ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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I think he probably startled her especially at that hour, or maybe not. I don't know what kind of additional traffic they had going in and out of that house. That house had a lot of party traffic and apparently not everyone was known to all the roommates. I don't know what kind of housing she had prior to coming to this house so maybe men in the home in the wee hours of the morning could have scared her. So yeah she probably was like WTF she didn't know if her roommates invited anyone and froze because she didn't expect a man to walk by so she shut her door and locked it. I think the thought of anyone being slaughtered in her home was no where in her mind. Nor did she hear any noises that put her in fear of herself or anyone being in danger.
Two of the defendants put up a fight. There had to be bloody murder screams.
The cameras show him still driving at 4:04.

I just read the posting by the mad Greek restaurant and it states that baddy and Cana worked at mad Greek. Those were the two rooms targeted. E and k weren’t supposed to be there

intriguing.....The 2 rooms targeted happen to have 2 people who worked at the same place. I have to wonder if the Mad Greek Restaurant staff or customers ever saw BK in there, and if so, did anyone see him talking to the victims?

Where can I read this posting by the Mad Greek Restaurant?

How do we know E and k weren’t supposed to be there?
What I saw what you allude to . . . it seems this suspect was trying to find and stay in treatment and also channel energies into other pursuits. I wish we could have more open discussions and more high level access to information about mental health. It can be really hard if alone and outside of larger urban areas with resources and experts--Philly is mentioned but who knows if they made it there or if it was helpful treatment. <modsnip - off topic> Yet, there are many odd involvements. I think it is hard to prove that all 4 murders were done "willfully, deliberately, with premeditation and with malice of afterthought."

<modsnip - general mental health discussion not specific to this case>
We all have difficult lives. So what? Killer had a cross-wired brain: go to church, doctors and counselors.
Did the killer know right from wrong? Don't rob. Don't cause harm to others. Don't rape. Don't molest kids or youth. Pretty basic. Killer clearly knew wrong from right. He made heinous, vomitus, evil choices. He destroyed more lives than can possibly be counted. Killer did not care who he hurt, how he hurt them, or the ever-lasting effects on others. This adult man deserves exactly what he has coming. Unless his experienced defense counsel, gets a not-guilty verdict. Then the killer can carry on...and on...and on.
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Xana was "likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m. That's an awfully specific approximate time. Xana was not using TikTok at 4:17 a.m. That's when the dog started barking.
Yeah this is what I mean though, timeline it out based purely on the solid digital receipt information we have so far - not taking into account anything Dylan added through her recounting of events.

We'll then have a wire frame to insert potential explanations for D.M's claims.
I find it quite telling there’s been zero mention of him ever having a romantic relationship, no mention of a prom date even. I mean sheesh, even dahmer had a prom date.
He isn’t a bad looking guy, physically hes quite attractive. 6 ft, slim, nice hair. I can only think … he didn’t really want one?
I think he wanted one (hence the murders. That's MOO) but couldn't get one. He's been called awkward and creepy. I avoid men like that.
Some are questioning why the dad would fly in to help a 28 year old, well my dad has done the same and I’m45! I have driving anxiety over certain terrain and with certain weather. I was in a bad accident when I was younger. So to me that is plausible the dad still has no idea.
Lets say the killer does have a plan of pulling off the perfect murder. That plan is to get arrested and charged because of the evidence that was allegedly left behind, however to be found not guilty because of that same alleged evidence?

Now THAT would indeed be the perfect crime...would it not?

Could BCK be smarter than we may think... many of his past teachers and classmates have said he is very intelligent, it does seem that BCK has put in the effort and done the due diligence to attempt such an plan. IDK Im just speculating
"Could BCK be smarter than we may think"

lol, no, no he is not. ....imo
So according to the article, she identified him based on his eyebrows, height and build? Eyewitness identification is notoriously unreliable— is anyone else surprised they would use her description to help identify him? I guess it worked out since the DNA matched, but I can’t see them using this in court…..
Eyewitness identification may be notoriously unreliable but how often does a witness call out eyebrows?? Ever? Rarely?
Some are questioning why the dad would fly in to help a 28 year old, well my dad has done the same and I’m45! I have driving anxiety over certain terrain and with certain weather. I was in a bad accident when I was younger. So to me that is plausible the dad still has no idea.
Yeah I think people are making this point out to be bigger than it needs to be as well.

I've done similar before, and it could be something as simple as... it's a bl**dy long trip, and maybe you just want to spend all that time WITH someone.

