ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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Daily Mail continues to keep us informed.

Clean-up operation at Idaho murder house was stopped because suspect Bryan Kohberger asked for the crime scene to be preserved, new court papers reveal - as cops agree to lock up home​

Bryan Kohberger, 28, and his attorney, Anne Taylor, asked for the 1122 King Road property to remain sealed until February 1, the papers show.

Certainly I understand that this is to be used to bolster his defence, but I can’t help wondering if he wants to see the carnage he left in broad daylight.
Did you read the comments on that Twitter thread?
Yes, but we are only allowed to quote MSM. That being said, I don’t see anything groundbreaking in the comments.
He likely thought that D the roommate heard both violent enounters and as a result called the police. Hence him speeding out of there. I doubt that he slept that night. Either listening to a police scanner if he had one or incessantly refreshing his web browser.

After waiting for so long he probably went to see what the hell was go

So, I've been thinking, where should LE look for the murder weapon? One possibility, IMO, might be in that river in Lewiston at some point. BUT. I found a problem!
(Maybe BK missed it?) I didn't count the miles exactly, as
the water continues on downhill to the Snake River, 2-3 miles before Almota. There's the Lower Granite Dam Fish Ladder...I tried to attach the file but couldn't get it to work. I think that might be a fairly easy place to catch a knife drifting down the river. JMO.

Someone else on an earlier page suggested that BK may have buried it in the dirt somewhere, and I have since then found a bunch of spots that might work.
That would be so cool if they could find it at the Dam Fish Ladder like you suggested. As BK just moved to WA in August 2022 he might not have known of that particular catchment spot, if he did indeed dispose of the knife.
I agree with you that we can’t work out a specific target (or if there was only one) from the affidavit. But if there was one targeted victim then I think the combination of what DM heard, and the record of BK visiting the house all those times makes it more likely that MM was the target than anyone else. I agree with your assessment that the 3rd floor was likely BK’s initial focus based on DM’s insight. Presumably BK knew from stalking the house that KG was not permanently there any more. He could have known KG was there from social media, and indeed that could be why he carried it out that night, but I think it’s more likely that he either didn’t risk looking at their social media on the day of the attack or didn’t know the victims by name at all.
“Guessing” he knew their names. He was stalking since possibly when he arrived in Aug- fully intending on finding his mark. Moo
It just made me irritated..
He lands this PhD programme and applies for

One new revelation in the court affidavit had a tinge of irony: After enrolling in the Ph.D. program at Washington State in August, Mr. Kohberger had applied for an internship. In an essay as part of the application, he described his interest in helping rural police departments collect and analyze data as part of public safety operations. The internship he applied for was at the Pullman Police Department, whose officers would wind up helping in the investigation of the murders

and then doesn't switch his phone off .. ffs!!!

Then pops in to somebody elses' house and spends approx 12-16max minutes stabbing 4 strangers to death and leaves quickly though nobody is chasing him and he had ample opportunity to kill a fifth but demurs because he only wanted to kill 4?

Like hero savior syndrome ie.. firefighters who set fires only to put them out to be heroes. I understand not the same thing but could it be that he committed this horrific mass murder because in his bent mind, it is a full circle fantasy.. he kills (his fantasy), believes he has committed the perfect crime THEN finagles the opportunity to study the horrific mass murder, becomes an intuitive expert about it, writes doctoral thesis on this unsolved mass murder ( build career and reputation). Therefore setting the ground work to become a successful criminologist and write a book about his investigation of the unsolved Moscow Mass murder and makes money. I feel sick- MOO Did this deranged suspect have a long plan?

There's Historical CLSI data which is used to track past movements. There is also prospective CLSI, GPS, and triangulation data which track a phone in real time. Historical CLSI is not triangulation, historical CLSI can narrow down a location to a general area, sometimes it's a huge aera. Prospective location data is pinpoint accurate.

The university of New Hampshire law review has an in-depth journal article on cellular data tracking. It can be found by searching for "Junk Evidence: A Call to Scrutinize Historical Cell Site Location." Evidence
Yes, there are tons of ways cell phones are tracked, even Bluetooth beacons in stores. There is also location derived by a data base of wifi locations. If there is Facebook on the phone, there is tons of data going there. Use a weather program, they know where you are, and are probably selling that information. Most weather services buy the location services from providers that provide and sell it.

I believe the basic triangulation is good enough to show BK was in the area of the house multiple times. Seems like the data is usually good enough, and all the other just takes for time and warrants.

Never forget google and many apps are in the business of selling who you are and where you are.
I think maybe DM was in twilight sleep or something. Maybe she thought she was dreaming.

Hubby once said, "You did this and that last night".
I said, "No, you were dreaming" (I was actually awake at the time, so I knew it was a dream)

Apparently, he thought I had done some bizarre thing while I was sleepwalking.
So, it goes both ways I guess.
So far he's a mass killer, not a serial killer. But it's entirely possible that if not caught, he may have gone on to become a serial killer. Or if we find out he's done this previously.

I agree he feels he's achieved some status in the criminal world.

IMO he looks perfectly content and relaxed in these court hearings etc. Very pleased with himself.

I don't think he wanted to get caught, but now that he has, IMO he feels like he hit the big leagues. A nationally known case.
What a diseased mind to think like that. <ugh!> I am hoping for the death penalty for this monster. I also believe the State of Idaho will not disappoint in that regard. IMO
Right, any latex, nitrile, or vinyl glove is what doctors wear, but also very common for wearing while cleaning. I don't even know that I have a point, other than I wouldn't think anything of seeing someone wearing them while cleaning their car.
Why would he take the trash out at 4 am wearing surgical gloves??
Right, any latex, nitrile, or vinyl glove is what doctors wear, but also very common for wearing while cleaning. I don't even know that I have a point, other than I wouldn't think anything of seeing someone wearing them while cleaning their car.
I thought someone was talking about those yellow dish washing gloves that go up to nearly your elbow but are wide at the top, I agree nowdays, you can buy the doctor style at the dollar store and I see people using them all the time and even see folks wearing them in public since the pandemic. So yes a very common site.
Why would he take the trash out at 4 am wearing surgical gloves??
i deleted my comment, I don't think it's odd wearing gloves to take out the trash, it's the 4am that's odd. But maybe not odd for him, based on his many trip to Moscow, it seems he was typically up at that time.

Not defending him in anyway as I do believe he's responsible. When I worked nights I did things in the middle of the night that seemed odd to day workers.

Again, not defending him. I just don't find wearing gloves to clean or take out the trash to be odd.
Suffice it to say, I haven't put much stock in old tenant comments because they have conflicted. But would be interested to see the confirmation that the doors lock automatically if you have it handy!

Too many threads to find it all but this one quotes XK’s dad as saying the locks all lock automatically (that you had to go around if it was locked to try slider) and that he fixed her bedroom lock.
If you google “smart locks” or keyless locks they lock automatically when closed.
There may be a button to push in door frame or something that could override it.
Generally they lock when closed.

In any case, that’s why I always state IMHO per protocol.

Its my humble opinion that all the bedrooms & the front door in the house were fitted with smart locks (keyless coded locks
that automatically lock to the outside when closed (unless purposely overridden or broken)
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