GUILTY IA - Sterling Koehn, 4 mos, starved to death, Alta Vista, 30 Aug 2017

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New pic of Sterling, from "everipedia"

He doesn't look like a newborn in this pic, but maybe 6-8 weeks, or even more, he doesn't have that newborn look. He was also born looking like he weighed more than 7lbs but we don't have that info. Just wondering how long he went without proper nourishment before dying. With his weight what it was, i would think he had likely lost 2-4lbs if he was healthy and not underweight when this photo was taken...

I wonder if they were diluting his formula and/or giving him water at the end to make him feel full and then the weakness of lack of nutrients made him tired, blood sugar dropped as did his weight and then he went into organ failure... Once someone is beginning to have organ failure and fatigue from lack of food it would be hard to rouse them to get them to eat/drink. He may not have cried or screamed much at all especially if they were getting up and giving him a bottle of water. It may have been "enough" for his system to think it was full.

I have a cousin who a good 15 years ago had a baby. She formula fed, but the dad made the bottles. At about the 2 month mark her dr called CPS as the baby was failing to thrive and he had suspicions about the dad. Turned out that the dad was making the bottles with 1/3 of the formula that he was supposed to so he could save money. The baby thought she was full, but wasn't growing or reaching her milestones. He ended up being arrested and my cousin was put under extremely close CPS supervision and part of her being allowed to keep the baby was she had to move in with her parents so they could make sure she was feeding as prescribed. It took about 6 months for the baby to recover and be on track again. It is amazing how fast damage can be done and how long it takes to fix it. There is no doubt that had the dr not intervened that the baby would have died or in the very least, suffered extreme deficits.

So, I can't help but wonder if these "parents" were feeding in an inexpensive manner (cuz you know, drugs do cost a lot!), and a dr etc didn't intervene, perhaps family/friends all thought the baby was well behaved and they had seen him eat so they assumed the "trouble with formula" as the babysitter described, was the truth?
I wonder if they're out. His Facebook page has been deactivated or deleted. I saw screen shots of him supposedly having posted "innocent until proven guilty," and they look real. But his profile is gone now.

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I wonder if they're out. His Facebook page has been deactivated or deleted. I saw screen shots of him supposedly having posted "innocent until proven guilty," and they look real. But his profile is gone now.

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Not 100% sure on how FB works but with the number of hate comments I had seen on his FB I wondered if FB would make the page unavailable on their own or if someone would have to deactivate the account.

Could also be that LE has taken over the account as evidence. Not sure how often that happens, but in this case I think the photos and such were very telling of how these parents were "grieving" and people putting out fake post comments etc could make room for the defense to say that it was all "faked" by haters.

Just my thoughts
His attorney or family could have made it private. If I was an attorney the first thing I would do is get clients off social media LOL . But I fond a way to copy entire timelines into a cute little pdf file if I get there before they go private. I just need to start adding all photos and videos LOL SK’s FB timeline is 78 pages.
I wonder if they're out. His Facebook page has been deactivated or deleted. I saw screen shots of him supposedly having posted "innocent until proven guilty," and they look real. But his profile is gone now.

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After they were in jail, there were what seemed to be new pages made for both of them, with comments about the case. They were actively being changed as i was viewing them. And a or mock gofund me was set up
Anyone could have made fake pages (which I believed they were), but if they were original pages that got changed, that had to be someone on the inside, right? Or could someone hack into their facebooks and make changes?
After they were in jail, there were what seemed to be new pages made for both of them, with comments about the case. They were actively being changed as i was viewing them. And a or mock gofund me was set up
Anyone could have made fake pages (which I believed they were), but if they were original pages that got changed, that had to be someone on the inside, right? Or could someone hack into their facebooks and make changes?
The new pages are fake, and made by some sicko as far as I can tell. Her two real ones were still up last night, but his was down. So either he or a friend or family member deactivated or deleted it.

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Very good point! If this is the case, I would l
think they would get a lesser charge than murder? Ugh! I hope not because they did not seem to notice or care that their baby was wasting away and did not seek medical care. They can't claim ignorance because they had already had one child that grew normally, it appears, so mom knew what a normal baby growth should be (I tend to always blame the mom more in these cases because I feel a mother should have more caring instincts. I know that's not necessarily fair, but I can't help it). Anyway, this case upset me so much and his sweet little face stays with me; I will try to watch closely on Thurs. for their court aappearance and they better look remorseful or I'll probably pull my hair out. moo
He doesn't look like a newborn in this pic, but maybe 6-8 weeks, or even more, he doesn't have that newborn look. He was also born looking like he weighed more than 7lbs but we don't have that info. Just wondering how long he went without proper nourishment before dying. With his weight what it was, i would think he had likely lost 2-4lbs if he was healthy and not underweight when this photo was taken...

