ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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That thought crossed my mind too.
He didn't delete it so many years later..
Years later, he might not remember his password. If he had used a high school email to create his account and lost access to that email after leaving school/graduating, he wouldn't have been able to reset his password at that point. So he wouldn't be able to login and delete or change anything.
I am still trying to reconcile in my mind why the PCA says he drove by the house 12 times starting in June. Or did I misunderstand?
Buys the phone listed in the PCA in June. Moves to Pullman in August. May have visited Pullman between June & August?

Instead of narrowing the 12 times to his residential time in Pullman since August, the PCA notes how many times the phone has pinged in Moscow since June.

Unlikely IMO that the stalking dates are before August but we have no way of knowing. Yet.

Hope this is correct & helpful.
On page 5 of the PCA it mentions that there was activity on Bethany's phone around the time of the murders or shortly after.
Sheesh. This is downright frightening. BF's room was right below X's, so no doubt she heard movement up there. The phone activity could have been her texting X asking her to jokingly keep it down. JMO.
Piggy backing onto your post—-

I have the same question. I also wonder what to expect from the defense team at the hearing. With the gag order, we have no idea if his plea is changing and no inkling about a possible line of defense? Just curious.

I don't think any PD would have announced his plea in advance. And I do not think there will be any mention of any kind of defense strategy. They will likely wait until trial. We will get a hint of it when the PD starts trying to eliminate various strands of evidence. Right now, the PD is in their early investigation of the case.
I am wondering is there any real evidence of him using heroin in the past? Many people here are discussing it almost as a fact or is it just an online rumour from one or two people claiming that for breaking info about him for money as i dont think he seems like an addict or former addict and i know many drug users but i might be wrong JMOO.
And just to add, there are no visible security cameras at the back of 1112 King Road.

View attachment 394079
Perfect - thank you for finding this photo! Crazy that the front porch security cam could make out anything distinguishable from 50 ft. away. It would be interesting to hear that audio.
Those five minutes are vastly critical.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around those 5 minutes (4:12-4:17). Heck, even those 8 minutes (4:12-4:20). If BK's car was seen driving around @ 4:04 in a sloppy fashion (as it appears he usually does from multiple traffic stops)... then it took him at least a few minutes to finally park and walk to the house. You'd think he wouldn't just barge right in without at least stopping to listen & observe for any movement inside the house before entering. At least I'd take a moment to pause for that, if not to simply will my heart to stop beating so hard before I went in to do what he did.

So if it took him another 2 min to finally park (4:06), and another 2 minutes to at least pick up his knife (since it apparently wasn't on his belt), then walk to the house (4:08), then that leaves 4 minutes that either Xana was apparently unaware something was going down, realized it had started ("There's someone here"), or about to go down as she was on TikTok at 4:12 and might still be eating her DD. Keep in mind his car lays rubber 8 minutes later (4:20) so that is not a whole lot of time to kill 4 people!

So, either Maddie and Kaylee were first and already killed by 4:12 ("There's someone here"), or Xana and Ethan were first. I'd think that if M & K were first the dog would have barked before 4:17. To me, the dog started barking either because he heard M & K being murdered, or because it heard X & E being murdered. It just feels to me like the dog barking is when things started. Although it could have been growling or barking too low for it to be captured on the audio next door.

If X & E were first that leaves BK ~5 minutes to kill all 4 of them (she's on TikTok @ 4:12 & the dog starts barking at 4:17, which makes me think that's possibly when BK went to the 3rd floor.). 4:17-4:20 gives him exactly 3 minutes to then kill M & K, and then run like heck to his car so he can peel out.

Here's that part of the timeline I posted in a previous thread. I've posted a link to the entire timeline at the bottom of this post in the event there's some who may have missed it and have an interest in it.

4:04am - Suspect Vehicle 1 can be seen entering the area a fourth time at approximately 4:04 a.m. It can be seen driving eastbound on King Road, stopping and turning around in front of 500 Queen Road #52 and then driving back westbound on King Road. When Suspect Vehicle 1 is in front of the King Road residence, it appeared to unsuccessfully attempt to park or tum around in the road. The vehicle then continued to the intersection of Queen Road and King Road where it can be seen completing a three-point tum and then driving eastbound again down Queen Road.

