ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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Very helpful thought. Without having the prior experience of killing somebody with a knife, would he have thought about how to kill a person with a knife and avoid that person screaming or making loud sounds? While I'm sure, IMHO, that he obsessively thought about many aspects of murdering a person with a knife, you raise an interesting question about whether he gained this knowledge from prior experience in killing somebody with a knife. Yikes.

I think he researched and studied the ?$!$ out of how to kill effectively with a knife. Best knife to use, and all that stuff. After all, he’s good at research right? It’s putting things into practise that seems to cause him trouble.

I’m hoping his computer is a treasure trove of searches for this kind of stuff.

I think his prep leading up to the murders was extensive.

As you move through these timelines, experience time by setting up a clock with a second hand. You would be surprised how much you can accomplish in 5 minutes, 8 minutes, etc.
If you want to see how much energy might be expended in that time period, run in place. The killer worked at top speed in order to kill these four people. Run in place for 8 minutes and you'll understand something of the kind of effort he had to expend to kill 3 girls and a perhaps unexpected male who was physically fit from doing nursery work...and fighting back.
I believe that the knife sheath was carelessly left behind by BK BUT another scenario could be that the killer purposely left a particular type of knife sheath at the scene to throw LE off… so they would be looking specifically for a Kabar knife when in fact a similar but different type of knife was actually used. That gives the perp time to clean and dispose of the murder weapon or even hide it to retrieve later as a trophy.

BK may have been posting on SM and discussed the knife sheath having been left at the scene. Or LE or someone else close to the investigation could have leaked some details to a trusted source who then posted it on SM or perhaps even one of the friends who came to the house in the morning opened M’s bedroom door and saw the knife sheath lying on the bed. So there are others who could have posted this accurate information before it was publicly revealed. IMO, BK’s arrogance would support him posting on SM. All speculation.

Another thing I’ve pondered, if BK had a bag or back pack with him, he probably put the knife in It before leaving. And he knew the knife sheath wasn’t with him when he left. With barking dog and other noises from the victims, he knew he needed to get out of the house quickly. He didn’t have time to look for the sheath and probably would have to turn on a light on to find it unless he lad a head lamp on so he opted to leave without it. IF he saw DM looking out of her bedroom door in the dark, and the knife was packed up, he could have made a snap decision to leave the house without attacking her in hopes that she didn’t get a good look at him.

Also, I thinks it’s remarkable that DM had such a good description of BK considering it was dark and she saw him for a matter of seconds. I’d agree with bushy eyebrows! Also, I think it was wise to document that she woke up “about 4AM” because if she said a more specific time such as 4:02 or 4:05, she could be held to that exact time in court. Now there is some wiggle room.
By saying "about 4 AM" , how will DM explain how she knew it was "about 4 AM"? If she says it's because she saw the time on her phone later and estimated it was about 10 minutes before that she saw the man in black clothes pass by her door, then won't that be a problem since she also says she was in shock at the time? How would that play into estimating time? Just thinking about how the defense might question her at trial regarding her testimony.

I think he researched and studied the ?$!$ out of how to kill effectively with a knife. Best knife to use, and all that stuff. After all, he’s good at research right? It’s putting things into practise that seems to cause him trouble.

I’m hoping his computer is a treasure trove of searches for this kind of stuff.

I think his prep leading up to the murders was extensive.

