ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 53

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Having just read the probable cause affidavit, what stood out for me is this:

"One of these occasions, on August 21,2022, the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources providing coverage to the King Road Residence from approximately 10:34 p.m. to 11:35 p.m." (page 16)

I then checked the closing time for the Greek restaurant where Xana and Madison worked. On Saturday, August 21, the restaurant closed at 10 PM.

It's possible that Aug 21 was the beginning of the stalking, where the suspect followed one or both girls from work to their house. He was at the house 12 times in the late evening or early morning (excluding one occasion) between August and November. That's roughly four times a month, once a week.

Ethan was a guest, Kaylee had moved out, so Xana and Madison were expected to be at the house. One of the tenants who was not murdered was obviously not a target if the suspect walked past her (unless he was in a zone and didn't see her). He was in some sort of zone to leave the knife sheath on Madison's bed.

At this time, it seems like Xana and Madison were the targets, Ethan and Kaylee were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I wonder if he went a few times, not so often, then much more often as it got closer to the murders.
Also does the fact that D thought she heard Kaylee say there's someone in the house indicate he originally came in for peeping Tom goal of k or m and then everything escalated?? That would explain carelessness n literally parking right outside ? Obsessed intruder to just be a peeping Tom wudnt need to be as careful as preplanned murder, cud he have gone there originally to SA maybe believing x n m to be alone in their rooms

I doubt you'd come in wearing all black, with a mask, and a KBAR knife in a sheath on your waste if you just want to be an indoor peeping tom. Seems like everything indicates he came to attack one or more of them given his dress and the weapon...
Confused by the articles stating that genetic genealogy was used in this case to identify the perp. Affidavit doesn't mention this, unless its a verbiage thing and people are referring to the comparison of DNA on the sheath button to trash at dad's as "genetic genealogy."

Quoted from excellent WSer JumpingJackFlash:

Okay. Apologies if this has been posted about already -- it's nearly impossible to keep up right now.

One fascinating (to me) revelation from the PCA is how clearly it indicates that LE wasn't being forthright about even those few details of the case that it chose to make public. I'm going to zero in on one "fact" that was posted repeatedly by Moscow PD: "The other roommates [meaning DM and BF] did not wake up until later that morning." (I''m quoting from memory here.)

After reading the PCA, it's clear that this was a blatantly misleading statement. DM was both an ear witness and an eye witness! And in no way did she sleep through the killings, which is what was implied. (IIRC, E's mother softly contradicted this, alluding to the fact that the girls downstairs had heard something. Now we know what she was referring to.)

I'm not outraged that LE lied about this -- I completely understand why they would have felt this was the safer thing to do rather than drawing attention to the fact that one of the survivors could potentially help ID the killer.

However, and here is my point and my questions to my fellow WebSleuths : What other details might have deliberately misrepresented in initial reports/LE communications? And why?

Such good questions. I think they sat down and thought it through carefully. They knew they wouldn't have enough for a PCA for many days and a material witness whose life would be put in danger as long as the Monster was still out there.

So, they did a lot of things to protect their witness(es). They misled him. It was intended to mislead their suspect. They also said they didn't have a suspect. This is pretty common in the investigation phase, but also the reason why we, the public, expect to see PCA's and.or AA's released to us.

The statement about not waking up until later that morning is a fib, for sure, but not a lie if in fact D went back to sleep (which I predict she did - she may have thought the guy leaving was the DoorDash guy, she may have been almost asleep throughout the described events, she may have huddled in her bed and fallen asleep inadvertently while intending to wait a decent amount of time to go investigate - no one would be thinking about a mass murder, I don't think).

I think there's a pretty good list of details that have been suppressed (some not in the PCA, of course) or misrepresented. Year of the car. Acting as if they didn't already know its plate. Basically, everything they saw on those three neighborhood cameras (which they did mention - but I bet by now there's even more camera footage).

The main reason is that early on, BAU and others (common sense to some extent) said that this particular murderer was at high risk for 1) suicide; 2) suicide by cop with possible death of LE; 3) murdering a witness; 4) murdering someone else; 5) murdering someone he believed to be a witness; 6) destroying more evidence than already disposed of - he still had his computer, for example.

