ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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I’m still trying to process everything that the affidavit contained. It’s a lot to absorb.

I’m still inclined to believe that BK may have checked the locked bedroom doors on the 2nd floor (maybe first floor too) before going to the third floor.

I’m also inclined to believe that BK checked KG’s bedroom door and it was locked before proceeding to MM bedroom and
killing the two girls

MY BIG QUESTION- how did he get into MM room?
Was door open & unlocked? (assumed) or did he get access to the house earlier and jam or break the lock (unlikely) but curious because X had a recent lock repair by her dad

I think he was sloppy and left the knife sheath behind accidentally - unless there is no tracing how he acquired the knife and he was trying to purposely throw the investigation off with the USMC logo - but I don’t think he was that smart

Affidavit doesn’t state that DM saw a knife.
I don’t think she did.

I don’t think BK walked into the house toting his knife in his hand.
I also don’t think he walked out of the house toting his knife.
I think he must have had a backpack or bag of some sort with him. He may have thought he put the sheath into his backpack or bag only to have it slip out. Or he is just that dumb and sloppy after all.

I’m also wanting to believe that BK didn’t see DM at all when leaving the house - although he could have been exhausted from unexpected struggle with E & X and he did see her - he saw how tall she was and didn’t want to deal with her at that point because he was already cut on the wrist and was trying to not be sloppy.
His adrenaline was probably through the roof by then.
At that point BOTH previous bedrooms contained two people so I don’t think he had it in him to kill another two - he had no idea if DM might have had someone else in her room.
And she is decidedly tall, right?

Others may have speculated correctly that BK may have thought the police were already called because of all the noises associated with his spree.

I‘m not sure we will ever know if DM thought she was seen or not- or if she was seen.
I would really like to know.

I just know that she is decidedly traumatized & she must be replaying the whole horrific night in her head over and over again trying to get as much clarity as possible. What a nightmare.

I do hope that the detectives are able to re-interview her sometime next month. I think there may be clarity that has come over time regarding different thIngs she saw and heard.
Not that any of it makes much difference in the big picture.

She will almost certainly be called as a witness if and when this case goes to trial.

I think the affidavit was somewhat unfair to DM because she may have not really felt any fear at all until the next morning when everything came to light.

She may have simply felt a momentary shock seeing BK walk toward her direction then out the door but thought in retrospect he was a friend or prankster so she shrugged it off.

I know she feels horrible after putting it all together and realizing she could have been next.
I think her real shock and fear only came in retrospect- so I’m not sure that her “frozen shock” was not just a momentary thought and when BK walked out she simply dismissed it all as benign and went to sleep.

I can’t help but think that the affidavit could have been worded more tenderly toward BK instead of making the whole world think she was remiss for not calling 911 eight hours before the call was placed.
We don't have a confirmation of *any* locked doors on any floor except that DM locked her door after seeing BK walk past her towards the kitchen sliding glass door.
That would make me very suspicious if I had a drone continually flying over my home. And with as cautious as BK was (wearing gloves, washing every inch of his car, and putting trash into his neighbors garbage can around 4am, etc.).. you'd THINK he'd have been extremally paranoid about something as odd as that and you know he's been looking over his shoulder since 11/13.
He wouldn't have heard it, if one was used. The drone would hover, or loiter, a few hundred yards up and a half mile or more out, well outside of audio range. Modern optics are crazy good.

I’m still trying to process everything that the affidavit contained. It’s a lot to absorb.

I’m still inclined to believe that BK may have checked the locked bedroom doors on the 2nd floor (maybe first floor too) before going to the third floor.

I’m also inclined to believe that BK checked KG’s bedroom door and it was locked before proceeding to MM bedroom and
killing the two girls

MY BIG QUESTION- how did he get into MM room?
Was door open & unlocked? (assumed) or did he get access to the house earlier and jam or break the lock (unlikely) but curious because X had a recent lock repair by her dad

I think he was sloppy and left the knife sheath behind accidentally - unless there is no tracing how he acquired the knife and he was trying to purposely throw the investigation off with the USMC logo - but I don’t think he was that smart

Affidavit doesn’t state that DM saw a knife.
I don’t think she did.

I don’t think BK walked into the house toting his knife in his hand.
I also don’t think he walked out of the house toting his knife.
I think he must have had a backpack or bag of some sort with him. He may have thought he put the sheath into his backpack or bag only to have it slip out. Or he is just that dumb and sloppy after all.

