ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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I have a question! It may have been answered already but it says on page 16 of the affidavit "investigators found that the 8458 phone did connect to a cell phone tower that provides service to Moscow on November 14th, 2022, but investigators do not believe the 8458 phone was in Moscow on that date."
Why is that? What would make them say that and how would that be possible?

Likely because if he was in Moscow, his phone would have picked up the cell towers inside Moscow itself. The tower the killer was caught on was likely a very powerful one with a very long range. Spread out to multiple cities including Moscow.
I really do have a hard time believing he had been planning this as soon as late August, but that is when he began visiting the residence in Moscow, so the details so far suggest that may have been exactly what he was doing...

The phone data can't tell us he was exactly at the residence, but just in the area.
I had been waiting for the thread to open to post this!

They can easily get his DNA from his apartment, or his parents house, and now that he's arrested, I'm sure they took his DNA. But I worry that he may have wiped away any DNA from the victims.
Actions are disturbing and clearly reeking of conscious behavior.
Have had some time to digest and read back through the PCA;

  • Again - want to give kudos to Chief Fry and all those involved. As we were doubting during the investigation, they were putting together quite a comprehensive picture of the events that occurred. While we thought they weren't capable, they were outdoing the efforts of most large departments in the US.
  • I thought the scale of FBI was odd, initially, but it now makes WAY more sense since we had multiple states in the picture from almost the beginning. MPD (and probably ISP) starting framing together the picture of the Hyuandi very quickly.
  • Kudos to the WSU PD Officer that spotted AND ran the information pertaining to the car. Getting that image attached to the driver owning the registration was the catalyst for this entire thing. The picture matching DM's description was THE start of the end for BK.
  • I believe SG was told by LE that they had more info after his emotional media appearances. I can't imagine how tough the line of withholding information but having to tell the parents to trust you was. I believe they showed him something to prove they were on it and not falling into a cold case scenario.
  • This is just MOO, but I am having a hard time picturing the XR/EC sequence of events. IF MM was the target and her and KG were killed first, I would think the crying from XR (assumed) would wake Ethan up. If Ethan was first, I would assume XR would make some sort of audible noise to alert the others? I'm just very confused by her being awake.
  • I think BK may have been confused and not counted KG as a possibility in the home? If he watched the home enough and counted XR, MM, EC (as a routine guest), DM, and the other - he would imagine encountering 5 individuals. In his mind, he may have assumed KG was one of the other roommates? If he did see DM, he would have "accounted" for everyone in the home.
All just my thoughts and opinions.

If he'd been casing the house on his 12 forays to the area he may have figured out which car was KG's. When it wasn't there, he may have thought she wasn't there either, not even considering the RR was her's.
Did I misread or is ie that DM was NOT sleeping on the 1st floor, but, on the second floor and saw him go pst her and exit from the second floor sliding glass door it true ? sorry about weird inabilityof this old laptop jmo

correct D.M.'s room (southeast bedroom) was located on the second floor with X.K. (west bedroom)
Third floor was K.G. (west bedroom) and M.M. (southeast by bathroom)
First floor was B.F. (east bedroom) and empty bedroom
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This crime seems to have happened at warp speed so hopefully he didn’t have time to wipe anything away.

I think the reference was to the story that back in Pennsylvania he spent a long time meticulously cleaning the car. I still have hopes that LE could find traces of DNA—it’s very hard to clean a car thoroughly enough to eliminate all traces, I believe.

I came across this last night, I hadn't seen it before. It is a walk thru video map of the layout of thehouse. It was done a month ago before the probable cause afffidavit was released (so there is some guessing about who was in what bedroom.) But I thought it might be helpful for some who are just joining to get another visual take on the layout of the house and how the rooms were arranged.
I HOPE HOPE HOPE I didn't do this wrong!!!

View attachment 393138

Yeah, I posted that (tho I think it may have been deleted). Watching it again, after reading the PCA allowed me to picture the actual sequence of events as stated in the PCA.
Who is actively digging into WS cold cases in PA?

Why limit it to PA? There is a LOT of ground to be covered between Pullman and his home state! I just can't believe this was his first and only attempt. Maybe as others have said, he wanted to be caught and that's why he was so "sloppy", both regarding the sheath and leaving a potential witness alive. Would be really interesting to see if cell pings place him at the site of any other cases and if he traveled back and forth any other times that the data would be available. Anyone know what that approximate time frame would be?
Does anybody have the link to the news video from the front of 1122 King Rd residense that had the white elantra drive buy in the back along walenta? It was before they announced the BOLA for the Elantra. Someone went back and noticed it in the background drive by. Looking for the date/time. Wonder if LE has video/cell tower trace of BK being in the area? The Probable Cause doc stated they have Cell Tower logs of BK being in the King Road vicinity between 9:12-9:21 on the 13th. Wonder if they were able to get the same camera video?
"You got to remember these two girls were so upset that when they went outside after seeing this ... one passed out," he said. "And the other one was so hyperventilating that the message wasn’t clear enough for the operator."

