ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 57

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Here’s a house layout of all the rooms that may help visualize. You can move the images around with your finger if on a mobile device.

Virtual Tour of 1122 King Road, Moscow, Idaho
I still can't remember the darn thing..LOL
Everytime I think of the house, I need a darn diagram!

Theory: Anyway, Xana receives her food.
Ethan is very likely sleeping since he didn't order anything.
She is likely up, eating and and scrolling on her phone. Maybe in her living room, maybe in her room
BK comes in.
Goes upstairs
Kills KG and MM
Xana may have gotten up by this time (who knows what direction she walks. Does she hear the noise and walk in the direction of it?)
BK comes down
Xana is found closest to the door, which indicates to me he likely kills Ethan first while Ethan was asleep.
Xana puts up a struggle.
BK kills Xana, then leaves.
Just MOO
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BK was written a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt.

I’m wondering if he was stalking the house and someone/something made him take off in a hurry? Just a thought.

Because of this ticket LE had his phone number to trace and also the fact that his car had PA plates in August.

Agree I heard that woman cop on Nancy Grace say something similar. Forgotten her name, might be Sheree or Shirlee.
That's the problem w Nancy - never lets anybody get a word in.

I really wanted to hear more from that woman cop, she seemed to have a lot of insight.
I don't use TIkTok, but like other SM, there are "likes" and "comments". She maybe, "liked" something..kinda like FB or twitter.
A forensic analysis of a phone can show when every app was open and whether someone is interacting with it to the second. This fatal accident in Virginia shows you the power of this type of analysis.


what an idiot for someone with that much education

Anyone can be an idiot, when their psyche runs up against knowledge and intellect. Grad students have killed before. Doctors kill - quite a bit more than we'd expect. Writers kill.

BK made some (in retrospect) stupid errors, for sure. He is likely something of a rookie at major crime.

However, my view is that he is the kind of person who gets a crazy idea and can't shake it off, and doesn't see the forest for the trees. It's a special kind of hole in the psyche, a hole in his field of imagination. Not able to imagine what others do or feel very well. Thinks LE is stupid. Thinks he's smarter than everyone.

As for his education, I'm not at all impressed. I've seen a lot of academic CV's and his is unimpressive, weak and, and well, absolutely no way he would have gotten into a top criminology program. IMO. And while he was admitted to WSU (middle of the pack kind of school), he obviously will never finish (just as he didn't really finish his master's thesis, per Prof B).

The program he was in would have allowed him an upward career path in some aspect of LE/investigation - and yet, Pullman PD turned him down, even for just an internship. Has he ever had employment other than high school security guard, years ago? Or being an (unsuccessful) TA (which is a stipend-based experience, I don't think TA's typically have regular employment taxes deducted from their checks; it's basically an honorarium)?

IME, real world work experience is key to learning. Every employer knows that a person with strong recommendations from prior employment is a better bet than someone without. He was thwarted by Pullman PD (he thinks to himself) and who knows where else he might have applied and been denied. Then, he's a TA but gets into trouble and is basically disciplined. Yikes. No social skills, no social intelligence, and a strong, compulsive, linear, overly analytic mind (that does not consider premises - only logic; logic by itself is pretty impractical).
Just watching Fox News and Ted Williams said Xana and Ethan were killed first and that we still don’t know who the target(s) were but they wouldn’t have needed to go upstairs if the targets were one or both of those 2.
Saw that and he was really annoying me. He was speaking as if what he was saying was fact.
Just read about this today. Apparently the FB group had 150K followers. Now it's gone, but that particular member was commenting for weeks with incredible accuracy.
The group isn’t gone, but the user is.

The user started a new FB group when he was kicked out (before disappearing completely) and I want to tell you the strangest thing.

The cover photo of the new group (which has since been changed), appeared to be a collage of all the victims. But if you looked closely, it wasn’t. It was a collage of pics of MM primarily. Because of their closeness KG was in some of them. The other two victims weren’t in any of them.

I found that to be very strange.

But in terms of some of his comments, he got stuff wrong as much as he got it right. He was adamant they were in KG’s room, he had the layout wrong, etc.

Our own @MassGuy called the left behind sheath as well, and since I’ve been reading his posts since the Mollie Tibbetts case, I’m pretty confident he’s just a smart dude and wasn’t involved in the Moscow Murders <wink>.

All my opinion and from my experience in those groups.
edited for a typo because autocorrect did me a dirty on ’sheath’
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I do too. E has to be a factor to consider here, because unless he was completely plastered out of his wits, there's no way BK could have murdered X, with her crying all the while, and somebody talking to her, without E waking up and reacting somehow. And we know X was awake during the whole event, so how could BK murder E without X either fighting him, shouting, or fleeing, especially if she wasn't cornered in the room, but right by the door. DM didn't report hearing any of this kind of sound (unless she did but it wasn't included in the PCA).

Instead, DM reports hearing crying, twice, coming from X's room. I know it's contentious whether or not that is blood dripping down the side of the house, but its placement would be consistent with a body bleeding against the wall of that room, the wall nearest where the camera captured a loud thud at 4:17. I think that was E and BK. I do think other posters' idea about the order the murder charges were listed could be order of death (maybe, maybe not), but maybe X was stabbed before E, injured, then E was killed, and finally, BK came back to X to "help" her, and he finished the job right before DM saw him leave. It's the only way I can put all the details together with what I know so far, which isn't much...
100% agree.