I’m also wanting to believe that BK didn’t see DM at all when leaving the house - although he could have been exhausted from unexpected struggle with E & X and he did see her - he saw how tall she was and didn’t want to deal with her at that point because he was already cut on the wrist and was trying to not be sloppy.
His adrenaline was probably through the roof by then.
At that point BOTH previous bedrooms contained two people so I don’t think he had it in him to kill another two - he had no idea if DM might have had someone else in her room.
And she is decidedly tall, right?

Others may have speculated correctly that BK may have thought the police were already called because of all the noises associated with his spree.

I‘m not sure we will ever know if DM thought she was seen or not- or if she was seen.
I would really like to know.

I just know that she is decidedly traumatized & she must be replaying the whole horrific night in her head over and over again trying to get as much clarity as possible. What a nightmare.

I do hope that the detectives are able to re-interview her sometime next month. I think there may be clarity that has come over time regarding different thIngs she saw and heard.
Not that any of it makes much difference in the big picture.

She will almost certainly be called as a witness if and when this case goes to trial.

I think the affidavit was somewhat unfair to DM because she may have not really felt any fear at all until the next morning when everything came to light.

She may have simply felt a momentary shock seeing BK walk toward her direction then out the door but thought in retrospect he was a friend or prankster so she shrugged it off.

I know she feels horrible after putting it all together and realizing she could have been next.
I think her real shock and fear only came in retrospect- so I’m not sure that her “frozen shock” was not just a momentary thought and when BK walked out she simply dismissed it all as benign and went to sleep.

I can’t help but think that the affidavit could have been worded more tenderly toward BK instead of making the whole world think she was remiss for not calling 911 eight hours before the call was placed.
Great point about the backpack! Maybe he was wearing one and took the knife out then put the sheath in it but failed to zip it all the way back up and kept the backpack on during the attack and the sheath fell out and he did not realize it until he got home, possibly just put the knife back in the backpack on his way out and didn’t worry about sheathing it as he was going to just toss the entire backpack. Maybe?
I don’t know much about cell phone towers and location. How accurate (within feet or miles) are they? Are they able to pinpoint him exactly at the crime scene?

He turned his phone off on the way to Moscow; turned it back on after the murders - not too long later (like 20 minutes) on the way to Genesee, ID.

When he came back on Sunday morning, he seemingly had his phone on (IIRC). But he didn't go inside the house that time (apparently).

Source: PCA

He is placed at the crime scene by his DNA, an eyewitness, neighbor cameras. His car is placed near the house by neighbor cameras, that is. I don't think there's video of him getting out of the car and going in the house, though.

For me, that's more than enough to place him there. He drives around the house something like 4 times before disappearing from camera view for a short period of time (during the murders) after which he appears as the only driver of the Elantra, speeding out of the neighborhood.

There's also a foot print marker in the backyard (where he needed to go to access the sliding door). I'm guessing there are other latent foot prints inside the house, not just the one in the PCA but they do not want to reveal to him what they know at this point.
I can't believe they left them there! I would have thought they'd have been taken out back in November! This is clearly dated Jan 6.

More recently, I've noticed investigators cut and take samples versus the entire mattress. Also, I think it possible these mattresses in the photos could be from rooms other than the victims. JMO
Based on distances and times, there's a time gap between him leaving king Rd at 4:20 am and the cellphone ping at 4:48 on the i95 by Blaine, Id.

Affidavit states he most likely left the king Rd area by Walenta Dr, Conestoga Dr and Palouse River Dr. This is based on gaps of footage as opposed to actual footage.

King Rd to i95 by Blaine, ID is a 10 minute drive.
I think this is when and where he cleaned up and stashed knife and other evidence such as gloves, clothing etc. It makes sense he would do this whilst phone is turned off.

It took him 28 minutes to do a 10 minute drive. That leaves 18 minutes.
This is assuming he didn't get lost or do a bunch of 3 point turns.

If you examine the other cell phone data, he was back in Pullman at 5:25am.
Pullman to Uniontown is 20min. Uniontown to Genesee is 15 min. i95 by Blaine, ID to Genesee is 9min.

So, he drove directly at 4:48 am from i95 by Blaine,ID to Pullman via a counter clockwise circuitous route.
The only gap is between Moscow is at 4:20 am to Blaine, ID at 4:48am.

He cleaned up and hid knife somewhere here.

I think he definitely saw DM. She was just two feet away from him. He assumed she phoned 911 and maybe also saw his car. That's why he drive such a long, circuitous route back to Pullman. He was expecting police checkpoints, possibly an APB on a white car. So he had to clean up immediately and dispose of knife.

