ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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I'm sure there's some sort of explanation for why he behaved the way he did. But I'm also sure that he knew that what he was doing was morally and ethically wrong, yet he did it anyway. Whether "the system" failed him, I'm not sure. What exactly is this "system" that's always failing nasty people?

As a teen he recognized his inability to control his behavior and demeaned himself for that to the point of calling himself names. And IMO not everything can be fixed even with help. But yes, he will pay if convicted.
I know this is way out there. Is it possible the KGs father knew the police had a suspect on their radar, but purposely acted like he had no faith in the police to alow BK to have a sense of comfort and think that the police do not know what they were doing.
I know this is way out there. Is it possible the KGs father knew the police had a suspect on their radar, but purposely acted like he had no faith in the police to alow BK to have a sense of comfort and think that the police do not know what they were doing.
Considering that he's had to admit in recent interviews that he was absolutely wrong, I seriously doubt it. MOO
He drove back and forth a number of times before parking and entering the house. He was clearly checking who was there until 4:04 a.m.

At approximately 4:00 a.m., Xana received a doordash delivery. The suspect could have seen the activity in the area. I think he was expecting Xana and Madison, perhaps Kaylee, but no reason to expect Ethan - especially since Xana alone took the food delivery.

The first clue about the time of the murders is 4:12 a.m., something else happened at 4:17 a.m., and the suspect was driving away at 4:20 a.m. Either he murdered all four people and was driving away in 3 minutes, or the murders took 8 minutes. The murders of Madison and Kaylee probably correspond to the parking dog at 4:17 a.m.

Affidavit pg4
So, the chef neighbor whom many criticized was actually spot on about the scream he heard around 4 a.m.
So, the chef neighbor whom many criticized was actually spot on about the scream he heard around 4 a.m.
The time frame is right, but there is no other mention of a scream by anyone else, including witnesses in the house or cameras nearby that seemed to pick up other noises in the house. Not saying he didn't legitimately hear a scream, but I've seen no indication outside of his own comments that that actually happened and he seemed to have some credibility issues in other ways, to put it mildly. MOO
I agree, he absolutely knew right from wrong. Despite "visual snow" forum postings, in which he addressed he knew right from wrong, the fact alone that he was posting on the health forum regarding "visual snow" shows that he was aware of his own detachment, and lack of emotions, in fact, he is very much searching for answers.
Snipped by me.

Absolutely agree that he understands right from wrong.

The visual snow and depersonalization/detachment discussion has me rethinking the Qualtrics survey he made for his Masters project. His professor has already stated he didn’t ever use the data- Idaho 'killer' a brilliant student, says his criminology professor

Maybe the purpose of the survey all along was for him to collect data on what he SHOULD be thinking and feeling while committing such a crime. During each step of the process. Gather information on what others who have committed various offenses thought and felt. Knowing that he is not in tune with his own thoughts and feelings. If this were the case it would seem like he approached everything like an academic experiment. JMO.
That begs the question>>> WHY<< Proceed into a house that, at that time, was likely occupied by 4 or more people?
There were several cars present at the time. At a MINIMUM, he had NO ASSURANCE that multiple people weren't present the house. MOO

Since Xana was awake, I wonder if he could have seen from road in front of the house that there was activity in her bedroom. Lights on maybe some kind of light emanating from a laptop, anything that would indicate that somebody might be awake. It had to have been noticeable as he drove by, then parked and walked up towards the house.
He moved to WA in August so couldn’t have stalked past tenants
Yes, but he might have gone out there to Washington to scout out grad schools with a good reputation for his major.

He may have been out there a year before, visiting grad schools, when the Juettens were attacked in a similar fashion.

FBI should be checking out his credit cards and his movements in August 2021, IMO.
Re: BK passing DM on his way out of the house, I previously believed that he may have seen her but didn't care because he was disguised (wearing a mask) and had completed his intended mission. The possibility that BK has visual snow has thrown this into question for me. If BK still has visual snow--and from what I've read, it sounds like a chronic condition--this could change everything. It has changed my own ideas about the events of Nov. 13, and I think it likely will influence BK's legal defense strategy.

Here's a brief overview from the Cleveland Clinic:

Symptoms include seeing "snow" or "static" everywhere you look, having difficulty seeing in the dark, and insomnia (among other, very unpleasant-sounding symptoms). So I now think it's more probable that BK truly didn't see DM as he was leaving the house. Visual snow also could have made it more difficult for BK to locate the knife sheath, if he did intend to retrieve it. Finally, it seems like some of BK's odd habits, like vacuuming at 1am and being generally very active in the late night and early morning hours, may also be tied to Visual Snow Syndrome.

I was anticipating a novel legal defense in this case, but I'm now getting a sense of just how novel it may wind up being.
People from his adolescence to adulthood have shared a brief overview as to who BK was as a person. We have a snippet of BK personality, physical traits and cognitive behavior among other things, but none of them have suggested that BK has a visual problems. Respectfully, I declined to rationalize his behavioral pattern based of a disease that was never specified by anyone who knew BK; relatives or LE. I digress, people with Visual Snow conditions sees a continuous dots which lasts for a few months. It add tiny dots like snow to your visions, it does not delete a visible objects to your sight.

