ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 57

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I agree that would have been better language. But let me add that the average age of officers at Moscow PD is quite young. All that's needed for employment as LE is a high school diploma in most places, for city police especially. Sometimes, they want a certificate (18 units) of community college or state university, sometimes they want an AA (rare, but if required, then in criminal justice).

I teach a lab class that counts toward the 18 units of some cities here in my region. It is popular with recent high school grads seeking to get a job (uniformed or non-uniformed) in LE, because having even a few units is better than no units. Another class I teach routinely is on the list as a lecture course (for LE as well as for other professions, like nursing).

One of the big reasons that LE management (with whom I consult about curriculum) wants these classes is to improve student observation and writing skills. I think this young officer did a good job and I've seen much, much worse in terms of LE-written affidavits. I've been given good examples and bad examples to work from. His is pretty good, he just has a few stylistic errors.

I think people are comparing his written efforts to those that are drawn up by actual attorneys or experienced paralegals.

I think you're right that it should have said "underside," but to him, it was "bottom of the snap" or "bottom snap." To me, the earnest and individual language of the PCA is supposed to show that an actual human, an LEO, went out to the seen and was tasked with later writing it up as a PCA - chosen due to his better writing skills, as he's definitely way better than average, IMO.

In some places, attorneys do assist LE in writing such things or at least review them, but that's not true in the smallish town where I live now, it's done entirely by police and their own admin staff. It's supposed to be in the "voice" of the officer writing it.
They don't have to also attend the police academy?
"The white sedan cruised past the gray, three-story rental home on a dead-end street in Moscow, Idaho. Then again. And again.

It was unusual behavior in the residential, hillside neighborhood in the quiet hours before dawn."

While I do feel that MM was the true target, what if X was? Maybe she was the one at MG Cafe he got infatuated with since she worked there as well. SA was the actual intent, not expecting her to have a bf there. Seeing EC there, he just lost it. I keep going back to SG comments of "he didn't have to go up the stairs", so just brainstorming.
I know other employees said they don't remember serving him. I waited tables all during college and wouldn't remember most people unless they came there a lot and I was the one that actually waited on them.
I agree. I noted earlier, if the perp was the one to say something specific to X such as "it's OK, I'm going to help you" or something along those lines (the PCA is not certain on this point) then perhaps he "knew"/recognised her.
I disagree about the guilty plea-
I think he wants to be known, and has watched trials on TV and on the internet and the chats that take place and how many people tune in to watch a trial.
He wants his name to be said often, and linked forever with the Moscow, ID Four Murders.
He wants to be interviewed by experts
He wants to own a little piece of True Crime real estate in people’s minds.

I think He will plead innocent and drag this case out enjoying every single minute…

Unless… he gets the blonde attorney he has now! If this guy has a thing for blondes and also hates women in general he has a problem. So will he tolerate her until he can’t. Then fire her, if he can?

The question is, will he ‘axe’ to request to not understand, or refuse to be represented by someone other than himself, like that guy not named Darrell Brooks tried to pull?
I hope not, for the sake of the victims and their families.

I also believe he wants the trial. I think he's actually looking forward to it. I bet he can't wait to see the crime scene photos, as it was dark when he was there. I bet he gets a thrill seeing what he's done. Sicko.

Also, as far as his lawyer goes, I hear she's actually quite good, so look out. It may not be as simple as we'd all like it to be.
I agree that would have been better language. But let me add that the average age of officers at Moscow PD is quite young. All that's needed for employment as LE is a high school diploma in most places, for city police especially. Sometimes, they want a certificate (18 units) of community college or state university, sometimes they want an AA (rare, but if required, then in criminal justice).

I teach a lab class that counts toward the 18 units of some cities here in my region. It is popular with recent high school grads seeking to get a job (uniformed or non-uniformed) in LE, because having even a few units is better than no units. Another class I teach routinely is on the list as a lecture course (for LE as well as for other professions, like nursing).