This is why he was back in the area the following day. He was retrieving hastily hidden evidence and disposing of it in a better spot.

No, you cannot permanently delete your Google searches. Even your social media info is backed up. Everything you search online can be retrieved.
He would have to use a VPN to disguise his ISP address.
You can, but it takes skill. If he had a bunch of random emails, etc. I’m certain his stuff could be lost. That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he didn’t even know the names of the girls. I think he targeted a house with easy targets - small, single women.

It’s possible he only wanted to kill enough people to get to serial killer status.
So far he's a mass killer, not a serial killer. But it's entirely possible that if not caught, he may have gone on to become a serial killer. Or if we find out he's done this previously.

I agree he feels he's achieved some status in the criminal world.

IMO he looks perfectly content and relaxed in these court hearings etc. Very pleased with himself.

I don't think he wanted to get caught, but now that he has, IMO he feels like he hit the big leagues. A nationally known case.
He turned his phone off on the way to Moscow; turned it back on after the murders - not too long later (like 20 minutes) on the way to Genesee, ID.

When he came back on Sunday morning, he seemingly had his phone on (IIRC). But he didn't go inside the house that time (apparently).

Source: PCA

He is placed at the crime scene by his DNA, an eyewitness, neighbor cameras. His car is placed near the house by neighbor cameras, that is. I don't think there's video of him getting out of the car and going in the house, though.

For me, that's more than enough to place him there. He drives around the house something like 4 times before disappearing from camera view for a short period of time (during the murders) after which he appears as the only driver of the Elantra, speeding out of the neighborhood.

There's also a foot print marker in the backyard (where he needed to go to access the sliding door). I'm guessing there are other latent foot prints inside the house, not just the one in the PCA but they do not want to reveal to him what they know at this point.
Right, I understand all this, but it doesn’t answer my curious question.
This is a quick article I found on these two little known features that comes turned ON...and the majority of people don't turn off (because most don't know it exists).

Apple has since abstracted this information (if you have iOS 16) and no longer give users access to the full timeline view (it's seriously stalker level data). But I believe Google still gives it all away.
Google says that my location history is off. (It must have been set that way by default)
It shows some old checkins from when I had a previous phone. Both phones are Androids.
With that snap he would probably have to handled it only once without gloves to get transfer dna in the grooves. My sheath can be difficult to snap/unsnap, even with gloves, it could have torn/ripped a hole in the glove and allowed for transfer. Nitrile and exam gloves come in different mil thicknesses, we tear up the thin ones pretty easily in the lab working with our hands.
So he could say he handled someone else (the murderer's) knife and sheath at some previous point and that is why his dna is on it. JMO
We don't have a confirmation of *any* locked doors on any floor except that DM locked her door after seeing BK walk past her towards the kitchen sliding glass door.
We have been told each bedroom door has a number coded lock and each bedroom door automatically locks when closed.
Told that by previous residents of this house.
I‘m assuming any fully closed door was “locked“ unless the lock was broken.
Yes. I feel so uncomfortable and bad for this girl. The absolute horror of hearing what she did (and maybe she heard MORE, which LE wants to keep til trial), just speculation but le has been so tight-lipped about much of the case I wouldn't be surprised. It will then hit home with WHY she didn't call/was frozen etc.
The same goes with LEs questions of her, if they want to hear her details over and over because they think she was involved, that will all come out later. In the meantime, she is a victim and is innocent. Even BK is innocent until proven guilty despite how we feel about him and the mountains of evidence.
But. The sheer gross-ness of sitting or sleeping in your room for 7 hours while all your friends are dead. Omg, she will have nightmares forever
I'm old enough to remember when Richard Speck killed 8 student nurses and the lone survivor stayed hidden all night out of fear that he wasn't gone. Horrifying to think of the terror.

It’s possible he only wanted to kill enough people to get to serial killer status.
Mass murder status?
Or serial?
Is it possible the defense wanted the mattresses for some reason?

Just a reminder, I ask because I truly don’t know and I am here to raise my level of knowledge.

A really warm welcome to you @bamachica !

Great thinking.
It does? I thought it just said they retrived the DNA from trash which they could have done a handful of ways like going during the night etc. Maybe I should have paid more attention to detail :).

I think you’re right.

“On December 27, 2022, Pennsylvania Agents recovered the trash from the Kohberger family residence located in Albrightsville, PA.”

No mention at all of the idea that they brought in a fake garbage truck, etc.
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