I am absolutely dying to see/hear what his Google searches included.
Just playing devil's advocate for minute if BK pleads not guilty. I know there will be more evidence forthcoming but right now I'm interested in how many college friends were called to the house before 911 was called and if their presence might add to contamination of the crime scene? Speculation on if anything was moved or removed from the house or other intrusive movements? Seems to me a good defense would pursue this issue and try to get as much evidence as possible thrown out. A good defense attorney will use any loose ends and unanswered questions to promote doubt.
I don’t think people were running around the house willy nilly. That being said, I don’t believe LE has confirmed that anyone was in the home other than the roommates or that they made calls to friends before 911?
I am still trying to reconcile in my mind why the PCA says he drove by the house 12 times starting in June. Or did I misunderstand?
The PCA says something along the lines of his phone pinged off the same tower that covers the King Street Residence 12 times between June and 13 November IMO. June is referred to because technically that is when BK's currrent phone subscription began so LE went for historical data for the enire time he held that account IMO. The PCA doesn't specify which months those 12 times occured in. IMO, it is likely that they occured between whenever BK moved to Pullman for his studies and November 13. It doesn't say that he drove by the house 12 times, although when all the evidence presented in the PCA is taken as a whole, his phone using the same cell tower coverage as the house, implies he was in the vicinity 12 times and in conjunction with camera data, dna etc this is used to infer a possibility he was suveiling the house for some time prior to the murders IMO
During the processing of the crime scene, investigators found a latent shoe print. This
was located during the second processing of the crime scene by the ISP Forensic Team by first

using a presumptive blood test and then Amino Black, a protein stain that detects the presence of cellular material. The detected shoe print showed a diamond-shaped pattern (similar to the
pattern of a Vans type shoe sole) just outside the door of D.M. 's bedroom (located on second
And latent print means hidden or not easily visible, if I remember from crime sleuthing. Imo
In Idaho can I be stopped for not wearing my seatbelt if I do not commit any other violation?

No. In Idaho, seat belt violations are classified as secondary offenses. An Officer must have a primary offense such as speeding to pull you over. We would ask that you comply with Idaho State Statutes and always wear your seat belts.
Thank you. Never would have thought to Google that!
It was when he returned to school that he had changed, lost weight and more aggressive? Maybe he was using that.

IMO yes may have been using. I think there is an endless amount about BK we have no clue of. I wouldn't have pegged a student in a PHD criminology program as a heroin user. Looks and background don't seem to match. Also a younger BK that wanted to be in LE her an army ranger does not match a heroin user.

IMO he is a much different character than a picture and resume show.
IMO, there was a latent footprint found outside DMs bedroom on second floor.
Yes, but I didn’t see that it was bloody. Could it have been from mud or a knocked over drink when he encountered X or E outside of their room?
Outside her door is interesting in its vagueness, re how close to her door? Did he consider or try to open it? Or was it out in the general flow towards the sliding door?
The way I read the PCA it is not specified as bloody. A presumptive test for blood was run, but there are no results noted. I'm led to believe that it wouldn't have been necessary to run the Amino Black test if blood had been present. But that's just a guess. At this point it's open to interpretation.

Precisely ny point. Interpretation, speculation but not fact as it is repeatedly being presented here.

KOHBERGER’S APPLICATION WITH PULLMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT According to police, Kohberger did apply for an internship with the Pullman Police Department in the fall of 2022. But Kyle Serrott, a Ph.D. student in the American Studies and Culture program at Washington State University, told the Statesman it’s not uncommon. “I think that context is important because otherwise, it’s painting a more sinister picture than I think it was,” Serrott said. He added that as graduate students they are “constantly applying for something.” Serrott said he believed Kohberger actually applied for a fellowship known as the Doctoral Level Graduate Research Assistantship for Public Safety, based on his knowledge of Kohberger’s program and the description in the affidavit. The assistantship is a three-year program with the city of Pullman and works with the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology — which is the program Kohbeger was enrolled in, according to the university’s website. In the affidavit, police alleged, Kohbeger in an essay to the department said he had an interest in “assisting rural law enforcement agencies with how to better collect and analyze technological data in public safety operations.”


