ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 56

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That's so awful.

What chance did the victims have to put anything out there ?
Did they like to write poetry ?
Paint ?
Sing ?
I get it that prisoners have rights, but it feels wrong for anyone to hear or read what BK has to say when he silenced four young voices, forever.
Wrong for him to benefit in any way if he is convicted.

Totally agree and not fond of academics who publish their verbatim words (a memoir) as an academic text under their own name. However, when I was young and untenured, if some mentor had pushed me to do it, I don't know if my standards would have held. I sure hope so.

I'm still waiting to publish an account of fieldwork I did in an impoverished neighborhood with lots of drug use and among sex workers, until I am certain all the central parties (as anonymous as they will be in my account) are elsewhere. I will also disguise the place where it occurred. It ended up being a study of meth use, frankly and of "welfare moms on meth" (in the public eye, I"m sure). It may never see the light of day, given that I have no need to publish - except that, well, some people have said they think it would help understand certain things.

I dunno. Someone will help BCK publish his amazing thoughts about everything, I'm sure.
So the "it's OK I am going to help you" comment that the surviving witness heard. Could that have been the boyfriend comforting x after she was attacked? Or the killer trying telling her that so she would not continue resisting perhaps?
He didn't have the sheath when he left, so where did he put this bloody knife when he got back into his car? On the passenger seat? Floorboard? Bag?

No matter how thoroughly he cleaned the car, there must be some DNA from the knife inside the car.

MOO just thinking out loud
I think he planned this enough to have plastic on his seats so there would be no transfer.
IMO only but why couldn't the investigators have hired a box truck to move those mattresses?! Instead they drive them away in open pickup truck beds with the bloody side up. Seems like an insensitive choice. And while people might not have known what they were I suspect they could have guessed. Especially a group of white trucks in a convoy hauling mattresses. I'd hate to have been next to one at a stoplight.
I realize this has likely been mentioned before, but I thought LE stated the victims were asleep when they were murdered. I'm struggling to understand how someone could order DoorDash at 4:00a.m.,be watching TikTok, and then be so asleep a few short minutes later that they were murdered without making a sound?, This all took place within approximately 25 minutes? Also, how could one of the other victims state that someone was in the house, playing with a dog, and then be so sound asleep within a few brief and killed? It just doesn't seem like there would have been no screaming, etc. And why the roommate waited several hours to shock or not, that is hard to understand.
This was the opinion of the Coroner (not even a medical examiner) on something like Day 5.

What I've noticed is that LE did not see the need to rectify the earlier accounts (what a rabbit hole THAT would be). They let them stand as "believed at the time to be true."

The Coroner did walk it back and say that X had defensive wounds (so not asleep) and that "some" were not in their beds.

They didn't make a sound because of the manner of their death.

I wish we could stop mentioning the housemate. It's the least important thing about this case right now and only serves to keep her unjustifiably in the public eye. It's awful.
They updated the PCA and the page is no longer redacted. There is no new info though, so it was likely just and error

I don’t think that entire blank second page in the original PDF was ever a separate redacted page that had content. It was the back of page 1 that whoever scanned it had scanned by accident. You can tell because of the reversed “Redacted” stamp from page 1 that’s bleeding through, the fact that the page numbers at the bottom were always consecutive, and the text from page 1 to page 2 reads completely and not like there was any omitted text.
<modsnip - off topic>

<mod note - VANS> seem kind of like an odd thing to wear to a quadruple homicide IMO.

I've wondered if she was in the bathroom, so he came across E in the room first and then her when she came back in.

But I do tend to agree with the people who've noted the order of the victim names in the affidavit, which suggest E was killed last. In that case, maybe she was up in the room, at the door, when BK came in and E truly was sound asleep.

If E was killed last (which means BK began on the 3rd floor), then wouldn’t that mean BK had to pass by E & X on the second floor on his way up to the 3rd floor? This is with me assuming he entered on the 2nd floor through the sliders since the 3rd floor balcony is really high up.

Can that be explained away as them being in X’s room with the door closed so he passed it and didn’t return til he came back down to that floor again? Though if X was in the bathroom, he’d likely see the light on under the closed door, so that’d be a risk knowing someone is wide awake … if he didn’t know about the doordash that had just happened though I suspect he did….