#3 is of course their main concern, but D was quickly sequestered and was not going back to the area (and may never go back, we don't know). The others are major concerns as well. Also, they gave him time to turn himself in, hinted strongly in ways he would understand that they knew who he was, etc.

As it turns out, BCK has been able so far to contain himself (is off suicide watch; he hasn't got bite marks on his hands; he hasn't rammed his head into a wall; didn't try to bite officers, etc). He looks apprehensive when stopped by the InSP for sure, and not quite himself, but is currently in a relatively normal frame of mind by all appearances. LE did their job very, very well. 1-5 did not happen and even 6 on my list seems to have been partly accomplished.

They're going to find victim DNA in his car, is my prediction. And stuff on his computer.
I really hope the DNA evidence they have is more than what is disclosed in the PCA. For me right now, the strongest convicting points are the phone and car movements. It would be so easy for his defense team to argue that someone with his knowledge wouldn’t be stupid enough to leave a sheath behind knowing his DNA could be there. So they can say he was framed. I don’t know how they can explain the stalking and odd phone and car behavior though since June.
I can't tell you how many times I have heard defense attorneys use that old saying "do you think my client (maybe he is a CEO or a professor- or whatever), would be stupid enough to _______ " whatever stupid thing the defendant did--- Yes, murderers do stupid things that get them caught all the time and defense attorneys use that time worn excuse all the time- or "he was framed"- I do not believe either of those defenses will fly- for example, in the case of Scott Peterson: would the killer be stupid enough to dump his wife's body in the area where he said he went fishing ? well guess what, that is exactly what he did! I don't recall if the defense presented that question to the jury.

IMO the sheath is the best piece of forensic evidence they have. As far as the stalking and phone behavior, they are going to get an expert or more than one, to try and shoot that down.
Ok i thought she was down on first floor
so did we all, until the affidavit

D.M. stated she originally went to sleep in her bedroom ou the southeast side ofthe
seoond floor.
D.M. stated she was awoken at approximately 4:00 a-m. by what she stated
sounded like Goncalves playing wilh her dog in one of the upstairs bedmoms, which were
located on the third floor. A short time latil, D.M. said she heard who she thought was
Goncalves say something to the effect of"tlrere's someone here." A review ofrecords obtained
from a forensic download ofKemodle's phoae slrowed this could also have been Kemodle as her
cellular phone indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12
D.M. stat€d she looked out of her bedroom but did not see mything when she heard the
comment about someone being in the house. D,M. staGd she opened her door a second time
when slre heard what she thought was crying coming from Kemodle's room. D.M. then said she
heard a male voice say something to the effect of "it's ok, I'm going to help you."
At approximately 4:17 a"m., a security camera located at I 112 King Road, a residence
irunediately to the northwest of 1122 King Road, picked up distorted audio ofwhat sounded like
voices or a r,rrhimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times
starting at 4:17 a-m. The security carnera is less than fifty feet from the west wall ofKernodle's
D.M. shted she oper.ed her door for the third time after she heard the crying and mw a
figue clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking
towards her. D.M. described the figure as 5' I 0" or taller, male, not very muscular, but
athletically built with bushy eyeb:eek:ws. The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen
shock phase." The male walked towards the back stding glass door. D.M. locked herself in her
rcom after seeing the male. D.M. did not stete that slrc recognized the male.
the room across from the kitchen, next to the third floor steps, circled in green in your diagram is purported to be the room the surviving girl who was a witness to the male was sleeping.
Yes it must be DM’s room as he would have exited via the rear balcony directly opposite that room
I would love to have seen the look on his face when he realized he left the sheath behind. Imagine driving away thinking you’re a mastermind who committed the perfect crime, reaching down to put the knife away and… the cover is gone. Priceless.
Imagine driving your own vehicle, bringing your cell phone, bringing a unique knife with a sheath and then leaving the sheath behind, and then having a witness that can put you at the murder scene.
Just think of how many times he unsnapped that sheath so he could practice and play with that knife. He goes to all the trouble to stalk, disguise himself, break into the house, carry out a frenzy of murder, walk casually past a living witness...and leave that sheath behind?
What a dope.
I also took note of his car. For a guy who supposedly has OCD, it was a filthy mess on the outside. This guy apparently has selective OCD. He's a slob. I'll bet the forensics guys who are autopsying his car are finding all kinds of evidence.
IMO, the dirty car exterior means nothing.

