ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 56

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Cleaning your car inside and out at 4 am, and parents didn’t think it was odd after a cross country trip? Who takes their garbage to the neighbors at that hour? My dogs would have a fit and my security lights would shine. He got lucky on that move. MOO

The 4am part will be easy for him to explain due to the time difference - it was only 1am for him. The neighbors trash is going to be more difficult. Hopefully the FBI took photos of his parent's trash can showing that it was not full.
I think so too. Since he used the knife to kill and had no sheath to put it in, it had to be carried bare to where ever he carried it (even if he wrapped it up in his jacket when he got to the car or whatever).

I bet this will be a big exercise in DNA detection in car upholstery, carpet and every other surface. Carpet likes to keep its DNA.

He at least steps in blood, as well

At first I thought this was bad news, but once I kept reading and it seems to be excellent news and that this is a great PCA and an amazing start to getting justice for these young people.
Let's remember, when DM gave her statement to police she was aware of the murders and the unspeakable things that happened. Go back to her state of mind when this horrific event was occurring or had occurred, (UNBEKNOWNEST TO HER AT THE TIME, before she knew anything) then everything she saw and heard that night could absolutely be par for the course in that residence and many other residences or dorms on a college campus. The only thing that was unusual about it was the man passing by her doorway, wearing a mask and this caused her fear. She locked her door and maybe or maybe not called others and spoke about the guy in the mask, or she simply fell asleep. Not one thing unusual. Now that we know what happened one can go back and question everything.

I think the confusion for some people (understandably) is because when the affidavit first came out Cathy Russon was tweeting out parts of it which were posted here from her Twitter account (before we had a chance to read the actual affidavit for ourselves. I am quite purposely not attaching a link to her site because she had paraphrased what she was reading (bad idea when it comes to interpreting an affidavit.) and I don't want to cause more confusion with her paraphrasing of the affidavit. I'm hoping that's OK.

With that said, she had paraphrased the following:

Ofc Smith and Sgt. Blaker entered the residence on the bottom floor and went up to the second floor. Just before Xana's room, he saw her body on the floor. She was deceased with wounds which appeared to be have been caused by an edged weapon.

What the ACTUAL affidavit says:

Just before this room there was a bathroom door on the south wall of the hallway. As I approached the room, I could see a body, later identified as Kernodle's, laying on the floor.

So, to me, Cathy's tweet reads like he saw her body lying on the floor just before Xana's room (meaning not IN the room). But what is said in the affidavit is he saw a body as he approached the room which to me very likely means he saw her on the floor of her room through the open door as he approached. Obviously I could be wrong but I do think it's better to discuss what was actually said in the affidavit vs someone's interpretation of what they read and tweeted out.

Shouldn't paraphrase.... tsk tsk. :cool:

Good point.
IMO only but why couldn't the investigators have hired a box truck to move those mattresses?! Instead they drive them away in open pickup truck beds with the bloody side up. Seems like an insensitive choice. And while people might not have known what they were I suspect they could have guessed. Especially a group of white trucks in a convoy hauling mattresses. I'd hate to have been next to one at a stoplight.