And in that line of thinking, if D did hear X crying, I’m starting to wonder if BK took a few moments to speak to whoever was awake… idk, just a thought I’m getting

Eta typo
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Re: Questions & confusion over PCA page 2 (redaction)

I don't believe there is a missing page. If you notice, the page numbers are perfectly sequenced. That blank page is not numbered. IMO the blank page is simply an error.

I think he planned this enough to have plastic on his seats so there would be no transfer.
Plastic on the seats is probably not enough. The pedals, under knobs, some nook or cranny of that car... all it takes is a tiny speck of DNA anyplace within that car. JMO, but I think there's a chance.​
Very good point. It didn't say "Also in the hallway was a male...".

Which brought me back to the actual affidavit.... I haven't seen a bazillion affidavits like a lot of you likely have, but the few I've seen usually have small pieces blanked out (like names, etc.). But this affidavit has the entire page 2 redaced, or blank, not just some spots here and there. That's got me to wondering why, of all places in the affidavit, is an entire page redacted after mentioning the sole deceased male in the house?

It says:
Chapin was also deceased with wounds later determined (Autopsy Report provided by Spokane {1 full page REDACTED} County Medical Examiner _____________ dated December 15,2022) to be caused by "sharp-force injuries."

What could a whole page redaction mean for the sole male? They didn't do this for the 3 women so I find this extremely odd. It makes me wonder if BK didn't like seeing a make in X's bed and did things other than just stab him to death.

The missing page has been resolved on the live link:

I think the Redacted stamp just means this version of the doc has redactions in it, as it has the medical examiner and another name later on redacted.

(edited for clarity of thought)
Having read the affidavit I think the guy is guilty, and in this country I am allowed to have and share that opinion.
If I was on the jury I of course would do my civil duty to the best of my ability and set my own thoughts on a shelf to be sure justice had been served.
Problem is, there are some people never selected for a jury, because we spend our lives in as world of science and critical thinking, and teach that to others
That is exactly who the defense does Not want on a jury.
I think I’d never be chosen either LOL. Likely too opinionated!
Tricky wording in that document. Didn’t direct to “pull him over” but doesn’t mean they didn’t direct them to follow him. My cousin is state trooper and has been directed to follow people (not by FBI that I explicitly know of), he says with enough time someone will make a mistake for him to pull them over. Speeding, driving in passing lane, failure to use turn signal, etc.. He’s had some big drug busts by following people he was directed to follow. (He didn’t tell me not to tell people this so I think it’s common knowledge).
That’s a great point! Nothing to prevent the officers from pulling over someone for an observed infraction!
IMO only but why couldn't the investigators have hired a box truck to move those mattresses?! Instead they drive them away in open pickup truck beds with the bloody side up. Seems like an insensitive choice. And while people might not have known what they were I suspect they could have guessed. Especially a group of white trucks in a convoy hauling mattresses. I'd hate to have been next to one at a stoplight.
Was thinking the same thing. I couldn’t tell, but did they have them wrapped in plastic? I’m no evidence or crime scene tech, but it seems they’d have them wrapped while being transported.
Cleaning your car inside and out at 4 am, and parents didn’t think it was odd after a cross country trip? Who takes their garbage to the neighbors at that hour? My dogs would have a fit and my security lights would shine. He got lucky on that move. MOO
What if....the blade was wiped off, then wrapped in some bedding or towel that was clean then put into something of his own (if he had one)? Dump the knife at point A, dump the bedding at point B, dump the thing that belonged to him at point C. What are the chances that the thing that belonged to him would have enough foreign DNA to even find in his own car?
Does anyone have knowledge of him ever owning a Kabar knife?

Unless he just bought it recently specifically with the purpose of committing a crime, someone he knows has surely seen it in his possession before. You can conceal it in public but parents, siblings or friends would have likely seen it at some point. He seems close with his parents. If he was known to carry a knife at all, they would know (IMO).
I think he saw them at that bar , he wouldn't stand out age wise there, I think he hit on one of them and got shot down or didn't have the balls to talk to them and that's where the following or stalking started jmvoo
Bar owners confirmed they didn’t recognize him and he definitely wasn’t there that night.
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