ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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Re the visual snow. I have had it on and off through the years, recently I've been waking up with it but it eases as the day passes. I can only describe it as bad static in my vision, like a old TV screen not tuned layered over my normal vision.
I agree! It does not excuse what he did-nothing does.
It just might help explain how he got where he is now. I still feel empathy for the 15 year old going through confusing scary health issues. I still hope he gets the DP for the record.
I haven't seen anyone saying any of what the murderer went through in the past excuses what he did as an adult.
Actually, more than one person here speculated that a knife sheath had been left behind, a few did, very early on, but on a site like this, with hundreds of people following a thread, almost every possible scenario gets suggested eventually. It is what we do, throw enough stuff against a wall, and hope something sticks. It doesn't mean the person did it, or had any specific knowledge, but most likely means the person also speculated countless other things that did not turn out to be true. I think that is probably even more likely on some of those other sites, that have little to no moderation. JMO
Agree... even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
this is the interviewer that speaks to Mr SG ,
does anyone know where to find actual vision?

time stamp 4:17 sg says WiFi picked up close to house .
one time or 12 times ?



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I think he posts on there that he's lost half his bodyweight by some point. He probably changed his profile picture then, imo.
Would be nice if someone could find pics of his middle school and high school pictures with dates so we could compare. If he was overweight during the times he posted on that forum, it would be easy to eliminate him from being this poster. I’m hoping he is not that young man, and I’m hoping that young man found help and is now living a productive and happy life.
I read through all those posts and, yes, they are quite alarming. Demons in his head, waking up to the sound of screams in his head, dissociation (feeling like nothing is real), extreme depression, suicidal ideation. No 15-16 year old should feel that way.

It does seem like he was getting some kind of help. He mentions a neurologist, eye doctors, an MRI. I wonder if he was telling the doctors and his parents ALL his symptoms or just the visual snow that was driving him crazy? Those posts about not wanting to live anymore would have gotten him committed if he'd said those things to a doctor. Who knows, maybe it did. The friend who talked about rehab and such may have been misled to think he had an addiction rather than a severe mental illness.

I think as people start digging through his old e-mail addresses (like this one) we are going to see other posts on other boards come to light. And it's not going to be pretty. My opinions only.
Has this been confirmed to be him? Where are his email addresses being found?
I’ve been trying to find a current floor plan of the house specifically showing where the bedrooms were and who was in each. It was reported earlier that the 2 surviving victims were on the first floor. But it seems that DM’s bedroom was actually on floor 2. Was her room across from X’s room? She saw the masked murderer walking towards the sliding glass door. Where was he coming from… from x’s room or down the stairs from floor 3? And at that time if her room was across from where X & E were in wouldn’t she have seen X? I believe she was in the doorway, door at least partially open, and E could be seen inside the room. I hate to even type this.

I think this graphic is one of the more accurate depictions of the house layout. Just from everything I’ve seen and then read in the PCA. This image isn’t labeled, but if you look at it with the information provided in the PCA, it’s clear that Xana’s room was Room C and the surviving roommate’s room was Room D. As you can see, the two bedrooms aren’t really across from each other. He still had to walk by the surviving roommate’s bedroom if he left thru the sliding glass door, but I think it’s possible he didn’t see her no matter which direction he approached the door from.


I was just pondering something similar kitty, but actual fabrication as opposed to transference. IF the young poster was in fact BK, BK went on to study forensic psychology. Thinking of the research project he did in relation to his interest in criminology, did he, at a young age, fabricate medical conditions online as part of research related to an early interest in forensic psychology? IOW, did he actually experience those symptoms or were they fabricated to attract people to his research.
That makes even more sense.
The defense will surely have a jury look hard at the cellular network in Moscow. From what I’ve been reading, AT&T is spotty in some areas of that town.

For those of you who live there, do you know of this? In my town, there are certain neighborhoods where I lose all my bars and I’m on the most robust unlimited AT&T plan they offer here.

I did find an article showing the network’s and town’s awareness of the problem, and their inability to provide a solution. They specifically discuss East Moscow:

“According to the Board of Adjustment's packet, the tower would have filled a significant gap in AT&T's high band 4G LTE coverage experienced by its customers in eastern Moscow as well as add network capacity to offload AT&T's existing facilities west of Main Street. The facility would have provided coverage to residential areas not able to be served by existing facilities due to the topography of the area.”

