ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 58

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IMO one the main reasons for the stops was to confirm the car is BKs. First the officer obtains his DL and then asks "is this your car?" and BK answers "yes". Totally eliminates the off chance claim that the car was sold to some unknown person for cash before 11-12 and the registration had not yet been changed. And, IMO, the second reason was to look in the vehicle to see if there was anything incriminating that was visible (or odoriferous) that could have initiated a vehicle search.
This has been debunked via an FBI statement. They did not initiate the stops.
Let's wait until the trial, employees are probably warned by employers NOT to talk to the media. In all of my jobs if I spoke to the media without written permission FIRST from PR Dept. I would be immediately fired. I worked at a nightclub and if I darted given an opinion on a missing person last seen at the club I would have been fired and banned for life. If I was court ordered then I would be allowed to testify but if I did I would NOT be employed. Not saying The Mad Greek is like this but some businesses do NOT want any association whatsoever with a crime let alone a stalking homicide of four college students, it could destroy their business if college students feared going there. We'll find out. Maybe someone did see him and had issues with him and even complained but mgt is NOT going to the media with it. Former employees would more likely pipe up than current ones.
You're right that it's far from determined if BK was a patron of Mad Greek, or encountered the victims elsewhere (or not), but many in the thread are stating as fact that he definitely encountered Maddie and Xana there because of the vegan options available. This is not confirmed and there is at least one source (tweet from a reporter) that suggests the opposite.
Regarding the traffic stop and BK not getting a ticket, I've lived in ND/SD/MN my entire life and have never gotten a ticket, I've gotten several stops with warnings over the years, but it's not uncommon for LE to "Flip the lights" to get you to slow down and they never actually pull you over. and I'm over 50.
from your link
The other master’s student said Kohberger “talked down to LGBTQ+ individuals, those who are in a marginalized community, those who were disabled, and women.” Kohberger also declared himself someone who “believed in ‘traditional marriage,’“ his classmate said.

Read more at:

and this... why?

In another incident, Kohberger’s classmate said, a colleague hung a pride ally flag on the door of their office, and Kohberger became noticeably upset.

Read more at:
last link
'In class, Kohberger mostly came off as professional, Roberts said, although he said he was put off when Kohberger began to consistently show himself to be more forceful and condescending with women during seminar discussions.'

IDK if posters had also picked up on the different recollections among male & female students. I got the impression that the guys found him less objectionable.
Thing is, when you look at WSU's CJ pages at their site - seems to be much more women studying CJ there than men.

Maybe it's rooted in his poor relationships with girls during school days - and the reported bullying?

On the LGBT reference - it's interesting that he's registered as a Libertarian in PA but according to wikipedia, this party is pro equal rights for LGBT
Imo a heavily addicted heroine addict has their day & night 100% focused on heroin. Using it, attaining it, rinse repeat. Zero time for anything else.
Not entirely true
As an example there are dabblers and users like the actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman who use for years without others knowing of their habit while leading fairly functioning lives
I'm amazed at how much evidence was provided in the affidavit. For so long, there was chatter that the LE were incompetent; now it seems as though they were on it from the start.
I still think they could've been faster.
They had the car very early.
They had his name, address and phone number by the 29th.
Then they didn't get phone records til 23rd of Dec.
That's a big gap. Maybe the list of white Elantra owners was simply too long.

I stand by everything I said in my post. This BK investigation would not have gotten all of the money, resources, man-power, and interagency cooperation if it hadn't gotten international attention & if the authorities hadn't been under immense pressure to solve the case ASAP. Look at all of the crimes out there that remain unsolved or take years to finally bring charges against someone. There are a plethora of these & most of them are obviously barely investigated. Or, it takes years for charges to be brought against anyone - if charges are ever even pursued. If you followed true crime/missing persons case - like many of the numerous unsolved crimes on this board - you would be aware of this.

Do you mean to tell me that if this case:

1) Had not gotten international attention & only made the local news (i.e., local to Moscow ID)
2) And didn't include numerous agencies working together

That it would still have been solved as quickly, or at all?! <modsnip>

just wow.

I think it got media attention because 4 young people were killed in a horrific way, and nobody knew if there was some freaky knife-welding killer lurking outside of their own house at night. People were glued to the media for more info. I thought the fact that it was very close to a state borderline and Colleges were involved, it would be a no-brainer to think it might include numerous agencies, plus FBI.
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Paranoia definitely fits!! But I'd think there's be some sort of different word for that because it's not exactly being paranoid, more self-centered perhaps? Like thinking everything revolves around you when in fact, everything doesn't.

But in BK's case... paranoia likely fits! LOL
Self centered


I agree, many people would find her attractive and want to date her.

I am referring to the motive, for why he targetted 21 year old women to murder them. We are a very polite society, we want to pretend that sex had nothing to do with these crimes, that sexual desire did not motive this young man, oh, no, not at all, it was all about their prettiness in photos, their blond hair, that was why he physically assaulted their bodies with a very big knife. (sarcasm)

I think my first comment here on this crime was there's a sexual component to this despite no sexual assault. Sex, or lack thereof, had everything to do with this crime. This is the guy who said he could "have any 'lady' he wanted." I wonder how many females met his definition of "lady". MOO
What is to discredit though? Even if she was high as a kite, it doesn’t change the fact that they have BKs DNA on a knife sheath that was found next to a dead body. This isn’t a date rape scenario. IMO.
Look, that is a stawman. You could say they don't need DNA because they have the car, or they don't need the cell phone because they have the DNA. This is an entirely circumstantial case so far.
And DNA on sheath is circumstantial. that is not my defintion of DNA being circumstantial, but he standard. Just google "is DNA evidence circumstantial).

