ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 57

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Me too. It makes sense in my mind that the dog playing noise DM heard was actually Murphy hearing somebody outside the door and going crazy while K was trying to keep him from running out the door so she could go to M's room. Whether K was saying "there's somebody here" to M, or X to E, I think it was said due to some kind of commotion on the 3rd floor. I think K walked in on BK killing M, or he ambushed her as she walked up to M's bed, after he'd already killed M.

To stab one person multiple times with another person laying beside them, then the other, and managing to do that twice in 10 just seems unlikely. Jmo.
Interesting. Totally plausible but since the PCA says they were both found in the same single bed that would have required a lot of interesting things for that to happen. Attaching the bed size chart


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An American double bed and a twin (single) bed are pretty distinct in width difference. I think someone smarter than me (or with more confidence) can just say yay or nay as to whether the back truck is holding a twin (single) bed:

Inside of bed of dark truck is bout 5’ I think that mattress is a full/double, could be Xana’s.

  • BK commits murders on 3rd floor
  • BK commits murders on 2nd floor
  • Sees DM on the way out of the 2nd floor bedroom
  • Believes she’s likely called the police from minute 1 and all the commotion on the 3rd floor
Logic tells you it’s time for BK to leave. Why wouldn’t he leave? He sped out of the area which showed that he thought police were likely on the way.
Oh yeah! BBM
Good thinking, I never thought about that! It’s possible he threatened her and forbid her to call police
It’s totally possible, BUT i still don’t think he saw her based on the direction he was coming from (from the den) and where he was headed to the the kitchen on his right. She was slightly ahead of him on his left. She got a good look at him like a guest in a pew at a wedding gets a good look at a bride coming down the aisle, but he was only focused on making that right into the kitchen. The bride isn’t looking at all the guests, she just walking looking straight ahead not to her side. In his case, he was looking straight then to his right to make the turn into the kitchen
IMO if he saw here she would have been dead. I think he had tunnel vision looking at the door and getting out. Also may have been in a confused state, I think he came to kill or assault MM and ended up killing 4. Confused from the plan change.
It did and depends on what word you are looking for "moving toward DM". BK exited through sliding door. DM room is in front of this path. Otherwise you cant see some ones eyebrows without they seing you.
DM room is actually to the side of his exit path. Think of it as him being on a marked trail and she's over in the trees, maybe in his peripheral vision. JMO
Here’s a house layout of all the rooms that may help visualize. You can move the images around with your finger if on a mobile device.

Virtual Tour of 1122 King Road, Moscow, Idaho
Thank you for the virtual layout including links to the affidavit! As I scrolled through, the thought struck me that DM's room had to have been passed by killer at least 3 times, if not more. Plus, the stairs were on the other side of one of her bedroom walls. Vans seem to me to be quieter shoes than other choices, but still, he had to be somewhat stealthy going up and down those stairs.

I am wondering just when DM moved upstairs. Was it after the last time he surveilled the house or particularly that bedroom window. Did he believe no one was sleeping in that room?

With the way the door opens in the layout, (assuming this is correct) it would be easier for DM to see him face to face as he was coming out of the living room (E and X room off the living room) without him seeing her. That way she could have it only open a slit. If her room is dark and there is at least some ambient light shining on the killer's face, he may not be able to see into that room while DM could see out. Coming down the stairs would require the door to be opened quite wide.

So is it your view that the loud thud (it had to be loud to be heard 50 feet outside of the house) was Ethan's body hitting something? Like a wall? Forcefully shoved by BK back onto the bed? Or forcefully shoved onto the floor behind the bed? (There's a picture of the bedroom that shows what appears to be a queen bed that takes up most of the floor space, with walls on either side of it).

Just very curious about people's opinions about that thud. I view BK as very strong and muscular, quick moving and in some kind of hyper state at the time. Could he have thrown Xana? I doubt he could have thrown Ethan, but maybe shoved him?
I would suggest E, yes IMO the noises heard is their altercation. In addition to BK being strong and muscular, and as you note too, he would be pumped on adrenaline at this point of the alleged attack.
I do not believe that it was X given the position of the bodies described in the PCA, the location of the camera which recorded the noise suggested to recording sounds in the bedroom rather than in the living room/threshold, and the timing of the recording at 4:17, given the amount of time it would take for the perp to egress the scene.