That's why I believe it is a lower budget PD type of thing going on. They're gonna save the money for the labwork.
I thought the house was to remain the same until Feb. 1st but according to Daily Mail (I know but they've photos) clearing has begun
IMO only but why couldn't the investigators have hired a box truck to move those mattresses?! Instead they drive them away in open pickup truck beds with the bloody side up. Seems like an insensitive choice. And while people might not have known what they were I suspect they could have guessed. Especially a group of white trucks in a convoy hauling mattresses. I'd hate to have been next to one at a stoplight.
Sadly, I am thinking the bloodier sides may have been down, and I totally agree with you. Why those were not hauled off in a box truck is beyond me. No one needed to see that, especially the tabloids. JMO
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Not just about academic study vs book smart, but also simply lacking in experience with physical crime scenes. A cop with a a bachelors degree, or less, but who has scene a lot of crime scenes, or dealt with a pool of potential suspects knows 100x more than kohberger would know.
Even though the DNA is what will cook his goose, even without it he left a trail of clues. so without DNA they would simply have a prime suspect they could sweat and eventually get making more mistakes.
Sheath aside, he did NOTHING “right.” He used his own car, he carried his cell phone, he stalked them beforehand with his cell phone turned on…
I'm inclined to think he knew nothing about the Door Dash guy. They missed each other by about 4 minutes. My theory is he drove around 4 times in the course of about 30 minutes because he was waiting to make sure the inhabitants of the house seemed to be asleep. I think if he saw a Door Dasher it might have spooked him. MOO
True, but her light was likely on unless she ate in the dark. A light on in the house would give me pause at 4am if I was expecting everyone to be asleep. The timing between that DD delivery and BK arriving to murder innocent people is just weird. And 4am too! smh
I've been quiet for a while, but at this point I have no choice but to side with LE in this case. Hats off to them for solving it so quickly under the conditions, especially after reading the BOMBSHELL affidavit. I appreciate all of your thoughts, however, the one clue in the affidavit that no one is talking about that I have seen after trying to piece this puzzle together is the fact that the dog was still alive after this monster unleashed his murderous escapade. The one thing that sticks out about the dog being alive is the fact that BK is an obsessive Vegan to say the least. He's actually an over-the-top Vegan to the point that he probably has more empathy and sympathy for an animal over humans to the point that he saved the only animal in the house at the time. If that doesn't spill guilt to murder as a major clue to how we know he is responsible on top of the other damning evidence that we know about so far, I don't know what to tell you. I'm confident they found the guy responsible and it's sickening to think about and wrap our heads around on why he did it.... but that's EVIL for you. Rest in Heaven to the 4 innocent souls who lost their life as a result of Devilish, Evil acts.
I realize this has likely been mentioned before, but I thought LE stated the victims were asleep when they were murdered. I'm struggling to understand how someone could order DoorDash at 4:00a.m.,be watching TikTok, and then be so asleep a few short minutes later that they were murdered without making a sound?, This all took place within approximately 25 minutes? Also, how could one of the other victims state that someone was in the house, playing with a dog, and then be so sound asleep within a few brief and killed? It just doesn't seem like there would have been no screaming, etc. And why the roommate waited several hours to shock or not, that is hard to understand.
Xana was not asleep. Clearly. She was active on TikTok at 4:12. At 4:17 a camera 50 ft from her room detected "whimpering and a thud." BK was spotted on camera leabing the area at 4:20.
Do I have this right? He returned to the area of the crime scene between 9a.m. and 9:30a.m. the next day? Is it possible he was returning to get that knife sheath? Or was he a looky loo? He just had to see all the commotion he'd created?

He returned THE SAME DAY. 5 hours after murders and 3 hours before 911 was called and the murders reported.
no. it clearly says she was in the bedroom. You can say it says she was kitchen or hallway or on stairs or outside, but that is is not supported whatsoever by the facts and statements in affidavit which put her in bedroom. In fact it says it twice.

I agree with the other poster. This is your interpretation, not a fact by any means. The way it's worded, it could be either, IMO
Not that I am a grammar Nazi but was there a comma after the word also? I know it seems like a crazy question but usually affidavits are grammatical correct and a comma can make a difference. I myself miss commas all the time

There are stylistic issues throughout the affidavit that are common in legal writing, IMO.

It's the word ALSO at the beginning of the paragraph that organizes the floor plan and the information being conveyed. Doesn't need a comma and would mean the same if it had one.

Re: Questions & confusion over PCA page 2 (redaction)

I don't believe there is a missing page. If you notice, the page numbers are perfectly sequenced. That blank page is not numbered. IMO the blank page is simply an error.


I agree. I don't think we're missing anything. They probably accidentally copied the back side of the first page, and the word redacted, in reverse, showed through. Just a guess.
Sadly, I am thinking the bloodier sides may have been down. Why these were not hauled off in a box truck is beyond me. JMO
I think you might be right that it is flipped over, but it's such an overt bloodstain that it also shocks me it wasn't concealed more. You can even see what seems like a bloody handprint on the one mattress. MOO
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