If there are gaps in the cellular network, it may account for the gaps in BK’s phone coverage that night. Is this evidence going to hold up against the scrutiny of the defense?
Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO
I assume you mean he will say that he was there with the others summoned by the two survivors before the 911 call was made. Hypothetically, let’s say BF and/or DM got 5 of their closest friends to come over. Heck, maybe 4-6 of their Intro to World Lit classmates. Unless at least one and preferably every last one of them could corroborate that BK was indeed among them that morning, that would easily be the most ‘wtaf’ mistake ever — of all his other mistakes put together and multiplied by infinity. But, hey, if you’re right, that would be one fine piece of exculpatory evidence.
I think the way you phrased it the second time is more accurate. She didn't identify BK, or any specific person. She gave a description, and LE suggested was close reasonably close enough to not rule him out, but certainly does not rule him in. The identification was made by DNA, and that was extremely specific, and will become even more so, with his personal DNA. The video and phone data are highly supportive. But the DNA is the jackpot, and DM's account is simply that she saw a person she didn't know walking from the direction of bodies to the sliding door for a hasty exit. All the talk about eyebrows glimpsed briefly in a dark room, and their state of bushiness or not, really doesn't matter, other than that the description couldn't be used to conclusively rule him out. I think she mentioned the eyebrows only because in the dark and with the mask, it was about all of him she could see. The DNA is what matters here, and the video and phone offer backup support.
The defense will surely have a jury look hard at the cellular network in Moscow. From what I’ve been reading, AT&T is spotty in some areas of that town.

For those of you who live there, do you know of this? In my town, there are certain neighborhoods where I lose all my bars and I’m on the most robust unlimited AT&T plan they offer here.

I did find an article showing the network’s and town’s awareness of the problem, and their inability to provide a solution. They specifically discuss East Moscow:

“According to the Board of Adjustment's packet, the tower would have filled a significant gap in AT&T's high band 4G LTE coverage experienced by its customers in eastern Moscow as well as add network capacity to offload AT&T's existing facilities west of Main Street. The facility would have provided coverage to residential areas not able to be served by existing facilities due to the topography of the area.”

If there are gaps in the cellular network, it may account for the gaps in BK’s phone coverage that night. Is this evidence going to hold up against the scrutiny of the defense?
This will no doubt be an area the defense will exploit in their investigation and defense of this case
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I think BK had tunnel vision after killing 4 people. Which would explain how he didn’t notice DM as she had opened her door and then froze when she saw him. That all kinda of surprised me considering I thought he would make sure there were no living survivors once he left. But with adrenaline pumping through your veins and tunnel vision taking hold I guess he couldn’t see straight for awhile after he stabbed 4 people to death.
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A few times, the question has been raised on WS regarding why X didn't scream.

SG quoted via FOX regarding X, "It was a hell of a battle going on down there from what the coroner told us."

X's father quoted via FOX that X had "Bruises, torn by the knife."

DM's statement via the PCA gives us more details about what happened on the 2nd floor.

My theory is that X went to the kitchen to throw her DoorDash trash away and noticed the sliding door was open, and IMO it was X who said, "there's someone here." She then went into her room to alarm Ethan, and BK was hiding around the corner and ambushed her, and she became incapacitated immediately. Then BK approached E and killed him while still sleeping. Still alive, X began to "cry," and "whimper" and BK said, "it's ok, I'm going to help you." He attacked her again, and this time she attempted to block him, hence, the defensive wounds she suffered.
Given the known facts, this is EXACTLY how I believe it played out.
If BK truly did have Visual Snow Syndrome was he formally diagnosed with this chronic disease or did he self diagnose?

If BK has VSS and the reported heroin use in High School is also true, it sounds as if he may have been self medicating. Now some stories from his past start making more sense. Using heroin, losing weight, diet to eradicate a medical condition. Things are starting to come together.

One would wonder how BK was able to secure a Driver’s License as VSS would cause visual impairment and typically you can’t drive if your vision is severely impacted. Also a lot of late night activity which, if he has VSS makes it harder see in the dark. Why was he out and about in the wee hours of the morning when he risked more impairment? His vision challenges didn’t seem to cause him schooling difficulties. He was able to study, take part in class, teach etc., somewhat effectively.

Now it makes perfect sense for his father to fly out to help him drive cross country. BK wouldn’t be able to drive that great a distance safely without assistance.

