... was standing right here like this when they shot her.'" #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 2m2 minutes ago
BREAK TIME! Lain will come back to continue her testimony at 1:15. #iacourts #statevscarter
Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 2h2 hours ago
We are back on the record. Jana Lain is still on the stand. She just spoke about their first visit to the funeral home after Shirley's Carter death. She was with Jason Carter. She says her brother laid over their mother's body, and said, "Mom, this wasn't supposed to happen."

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 2h2 hours ago
Objections are starting to heat up between both sides right now. Lots of hearsay being tossed around. The jury left the room, and the state and defense are talking it out now. #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 2h2 hours ago
Lain is off the stand, but it sounds like the defense may call on her once they get going. We are now hearing from Laurie Goff, a volunteer paramedic with the Melcher-Dallas Fire Department. She responded to the scene on June 19, 2015. #iacourts #statevscarter
Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 38m38 minutes ago
Fresh off a break with a fresh witness. Michael Halverson is now on the stand. He is a criminalist with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. He is a DNA specialist. #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 9m9 minutes ago
Halverson was a apart of the crime scene team on June 19th. He is goi g through some of the crime scene photos now. The jury is SEEING Shirley Carter's body laying on the kitchen floor for the first time. #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 7m7 minutes ago
Jason Carter is sitting closest to the projection screen where those photos are being displayed. It's to his right. He didn't look for much of it. #iacourts #statevscarter

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 44m44 minutes ago
Iowa DCI Criminalist Mike Halverson is on the stand talking about crime scene photos from the investigation after Shirley Carter was murdered. @WHOhd #StateVsCarter


Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 17m17 minutes ago
The day is done here in Council Bluffs. I've got a full recap at 5 & 6 on @KCCINews.

Testimony will pick back up tomorrow at 9 a.m. with Michael Halverson still in the stand. #iacourts #cartervsstate
Sheriff: ‘We took an a-- chewing'
Missed evidence causes angry meeting with family

Mar 11, 2019

"COUNCIL BLUFFS — Marion County Attorney Ed Bull wasted little time telling the jury in his opening statements that law enforcement made mistakes in the investigation.

In testimony Monday, Marion County Sheriff Jason Sandholdt said he was on the receiving end of frustration from the family.

“We took an a-- chewing,” Sandholdt said.

Sandholdt said he had a meeting with Bill Carter Sr., his daughter Jana Lain and Jason Carter the Monday following Shirley Carter’s death. The meeting was in response to a series of phone calls from Jason Carter in the afternoon of Sunday, June 21, 2015.

Once he became aware of some evidence that was missed by the crime scene processing team, Sandholdt said he immediately called the Division of Criminal Investigation special agent assigned to the case.

According to Sandholdt, the team did not initially collect a scope cover for a rifle and a live round in the gun safe. Additionally, the gun safe — where the suspected murder weapon had been previously kept — had not been finger printed.

The state also focused questioning of Sandholdt on a phone call received in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 21, 2015....
The jury also heard testimony Monday morning from Indianola police officer Justin Keller, who was the individual who analyzed Jason Carter’s two cell phones for evidence.

Jason Carter placed three phone calls and sent 13 text messages from his smartphone device the morning of June 19, 2015. On his secondary phone, he sent approximately 60 text messages that morning.

Those messages were with Tara (Hoch) Kauzlarich, who had an extra-marital relationship with Jason Carter...."

Sheriff: ‘We took an a-- chewing'
Family takes the stand in Jason Carter's murder trial (with clip)

Mar 12, 2019

The sister of a Marion County man on trial for his mother's murder testified Tuesday in Pottawattamie County.

Jana Lain is the first of Carter’s family members to testify and said her brother called her before calling 911 on the day their mother died....

Lain said Carter called her a second time after calling first responders.

Lain recalled specific and emotional memories from the days following her mother's death, like seeing the blood stain in the kitchen...."

Family takes the stand in Jason Carter's murder trial
Jason Carter Trial Day 3 Jonathan Thorup & Curtis Seddon Testify 03/12/19

The Daily Debrief Aaron Keller & Panel Discuss #JamesScandirito #JasonCarter Trials

Mar 12, 2019

Wednesday, March 13th:
*Trial continues (Day 4) (@ 9am CT) – IA – Shirley Carter (68) (June 19, 2015, Lacona) – *Jason Gene Carter (45) “son” arrested (12/17/18) & charged (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. $1M bond.
Trial moved from Marion County to Council Bluffs in Pottawattamie County.
Trial started 3/8/19. (estimate 3 weeks for trial).
A civil suit was brought against Jason by his father & siblings re mother’s death; 12/17/17 Jury unanimous decision that a preponderance of evidence existed he was liable for his mother’s death. 2/2/19: Judge Martha Mertz rules Carter will not get a new civil trial after he was found civilly responsible for killing his mother.