I travel back and forth between western Washington and western Montana a few times each winter and by the end of the trip, my SUV looks far worse than that car did from all the slush and sand/salt on the roads. Layers and layers of it all the way up to the windows.
I have been reading this website for a long time but I don’t think I’ve ever actually posted anything. I just want to share my personal story of not calling the police when someone tried to break into my home. If I didn’t have this experience, I would also be questioning why DM didn’t call police sooner. This is lengthy so I apologize.

In my early 20’s I fell asleep in my condo on the living room couch with all the lights on. I woke up around 3am to hearing someone trying to open my front door. I thought it was my roommate arriving home early from her overnight shift. I realized it was not her when the person continued to struggle with the lock, dropping something, jiggling the knob, etc. for a few minutes. I sat in silence confused and eventually after the noise stopped I decide to call my boyfriend. He got to my home quickly and couldn’t find anyone. He came inside and we went to sleep. In the morning when I left for work, I found an outdoor lightbulb next to my door unscrewed and the outdoor hallway fire extinguisher laying in the yard. I still just thought “hmm that’s weird“ but still my brain wanted to think it was nothing sinister.

It wasn’t until later when I got home from work I ran into a female neighbor who lives in a building next to mine, about 20 feet away. She wanted to warn me that someone tried to break into her home the previous night. She was awake sometime around midnight watching tv in her living room when a shirtless male tried to open her sliding glass door. She called the police right away and they searched for him, even brought out the canine but found no one.

I knew it had to be the same person because what are the odds? This means that a man seemingly was targeting homes where he KNEW someone was home and awake and tried to break in, even returning to the same area just a few hours after cops were at scene. This man was either very brave or dangerous or under the influence or all of the above. My neighbor insisted I make a report because she was pretty scared. She even adopted a big dog after this incident because she felt so scared living alone. It was only after she spoke with me that I realized I was probably in danger that night.

I think sometimes our brains don‘t want to believe the worst. My stomach still turns when I think about that night and it was over 10 years ago. I still feel vulnerable as a female living alone.

I get that my experience was not the same as I didn’t see him with my eyes, and my perp didn’t murder anyone, but I did quietly sit “frozen” and listen while he continued to try to pick my lock and fumble with items just feet away from where I was. Was he going to try to use the fire extinguisher to smash my window? Did he hide and watch my boyfriend come inside and decide to move on? I feel so terrible for DM. I cannot imagine the survivors guilt she must be feeling. I don’t know if sharing this long personal story is against the rules here or anything, but I just thought it might be helpful to some that don’t understand why she didn’t call police. I think my brain was in some sort of denial that some random person tried to break in. I do hope and assume she is getting the emotional support and professional therapy she needs.
If we look at only the information available to the surviving roommate, she knows only that:
1) Kaylee was with her dog.
2) A man was crying in X's room saying something along the lines of "I will help you"
3) A man with bushy eyebrows walks past her room and out the door wearing some type of mask.
She knows nothing, as far as we know, of stabs, blood, deaths, any violent crime, cell towers, DNA, cameras, Elantras, or a knife sheath. As far as she would know at that time, the man in the mask could have been the food delivery guy.
Was this information you got from the affidavit? If so, I don't know if it was clear that Murphy was with Kaylee, only that he was heard barking. Also, I didn't see that the crying was specifically a male, only that the statement along the lines of "I will help you" was a male voice. Could this have been Ethan? Would the roommate have clarified it was Ethan or an "unknown male"? In my mind, I would like to believe that it was Ethan comforting Xana and not this deranged killer.
Ugh it all just makes me so sick
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