I wonder if they were diluting his formula and/or giving him water at the end to make him feel full and then the weakness of lack of nutrients made him tired, blood sugar dropped as did his weight and then he went into organ failure... Once someone is beginning to have organ failure and fatigue from lack of food it would be hard to rouse them to get them to eat/drink. He may not have cried or screamed much at all especially if they were getting up and giving him a bottle of water. It may have been "enough" for his system to think it was full.

I have a cousin who a good 15 years ago had a baby. She formula fed, but the dad made the bottles. At about the 2 month mark her dr called CPS as the baby was failing to thrive and he had suspicions about the dad. Turned out that the dad was making the bottles with 1/3 of the formula that he was supposed to so he could save money. The baby thought she was full, but wasn't growing or reaching her milestones. He ended up being arrested and my cousin was put under extremely close CPS supervision and part of her being allowed to keep the baby was she had to move in with her parents so they could make sure she was feeding as prescribed. It took about 6 months for the baby to recover and be on track again. It is amazing how fast damage can be done and how long it takes to fix it. There is no doubt that had the dr not intervened that the baby would have died or in the very least, suffered extreme deficits.

So, I can't help but wonder if these "parents" were feeding in an inexpensive manner (cuz you know, drugs do cost a lot!), and a dr etc didn't intervene, perhaps family/friends all thought the baby was well behaved and they had seen him eat so they assumed the "trouble with formula" as the babysitter described, was the truth?
Very good point! If this is the case, I would l
think they would get a lesser charge than murder? Ugh! I hope not because they did not seem to notice or care that their baby was wasting away and did not seek medical care. They can't claim ignorance because they had already had one child that grew normally, it appears, so mom knew what a normal baby growth should be (I tend to always blame the mom more in these cases because I feel a mother should have more caring instincts. I know that's not necessarily fair, but I can't help it). Anyway, this case upset me so much and his sweet little face stays with me; I will try to watch closely on Thurs. for their court aappearance and they better look remorseful or I'll probably pull my hair out. moo

While I do think my theory may be right, I think that you nailed it with the fact the older child is not only taken care of, but she is chunky and healthy, not overweight, but simply well fed with healthy looking skin and hair.

I think that the fact she is so well cared for is proof that if they were diluting bottles or only giving water that they KNEW better and they KNEW the difference between healthy and thriving. They KNEW they should have sought medical care when their child was shrinking and not going up in clothing or diaper sizes, or if his stool and urine was infrequent, unhealthy looking etc.

There is a good chance if he was undernourished that they saw the whites of his eyes turn yellowish as his liver function likely slowed, the struggle to rouse him to eat would make any parent on day one be calling the Dr to see if that was normal or if the baby had come down with something.

Basically, if this is what happened, and I suspect it is or that baby would have been screaming bloody murder, they chose to miss what were likely hundreds of cues.

Now, if they were first time parents and were googling and google was saying "this is normal" then I could see it happening. Though, to the extent the child was wearing maggots for a week? HECK NO!!

But, what can a parent who already has what appears to be a healthy child use to defend their actions in the case of Sterling? "We didn't know he shouldn't shrink", doesn't sound like something anyone would say, especially when this is a second child. So, I really don't think that them feeding him water and diluted food (if that is what happened), would be enough to get them convicted of something lighter.

They were "veteran" parents to a healthy child, iirc they had no prior experience with CPS which suggests they had done a good job without prompting from an agency. Sterling looked to be healthy at birth, a good size, nice and chunky, appeared to be full term based on those big cheeks. In what I saw on the moms FB back in I think Feb there were a few pics of her baby bump and mention of her "Ma" and it sounded like they were excited for baby boy. She looked healthy and happy in those photos.

I can see a defense say "they were feeding him, but it just wasn't enough for what he needed" and a prosecutor saying "feeding your child means preparing the bottles according to the directions. If the child wasn't gaining weight and they were making it right, their ped would have given them instructions to make it stronger, not dilute it".

I do think one parent will say the other one did it, heck we already see that in the dad saying the mom had fed him earlier and then when he checked he found Sterling dead... like he is the innocent one who just happened to find the body... GRRR... BUT I think if they bring them both to trial and don't allow one to plea in exchange for testimony, that a jury will find them both guilty, because there is no way you can live with a baby that is losing weight, covered in bugs, acting lethargic and so on without your spidey-sense going up...

