ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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NYP reposted the photo today; I'd posted it back when it was on DM. Doesn't mention Pullman; doesn't have receipt. Link to story and screen grab below.

I wonder if that's even the DD from the night of the murders since it would be evidence. IIRC, that photo of the scene was taken well after they found the kids.
But she just got her car, a week or so prior to the murders, or so I thought. Moo
She had just gotten it. If he knew what she drove before, he would not have recognized the new RR and would not have expected her to be there, although that begs the question he thought that it belonged to since it was a new car in the driveway.
That's a pretty creepy look he's giving to his attorney.

He's thinking, "So, you're gonna try and defend me? Just you wait! I'll make this the most difficult experience of your life and enjoy every minute of it."

The lawyer actually turns her back on him when they stand to get ready to leave, and a man (who I believe to be an assistant of his attorney) steps in between them so she doesn't have to walk near him.
I wish we knew which way the doors swung into DM's bedroom; did it swing to the short wall or to the longer wall beside the stairs to the third floor? We need to know that so we can figure out which direction DM was looking toward when BK walked right by her. If it swung toward the short wall she'd be looking directly over toward XK's room which would suggest he was walking either toward the stairs leading to the first floor or XK's bedroom. If it swung the other way she'd have a restricted view toward the kitchen and the sliders.
Reposting my deleted reply with proper source link because I believe this answers a question asked multiple times:

Gotta say that I am so puzzled by so many questions that are still unanswered if this horrific atrocity was done by just one Criminology PhD Candidate. Maybe some of you can answer.
1.) DoorDash-did he see the driver and wait? Do we know that Xana ate the food (bag appeared to be open.) Not a whole lot of time to eat with the timeline. Driver drops food off. Xana gets food. Xana eats food. Xana goes back to bed? Lots going on in that 20 minute window.
2.) Why pick a fairly busy Saturday night with lots of college kids still out roaming around, partying, etc... Why not mid-week when kids are more likely to be sleeping?
3.) Everyone who's anyone knows about cell phone pinging technology and certainly a PdD in Criminology candidate. Yet he still chose to bring the phone? Why not a burner phone?
4.) I really wonder if he anticipated such national attention from the getgo. I'd think with his personality he must have desired that, which leans toward mass killing. If he'd just killed one person, most of us would have never heard about it.
5.) Why did he spare DM, when he apparently looked right at her when he was leaving? Did he maybe feel he wanted to leave a potential scapegoat, i.e. point the finger at her as the perp? I don't get it. She saw him. He still had the knife? Why didn't he kill her (thank God he didn't.)
I wonder if that's even the DD from the night of the murders since it would be evidence. IIRC, that photo of the scene was taken well after they found the kids.

But before they took the evidence out of the house in the many, many bags that reporters captured in their photos.
New here, this is my first post. All of this is MOO.

I think BK has probably had this urge to commit murder and started stalking various girls since he arrived in WA in August. One thing is that the house where the murders happened is close to a sorority house (I think Alpha Phi, which 2 housemates were members of, IIRC). I feel like if BK is gearing up to murder, he’s obviously a criminology student and has probably studied Ted Bundy. So maybe he started considering committing the murders at a sorority house but as he was watching it/the members, he was led to the Kings Road house and figured it may be easier to do it there, a more controlled environment with less occupants. And with his stalking of the house, with the 12 visits over the last few months, he probably was fairly sure of who lived there but was thrown for a loop by Ethan and possibly Kaylee since she was just visiting. I feel like Maddie was his target, since the sheath was found in her room and I believe she was his first victim. I hope LE is able to get a much broader sense of his online stalking/behavior when they start going through his phone and computer. That will probably lead them to a pretty clear motive/target. Again, all MOO.

Is it possible both M& K were targeted because they were inseparable friends?
Or targeted the entire house all three girls? Or just wanted to kill everyone there?
These are questions I wish we had answers for I'm sure his computer searches could answer them.
A lot is being made about the girl who didn't (allegedly) call the police until something like 8 hours later...but it got me to thinking about another case I seen years ago. Maybe someone else will know what I'm talking about and remember the names...

Anyways...some guy working a 2nd or 3rd shift job came home late one night to find his wife had been murdered. And instead of calling the police, he set down and just watched tv for a few hours and called them later that morning.

Police get there and are obviously skeptical of his story. But to make a long story short...he was actually telling the truth. Someone had broken in and killed the woman. Husband went into shock upon finding her and just couldnt face the reality until a few hours later.