One of the big reasons that LE management (with whom I consult about curriculum) wants these classes is to improve student observation and writing skills. I think this young officer did a good job and I've seen much, much worse in terms of LE-written affidavits. I've been given good examples and bad examples to work from. His is pretty good, he just has a few stylistic errors.

I think people are comparing his written efforts to those that are drawn up by actual attorneys or experienced paralegals.

I think you're right that it should have said "underside," but to him, it was "bottom of the snap" or "bottom snap." To me, the earnest and individual language of the PCA is supposed to show that an actual human, an LEO, went out to the seen and was tasked with later writing it up as a PCA - chosen due to his better writing skills, as he's definitely way better than average, IMO.

In some places, attorneys do assist LE in writing such things or at least review them, but that's not true in the smallish town where I live now, it's done entirely by police and their own admin staff. It's supposed to be in the "voice" of the officer writing it.
But the PCA said "button snap." This is a reporter issue
That, too is an option. I can't wait to find out how it actually went down. We'll probably get some surprises.
IMO it is beyond an option or a point of interpretation: it is the order of events that is being described in the PCA, and which is described on the basis of the detective's description of the crime scene, the forensics/phone analysis, the CCTV and DM's witness statement.
I disagree about the guilty plea-
I think he wants to be known, and has watched trials on TV and on the internet and the chats that take place and how many people tune in to watch a trial.
He wants his name to be said often, and linked forever with the Moscow, ID Four Murders.
He wants to be interviewed by experts
He wants to own a little piece of True Crime real estate in people’s minds.

I think He will plead innocent and drag this case out enjoying every single minute…

Unless… he gets the blonde attorney he has now! If this guy has a thing for blondes and also hates women in general he has a problem. So will he tolerate her until he can’t. Then fire her, if he can?

The question is, will he ‘axe’ to request to not understand, or refuse to be represented by someone other than himself, like that guy not named Darrell Brooks tried to pull?
I hope not, for the sake of the victims and their families.

He'll plead not guilty. He'll have a public defender. He's got nothing but time on his hands now. Going to court is time not spent in his cell. There's also a chance that a jury could find him not guilty. We've all seen that happen before.
IMO it is beyond an option or a point of interpretation: it is the order of events that is being described in the PCA, and which is described on the basis of the detective's description of the crime scene, the forensics/phone analysis, the CCTV and DM's witness statement.
I respectfully disagree

I've been toying around with that idea, as well. I have felt all along that this was a well orchestrated crime, but for the suspect to haphazardly "forget" the sheath on the bed just reeks of amateur hour to me! I'm also starting to feel he left it there on purpose.

We know that BCK went to great lengths after the crime to wear latex gloves in public, etc. so as not leave his DNA/fingerprints anywhere for LE to pick up. The DNA from BCK on the snap of the knife sheath is really so minimal compared the the DNA that he potentially could have left there had he not planned this out to a T. He just wasn't as lucky as he had likely hoped to be.

Agree, and DNA is incredibly small.
While a person’s full genetic code is about 2 meters long, it is folded and wrapped to the size of about 2 microns. 1 micron is 1 millionth of a meter

So he could wipe all he wanted and look and wipe again. But, he did not use alcohol, very hot water, or dilute bleach- or that DNA would have been denatured and be unusable for any kind of match.

That is one reason why he made a big mistake earning an BA and then an MA. He didn’t have to take the biology classes that a BS and MS would demand, and those classes would have taught him what DNA is!

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I disagree about the guilty plea-
I think he wants to be known, and has watched trials on TV and and on the internet and the chats that take place and how many people tune in to watch a trial.
He wants his name to be said often, and linked forever with the Moscow Four Murders.
He wants to be interviewed by experts
He wants to own a little piece of True Crime real estate in people’s minds.

I think He will plead innocent and drag this case out enjoying every single minute…

Unless… he gets the blonde attorney he has now! If this guy has a thing for blondes and also hates women in general he has a problem. So will he tolerate her until he can’t. Then fire her, if he can?