I believe IMO that X could have been attacked when retreating back to her bedroom from the living room, after spotting the perp. X was therefore attacked near the bedroom door which incapacitated her (the PCA states that DM "thought" it was crying on page 4, but the police statement could also be suggesting that it was different sounds linked to her injuries). I believe that she was on the threshold of the bedroom, close to the bathroom door - I suggested earlier in this thread, which others had respectfully has disagreed with, but I maintain that the PCA may IMO suggest on page 1 this positioning of her body.

E may not have been fully awake at this point and this is why he could also be attacked, and this may account for the voices and loud thud that is heard on the CCTV camera at 4:17am. As E was in the bedroom, this may not have been sufficient for DM to hear this phase of the attack (or the PCA does not detail this part of her statement).

It may also explain why DM could hear "crying" and the "help you" comment that was allegedly made by a male, most likely IMO the perp, as X was incapacitated close to the bedroom but in the living room, and thereby in closer earshot to DM. All JMO
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Just a small note, the Rational Choice Theory expresses that individuals are in control of their decisions and don't make choices because of unconscious drives, tradition or environmental influences.

It comes from economics and made its way into sociology, politics, organizational analysis and social work. It's also been proven wholly inadequate in each of those fields (stocks don't reflect a company's real price-to-earningd, markets crash when the fundamentals are good, countries operate outside their interests, people have multiple drivers and unconscious biases, tradition and environmental factors, including with criminals, are alive and well and involved in out decsion making).
Agree... cognition/decision-making research has been fueled for at least fifty years by demonstrating how rational choice theory is of extremely limited utility in understanding how people actually make decisions. Rational choice theory is used mostly as a baseline to show how different actual decisions are from what would be the most rational.

See, for example:
He just killed four people. Why would he spare D's life? He may have killed X merely because she was a witness. So again why would he spare D's, another witness, life? Imo. D was not killed because he didn't see her. Imo.
I tend to agree with this. But on the flip side perhaps things had gotten really out of hand. I’m not yet convinced he went there with the intention of killing all 4 of them. Adrenaline was likely pumping through his body, he’d be hyper aware of what he’d just done, Murphy was barking above them. He likely felt he needed to get out of there.
He just killed four people. Why would he spare D's life? He may have killed X merely because she was a witness. So again why would he spare D's, another witness, life? Imo. D was not killed because he didn't see her. Imo.
He stalked the house/area 12 times at least. He knew exactly who was there. So the attack was targeted as LE said.
I am not sure if anyone has posted the Lewiston Tribune's map of the travels of BK, the Elantra and, or, the cell phone the day of the murders but it's worth a look-see. Perhaps it's a road map to where supplies were bought and murder weopons were disposed of, etc.

(Image source, Friday edition A Section at Lewiston Tribune E-edition)
It's just a few steps from the Albertson's to the river, and possibly no cameras right there at the river. (I can't tell.) But I noticed something yesterday ...That's the Snake River, and downriver a ways, before Almota, is the Lower Granite Dam Fish Ladder.

I don't know exactly how fish ladders work on a river, but that might be a good place to look for a knife? JMO.
Here’s a house layout of all the rooms that may help visualize. You can move the images around with your finger if on a mobile device.

Virtual Tour of 1122 King Road, Moscow, Idaho
Thank you for sharing this. Wow. X and Es bedroom is a lot further away from DMs than I had assumed. I think it’s entirely possible BK did not see DM as he had tunnel vision to make that right turn and head out the door. I agree with an earlier poster that her “freeze” response likely saved her life.
I have no idea how many he came to kill, but my own view of his mental situation tells me he came to kill and probably had the idea of a mass killing in his mind. This is a man who studied, and some say, was obsessed with serial killers and mass murderers.

He drove around the neighborhood working himself up (each time he went over to the neighborhood, he likely got closer to the mindset he needed to do this crime).

That night, he realized it was the best opportunity he'd had and he was mentally and otherwise prepared. There's no way, in my mind, that he didn't have plans to keep his DNA out of the scene, to clean up after, to dump evidence after. He had plastic bags in the car. He knew he would have to dispose of the knife. He figured he might get blood on him (although chose a style of knifing that was least likely to do so - something that can be researched online). He was prepared for all of that.

And if he wasn't, then that car is going to be a damning piece of evidence and he has to be shaking in his boots, as it seems he preferred not to be caught.
Here is the article you were looking for

  • BK commits murders on 3rd floor
  • BK commits murders on 2nd floor
  • Sees DM on the way out of the 2nd floor bedroom
  • Believes she’s likely called the police from minute 1 and all the commotion on the 3rd floor
Logic tells you it’s time for BK to leave. Why wouldn’t he leave? He sped out of the area which showed that he thought police were likely on the way.

Also, DM was in pure shock. Like I said before a lot of us have lived privilege filled lives where conflict means fighting over which movie to watch. Never so much as a food fight. For anyone to even try to speculate on what she was going through or question her motives and actions is ridiculous.

If it’s shown to be true that she’s the unconscious person in the 911 call then that tells you all you need to know about her mental state.

These are the two “holes” people keep pointing to in an attempt to imply that something nefarious is going on
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