4:12am - Kernodle's phone showed this could also have been Kernodle as her cellular phone indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m.

4:17am - a security camera picked up distorted audio of what sounded like voices or a whimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times starting at 4:17 a.m.

4:20am - Suspect Vehicle 1 is next seen departing the area of the King Road Residence at approximately 4:20 a.m. at a high rate of speed.

Full timeline: ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54
I am wondering is there any real evidence of him using heroin in the past? Many people here are discussing it almost as a fact or is it just an online rumour from one or two people claiming that for breaking info about him for money as i dont think he seems like an addict or former addict and i know many drug users but i might be wrong JMOO.

I've never heard it verified.
I am wondering is there any real evidence of him using heroin in the past? Many people here are discussing it almost as a fact or is it just an online rumour from one or two people claiming that for breaking info about him for money as i dont think he seems like an addict or former addict and i know many drug users but i might be wrong JMOO.
His friend/coworker told the media that they used heroin together in 2013.
I am wondering is there any real evidence of him using heroin in the past? Many people here are discussing it almost as a fact or is it just an online rumour from one or two people claiming that for breaking info about him for money as i dont think he seems like an addict or former addict and i know many drug users but i might be wrong JMOO.
I don't know what "real" evidence would be re: this matter. Rehab records? It's been reported on MSM after more than one of his former friend's mentioned it in an interview.
Re: the thud and dogs barking
I know the time stamp is “approx 4:17”, but I was curious about a trunk slamming shut - suspect strips off anything that he may not want in the main part of the car, but perhaps in a trash bag in trunk, then slams door shut. Dogs barking, knowing something is going on outside. I know the PCA lays it out in a timeline type order, but could there be an error there and a time stamp off just a smidge? Idk, just thoughts that popped in and sharing!
Perfect - thank you for finding this photo! Crazy that the front porch security cam could make out anything distinguishable from 50 ft. away. It would be interesting to hear that audio.

I think of the saying, so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
Just playing devil's advocate for minute if BK pleads not guilty. I know there will be more evidence forthcoming but right now I'm interested in how many college friends were called to the house before 911 was called and if their presence might add to contamination of the crime scene? Speculation on if anything was moved or removed from the house or other intrusive movements? Seems to me a good defense would pursue this issue and try to get as much evidence as possible thrown out. A good defense attorney will use any loose ends and unanswered questions to promote doubt.
I know that the MPD update indicates friends were called over, but SG spoke of something different. Imo, they saw the carnage, ran outside, neighbors heard the commotion and ran over, seeing one passed out. Then 911 was called, maybe friends too. I don't think anyone went in the house. There are some things in the PCA that differ from the MPD update. Like they eventually knew the correct year of the car, but that was never released to the public. Imo.
I am wondering is there any real evidence of him using heroin in the past? Many people here are discussing it almost as a fact or is it just an online rumour from one or two people claiming that for breaking info about him for money as i dont think he seems like an addict or former addict and i know many drug users but i might be wrong JMOO.

Eyewitness account by two friends. Both of them have gone on video record with news media to detail their days of doing heroin with BK. One of them is now working in drug rehab and has been clean for 6 years and speaks very knowledgeably about the process, saying he thins Bryan got clean before he did. He hasn't seen Bryan since those days.

I'm not sure what other evidence there will ever be. He seems very much like a possible former addict to me. For one thing, former heroin users often experience anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure/happiness) for quite some time, sometimes impaired for life in that department according to brain studies,

I am not sure who "seems like an addict" (I prefer the word "user" even though we know heroin is highly addicting, it grabs some people more than others). I too know lots of addicts - there are many among my students. There's no way I could possibly know by just seeing and talking to them that they are former addicts. One thing I've seen in some heroin users, though, is rapid and sometimes extreme weight loss, but the world is full of thin people who have never used heroin, so I don't know how that would clue anyone in.
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