ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 58

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An irrelative question. I jump back into websleuth again after taking a break for 4 years. I read the news LE broke windows and doors to arrest BK. But do they really just that dramatic? I though the dramatic scene we see in movies are for visual effects only. Can they just knock the door and ask him to step out (with guns pointing at the doors). Who will pay the fees to fix the damages?
Ahhh, the NO-KNOCK warrant. They require a higher degree of judicial scrutiny for obvious reasons. A handful of states have eliminated them all together. Still, they have their place and time. When SWAT is deployed to serve warrants, it is probably a NO-KNOCK. The applicant must establish that an articulable justification exists because of his reasonable belief that the subject will pose an imminent threat of bodily harm or death to humankind during the execution of serving the warrant.

You go knock on the door and politely request permission to enter and you’ve allowed the subject ample time to take hostages, kill his wife and children, or kill himself.
She doesn't look 57 she's very attractive, so we have no idea what his preferences are especially if he admires her intellect.
I agree, many people would find her attractive and want to date her.

I am referring to the motive, for why he targetted 21 year old women to murder them. We are a very polite society, we want to pretend that sex had nothing to do with these crimes, that sexual desire did not motive this young man, oh, no, not at all, it was all about their prettiness in photos, their blond hair, that was why he physically assaulted their bodies with a very big knife. (sarcasm)

All we know of her witness statement is the incredibly limited info in the PCA which is only what was needed to get an arrest warrant. I suspect there's some video of her being extensively questioned or, at the very least, a witness statement that contains a lot more information.

I suppose the defense could try to impeach her testimony if she'd consumed alcohol or drugs earlier that evening but she described the bushy eyebrows and general build of the perp before a suspect had even been identified so I think that would lend some credibility to whatever she testifies to.

The defense could attempt to "shred" her and her testimony on the stand but, being a survivor who lost four roommates, she'll be a sympathetic witness so the defense going "all out" on her could backfire with a jury
What do you mean? That the father was suspecting his son (even subconsciously), or that the officer leaning in

Do you think BK's dad knew about him even subconsciously? Is that what you are saying? how did you come to that conclusion? Someone else on this thread mentioned something to that effect and I'm just trying to understand what the dad said or did to indicate he may have suspected his son. Not counting merely driving with him across the country - I think of that as a regular child/parent road trip.

What do you mean? That the father was suspecting his son (even subconsciously), or that the officer leaning in

Do you think BK's dad knew about him even subconsciously? Is that what you are saying? how did you come to that conclusion? Someone else on this thread mentioned something to that effect and I'm just trying to understand what the dad said or did to indicate he may have suspected his son. Not counting merely driving with him across the country - I think of that as a regular child/parent road trip.
Mr. Kohberger suddenly brings up the shooting at WSU for no reason. It's irrelevant to the traffic stop, but maybe the guy is just chatty. However the officer leans in which signals that he finds the comment a little odd, too. As parents we hope and pray our children can avoid doing things so foolish or cruel that lives are ruined, and some of us do everything we can to avoid recognizing this even as we suspect it might be happening. There's absolutely no way this father (who obviously loves his son or he wouldn't have flown to WA to drive back with Bryan nor would the whole family support him in court) way he has not heard about the hunt for a white Elantra within a dozen miles of where Bryan lives. He knows Bryan has a fascination with crime. Some things are so awful that our lizard brain knows but the reality doesn't creep into our consciousness... which IMO is why Dylan failed to dial 911 for 7 1/2 hours or maybe she never did and why Bryan's father has an inkling that things are not right. He also mentions Bryan is in the PhD program in Criminal Justice which is like saying, "Don't worry. He's not the killer; he's one of you guys on the right side of the law." All MOO.
It strikes me as very odd that, being an intellectual type, from a family where older sisters have higher education, he didn't go from high school straight into college.

Even working full time in a pizza place and later as a security guard would have been far below what he should have been doing at 18-22. So an addiction makes complete sense to me. It may have derailed even high school graduation, so that he had to start at ground level at community college before going to university.

If he completed terms (2years for associates; two more for bachelors, one or two for that masters , there is a two to four year gap. Looks like it was five to six years between HS graduation and before completion of associates. which means three to four years unaccounted.

It could be taking a break and working full time or not, could be part time studies for associates at one or two courses a semester, or of all we know time in recovery for drugs.
I assumed everyone knew we are discussing the suspect. I wouldn't comment on a woman's appearance otherwise.
We are talking about BK here.

He's an outlier in many things and what you asserted is true of normal young men - but we're not talking about a regular guy here. I don't see the relevance of what "most 28 year olds" like except to point out that age differences bother some people and to use only "men don't like older women" as a judgement, when it's not always true and without mentioning that women and men are the same in this respect. Youth is wonderful. It is attractive. But it's not the only attractor.

