GUILTY IA - Sterling Koehn, 4 mos, starved to death, Alta Vista, 30 Aug 2017

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I am sick about this. That poor little baby and the suffering he did.

its hard to understand how this could have gone on, why the little girl was cared for and such terrible neglect for the baby?

I know this is not the first time in a family where one is singled out to be mistreated, I just can’t wrap my brain around it.
I’m going to guess the situation— either living or substance abuse— was different when older sib was a babe, and that she received care when the babe didn’t because you can’t really ignore a kid of that age. They simply don’t let you, or they can slightly fend for themselves even. They’re also more “on the grid,” so to speak so more of a concern when it comes to keeping up appearances. I wonder if mom was clean when she was a babe or the family was more involved/she lived at home with parents or whatever then.

On another note, I made the mistake of going and checking out that scene from Trainspotting I’d blocked from my memory. I wish I hadn’t.
As for the PTSD I’m wondering if it’s because of the death of Sterling. The decent human in me wants to believe that once reality hit, it actually affected her, though I know that some people are truly evil and that may not be the case. I hope she is suffering, and I don’t often wish that on people. But I hope she is and does forever.
Saw a random Facebook post that said all this neglect was due to the "father" thinking this child was not actually his. Wondered about that, then just saw on the "Five Fast Facts you need to know" about this couple, that one of their friends interviewed expresses their concern that this is/was the case, as well.
Yes. I don’t know if it’s the same everywhere, but yes regardless. Here it’s 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months and 3 months then again at 6 months. That’s assuming all is well. I’ve been at the docs and heard the nurses/receptionists on the phone insisting that well baby checkups are not optional and that the parent on the other end has to bring the baby in or it will be reported. I don’t know if that happens everywhere, but it does here.

I was wondering the same thing. My granddaughter was 7 lbs at birth, 22 inches.

But at her one week check up she had not added much weight. So they sent a breast feeding specialist to the home to check on her feeding/ingesting. They found out she had a minor tongue issue that made it very hard to swallow correctly. By age 3 weeks, she had minor corrective surgery, and began to gain weight.

It bothers me that no one was checking up on this poor child. ----4 months old and weighing what an average newborn weighs? ugh...a lot of people let this poor child down.

This story/tragedy should become part of the Meth: Not Even Once campaign.

I don't even have words. I wish I hadn't opened this thread, honestly.

A 4 month old baby is still pretty new/exciting.... There were no family members in the area who came to visit or asked about seeing the baby recently?

Hope the link holds. Chilling that 60 days later that sweet baby would be dead! Note there are no pictures of him, just Nala. I wonder if the "sleeping" excuse was used whenever family came asked about him?
Saw a random Facebook post that said all this neglect was due to the "father" thinking this child was not actually his. Wondered about that, then just saw on the "Five Fast Facts you need to know" about this couple, that one of their friends interviewed expresses their concern that this is/was the case, as well.
Nope nope nope. My husband wants me to neglect my kid and he can take a long walk. There is nothing on earth that would keep me from caring for my babies. So what, he drugged mom so she couldn’t move or scream for a week while her baby died? Just no. Dad cannot be the only one to blame here. NOPE. (Not arguing with you if it sounds that way. Just venting. This one hits me hard.)
I was wondering the same thing. My granddaughter was 7 lbs at birth, 22 inches.

But at her one week check up she had not added much weight. So they sent a breast feeding specialist to the home to check on her feeding/ingesting. They found out she had a minor tongue issue that made it very hard to swallow correctly. By age 3 weeks, she had minor corrective surgery, and began to gain weight.

It bothers me that no one was checking up on this poor child. ----4 months old and weighing what an average newborn weighs? ugh...a lot of people let this poor child down.


Yes!! My daughter was slightly slow to take to breastfeeding and they were all over her after that for 6 months, even after she started exceeding expectations.
Nope nope nope. My husband wants me to neglect my kid and he can take a long walk. There is nothing on earth that would keep me from caring for my babies. So what, he drugged mom so she couldn’t move or scream for a week while her baby died? Just no. Dad cannot be the only one to blame here. NOPE. (Not arguing with you if it sounds that way. Just venting. This one hits me hard.)
Especially since he was an OTR driver!? She could've appeared to have gone along with his wishes, while he was present, if this was indeed the case, then done right by the baby all the while he wasn't around, or even more reasonably, escaped to her relatives at that point!?
My heart is broken with what you have experienced. I send much love and healing thoughts your way. Strength to you and yours *advertiser censored*

Oh, you’re so kind. Thank you. That means a lot to me. Luckily, I have an excellent team of healthcare providers & I'm still in therapy weekly but have made some major breakthroughs lately. Thank you.
The baby looked exactly like him!! Get a DNA test; sick idiot!! No excuse for either one of them. moo
Saw a random Facebook post that said all this neglect was due to the "father" thinking this child was not actually his. Wondered about that, then just saw on the "Five Fast Facts you need to know" about this couple, that one of their friends interviewed expresses their concern that this is/was the case, as well.
Just catching up here, and wishing this was not real. After diving into the mother's FB, I would like to know what the age of consent laws are in their state? It looks like she may have been 17 when they first started dating. This man is 8 years her senior, and at her age, that age difference is a big deal. Pregnant at 17 or 18, and pregnant for the second time at 19.