It could be something similar.
Yes I know this case! It ended up being a somewhat case of mistaken identity- the murderer was actually after a man who had previously lived with the couple but no longer did; he ended up killing the wife because he “just wanted to kill someone” once he got in the house. But the husband got home late from work, couldn’t quite register what he was seeing, so sat down and watched TV/ fell asleep and called police in the morning.
I keep trying to put myself in DM’s position and imagine what I would do, but I think it’s utterly impossible because the vast majority of us have never experienced anything close to this.
All MOO.
How can you quote a post from the past closet thread though? That's why I didn't quote your post. They closed the thread and opened a new one but left that closed down for like 6 hours. Then I posted my thought as soon as thread opened but didn't know how to quote yours from the old thread.
There's a post somewhere on this site (on a thread for this case) saying exactly how to do it. From that, iirc, one is to click on the share button to the top right of the post one wants to bring forward and select copy link. Haven't tried it yet so idk if I fully undestand the instructions to be 100% certain. But try the share button on desired post, select 'copy link' and see what happens. HTH.
Yes. I cannot rationalize an irrational mind, but the left-behind sheath says a lot, IMO. Clearly the sheath was not attached to his belt, so WHY did he bring the sheath in with him? He thought to wear all black and a mask, he thought to turn off his phone, he thought to leave a PA license plate on his car, but once he got to the house and it was going to happen, his common sense betrayed him. He should have left the sheath in the car.

Once the crime was over and he was back home, common sense kicked back in...changed his license plate, used gloves everywhere he went, put trash in neighbor's cans, etc.

He was definitely in a "zone" as I've seen it said, during the killings. Freaking scary.
The trash didn't go in neighbor's bins until he returned to PA.
Gloves while cleaning were possibly in an effort to protect his hands from whatever chemicals he was using. H2O2 will clean blood and that's pretty basic information he should have had..
should have had
should have had
should have had...
could sing those 3 words..

i'm getting tired of him now.
He can go stew along with his veggies.
I feel like I'm feeding him psychically by even thinking about him.
I'm feeling he sucks that up.. like a vampire, living on other peoples' energy.
Awww, thank you. And I always feel so much smarter after reading yours. ;)

In regards to the stalking sessions, if I'm not mistaken, all but 1 occured during the very late night or wee hours of the morning, except 1. I believe the 1 that strayed from pattern was on 11/13, when he returned to the scene just after 9a.m.

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What size area are we talking about when they say that his phone records show at least 12 occasions when his phone was “utilizing cellular resources that provide coverage to the area of 1122 King Road…?”

Would that be within a few blocks of the target house? Or, within a few miles? I live in a rural area and we don’t have a lot of cell towers, but the ones we have cover what seems to be as much as 5 miles or so.

How can we find out the size of those coverage areas?
What’s the penalty for ignoring the gag order?
I don’t think a lot. Similar to his restraining order. Misdemeanor / $1000 fine or something like that. Same here in California. That’s why restraining orders really don’t protect people from scary persons who don’t fear small consequences.
I wonder if LE took possession of BK's phone or did he get rid of it? There could be more location data, text messages and other information on it that could be useful in this case. JMO.
My sound silly I was thinking pants like runners/riding bike pants, tight fitting no pockets, maybe had sheath in waist under shirt, after removing knife and starting the attack it fell out.

Not silly at all. Whatever he wore might have been disposable to him, so a pair of athletic pants, which is about all younger people wear these days, would be pretty believable. I think you might be right, because if he had on pants with belt loops, I definitely think he would have had the sheath attached.
That's a pretty creepy look he's giving to his attorney.
I think this is a still shot of when BK entered the court room and took a seat beside his attorney. She said something to him and he smiled to acknowledge it. Watching the video of this interaction, rather than the still shot, I thought his smile at his attorney looked warm and engaging in response to what she had just said to him, just something like good morning or other pleasantries to acknowledge his arrival.
It's like he was so confident in his ability to fly under the radar he didn't even take normal precautions. MOO, but that sounds narcissistic to me.

Indeed it does, feels Above the Law. Laws don't apply to him.
He must know that computer data can be used in court as evidence yet he seemed oblivious to it. Compelled to commit crimes that he forgot to cover his tracks? For being brilliant he sure made lots of mistakes (thank god!)
I can't believe he would be so brazen as to drive by the home 3x-4x. One has to know they are likely being recorded by cameras/ring doorbells etc.

He might be the kind of person who can't see the trees for the forest.

He goes to the Nth degree to make sure he disposes of the weapon where it cannot possibly be found, wear black clothes and a mask so his face can't be identified... but yet not think to turn off his phone (or buy a burner phone).

He plans for some things but yet forgets the basics. He might be book smart.... but real world dumb.
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