VSS is a neurological disease NOT a mental health disease however, it has been linked to the mental health conditions such as schizophrenia.

Be interesting to see if this condition comes into play.


From my son's experience and from what doctors have told us: sometimes medication, the passing of time, getting used to it, or a settling or hormones can help lessen or resolve the issue. Patients with VS have a wide variety of severity of how distinct the VS is and how much it effects their night vision. My son used to have a lot of problems with halos in his night vision, but that has nearly disappeared. At this point, his eye doctor has said it is not effecting his daytime vision enough to where it would be a problem for him safely driving and getting a license--he's just nervous about it himself.

If BK has/did have this, I suspect that the severity of the visual symptoms lessened greatly by the time he hit 22 and that allowed him to start community college.
MOO The answers to most of this is on line. I am going to address one issue - the trigger.
He was having trouble performing as a TA.
The students were in revolt about his grading and comments. The professor of the class led some kind of mediation between the students and BK.
MOO this is petty major emotional incident for anyone, but especially impactful for a person who is unbalanced in the first place.
I was wondering about this also. The experience of standing up in front of a large class while each student made complaints about him could have been very humiliating. I wonder when that took place relative to the murders?
As the poster whose 20 yo son has been dealing with severe visual snow issues and the disassociation caused by it for over 2 years now (they haven't gone away, he's just learned to accept and adjust), I'd like to clear up a few things. I have done so much reading on this topic and talked to so many therapists, doctors, and specialists about this. IMHO, IMO, JMHO, and all the alphabet soup.

1) I AM IN NO WAY SAYING THAT IF BK HAD VISUAL SNOW/DEPERSONALIZATION (and the associated issues that can come with it, not to mention the things the person in those Tapatalk posts is mentioning), THAT IT EXCUSES HIS ACTIONS. Nor is it his "motive." If this information is true and it is BK and BK is the murderer (IMHO, yes), what it CAN do is help create a better picture of the person who committed these acts especially if this is something he was dealing with for nearly 10 years during his formative preteen and teenage years.

2) I am in no way saying that if BK is the murderer, and these are his posts, and he did have all these issues going on, that the death penalty shouldn't be applied. BK clearly has the ability to determine right from wrong--even if not internally, his field of studies spells it out quite clearly in all his textbooks and the severity of the crime + the planning that went into it make it (IMHO) an appropriate consequence.

3) With the symptoms that the person writing those Tapatalk posts is describing, it becomes a chicken and egg situation--did the poster have medical or mental health issues that were causing/contributing to the visual snow and depersonalization or was the visual snow causing the DP and the other mental health issues? Or were they coexisting without being causal to each other?

things that can be linked with visual snow (from my research and what my son's doctors have told me): migraines (both stereotypical and visual migraines), result of long term or sudden high frequency use of LSD or marijuana (HPPD, which is technically it's own diagnosis), hyperexcitability of the visual cortex, schizophrenia, auto-immune disorders, and "unknown."

4) Because most of the time doctors can't find the cause for a patient's visual snow, testing is varied and treatment is throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping something works. And it usually doesn't. My son had a sleep study, MRI, neuropsych exam, blood work, in depth eye blood vessel exams, etc. Treatments we tried were medications to reduce lateral eye twitch speed, Gabapentin, anti depressants, and anti anxiety meds. He did DBT, CBT, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (which was also for medication resistant depression). No real improvement from any of these.

If this is BK, and if he did have this disorder, and if things were this bad for him at that young of an age for as long as it was, I sure can feel compassion for him having to endure that. That doesn't mean that I feel compassion for the choices he made. And if my son (heaven forbid) were to commit a criminal act right now, he knows that I'd be the first one on the phone to call the police. And the first to hold him accountable. And I'd be in court making sure his legal rights as determined by a court of a law and state/constitutional were being upheld and that if found guilty, I would 100% accept it.
I am sorry for all that your son and your family have had to endure.

I agree with all of your points, particularly in the last paragraph regarding accountabilty. If this is BK's story, I would expect his family and in fact HIM to acknowlege it and, if he commited this crime, admit to it. Something to the effect that: "I (he) did a terrible thing. It doesnt justify it but here is what led to it. I'm (we're) sorry I (he) did it. Have mercy on me (him)". Anything short of that should make his story of interest only to scientists in my reality. IMO JMO.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Wishing you and your son better things ahead.
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