We have a free roaming house rabbit. He uses a litter box and I clean it diligently, but still check his bunny bum daily because fly strike scares me so much. I wasn't going to post this because I did not want to take the thread further off topic, but then it hit me just how horribly these two 'took care' of their innocent baby. Obviously I knew it was bad, but realizing how often I check my rabbit made it really sink in. They just didn't give a ****. Poor, poor baby boy... rest in peace, Sterling. :rose:

I have 13 rabbits, 2are giants that free roam and I thought of fly strike straight away. It is a horrible and painful thing to have so I can't imagine a baby having it. I do think this is what has happened though and in buns they can die in days if it isn't found early. Poor poor baby boy.
It think this is truly a case of drugs over-running their lives. The older child had more reserves to pull from in the face of inconsistent care, she can speak for herself, and can probably get more of what she needed even with drug addled parents. That they put him in a separate room, and (if the babysitter was accurate) that his swing WAS his crib, makes me think they had him there so he wouldn't disturb them. Out of sight, out of mind. IF he was impacted by drugs in utero, he would likely be a fussy baby, difficult to sooth. Another reason they might have put him out of sight, out of mind (very hard to parent a difficult to sooth baby under the best of circumstances, but when you are seeking drugs, that selfish perspective makes it very difficult). Based on my research, It would only take 3-4 days for an infant to die from dehydration, and the last day or two he would have been very quiet and lethargic. If he wasn't crying and making his presence known, back there in that other bedroom, all the easier for the "parents" to forget about him in a drug fog. I don't think it was watered down formula. I think it was a complete absence of formula. My guess is that they never bonded with him (because they were bonded with drugs). Their prior bonding with the daughter is likely what spared her life. All IMO
I wondered about other cases like Sterling's, if they would provide any clues. So I went digging. Wish I hadn't, because the amount of drug-induced horror out there is just too much to bear. Please skip over this post if you don't want to know.

This one, from California, of a woman who, in a drug fueled paranoid psychosis of jealousy, she took her newborn out into a slough (muddy wattery marshy place) to find her boyfriend/baby's father who she suspected was out there in a love tryst with another woman (he wasn't, but he was as horrid person). 2 weeks old,, born with meth in his system but his parents tested clean so they took him home...

Warning, this article has more horrible tragedy in one paragraph than I can imagine. So beware and don't read if you don't want to take it in. Basically a catalog of the hundreds of deaths that happen to children in the first few months of life, when they go home with addicted parents.

These folks actually gave their 4 month old meth because he wouldn't stop fussing and crying. :(

These folks gave birth out of a hospital because their last two children had been taken away at birth (Oregon is a state that takes children away if they are born drug dependent). The child only lived 12 hours.

In your first case, the father was actually out in the slough screwing around w some other chick, he even moved the car and screwed her again while Samantha and the baby were out there.

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I wondered about other cases like Sterling's, if they would provide any clues. So I went digging. Wish I hadn't, because the amount of drug-induced horror out there is just too much to bear. Please skip over this post if you don't want to know.

This one, from California, of a woman who, in a drug fueled paranoid psychosis of jealousy, she took her newborn out into a slough (muddy wattery marshy place) to find her boyfriend/baby's father who she suspected was out there in a love tryst with another woman (he wasn't, but he was as horrid person). 2 weeks old,, born with meth in his system but his parents tested clean so they took him home...

Warning, this article has more horrible tragedy in one paragraph than I can imagine. So beware and don't read if you don't want to take it in. Basically a catalog of the hundreds of deaths that happen to children in the first few months of life, when they go home with addicted parents.

These folks actually gave their 4 month old meth because he wouldn't stop fussing and crying. :(

These folks gave birth out of a hospital because their last two children had been taken away at birth (Oregon is a state that takes children away if they are born drug dependent). The child only lived 12 hours.

Chance Walsh parents were also on meth I believe

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O/T: I want a "house" rabbit so much and am trying to educate myself about them before I get one..I don't even know where to get one in IA and I would definitely chose a "rescue" rabbit first. That said, I'm posting this before I read the post that I requested and CValdez linked for me about a boy named Chance. I keep asking myself why I read about these poor babies, and I think it's because I feel better in my own way that I mourn and pray for them. Someone loved them and that is me (and everyone one of us on this websight, care and would have loved them and grieve for them. Their little lives mattered to us.
I have 13 rabbits, 2are giants that free roam and I thought of fly strike straight away. It is a horrible and painful thing to have so I can't imagine a baby having it. I do think this is what has happened though and in buns they can die in days if it isn't found early. Poor poor baby boy.'re right. I am sick and sad and will cry..I hope his "parents" are clean now and realize (and I'm not so sure that parents do feel guilt when they get clean because they are told that "it was the addiction, it's not your fault, it's the drugs.blah,blah,blah, been is their fault and I hope they are in prison and never forget what they did..moo
chance walsh. warning you will be sick and sad and you will cry.

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