Court dates from 5/2/18 to 2/6/19 reference post #44 here: IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Court dates from 2/14/19 to 2/26/19 reference post #57 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
Jury Selection from 3/5/19 thru 3/7/19 reference post #86 here:
IA - Shirley Carter, 68, shot to death, Lacona, 19 June 2015 *Son Arrested*
3/8/19 Day 1 of Trial: Jury has been chosen. It's 11 women & 3 men. Opening statements done. State witnesses: Donald Hunerdosse. Justin Jordan. Lacey Donahoo. Craig Ambrose. Marion County Deputy Troy Bouma. Trial continues to Monday, 3/11.
3/11/19 Day 2: State witnesses: Sgt. Justin Keller of the Indianola PD. He conducted cell phone forensic examinations in this case. Melvin Hoch, friend of Bill Carter. Tara Kauzlarich, friend of Jason's. Shannon Ritter. Charles Smith, friend of Jason's. Marion County Sheriff Jason Sandholdt. Police dispatch recording is played. Officer James Lame. Brad Kaufman, professional & personal friend. Trooper Jonathan Thorup (on scene of death). Trial continues on 3/12.
3/13/19 Day 3: State witnesses: Trooper Jonathan Thorup. Curtis Seddon of the Melcher-Dallas Fire Rescue Department & Iowa Department of Public Safety (1st on scene; also high school friend & Jason's college roommate). Jana Lain, Jason's brother, the victim's daughter (maybe be called by defense). Laurie Goff, a volunteer paramedic with the Melcher-Dallas Fire Department. She responded to the scene on June 19, 2015 (also high school friend). Michael Halverson, a criminalist with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. He is a DNA specialist. Trial continues to 3/13.

Tweet said:
This is Jana Lain -- the defendant's brother, the victim's daughter.

I believe she meant to say "the defendant's sister"

and YES!!
Thanks for the updates - especially putting at the beginning of the videos who were the witnesses! Saves me time!
Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 2h2 hours ago
Ready to go. I've got my coffee and everything set up. #StateVsCarter trial continues today at the Pottawattamie County Courthouse. We will pick up where we left off with Iowa DCI Criminalist Mike Halverson. @WHOhd #iacourts


Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 2h2 hours ago
Testimony continues in the Jason Carter murder trial this morning at the Pottwattamie County Courthouse. We'll continue with DCI Criminalist Michael Halverson on the stand.

Miss yesterday's testimony? Catch up here >>

Family takes the stand in Jason Carter's murder trial

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Attorneys asked Iowa DCI Criminalist Mike Halverson, "Were any of the firearms in the gun safe loaded?" And he responded, "No." #StateVsCarter #iacourts @WHOhd


Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 1h1 hour ago
The state is asking Halverson about the gun safe in the basement of the home, which has become a bit of a centerpiece in this case. He seized all of the firearms in the safe but did not seize the gun safe.

"At the time, I didn't consider seizing it." It was seized 2 days later.

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Halverson was also questioned about why that gun safe from the Carter home was not seized. "At the time, I didn't think the gun safe had any evidentiary value." #StateVsCarter #iacourts @WHOhd

Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Before Halverson stepped down, he said he had no forensic evidence from the laboratory that said Jason Carter was responsible or not responsible for this death (Shirley Carter's death). #StateVsCarter #iacourts @WHOhd

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 1h1 hour ago
A VERY short cross from the defense. She asks if Halverson found any forensic evidence that implicates Jason Carter? He says there is no DNA, no fingerprints, no ballistic evidence that says Jason Carter is "responsible or not responsible for this death." #iacourt #statevscarter
Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 1h1 hour ago
This is Joe Kennedy, the Vice President of BlueLine Training Group. He says he specializes in cold cases. In this case, he reviewed the crime scene and the victim/suspect. #iacourts #statevscarter


Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 1h1 hour ago
Marion County Attorney Ed Bull called expert Joe Kennedy, Blue Line Training Group Vice President, to talk about the possibility staging at the Carter home. "There’s several items that a normal burglar would have taken." #StateVsCarter #iacourts @WHOhd


Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 1h1 hour ago
Kennedy is discussing staging. He says investigators look into this when they're getting confusing answers to critical questions.

He says in the Carter household, "It's very selective staging." No forced entry, not a lot of items missing, & only dining room & bedroom disturbed.

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 57m57 minutes ago
The jury was just escorted out. The defense says the testimony is trending toward speculation -- the witness is speculating what is going on in the offender's mind at the time of the crime.

The state says this is an expert witness. This is in his realm of expertise. #iacourts

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 48m48 minutes ago
Basically the judge gives each side a little bit of what they want. He says the state is entitled to some leeway in their questioning, but they must keep a tight reign on the witness. The defense can address issues in cross. Now we recess for ten minutes. #iacourts #statevscarter

Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 20m20 minutes ago
Kennedy was briefly crossed. Asked when he last had a job outside of law enforcement. He answered 1985. He was then asked if he has ever testified FOR a criminal defendant. He said no. New witness on the way... #iacourts #statevscarter
Hannah Hilyard KCCI‏Verified account @Hannah_KCCI 6m6 minutes ago
Darryl Valinchus is on the stand now. He’s a former NYPD officer (& you can tell from his accent) and current communications expert.

He’s going to be talking cell phone data. I’m not super tech savvy, but I’ll try to keep up! #iacourts #statevscarter


Laura Barczewski‏Verified account @LcBarczewski 4m4 minutes ago
Expert witness, Darryl Valinchus, in mapping cell towers and visualization is currently talking about locations where the Carter's made phone calls on June 19, 2015, the day Shirley Carter was murdered. #StateVsCarter #iacourts @whohd


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