Read more at:
I thought about that being the goal and it still could be. Set himself up and then beat the system by getting over on it. But now I'm leaning toward “visual snow” being at the heart of his actions and losing touch with reality. Reading about what he went thru as a teen and then a poster on here sharing her son's battle with it made me look deeper into it. I had no idea how devastating an affliction it could be and how some sufferers could be so badly affected emotionally and mentally. I've followed many cases and can't remember one where I thought the defendant had lost touch with reality, but I have to consider something like that with BK. IMO his thinking has been skewed to the point of incriminating himself.
IMO BK had put out that survey about how criminals feel or what emotions they have when they are committing a crime and I think he wanted to find out for himself.
This has been mentioned - nobody gets an eye test when getting license. Did you ?

I guess I'm nobody then. LOL :p

DMV will test your eyesight to confirm you can see well enough to drive safely. If you take the test while wearing glasses or contact lenses, your driving privilege will indicate that corrective lenses are required. If you do not pass the vision test, DMV will give you a form to take to a licensed vision specialist.

Certification form if you do not pass their test:

Specifically for Idaho:


EXAMINATIONS • Vision Screening - Your vision will be tested and you must meet a minimum standard of 20/40 vision in at least one eye, with or without corrective lenses

I agree 100%.

When I first saw him, his eyebrows didn't jump out at me in any way. However, when I read the affidavit and went back to a pic of him, I could see where someone else might say that.

Of course his eyebrows jumped out at her when almost every other identifying facial feature was hidden.
And one of the tabloids ran with it in their headlines yesterday, kinda like the Indiana/FBI story...This of course made the issue much more than it actually was.

DM hasn't spoken publicly, so they got the info from the PCA and made it into a big story, which it wasn't.
As you move through these timelines, experience time by setting up a clock with a second hand. You would be surprised how much you can accomplish in 5 minutes, 8 minutes, etc.
If you want to see how much energy might be expended in that time period, run in place. The killer worked at top speed in order to kill these four people. Run in place for 8 minutes and you'll understand something of the kind of effort he had to expend to kill 3 girls and a perhaps unexpected male who was physically fit from doing nursery work...and fighting back.
i can see him easily being able to stab 4 people, but many stab wounds are not fatal.
His were which shows a level of proficiency with a knife and human anatomy.
Where did he get that?
It's not like there are knife ranges, like gun ranges...and it's not like you can learn it all from a book either, short of beheadings..
He didn't just stab them, he stabbed them fatally, in the space of 2-3 minutes.
I still think it's excessively fast.
I also think Ethan was fast asleep but I don't know that to be a fact.
He may have gotten help. I suspect he did IF BK was indeed the 17yr old making those posts. If at 17 he was hearing “blood screams” and literally had demons, he was likely already wrestling with urges to commit violent acts on innocent people. He was likely fantasizing about it, thus calling himself a criminal. I imagine if you find pleasure in such thoughts you could come to the conclusion you’re a criminal??

I have to assume due to those posts being 11 years ago that he would have snapped b4 late 2022 had he not seems to be no way-stairs, etc, to get up there. received help.

I also have to assume that since his sisters and his mother are all in some sort of career under the blanket of the field of psychology, all 3 would have picked up on his needing help and gotten him some. Accounts of his mother paint her as a loving caring woman.

again, we don’t KNOW if he got help, but I’m assuming he did based on his family and the amount of time that went by between his mind being possessed and him NOT killing anyone

I think people are really underestimating his height he looks like a big guy and all the guards seem shorter then him. Many sites has his height listed as 5'8" but i think he is at least 6'1" or all the guards are really short IMO
Maybe so, but I have seen news stories of him with deputies who were taller, so am at a loss to know.
I think this is new, however unrelated:
Thank you for responding.
I remember seeing that a Van’s shoe print was found but not that it was bloody or in blood.
Was that really specified?
No, it said a latent print in the PCA, which was discovered on a visit to the home after the initia one. I think it was likely a smudgy print since it wasn’t noticed the first time around. Did he wipe it off on bedsheets perhaps? If both girls were murdered in the bed upstairs, there might not have been a lot of blood on the floor at that point.
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