ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

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Since Murphy’s breed is hypoallergenic, does that also mean that he doesn’t shed though, or do hypoallergenic dogs still shed? Sorry if it seems like a dumb question, I am not familiar with all that the “hypoallergenic” label for dogs entails… from what I understand from friends who have them, they don’t shed. Either way though, even if there’s no physical evidence connected to Murphy, I’d be willing to bet BK’s car is chock full of physical evidence that would be far more useful in proving his guilt. That’s my hope anyway.

I think Murphy was a Labradoodle? If so it's entirely possible that he could shed. How much is determined by generation, breeding, and grooming. They typically shed less than the average dog which does help those who are allergic to dog dander to be able to have a dog.
There is a long process to get to the dissertation that BK, if found guilty, will never have access to because he's likely to be tied up with in a trial for the next year or two. And of course, no faculty member would approve a study of a crime in which all of the evidence is unavailable because of a pending trial or for a heinous crime that the student had committed.
Assume he hadn't planned on getting caught and had not, got caught.
How would his academic immersion, doctoral path serve as motive?
He is married to academia, it is all he is and has, it seems.
How could he have perceived the killings to serve his career or simply criminology?
Could he have ostensibly seen them as an academic exercise and what might that be if it is an element here?
It's hilarious how the media has portrayed him as a "genius," which is a more clickable story than the reality of this guy. He went to a community college out of high school (Northhampton Community College in PA -- not heard of that, me neither) and then Desales University (?) and finally Washington State. Until this case, I hadn't definitely heard of any of these. Don't think I'm impugning the quality of the instruction at these institutions. There are great teachers in many easy to get into schools, and bad teachers in elite ones, but the truth is, these are places average Joes and Janes go.

The U. of Pennsylvania and the U. of Maryland have top notch criminology programs. Why wasn't he there if he was very talented? Further, he apparently scoped out his victims 12 or 13 times late at night or the early morning hours, with his cellphone in tow. Yes, he had his phone with him. When you're planning a murder, it's nice to be able to listen to podcasts. Also, the night of the murders his phone pinged towers on the way until he turned it off -- not just not genius -- profoundly stupid. And then pinged back at his apartment in the early morning hours when he turned it back on. "Why, Mr. Kohberger, did your cellphone turn off half-way to Moscow from your apartment, and then turn back on only when you were back home, at 4:46am? And what were you doing driving around so early in the morning?" Also, he was seen by cameras driving around the murder house several times the night of the killings, and not only dropped his knife sheath, but then didn't retrieve (Or did he leave it on purpose, which is also incredibly inane.)

If he's a genius, and possesses a sophisticated criminal mind, he must have done this poorly on purpose, for notoriety. Congrats Bryan, you fooled us. We thought you were just stupid.
Those colleges are in PA, fairly close to where he's from. Maybe he chose to go to school there because of it being cheaper then U of Penn and Maryland? Maybe to be closer to home? I've heard of them and of Washington State, and I'm from PA. I don't think we need to bash the colleges that "average Joes and Janes" go to.
After mulling over the affidavit, a couple of things stand out to me that I don't think have been extensively discussed (if they have - apologies and would love to know what the "consensus" is!) -

1. Xana received DoorDash shortly before BK entered the home. BK was also allegedly circling the entry to their street for several minutes prior to entering. This raises some questions - was there a light on in Xana's room or any other room, since she was still awake? Did BK see that and wait for it to go out? Could Xana have really eaten the DoorDash and turned the light off minutes after receiving the food (seems unlikely IMO)? Even if BK didn't see the light on before, did he see the delivery? If he waited for a light to go out, did he really think they were asleep within minutes of the delivery/the light going out? Based on the reported timing, I would find it surprising that BK didn't at least see the delivery or the light. And yet he still went in? Seems brazen. I'm also curious if he knew Ethan was there for the night, which would make an attack even more brazen. Maybe someone with a better understanding of the layout of the house and how its positioned with BK's entry path can tell if he would be able to see that bedroom light specifically?