So ALL the evidence matters to one degree or another. The contention that this witness contributes nothing to the case is not supported. Everything does. And you and I agree the DNA is the most damning, but consider if there is some chain of custody or technical screw up?

To say she offers nothing to the prosecution is not supported. We already know she is key in timeline offered in the affidavit and likely the full theory the prosecution offers at trial in a year or two. Every bit of evidence and thus the credibility of every bit of that evidence is important to this, so far, entirely circumstantial case.
IMO It's irresponsible & unfair to pick apart literally everything a person says or does because they are accused of a crime.
The defendent has a right to defend themselves.
Why not allow the entire process and full story to be told?
In this particular case the defense is saying they look forward to telling their side. It's at the point where they do, when people can make an informative decision on guilt or innocence.
The process is the same whether it's someone accused of speeding or accused of murder.

This is a totally viable individual choice. But Websleuths is here for a reason. Discussing crime is an age-old human activity, from which we learn.

If you prefer to wait until trial (if there is one) to discuss it in depth, these threads are probably going to make you perennially uncomfortable.

I can't help but react to certain crimes, it's in my nature and part of my identity/profession. It's the same for many WSers.

We have a series of lawyers here, some of them criminal defense attorneys. We have former and current LEO's, psychologists, physicians, social workers, journalists, corrections officers. We also have a very large number of crime victims, many of whom have some form of C-PTSD or similar and for whom it's quite helpful to revisit the crime topic with an eye to trying to understand something that none of us are likely to ever understand fully.

We point telescopes into space to try and understand what's out there, because we are curious.

Same thing with inspecting crime. In this case, the criminal defendant has made a lot of interesting errors and left a trail that's got a lot to talk over. For me, this is like my old neighborhood (where the guy across the street was a cop, and there were various crimes that occurred and my parents and everyone else would gather to discuss details, sometimes for a long time and over many months). It's important to satisfy our human curiosity, and nothing wrong with being curious about crime and the criminal mind.

BTW, if you wait until trial to try and catch up on the in's and out's of a particular case, you're cutting yourself off from a lot of nuance and a thorough understanding of how the legal system works. My time here on WS has taught me so much about criminal procedure - I regard some of our posters here as true experts on the topic and since I'm not at all an expert in that field, it's a daily education for me.

The defense will tell its side. And, I might add, that some people who've been arrested for serious crimes are actually shouting from the rooftops at every chance they or counsel get that they are innocent. We may yet see that from BK, but his utterances reported at the time of his arrest were not of that sort. Wasn't the first thing on his mind (to assert innocence) but to ask if anyone else had been arrested (worried about Dad, I expect).
I'm so relieved that Murphey, the golden doodle, has another home to recover in.:( I gather that one of the victims shared custody of Murphey with an ex-boyfriend, so the sweet puppy will have a loving home. I don't have children, but I have had doggies my whole adult life.

I feel very sorry for the ex-boyfriend, for whom the dog might be reminding not only of his first love, but of the tragedy. Each time the dog is missing KG, he’ll have to talk to Murphy. It is another issue, how many people unrelated to the families, were touched by the slayings, and how their lives might be changed now. Wishing very good support to JD, and long life to Murphy.
The private driver who drove KG and MM home that night :

He was somewhat stunned to learn that Kohberger — who maintains he did not commit the murders — lived near him in Pullman, Washington.

“He lived 1,200 feet from my front door. I spent six weeks trying to convince my wife there was not a threat and I was wrong,” the driver said, adding that his wife still fears walking their dog despite Kohberger’s arrest.

The driver spends much of his days shuttling people around town, so after the killings he kept an eye out for the white Hyundai Elantra. He eventually spotted it at Kohberger’s apartment building sometime after Dec. 7.

“I thought it was too new,” he said of the car, since Moscow Police had asked the public for information about a 2011-2013 Elantra. However, he wrote down the car’s Washington state license plate number and submitted a list of 13 or 14 Hyundai Elantras he had spotted sometime around Dec. 10 through the Moscow PD tip line.

I'm the OP and PA wasn't what I was looking for, darn it. lol

Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There's a disconnect between what a person who exhibits passive-aggressive behavior says and what he or she does.

What I can't figure out if there's a word for when people think stuff is about them when it is not. Like thinking someone was laughing at you but the laughing person was thinking about something that happened to them that morning. Nothing to do with the 'sensitive' person that thought they were being laughed at.

I guess it's really not important but wish I could think of what that's called. Google was no help. lol
Egocentrism, perhaps?
I want to point something out.
So YES, LE does not only READ and POST on SM but can use it to draw suspects out, plus maybe gain some information from other posters.

Was BK posting on this Facebook? Maybe not. But you can bet that LE was reading this Facebook and looking for any signs that the killer was posting. If suspicious, LE could get the IP address.

Lesson? Be careful what you post. LE can always find you.
all imho
I agree totally with what you are saying.

You quoted my post & I was simply saying that I don‘t think that BK is “Pappa Rodger” on FB.

I don‘t doubt for a minute that LE reads all these posts on WS and on other social media.
Nor do I doubt that perps or LE would try to manipulate social media for their benefit.

I also have taught my kids from a young age on to NEVER post anything on social media that they don’t want the parents of their friends or their teachers to see and read.

I don’t doubt that those “disappeared“ Snapchats have not disappeared and lots of stupid kids have awful posts that their grandchildren and great grandchildren will pay to see one day.

Same with any email you or I have ever written- our grands and great grands will one day pay to read what we wrote via email and consequentially they will be able to read anything we have written on this social media site and others.

Yep, we all have to watch what we write for sure!
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