My view is that he is exactly the sort to fixate/cathect to/fall in love with someone unusual - older, whatever. Maybe "love" means "intellectual stimulation and interest" to BK. Most people would say that the young women at 1122 were attractive, for sure, but it's entirely possible that this quality evoked resentment rather than admiration in BK. He probably also felt sidelined from pursuing them due to his own age, but that does not mean he was incapable or IS incapable of cathecting to the blonde woman sitting next to him in court for the next year. I'm sure she is well aware.
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I'm the OP and PA wasn't what I was looking for, darn it. lol

Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There's a disconnect between what a person who exhibits passive-aggressive behavior says and what he or she does.

What I can't figure out if there's a word for when people think stuff is about them when it is not. Like thinking someone was laughing at you but the laughing person was thinking about something that happened to them that morning. Nothing to do with the 'sensitive' person that thought they were being laughed at.

I guess it's really not important but wish I could think of what that's called. Google was no help. lol
Paranoia perhaps?
Ok, a few of my thoughts from the previous pages of discussion:

The Papa Rogers/Inside Looking Online Profiles and Comments Attributed to BK.

NOT DEFENDING BK!!! But, not convinced it is him....One comment was about leaving a sheath behind.....we had a WS member here also speculated that early on...does that make our WS member BK? One comment about speculating the parking behind the house in the lot and entering through the back....many of us made the same speculation during the same time frame. So are each one of us who had that speculation also BK? What I'm saying is yes, there are creepy - but they were not unique speculations. Also, that online profile didn't get the timeframe right - so are we to believe he mixed fact and fiction? It's a stretch.

Again, not defending, but also not going all in on this unconfirmed, potential connection. Could be him, could be someone else with a Websleuth type mind.

Exactly. It’s like playing the Powerball Lottery. Millions will guess what the winning numbers will be but only a few or less will get them correct. That doesn’t mean he/she knew the numbers from the beginning.
I don't know that it was BK, of course but, out of curiosity, which LE would do you think would be spending their time that way? I can't see an ID LE doing that, and risking not only their case but their job. And, although my feelings about the FBI have been complicated the last few years, I think they would (with reason) see themselves as "above" hanging out with the general public on a message board and arguing with FB-sleuths about the case. LE from some other location, in MHO, would not know anything about the knife sheath, since the affidavit was sealed until after moments before he appeared in court. JMVHO
LE will often have a person(s) specifically assigned to monitoring SM, they did in the Chris Watts case. They sometimes will deliberately make a post to see if they get hits that generate leads
Mr. Kohberger suddenly brings up the shooting at WSU for no reason. It's irrelevant to the traffic stop, but maybe the guy is just chatty. However the officer leans in which signals that he finds the comment a little odd, too
it is notable. but I think he is just trying to interrupt a potentially overly chatty old-guy dad, who might mention idaho murders and trigger perhaps a memory in cop of elantra being mentioned related to the case.

also for precision is was not a shooting at WSU. I understand this non on-campus, not campus or student housing, and was a mid 30's year old head injury combat veteran who was not a student. From what I read he threatened a roommate who was also not a student, barricaded himself, popped off some rounds, and was the only person harmed when he was shot dead by cop. it was near WSU but not a mass shooting and not "at WSU."
Exactly. It’s like playing the Powerball Lottery. Millions will guess what the winning numbers will be but only a few or less will get them correct. That doesn’t mean he/she knew the numbers from the beginning.
It is actually several logical fallacies by the peopel who say it was him. Texas marksman fallacy is one
Ahhh, the NO-KNOCK warrant. They require a higher degree of judicial scrutiny for obvious reasons. A handful of states have eliminated them all together. Still, they have their place and time. When SWAT is deployed to serve warrants, it is probably a NO-KNOCK. The applicant must establish that an articulable justification exists because of his reasonable belief that the subject will pose an imminent threat of bodily harm or death to humankind during the execution of serving the warrant.

You go knock on the door and politely request permission to enter and you’ve allowed the subject ample time to take hostages, kill his wife and children, or kill himself.
Yes. I read that the process for no knock involves breaking windows and door and storming in home How do they find the right bedroom? I assume each swat member is assigned a room. Wonder what the parents thought as this would be very scary.
The guy on FB never says anything not already known or inferable. It was public very early that LE were looking for a Ka-Bar type of knife.

Still I think it's very plausible that BK was posting as Pappa Rodger.

One of the FB posts says, “Why did the killer choose that house over all the others in the area?”

One of BK's Reddit survey questions said, “Why did you choose that victim or target over others?”

PR was very insistent about some other theories he had, besides the sheath, it'll be interesting to see if they also pan out.