2. Somewhat related to lights, since DM was on the same floor as Xana (and presumably Ethan), did BK turn off the light to commit the murders and/or after he left? Is that something he would think to do, and if so, why (did he know another roommate lived on that floor and/or hear her door opening/closing several times?) If DM opened her door and Xana's light was on, wouldn't she be able to see blood on him? I know some people have speculated that murderers sometimes don't get blood on them, but I find that really unlikely for four murders (especially so quickly in succession - ugh). Was he carrying the knife? Or did he put it in a bag he was carrying, or his waistband? If the light was turned out I could see DM not getting a good look at him/any details, and depending on what "state" she was in, less likely. But there was clearly enough visibility for her to see his bushy eyebrows. Was the moon bright enough that night to provide visibility inside as well? If it was dark and BK didn't know his way well, maybe he would have stumbled or gotten lost in the house, or did he very easily walk out? It's also interesting that DM told police BK was walking *towards* her (did he see her?) and that she was in a "frozen, shock state" (i.e. scared - so she knew he wasn't good news, is what I'll take from that? it also says she "locked herself in her room" after, so I would be curious to know if she normally locked her door). The affidavit also says that the time DM saw BK was the "third" time she opened the door "after hearing crying". I'm not sure if that means she opened it three times after hearing the crying, or the third time was when she heard the crying...? I also find it odd that whoever was killed second on that floor didn't scream or make any loud noises that DM would have heard, since they likely would have had some time to see what was happening (and it seems likely that Xana was the one who said that someone was in the house, so she would have been alerted - and presumably Ethan if he was the one she said that to?). Although I know that some people freeze up, but how would BK know that about Xana and/or Ethan? So bizarre but I think it fits with how brazen BK was. That all said, I'm sure there is information left out from what DM saw/what the circumstances were, and I obviously view her as a victim.

3. The timing of the murders is also approximated in the affidavit based on the above info, as well as downloads of records from the surviving roommates' phones. I wonder if DM texted or called the victims after hearing all this to check in on them? And/or contacted the other surviving roommate? (Otherwise, why would the other surviving roommate's phone records have any relevance - if the other roommate heard something too it seems like that would be included to substantiate DM's claims)

Anyways curious your all theories on these questions.
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Seems kind of strange that BK kept possession of incriminating evidence long after the crime and then packed it up, driving across the country to throw it away in the neighbors garbage can. JMO.
I wondered if those two traffic stops in Indiana freaked him out and he doubled down on cleaning up possible evidence. Pulled over twice and was not ticketed; in addition, the law officer is chatting it up.
But, It’s 4.00 am, after partying, under the influence of alcohol/?, totally alone in a room, a young adult’s mind isn’t as uncomplicated as a child’s mind…they’ve got life experiences a child hopefully hasn’t encountered or has knowledge of, fear factor can be stronger as we age……
I'm not commenting on the specifics of this case out of respect for the surviving victim.

The post I responded to used the example of a school shooting as a reason why young people would not call 911. I don't think that's fair or accurate: both children and teachers (who are young adults) called 911 during the Texas shooting.

There are many reasons why someone may or may not call 911 at any specific time. But you can't generalize a whole generation and blame it on school shootings when that's not even true. If anything, trainings related to school shootings have made children and young adults much more aware of the risks of unpredictable violent crime.
Technically, no one witnessed BK in the hallway. If she could identify the man she saw in the hallway as BK, it sure wasn't mentioned in the PCA.

The roommate identified him as male and likely his thin build and height matched BK because investigators believe the roommate saw BK walking by her. Proof? No. But it is eyewitness testimony that adds to the other evidence. Totality of evidence - circumstantial and direct evidence adding up.

Investigators believe the man the roommate saw is Bryan Kohberger, who is charged with fatally stabbing Goncalves, Kernodle, Madison Mogen and Ethan Chapin, according to the document.

"The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a ‘frozen shock phase.’" He walked by her and exited the second floor sliding glass doors, D.M. told police.
The affidavit is heart breaking. Leaving questions open from how he targeted this home and certain people is a great reminder that every person has to be on the defensive in keeping themselves safe. College areas are often places where people move freely, leave doors unlocked, and have lots of people coming and going especially at night and on weekends. It is a shame that evil exists. Peace to all who survived this attack in their home and the victims and their families.

I am left wondering if he knew that there were often late night deliveries to this house because what are the chances that an UberEats delivery arrives just before he strikes? He seems to have known where his targets would be in the house, had he been on the property before or been peeping? Had he used police scanners or other information to know what areas were party areas when he first moved there? He knew enough to not stalk on his college campus and became very familiar with this neighborhood. Had he had encounters at the sorority house or a frat house with people in this neighborhood?