Is this ok for him to say?
I think everyone is speculating that DM saw the whole thing and I think thats what makes things frustrating. All I’ve read is she saw a person with a mask and that’s all. Doesn’t that mean for all she knew, he stole a bracelet?
I know many have mixed feelings about Kaylee's dad and some of the things he's said, but this quote from the above article really struck me.

'If our daughters could switch places with him. And I'm saying Maddie, as my daughter would do it in a heartbeat if they could sit there and have three squares, a place to live and we could call them we could write them letters.

'They could watch TV they could get educated. I would love if Maddie and Kaylee were doing life in prison right now.

'At least we could talk to them. They'd be breathing, that's not a punishment equivalent to being killed.'
Heartbreaking. Life in prison is unacceptable and I hope he cannot find his way out of the death penalty.
FBI watched Idaho 'killer' take out the trash wearing surgical gloves

FBI watched Idaho 'killer' take out the trash wearing surgical gloves
An FBI surveillance team watched Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger take out the trash at his parent's house wearing surgical gloves at 4am – before dumping it in a neighbor's bin.

Law enforcement saw him multiple times outside of his parent's $250,000 Pennsylvania home wearing surgical gloves.

A source told CNN Kohberger wore surgical gloves while taking out the bags, and was even seen putting trash into his neighbor's bins at around 4am.


Investigators are building an airtight case. Its not only DNA. It’s the totality of evidence, all the evidence gathered over time is going to tie it in nicely for the jury.
I’m growing a bit weary of the “why didn’t DM call 911” stuff. It really doesn’t contribute much and calling 911 is far from a silver bullet. Jayme Closs’ mother called 911 almost immediately and it neither stopped the crime nor got JP apprehended any faster. This poor young woman is traumatized enough.

On the positive side, it makes it easier to get through the threads when I skip them.

Does any one know where the other surviving victim's room was? Im just curious because we never hear about the 6 th person in the house.

<modsnip: no source link>
Well we know the police were not there at 9a.m or else BK would have seen them there when he returned to the scene, as stated in the PCA

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I've read the AA twice and forgive me if I'm missing something, but I've seen several people say that the AA has made it clear there's a high probability MM was the target. Why? I didn't draw that as a clear conclusion after reading through it.
I've seen that too, and I didn't get that from reading the AA. I think it leads us to believe one of KG/MM were the targets (perhaps even both) but I don't think the AA clearly gives us evidence MM was target.

My opinion of sequence of events:

4am~ doordash for Xana

4:04am he is seen parking. Leads me to believe earliest he is in the house is closer to 4:05/06am.

He heads upstairs first.

When DM is awoken "around 4" thinking she hears Kaylee playing with dogs - it's actually the attack/murders of MM/KG happening.

BK heads down stairs somewhere around or after 4:12am (probably closer to 4:17) since we know Xana was still using TikTok up until this time.

IMO Xana was up and heard something which makes her leave her room or perhaps was even just going back and forth to the kitchen to discard her doordash trash.

She sees/hears BK coming down the stairs and this is when DM hears someone say "there's someone here"

I think BK felt he had to kill her now.

I think the biggest question mark for me is the killing of X/E. Im beginning to think Ethan was probably asleep during most of this.
BK sees Xana goes to attack her and she bolts back towards the room (hence the AA making it seem like her body was more likely in the door frame or right at entrance).

In the midst of that attack Ethan wakes up and the killer obviously focuses his attention on Ethan. Kills Ethan, but Xana is still alive "whimpering/crying"

This is when BK says "don't worry I'll help you" that DM hears. I think he probably "finished her off" at this point. (As gross as that was to type).

The murders/attack of X/E happen at the 4:17am mark of when the neighbors cameras pick up the noise closest to Xana's room.

Also the direction the killer comes from in order to be able to "walk past" DM is obviously more so from the direction of Xanas room and not the upstairs.

Then at 4:20 car is seen leaving.

Nothing in the AA shows me or hints to me who exactly between M/K were targets. But I'd be interested to hear actual opinions/evidence that lead people to believe MM target.
Does anybody have the link to the news video from the front of 1122 King Rd residense that had the white elantra drive buy in the back along walenta? It was before they announced the BOLA for the Elantra. Someone went back and noticed it in the background drive by. Looking for the date/time. Wonder if LE has video/cell tower trace of BK being in the area? The Probable Cause doc stated they have Cell Tower logs of BK being in the King Road vicinity between 9:12-9:21 on the 13th. Wonder if they were able to get the same camera video?
It's from @margarita25 post dated Nov 19th.

I took a screen shot of the car for her.
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