The question is, will he ‘axe’ to request to not understand, or refuse to be represented by someone other than himself, like that guy not named of Darrell Brooks tried to pull?
I hope not, for the sake of the victims and their families.


Wow, amazing post (your writing style is awesome).

Esp the true crime real estate in people's minds - that's exactly what he wants. He's known for years that he has a criminal mind, he wants to be known for it, one way or another.

I think he's enjoying intimidating (in his own mind) the blonde attorney. I think he's delighted he got a lady attorney. And yes, he will likely have big disagreements with her. She knows this already, IMO.

I would not put it past this guy to demand to be able to represent himself in court - off to look up Darrell Brooks!
There is not one inkling of anyone being targeted in the PCA. I think he was there to kill, whoever he could, where ever they were. The two survivors lucked out.


I respect your theory. That's simply my theory for the moment. They haven't interrogated DK. He's lawyered up. Murphy the cuddle bug is alive, and two young, pretty, roommates are alive. At a home he surveilled. For a long time, it appears. Since August possibly? Idk. Just my musings.
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Respectfully: please could you set out what exactly in the PCA or the evidence it describes makes you believe the order of events could be anything different?
Not really because literally everything tells me we don't have any sort of confirmation of the order of the murders. The PCA was written in the order of how the officer walked through/was shown the crime scene, as is clearly stated in the statement. I'm not sure where you're inferring that in anyway indicates the order of the murders.
I apologize if this was already posted. My search on some keywords didn't come up with anything so perhaps it wasn't (I'm not caught up. AGAIN. lol)

Appears LE circled the house overhead even after the arrest. I wonder if they are suspecting his family of assisting Bryan. I can't think of why they'd still be watching the house once he's gone if it wasn't that.

A single-engine 2019 Textron Aviation 208B repeatedly rounded Kohberger’s parents’ home in Albrightsville, Pa., from 4:02 a.m. to 6:22 a.m. last Friday,
even after state police and the FBI had raided the dwelling

I think he's enjoying intimidating (in his own mind) the blonde attorney. I think he's delighted he got a lady attorney. And yes, he will likely have big disagreements with her. She knows this already, IMO.

I would not put it past this guy to demand to be able to represent himself in court - off to look up Darrell Brooks!
I don't think this lady lets others to push her around :)

I have a feeling it will be she to intimidate him.

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I disagree about the guilty plea-
I think he wants to be known, and has watched trials on TV and on the internet and the chats that take place and how many people tune in to watch a trial.
He wants his name to be said often, and linked forever with the Moscow, ID Four Murders.
He wants to be interviewed by experts
He wants to own a little piece of True Crime real estate in people’s minds.

I think He will plead innocent and drag this case out enjoying every single minute…

Unless… he gets the blonde attorney he has now! If this guy has a thing for blondes and also hates women in general he has a problem. So will he tolerate her until he can’t. Then fire her, if he can?

The question is, will he ‘axe’ to request to not understand, or refuse to be represented by someone other than himself, like that guy not named Darrell Brooks tried to pull?
I hope not, for the sake of the victims and their families.

He may plead guilty if they take the death penalty off the table . Whether as a condition of this plea he has to come clean as to motive and specific acts i don't know. Usually prosecuters will ask family of victim if they would be on board
with any plea.
So is it your view that the loud thud (it had to be loud to be heard 50 feet outside of the house) was Ethan's body hitting something? Like a wall? Forcefully shoved by BK back onto the bed? Or forcefully shoved onto the floor behind the bed? (There's a picture of the bedroom that shows what appears to be a queen bed that takes up most of the floor space, with walls on either side of it).

Just very curious about people's opinions about that thud. I view BK as very strong and muscular, quick moving and in some kind of hyper state at the time. Could he have thrown Xana? I doubt he could have thrown Ethan, but maybe shoved him?

Dead weight of a body falling = thud. My sense is that had to have been Xana's body collapsing to the bedroom floor. I cannot shake my feeling that Ethan never woke.
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