Indeed, the last sighting of the suspect vehicle is allegedly at 4:20am, according to page 6 of the PCA, and he simply IMO would not have enough time or reason to have thrown X, although he did have time to "finish" his attack on X as he left, IMO. All JMO.
I was an undergrad TA at one of the largest universities in the country.

I was given course credit and a $400 tiny stipend. I had an army of ATAs under me that only got course credit and no stipend.

Grad student TAs are likely a different story.

I was both an undergrad and a grad TA. Undergrad was indeed an honorarium/stipend in a whole dollar amount (I think it might well have been $400 but this was decades ago - awful that the pay is still so low). Then, as a grad student, we had two ways of being TA's, one of them was as an employee (with a supervisor who was the professor) and the other was, again, by honorarium/stipend. No SSI was taken out of either, in my case (and so, at this point in my life, I have barely enough credits from SS to qualify at all for retirement from them, as teachers in my state are in a separate system).

At any rate, the major university I attended did not treat or classify grad students as regular employees, we were like contract workers (but no 1099's for my work back then, I didn't pay taxes at all nor did anyone else I knew as a grad student, unless they had other employment - which most of us did, sometimes).
It seems like probably a year or likely less - it seems they met sometime during the previous academic year (her sophomore year) since she has an Insta post saying “thank you sophomore year for all the memories” first featuring pics with him.
9 months, per earlier articles.
Snake River and Clearwater River based on the travels of that day :)

yes, any river they would have to cross to travel from Idaho to Penn. I suggested Mississippi because it would be so far from the crime scene.

Picturing a stop for gas someplace like Port Gerardo or St. Louis. Dad goes in restroom. BK takes a walk to stretch his legs and flip … knife helicopters into the current, gone forever.

But to your point, easier done before Dad arrived.

i doubt the weapon will ever be recovered.

There is nothing that says she was frozen in fear.

The affidavit says "The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen shock phase." The male walked towards the back sliding glass door. D.M. locked herself in her"

If she was frozen when seeing him, then I think it's a very logical conclusion that she was likely frozen in fear in her bedroom after locking the door. JMO.
I would like to know everyone's opinions on the August 21 traffic stop when BK was by the Kings Road residence. Did a neighbor call in a suspicious vehicle that was spending a lot of time in the area? Did BK simply draw a patrolling officer's attention? Is it known if he was cited for a violation?

From the affadavit:

One of these occasions, on August 21, 2022, the 8458 phone utilized cellular resources providing coverage to the King Road residence from approximately 10:34 pm to 11:35 pm. At approximately 11:37 pm., Kohberger was stopped by Latah County Sheriff's Deputy CPL Duke as mentioned above. The 8548 phone was utilizing cellular resources consistent with the location of the traffic stop during this time (Farm Road and Pullman Highway).
MOO, considering BK had only moved to WA sometime over the summer, prior to university fall semester starting, the August 21 traffic stop confirms that he was familiarizing himself with Moscow very early on. IMO, he crossed paths in Moscow with one or more of the girls and began stalking them not long after moving to WA. I agree with others who say, the Mad Greek was a likely place he may have initially observed M or X. Although workers at MG say they don’t recognize BK, and that’s very possible. He may have only gone there once, saw either M or X, and started stalking initially from the MG parking lot and then followed her home, starting the obsession. I have no doubt he watched the house from afar for quite sometime, knew their bedrooms, knew who owned which car, knew their patterns, knew when no one was home, watched their parties, and probably entered the unlocked house at least once when no one was there. There may be many, many more than the 12 times LE detected his car drive by the house, but his phone was off or not with him.
If he did indeed go to Mad Greek which i think he did. I’m thinking Maddie and Xana were nice to him as waitresses should be. (Always be nice to the customers. The customer is always right.)

So he jumped to the conclusion that they liked him LIKED him liked him, and when they declined his advances, he became enraged. They may have both simply said sorry i have a boyfriend, and in his mind he thought well you’re always flirting with me! His twisted mind mistook kind waitressing for flirting. He then became obsessed but still played it cool at the restaurant then the rest is history. A sad sad tragic history :(

I think Mad Greek is still shut down
I'm not sure that proves why DM was spared. The roommate on the first floor was spared as well. Imo, because she wasn't seen by BK either. Neither of them were. Imo.
How could BK be sure they haven't seen him despite the noise and so on. IF he would eliminate witnesses he had searched the rooms.
Wearing the knife under his jacket? Hardly convenient, IMO. It's not a schoolboy error. Almost no one who is going to use that knife as an offensive weapon is going to wear it on a conventional belt, IMO. People who carry them for self-defense sometimes use the belt loop, but typically have the knife at the small of their back, because it's long enough and hard enough to impede regular movements of running, twisting, leaping, etc.

