ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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They likely have his phone now. And hopefully they can recover GPS coordinates from it. Both Apple's iOS and Google's Android (non-vanilla) actively track locations unless explicitly turned off. It's a little known controversial feature buried within layers of menus. It's so accurate that a lot of truck drivers use it in place of a traditional log to keep track of miles, location, and time. Apple has since abstracted this information in the latest version of iOS but the underlying data can still be pulled.

2 days ago I would have told you the person who did this would likely know about this feature and have it off. Today.........
This part from the PCA makes me think it was tossed.

"Investigators found that the 8458 phone did connect to a cell phone tower that provides
service to Moscow on November 14, 2022, but investigators do not believe the 8458 Phone was
in Moscow on that date. The 8458 Phone has not connected to any towers that provide service to
Moscow since that date."
Yes, that has been my concern and there has been going back and forth about cell towers available. Their location. Maps of cell towers are all over the place.
I'm not very knowledgeable, but know there is a huge difference between cell tower pings and GPS.

I know there is a range and vicinity. I know they cannot pinpoint his location based on cell towers, they can only place that he was in the general vicinity. (Like being in a certain part of town) Where the towers are and their range of services are quite perplexing. But I counted only a handful of towers with urban range of about 2 square miles or so. (Who knows??)

Wish we had GPS.
As far as I remember, and this was like 10 years ago, a guy familiar with GSM explained this on one of the more technical forums and said that it's not only possible to position any given active cell phone within specific cell (general location), it's also possible to establish more exact coordinates using data packets' time of travel which is a function of distance from base transmitting station with the best or second best signal strength. I have no way to verify this...
I don’t know much about cell phone towers and location. How accurate (within feet or miles) are they? Are they able to pinpoint him exactly at the crime scene?
As far as the Vans latent shoeprint found outside DM's door (screenshot I took from the PCA, numbered page 5, second full paragraph):
1. I don't think it was obvious blood because it wasn't found the first time but rather the second time forensic teams were working there.
2. Does that mean there were more visible, obvious shoe prints closer to wherever BK stepped in the blood in the first place? (I would assume Xana's room since it seems she was found on the floor.) Were there a few visible prints leading away from XK but then they "disappeared" as the blood transferred from the shoe to the floor?
3. Since it was a latent print outside DM's door, were other latent prints found leading between DM's door area and the sliding door/exit from the house?
4. It says "presumptive blood test" but also that the stain detects "cellular material". Was it detecting minute amounts of blood or was there some other material that was detected? (I'm guessing likely blood but maybe he could have stepped on XK's hand or something when leaving and maybe there were skin cells it detected? Or stepped on her hair and transferred proteins from there? Are those even possibilities?)

Also, I was looking up this stain. It seems like it's Amido Black (not Amino Black) by product name. Here's a short description of it from a Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension website:
This part from the PCA makes me think it was tossed.

"Investigators found that the 8458 phone did connect to a cell phone tower that provides
service to Moscow on November 14, 2022, but investigators do not believe the 8458 Phone was
in Moscow on that date. The 8458 Phone has not connected to any towers that provide service to
Moscow since that date."
I just take that to mean his phone just hasn’t pinged any towers that service Moscow since Nov 14th (i.e., he just stuck around Pullman before his road trip east).
Is it possible the defense wanted the mattresses for some reason?

Just a reminder, I ask because I truly don’t know and I am here to raise my level of knowledge.

I don't know for sure but I'm guessing the prosecutor is storing evidence as per the order to preserve the crime scene and evidence so it will be available for the defense.

What I'm not sure about is in that order vehicles are called out so I don't know if that is referring to the 2015 Elantra or if it meant vehicles at the crime scene which we all know aren't there anymore and all may have been returned to the survivors and surviving families.

Is it possible both M& K were targeted because they were inseparable friends?
Or targeted the entire house all three girls? Or just wanted to kill everyone there?
These are questions I wish we had answers for I'm sure his computer searches could answer them.
I’m betting btwn his phone and computer it will reveal who he was focused on. He likely has pics and nasty remarks and the like as he’s been obsessing since August. Jmo.
Yes. I cannot rationalize an irrational mind, but the left-behind sheath says a lot, IMO. Clearly the sheath was not attached to his belt, so WHY did he bring the sheath in with him? He thought to wear all black and a mask, he thought to turn off his phone, he thought to leave a PA license plate on his car, but once he got to the house and it was going to happen, his common sense betrayed him. He should have left the sheath in the car.