On the murderer himself, he studied internet/cloud aspects of criminology.... yet he carries his phone and doesn't think about all of the data that can be extracted from cell towers even if he shuts off his device (I am old and haven't studied any of this stuff but I know that.) Doesn't think about his car being seen on video cameras in the area. And, lastly, he thinks that by changing his plates he might not be found out. There is an odd disconnect. I have continually thought that he was feeding his predilection by taking classes or studying serial killers. I do think he was trying to satisfy his urges by getting criminals to give him data on their crimes and emotional states in his online survey. His neighbors said he was often up late doing things in his apt. and now we know he was stalking this neighborhood. I wonder if he stalked in other areas. I don't believe he thought he would get away with this and would be able to strike again. But, I hope we will find out more about what made him tick so we can get ahead of the next monster.

FROM CNN (Roommate who survived Idaho student killings saw figure dressed in black clothing and a mask, affidavit says | CNN):
The source was briefed on observations made by investigators during four days of surveillance leading up to Kohberger’s arrest.

The surveillance team was given two missions, according to multiple law enforcement sources: to keep eyes on Kohberger so they could arrest him as soon as a warrant was issued, and to try and obtain an object that would yield a DNA sample from Kohberger which could then be compared to the DNA evidence found at the crime scene.

The source said in one instance prior to the suspect’s arrest, Kohberger was observed by authorities leaving his Pennsylvania family home around 4 a.m. and putting garbage bags in the neighbors’ garbage bins.

And agents were then able to recover the garbage both from the Kohberger family’s trash bins and what was observed being placed into the neighbors’ bins, the law enforcement source said.

Then on Friday, a Pennsylvania State Police SWAT team moved in on the Kohberger family home, breaking down the door and breaking through windows in what is known as a “dynamic entry” – a tactic used in rare cases to arrests “high risk” suspects, the source added.
There was a post in probably the first, second, or third thread on this case where someone proposed the killer was wearing PPE. I thought it was crazy -- but reading the PCA, a mask "covering the nose and mouth" sounds a lot like a surgical mask.
Sounds like a cheap dollar store mask too. DM only gave a vague description of what the suspect was wearing. Just a person wearing black clothing and the mask as you described.

Was he wearing PPE over his whole body to make it easier to depose of evidence later? I doubt it. JMO.
I agree with the potential plausibility of some of this. The question I had while reading the PCA was the transition from the individual in a mask walking right past D.M.'s room and the statement that the individual was "headed to the back sliding door". Is not D.M.'s room on the bottom floor and the sliding glass door on the 2nd level? How was it ascertained the individual in question was "headed toward the back sliding door"? From what I have seen of floor plans there would be no sightline to indicate this from the doorways of the bottom floor bedrooms. Am I missing something??
DM was sleeping in bedroom on 2nd floor, she must have seen BCK through an open crack of door, he walked towards her direction and then, out the sliding doors.
Forget about 2 survivors were sleeping on first floor, was only one, but we haven’t got her statement yet.
My theory is that he had been stalking either Maddie/kaylee and knew their bedrooms.Poor Xana was still up ready to eat her food so he then had to kill her and Ethan woke up so he killed him.I don't think he ever saw D.
The house is on Zillow so he could have learned the floorplan easily....just like we have.
So it sounds like he was wearing a kill suit (and mask) after all!

When he leaves the scene and drives around for an hour before returning to his apartment that’s just 10 miles away, maybe he was getting rid of the knife and the clothing he wore. Would be worth it to look at those cell phone records again to see if he made this same trek in the past, mapping out his plan.

Interesting that he didn’t have the sheath attached to his pants or belt to ensure it didn’t get left behind.

And cell phone triangulation has been in the news to help solve many crimes over the past few years. Odd that something so basic and elementary would have been completely overlooked by someone in his field of study trying to create the perfect crime.
It's hilarious how the media has portrayed him as a "genius," which is a more clickable story than the reality of this guy. He went to a community college out of high school (Northhampton Community College in PA -- not heard of that, me neither) and then Desales University (?) and finally Washington State. Until this case, I hadn't definitely heard of any of these. Don't think I'm impugning the quality of the instruction at these institutions. There are great teachers in many easy to get into schools, and bad teachers in elite ones, but the truth is, these are places average Joes and Janes go.