Everyone I know who carries a knife for self defense wears it in their jacket. It's a custom where I live. And yes, there are quite a few knifings among the homicides of my region. There are even jackets that allow someone to carry a few knives in a series, and jackets designed for both right-handed and left-handed people (BK is right handed, so easy to get one from Amazon). Carhardt is a known brand, there are many others, including ones that have pockets for other useful items that one wants easy access to.

Wearing it on his belt would have been uncomfortable and I believe he wore a longish outer dark jacket, essential to his kit because he needed to have something that would obscure and perhaps block blood spatter from his other clothes, underneath.

If he failed to take off the jacket or to put protective coverings on his driver side front seat, then he's in a real pickle, forensically.

I didn't mention jackets or coats
and does his KAbar sheath have the loops for horizontal carry? ( small of the back)

'People who carry them for self-defense sometimes use the belt loop....' yes that's the scenario I was trying to suggest - combat ready for an offensive ( not ur average Joe who's carrying for defence but not planning a massacre) :)


Interior surveillance cameras show the suspect walking through the store, purchasing unknown items at the checkout and leaving at approximately 1:04 p.m.

When contacted by the Lewiston Tribune on Thursday, an employee at the Clarkston grocery store said management is not commenting on the case or releasing the footage to the media at this time.

The white Elantra was also seen in the parking lot of the Chef’s Store at 820 Port Drive and passing by Kate’s Cup of Joe, which is on the same street. An employee at the coffee stand said the car was spotted in the drive-through, but the driver did not stop and order anything.

Detective Bryon Denny of the Clarkston Police Department said he was asked to obtain some surveillance footage by Idaho authorities. However, the FBI handled the Albertsons portion of the investigation.
“We were just called to check the video of the Chef’s Store parking lot,” Denny said. “It did not appear he entered the store.”

100% agree.

I believe IMO that X could have been attacked when retreating back to her bedroom from the living room, after spotting the perp. X was therefore attacked near the bedroom door which incapacitated her (the PCA states that DM "thought" it was crying on page 4, but the police statement could also be suggesting that it was different sounds linked to her injuries). I believe that she was on the threshold of the bedroom, close to the bathroom door - I suggested earlier in this thread, which others had respectfully has disagreed with, but I maintain that the PCA may IMO suggest on page 1 this positioning of her body.

E may not have been fully awake at this point and this is why he could also be attacked, and this may account for the voices and loud thud that is heard on the CCTV camera at 4:17am. As E was in the bedroom, this may not have been sufficient for DM to hear this phase of the attack (or the PCA does not detail this part of her statement).

It may also explain why DM could hear "crying" and the "help you" comment that was allegedly made by a male, most likely IMO the perp, as X was incapacitated close to the bedroom but in the living room, and thereby in closer earshot to DM. All JMO
For me, it doesn't really matter whether X was in the bedroom or the hallway, it matters that she was nearer the door and E was inside the bedroom. Not only is their positions significant in how DM could hear things, as you pointed out, but it matters whether X or E had a point of escape. If, for example, BK was killing E in front of the doorway, blocking X's way out, she might have been crying as she watched what was happening, thus DM hearing that. BUT, X was the one near the door. Unless the crying was from E (and it actually is not specified in the PCA), then I have to wonder why X would stand in the doorway and cry while E was getting murdered. Maybe in fear, that's exactly what she did, and that would not be her fault, but it's the placement of their bodies along with the thud, crying, and "it's okay" comment that makes me lean more towards an initial injury to X before his attack on E. One of the families said the coroner said it was a battle in that room...I think because both E and X were awake and aware.

Side note: I kind of wonder if one thing that was not in the PCA but that LE used for a timeline was texts between the roommates. If X heard a commotion upstairs, maybe she texted K or M...something like that.
The affidavit says: "The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen stock phase.""
Thank you. That definitely isn't frozen in fear. I would be shocked as well. Then I would think, oh he must have been a guest of Xana. Nobody was screaming. No indication of a slaughter happening. He's leaving. I'm locking the door and going back to bed. I have posted about my DD living in off campus housing and she says she did this exact same thing numerous times. Even being scared if a man suddenly walked by. Like being startled by someone you weren't expecting suddenly at your side. My husband does that to me all the time. Imo
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