Above all, if he murdered 4 and spared D unwittingly, or he saw her and consciously spared D and B, conclusions will remain the same.

I'm not sure we can say E wasn't supposed to be there. I know the popular theory seems to be that he was surprised by E being there that night, but I actually think that's probably not the case. It's my understanding that E stayed over most nights with X as he lived in the fraternity house. If BK had been watching the house, as it certainly appears he had been from the cell records, he would have known E was there most nights.
Ethan's red Jeep was parked out front.
I think BK's life was falling apart behind the scenes and everything coming to a head even though a seemingly "excellent student".

If he did struggle with visual snow/migraines (I haven't read all those forum posts, no time yet) he was probably been sleep deprived over the years and more the last while (apartment neighbors comments/late night stalking).

Insomnia/lack of sleep can totally mess with your brain chemistry and affect your mental health. I think he was deteriorating even though an 'excellent student'...

I think he has major debt, had his students gang up/confront him about grading (triggering his bullied days possibly), got one or two tickets from LE, left his security job (to move but not sure if he found another job), wasn't sleeping much (especially closer to the murders), obsessing and spending lots of time online.

He was ready crack one way or the other - with everything piling up he went for it. MOO, JMO
But does he really have to explain it? The burden of proof is on the prosecution and the defense team can just poke holes in their evidence and not explain a thing. I'm sure one of their courses of action is to say he had been at their parties before. Who could disprove that? They apparently were not home the one time the police showed up for the noise complaint. There were a lot of people in and out of there. There was a lot of drinking going on. That would certainly be a good way to explain a prior presence in the house. I like that they have the sheath with DNA but I hope they have more.
Yes, he has to explain it because suddenly the state has met its burden of proof. A sheath with single source DNA that houses a knife similar to the murder weapon is found on the bed with two of the murder victims. All the rest - the cell phone near the house twelve times and turned off during time of crime, the car and the stalking, the garbage in the neighbor's dumpster - all of this is window dressing. That DNA can only be defended as transference so all the window dressing matters, but by this time he has to come up with an Academy Award winning explanation or face a guilty verdict.

Roberts said. “He definitely seemed a little more eager than some of the others that were present to go around and introduce himself.”

Roberts and Kohberger swapped some small talk outside of classes during the semester, chatting about music and sports. The only thing that gave Roberts pause, he said, was the way his classmate would sometimes bulldoze over other students—especially women—in their seminars.

“It’s hard to see a pattern emerging while you’re in the classroom, but he would tend to push back when a female was talking, more than a male talking,” Roberts said. “He was more keen on asking probing questions and things like that.”

The master’s student said that Kohberger “talked down” to women, as well as LGBTQ+ and disabled people.
Once, according to them, Kohberger announced that he believed in “traditional” marriages.
Yes, he has to explain it because suddenly the state has met its burden of proof. A sheath with single source DNA that houses a knife similar to the murder weapon is found on the bed with two of the murder victims. All the rest - the cell phone near the house twelve times and turned off during time of crime, the car and the stalking, the garbage in the neighbor's dumpster - all of this is window dressing. That DNA can only be defended as transference so all the window dressing matters, but by this time he has to come up with an Academy Award winning explanation or face a guilty verdict.

affidavit is just tip of the iceberg. They still have info in his computer, phone, car possibly, maybe evidence in his apt or at his parent's at wsu?
As a teen he recognized his inability to control his behavior and demeaned himself for that to the point of calling himself names. And IMO not everything can be fixed even with help. But yes, he will pay if convicted.
I should have said Life Line I think . I agree not everything can be fixed , some things don't recover after decades of disrepair.
I hope you can answer this for me .Do you know if he has a legit history of that like documented. Linda and the excessive(unrelated to Linda) drama has kinda let me slip off to lazy . I dont put in the time like I know I should and get side tracked with the you tube dramas.

I only have time for sleuthing or watching sleuths talk about their sleuthing ,I have to work and sometimes you can waste a week looking for that thing you need to know. or making timelines ,I try and cheat and settle for crap content , when really I need to put time in . Which makes me realize the amount of effort Trica puts in and the time it takes. I would buy her book if she wrote one about her collective Sleuthing over the years and all the things she has experience with .
Xana was "likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m. That's an awfully specific approximate time. Xana was not using TikTok at 4:17 a.m. That's when the dog started barking.
Not sure if discussed already, I'm so many threads behind and skimming. I was thinking if Xana's first wound was in the kitchen if she encountered BK on his way out while when she putting her food on the counter. There were pics of the food on the counter and possible blood on kitchen cabinet.

Then she staggered toward the bedroom if BK was blocking sliding door...BK chases her now to the room and was the thud noise her falling to the floor succumbing to her wounds.

With her on the floor whimpering (dying) on the floor he said he's going to help her (does final wound to silence her) and he went towards Ethan who was passed out in bed still.

I don't know why I feel the need to dissect the awful details, it's trying to put the pieces together I guess :(

Edit: added pic for context of areas

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@Soulmagent Yeah ,I do not know his timeline ,has anyone made one ? I have not been looking for or at his back story , I was really waiting for a video from Linda to tell me that. Love that girls content.

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