The U. of Pennsylvania and the U. of Maryland have top notch criminology programs. Why wasn't he there if he was very talented? Further, he apparently scoped out his victims 12 or 13 times late at night or the early morning hours, with his cellphone in tow. Yes, he had his phone with him. When you're planning a murder, it's nice to be able to listen to podcasts. Also, the night of the murders his phone pinged towers on the way until he turned it off -- not just not genius -- profoundly stupid. And then pinged back at his apartment in the early morning hours when he turned it back on. "Why, Mr. Kohberger, did your cellphone turn off half-way to Moscow from your apartment, and then turn back on only when you were back home, at 4:46am? And what were you doing driving around so early in the morning?" Also, he was seen by cameras driving around the murder house several times the night of the killings, and not only dropped his knife sheath, but then didn't retrieve (Or did he leave it on purpose, which is also incredibly inane.)

If he's a genius, and possesses a sophisticated criminal mind, he must have done this poorly on purpose, for notoriety. Congrats Bryan, you fooled us. We thought you were just stupid.
Well, I suggest when exposed to persistent bullying and not secure to go away that community college is a good stepping stone. Anxiety holds back many from achieving their full potential. Thinking through easy problems can be harder but abstract problems more easier. The mistakes are what they are. Experience is much more different that has little to do with intelligence demo strated in structured environments. So, it is good that he is captured so that he can not perfect his confused and I'll formed sense of self that was destroyed in his early years. There is a reason why. His torment is not welcomed by anyone.
Johnson, ID on a map would have BK headed toward Montana while the phone is disconnected from the network. Could this be an effort to dispose of evidence in an alternate jurisdiction to complicate LE’s job?
It was already speculated that he threw the knife in the Snake River. Sure looks like a lotta places to get rid of evidence, but who knows???
I reread the affidavit. I'm thinking that X was not in the hallway. It says "also in the room" when it mentions E.
Sorry if it's already been talked about, the thread is moving fast for me to read/reply.

Post in thread 'ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 53' ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 53

So I am asked how I think DNA on the sheath is a weak place.

Oh, I am positive it was his DNA. Question about how it got there and why nowhere else in the house given the (predicted) bloodless of the scene. Just one print.

First, the sheath could have been planted by the real killer who knew BK.

As to the rest... BK might have been waiting in the car near the house for his dealer, for example.

The witness who puts someone with "bushy eyebrows" on this place I would not consider reliable.

The car movements and the phone "behavior" are more reliable. about this? It has been reported in various media outlets that when he was arrested he allegedly asked if others had been arrested as well.

It is also known he had an interest in what a criminal's indset is before, during and after a crime. Such was the nature of his online survey/research study and request that criminals reach out to him about. And one of his neighbors indicated BK had an interest in how criminals think.

Plus his defender in PA stated that BK believes he will be exonerated.

Plus the affidavit was written prior to his apartment/car/parents house being searched. We don't yet know what, if any, incriminating DNA was found in those locations.

I wonder...perhaps HE did not commit the murders. Perhaps it is even sicker than that. Perhaps he was "studying" the actual murderer - maybe a criminal who responded to one of his queries. Perhaps he accompanied the criminal on various stalking trips to the victims' house. Perhaps the criminal was inside the house earlier than the timeframe described in the affidavit. Perhaps BK helped drive the murderer away on the premise that DNA at the murder scene wouldn't be tied to him - not realizing it was on the sheath which he assumed wouldn't have been left there. Or maybe the murderer left the scene separately and BK was there just to observe from afar - and returned the next day for the same reason.

Perhaps that is why he supposedly thinks he will be exonerated and why he asked if he was the only one arrested. If that were the case he WOULD be exonerated - from the murders themselves. But he would still spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Of course I have zero proof or confidence any of this is correct. It is something I just made up. But it is one way I can think of that could explain how his dna could have been on the sheath without having been in the house and still explain the cell phone data and his car being captured on video in corresponding locations

If something like that were true, he would be just as sick in the head - perhaps even more so - than if he did the killings himself. His fascination for criminals' mindsets and "studying" a murderer in real time would be a way to vicariously live out a fantasy he might be too afraid to carry out on his own - and perhaps justify it to himself in a sicko sort of way as he was doing it in the name of science. He doesn't kill people - he just "studies" those who do.

If they end up not finding any DNA from the victims in his car or apartment - then maybe such a line of thought would be worth looking into. My guess is they have much more solid evidence on him than has been made known and they probably found even more in his car and apartment
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