Once the crime was over and he was back home, common sense kicked back in...changed his license plate, used gloves everywhere he went, put trash in neighbor's cans, etc.

He was definitely in a "zone" as I've seen it said, during the killings. Freaking scary.
Could he have intended to leave it behind in the hope of implicating a Veteran? Assuming he had cleaned his own dna off it?

Edited for grammar.
Yes, that has been my concern and there has been going back and forth about cell towers available and their locations.

Maps of cell towers are all over the place. (One map even gave hundreds of billboards, another map counted cell phone stores as a cell tower.LOL)

It appears the Moscow Pullman area does not have 5 g anything.

I'm not very knowledgeable, but know there is a huge difference between cell tower pings and GPS.

I know there is a range and vicinity. I know they cannot pinpoint his location based on cell towers, they can only place that he was in the general vicinity. (Like being in a certain part of town) Where the towers are and their range of services are quite perplexing. But I counted only a handful of towers with urban range of about 2 square miles or so. (Who knows??)

Wish they had GPS! Source of images: Cell Mapper

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amazing post, thank you, I did not know they were segmented like that!
Is it possible that BK could have been potentially connected to the Wifi within the house at 1122 King Rd. Then couldn't he view communication going on with members of the household such as internet, cell use, etc? Or maybe that information is not being released.
What’s really CRAZY is BK had the ability to jog 6-7 miles maybe more, yet made the decision to park less than a block away of where he’d carry out a quadruple murder?? I can’t wrap my head around that one??
Well, jogging with a friend at a decent hour looks a lot different than running down the road at ~4:20am at top speed, wild eyed, and with blood on you and/or your clothing. One's gonna raise eyebrows, the other is not.

(And I'm giggling again at the mention of eyebrows. Hehehe)
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However, 2 miles is a large distance in a city of just 7 square miles. Sure, he was likely in southwest Moscow...
However, that doesn't prove too much. It does establish further investigation and possibly lead to more warrants, but in court I don't know the data they have can be used to prove he was at their house.
No I agree, I think that's exactly what he did.

But pedantically, if she peeked out of her door of Bedroom D (see image), looked up the stairs, he could be walking 'toward' her and then 'past' her to the sliding glass door.
Totally agree "walked past" her could have been from 3rd floor stairs or X's room, I lean towards X's room because the audio heard at 4:17. Maybe we'll find out someday.
I don’t know much about cell phone towers and location. How accurate (within feet or miles) are they? Are they able to pinpoint him exactly at the crime scene?
I’m super curious about this too. The larger the area those towers cover, the more wiggle room the defense will have to claim he wasn’t at 1122 King specifically, but at a friend’s/a bar he liked/whatever. Not that I think those arguments would be very convincing.
It's 4 a.m., I hear I see a guy in the hall, I don't assume he killed four of my housemates; I assume someone hooked up and the dude is heading out on the walk of shame. And if on some off chance I assumed he'd killed four of my housemates, I'm not taking my 5-foot-tall self out to fight him. Trying to guess what any one person would do in a case like this or comparing it to what someone else did in a case like this seems futile.
That's the whole thing. In a normal situation, she would have frozen to keep him from seeing her but she wouldn't have suspected him of murdering four of her friends. No one's mind goes there.
Then pops in to somebody elses' house and spends approx 12-16max minutes stabbing 4 strangers to death and leaves quickly though nobody is chasing him and he had ample opportunity to kill a fifth but demurs because he only wanted to kill 4?

It’s possible he only wanted to kill enough people to get to serial killer status.
I think those surgical gloves, etc. from his car cleaning is what he put in his neighbor’s trash at 4:00 am. moo
I've been noodling the idea of BCK packing up the clothes he committed the murders in and taking them back to PA with him so that he could dispose of them there. I mean, the road trip with his dad was preplanned. What a great ending to an otherwise "perfect" crime (in his mind, at least).
That would make me very suspicious if I had a drone continually flying over my home. And with as cautious as BK was (wearing gloves, washing every inch of his car, and putting trash into his neighbors garbage can around 4am, etc.).. you'd THINK he'd have been extremally paranoid about something as odd as that and you know he's been looking over his shoulder since 11/13
Do they make drones that you can’t really see or hear? Or possibly ones that can get good imagery from a higher elevation than most average drones, therefore not able to be heard from the ground?
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