If that was him, it would help fill in what his motive was, which may be that he thinks murder is fun, as is watching and interacting with the public reaction to it.

Do you know what all that papa person put forth? I know sheath, park in back walk through woods, enter & exit side door… anything else?
The majority of homicide in my city, on the order of 90% to 95% is criminals killing criminals. I am not saying they deserve it, not at all. Nor that their life is worth less. But rather that there is often a self precipitation factor. EG Ifyou are dealing drugs, chances are you have cash around and a target. None of us want to "blame the victim." But it is wrong to say exclude/shut down gang membership during a gang war in consideration of victims homicide as "blaming the victim."

Also, for a variety of reasons, cooperation of witness varies greatly.

<modsnip - quoted post was snipped> He was not stopped for speeding twice. We do not even know whether or not stopping officers were asked to make the stop by someone esle. Also what happens in traffic stops is complex. We had a case in my city where the person was stopped for a bad brake light, and ended p getting shpt by cops. The coverage all said the guy was shot "over a brake light." In fact he had three wants/warrants. Two involved illegsl firearm possession by a felon. And the police had to arrest him due to the warrants, which he was seen on body cams to be aggressively resisting. This was a guy already known to carry weapon illegally.

<modsnip - quoted post was snipped>

I stand by everything I said in my post. This BK investigation would not have gotten all of the money, resources, man-power, and interagency cooperation if it hadn't gotten international attention & if the authorities hadn't been under immense pressure to solve the case ASAP. Look at all of the crimes out there that remain unsolved or take years to finally bring charges against someone. There are a plethora of these & most of them are obviously barely investigated. Or, it takes years for charges to be brought against anyone - if charges are ever even pursued. If you followed true crime/missing persons case - like many of the numerous unsolved crimes on this board - you would be aware of this.

Do you mean to tell me that if this case:

1) Had not gotten international attention & only made the local news (i.e., local to Moscow ID)
2) And didn't include numerous agencies working together

That it would still have been solved as quickly, or at all?! Yeah, right.

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If BK did write all the posts attributed to him (I'm convinced by Pappa Rodger and the TapATalk material/email address links), he did it so that he could enjoy the fact that internet sleuths would be doing exactly what we (and Facebookers and Redditors) are doing today - discussing him and marveling at his audacity in so doing.

I believe he is likely already scribbling his memoirs (with a stubby pencil and on 1-3 sheets of paper per day; I've never been in a jail where they allow regular pens, too easy to make them into shanks). I guess a short fine tip felt pen might work - am actually very curious as to what he's allowed to use.

Interestingly, he spells Rodger in the manner of Elliot Rodger. It's not nearly as common a name as Rogers. The name symbolically represents a warm, perhaps paternal feeling toward Elliot? Who knows, but it did strike me as very peculiar.
Courts have ruled that premeditation can be established in even moments, which bK had, as he removed his knife and contemplated the next act. He didn't commit a crime in the heat of passion, nor was he a rejected lover. He was a stranger whose actions are, as yet, inexplicable. I can't see reasonable doubt yet.
I thought this was very good.
It's kinda like an in your face thing, all while pretending that it's not you. I've seen some do something similar which is to say things in a joking manner that weren't actually jokes. Then they can always fall back on "it was a joke", when actually it was true and they knew it. There must be a word for that sort of behavior but it's not coming to me at the moment.
hiding in plain sight, imo.

or duper's delight, without evidence of the delight.
He's an outlier in many things and what you asserted is true of normal young men - but we're not talking about a regular guy here. I don't see the relevance of what "most 28 year olds" like except to point out that age differences bother some people and to use only "men don't like older women" as a judgement, when it's not always true and without mentioning that women and men are the same in this respect. Youth is wonderful. It is attractive. But it's not the only attractor.

My view is that he is exactly the sort to fixate/cathect to/fall in love with someone unusual - older, whatever. Maybe "love" means "intellectual stimulation and interest" to BK. Most people would say that the young women at 1122 were attractive, for sure, but it's entirely possible that this quality evoked resentment rather than admiration in BK. He probably also felt sidelined from pursuing them due to his own age, but that does not mean he was incapable or IS incapable of cathecting to the blonde woman sitting next to him in court for the next year. I'm sure she is well aware.
Exactly. We cant project normalcy on this accused, nor can we even project what is normal for anyone when it comes to attraction, love, obsession.
Of course human males, tend to be attracted to youth, since it is associated with fertility. But Benjamin franklin outlined the benefits of older women for young men, and 250 years hasn't changed that.

In this case though the age of his targets may not be attraction only. it could be attraction and hate. He was subject to a strange, semi official confrontation and dressing down by undergraduates just days before this murder. That would be hamulating for him, especially so if what his friends and classmates relate about his ego are true.

also long blond hair is a current trend for the last year or so.
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