So sad, in the pics of his first ultrasound, she was talking about wanting a boy.

When did Meth enter this picture? My guess is it came through him, being a long haul truck driver...
My youngest is 11 so I don't remember all the ages for baby check ups, but shouldn't there have been some doctor visits in there somewhere?

Current schedule if born in a hospital, no complications and discharged day two or three is a ped/np/midwife visit two days after discharge, 1, 2 and 4 week visits then monthly. Well checks, however are not mandated by any law or necessitated by insurers. If they were making use of a WIC type program at least one parent and the children would be required to see a nurse and nutritionist monthly and a lot of the CHIP type state healthcare for kids programs require home nurse visits for baby for at least the first few months.

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Current schedule if born in a hospital, no complications and discharged day two or three is a ped/np/midwife visit two days after discharge, 1, 2 and 4 week visits then monthly. Well checks, however are not mandated by any law or necessitated by insurers. If they were making use of a WIC type program at least one parent and the children would be required to see a nurse and nutritionist monthly and a lot of the CHIP type state healthcare for kids programs require home nurse visits for baby for at least the first few months.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for this info. I’m in Canada, so it’s all different here.
ETA: I guess I didn’t need to clarify where I’m from. My name. Duh.
This popped up in my news tonight and then I headed back over here :( So sad...
I read through everything but don't see a link to the autopsy report? Or maybe I missed it?

My initial thought is:
How long was the baby actually deceased. They said that based on bugs that that the baby hadn't been changed from that diaper for a week etc, but didn't say what date he died. I am wondering if the way they worded how this case isn't as it seems means that the baby was brought home and was cared for for a very short time and then left in a diaper in the swing and passed away a week later, but shortly after birth? As in maybe Sterling was only a week or two old at passing? He looks like a good sized baby at birth, and by the sounds of his size at death I would guess he was about the same size as he was when he was born... Is it possible he had died back in May (i think thats when it said he was born) and that's why on FB the "parents" don't have a single photo of him for public viewing outside of the two hospital photos?

Poor little dude :( I really hope he died shortly after birth and didn't suffer for 4 months first... I feel sick..
As for the PTSD I’m wondering if it’s because of the death of Sterling. The decent human in me wants to believe that once reality hit, it actually affected her, though I know that some people are truly evil and that may not be the case. I hope she is suffering, and I don’t often wish that on people. But I hope she is and does forever.

I doubt she felt much remorse... Their Facebook profiles show them going on with life as normal after the death, showing off new tattoos etc. IMO it's more likely that she's faking PTSD to try and get a lighter sentence.
Saw a random Facebook post that said all this neglect was due to the "father" thinking this child was not actually his. Wondered about that, then just saw on the "Five Fast Facts you need to know" about this couple, that one of their friends interviewed expresses their concern that this is/was the case, as well.

People on FB say all kinds of untrue crap over and over just to get attention. 95 times out of 100 it's a lie. I stopped using FB as a source of sleuthing because of these dimwits.
People on FB say all kinds of untrue crap over and over just to get attention. 95 times out of 100 it's a lie. I stopped using FB as a source of sleuthing because of these dimwits.

Sad to see you over here too MsMarple. These cases are hard :( Totally agree, except in this case, I do find it interesting that neither parent has any pics outside of the birth photos of Sterling public. Though, that doesn't mean they don't have them on there, just means we can't see them like we can so many of their other pics...
An ambulance was called to the couple’s Alta Vista apartment on August 30 after Koehn called to report his son Sterling Koehn had died, just a few hours after he said Harris fed the child.

The baby was found in a powered/swing seat in a different bedroom from where the couple and their other child slept.

An autopsy found the infant measured well below the 5th percentile in size and weight for the child’s age. Maggots were also found in various stages of development on the child’s skin and in his clothing. A forensic entomologist was able to determine the child
“had not had a diaper change, bath, or been removed from the seat in over a week.”

WTF is going on? Another baby killed. These two better do hard time.
I doubt she felt much remorse... Their Facebook profiles show them going on with life as normal after the death, showing off new tattoos etc. IMO it's more likely that she's faking PTSD to try and get a lighter sentence.
PTSD? Serve her up a bowl of maggots. She'll snap out of it.
Sad to see you over here too MsMarple. These cases are hard :( Totally agree, except in this case, I do find it interesting that neither parent has any pics outside of the birth photos of Sterling public. Though, that doesn't mean they don't have them on there, just means we can't see them like we can so many of their other pics...

:seeya: Yeah, I hear ya, Marisa! My point was aimed more at strangers online who post their personal speculation as "fact" on FB rather than what the perps themselves post (or don't post), which IMO can reveal a lot.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen a post telling everyone a lost child had been found, usually in grim circumstances or someone was arrested when neither was true. It's bad enough reading posts by eejits who want to burn or hang the accused but for someone to write something blatantly untrue in order to get attention is IMO pretty low.


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