My best friend lived on the far north coast of Queensland, Australia, and when he decided to move home he shipped all of his belongings separately, and paid for me to fly me up to him so that I would drive with him all the way home, 18 hours south. Both males, both 30 (at the time). This was all because we thought it'd be a fun road trip, even though 16 hours of it is absolute barren land with nothing to see other than grassland and farms.
So interesting and I agree for the most part, I think he projected his pain outward but also wanted to control it and marry the feeling of his pain/humiliation with his vast intellect. Almost like he couldn’t acknowledge or feel his feelings without dissociating from them immediately with the powers of his mind.
I wanted to add that I think he chose the house (and the students in it) as a target because it was seen as easy to access, being a known party house, with lots of people coming and going, doors unlocked/left open and multiple cars coming and going at all times of day and night. I don’t know that I believe he had a connection with or specifically targeted any one student in the house and the murders were rage at pretty girls or happy friends. I think the key here is he was looking for subjects with which to experiment with and lax security measures would allow his experimentation. JMO
One other thing, I think neither the victims nor BK’s physical appearance plays into this tragic circumstance - nor should it. It rankles me a bit to constantly read the superlatives in a negative or positive sense directed towards the physical appearances of the victims vs BK. We are all conditioned of course in our responses to appearance as human beings and I don’t deny that. Let’s
just try to see beyond that conditioning in the way we express our ideas about this case.
I believe power and control are at the root of the evil that is murder.

Vast intellect?
I guess his OCD made me think about it possibly not being a coincidence.
I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding this. What happened on Nov 20th to make the address of the house look like it's a coincidence?
Yeah this is what I mean though, timeline it out based purely on the solid digital receipt information we have so far - not taking into account anything Dylan added through her recounting of events.

We'll then have a wire frame to insert potential explanations for D.M's claims.

I think the neighbor's security camera audio 50ish ft from Xana's window tells us the order of the bedrooms in the killings. Imo, it had to be picking up Xana's side of the house, not Maddie's room. So that commotion is at 4:17, followed by a security camera seeing the car leave at 4:20. I think he had to have gone upstairs first. There's no time for it otherwise.
The test can tell whether it's blood or spit or semen or---> skin cells.

Just saying. So no, he can't claim he bled on it if it's touch DNA, etc. He has to explain his DNA without knowing what LE knows at this point time - because it is his DNA.
So according to the article, she identified him based on his eyebrows, height and build? Eyewitness identification is notoriously unreliable— is anyone else surprised they would use her description to help identify him? I guess it worked out since the DNA matched, but I can’t see them using this in court…..
MOO The article says DMs description of the man she saw helped the police ID the suspect, not that she identified the suspect.
His eyebrows jumped off the page the first time I saw him. I think his deep set eyes make them more prominent.
I literally said out loud "What's that above his eyes?? Caterpillars??"

Since you don't know me... I've said that same sort of thing out loud anytime I see something odd. I've said things like "What's that on his head??" when someone had some strange hair/hairstyle. So I've been exclaiming out loud like that for years. And I exclaimed out loud about what was above his eyes. (Caterpillars??)

So in a nutshell... they stood out for me. Someone else may not have noticed but it didn't go unnoticed by me. Hence my out loud exclamation. lol
intriguing.....The 2 rooms targeted happen to have 2 people who worked at the same place. I have to wonder if the Mad Greek Restaurant staff or customers ever saw BK in there, and if so, did anyone see him talking to the victims?

Where can I read this posting by the Mad Greek Restaurant?

How do we know E and k weren’t supposed to be there?
The suspect's phone is at the murder victims' house at 10:35 p.m. on Saturday, August 21, 2022 (affidavit). The Mad Greek restaurant closes at 10 p.m. on Saturdays. That may have been when the suspect selected a target. I doubt there's restaurant CCTV going back from Nov 13 to Aug 21, but never know. The suspect had just moved to Pullman.

He only needed to be at the restaurant one time, after that he could know where she lived and worked and could watch her without going into the restaurant (12 times).

We know that Xana and Madison were expected to be at the house on Nov 12/13. Ethan was a guest, and, per her father, Kaylee had moved out and was only visiting for the weekend (to show her friends the new car).

That suggests the target was either Xana and Madison, or, Xana was awake on the second floor and was killed to remove her as a witness, and Madison was the target.
As far as being bullied, that’s a school and society problem. Thankfully, there is an on going attempt to change schools social cultures- all over the country. Kids are mean. That’s why parents are frown upon from naming their kids what they deemed as “cool name” such as Dracula.( a friend name their son Dracula and he got bullied relentlessly). I’m barely qualified in interpreting mental thoughts of BK. I avoid rationalizing their bad behavior as it gives credence to their crimes.

Kids are not normally mean if they are brought up well.

PCA page 4 & 5 . “The male walked towards the glass sliding door” “ This leads investigators to believe the killer left the murderer left the scene

Moo, Yes, it’s open for interpretation. However, this case has proven to have a forces to be reckoned with, which are these amazing Police Detectives, BAU, FBI and patrol officers. Their communications strategy to the public and the media alike have been careful, factual and calculated. I’m confident they put the same effort, if not more, to PCA.

It has been theorized by LE since the beginning that the murders was targeted. Hence online sleuthers and observers were equally perplexed, and many of us have incorrectly believe that it could be someone in their inner circle, partly due to “targeted” comments by LE”. Prior to the released of PCA, I was still left baffled, why targeted if he was a stranger to the victims. I believe, their conclusions was was due to survivors left unharmed.

I have seen some people theorized that D stood unnoticed by the door, he simply didn’t see her. I, on the other hand is unconvinced that BK walked passed a narrow hallway and simply missed an impressively tall frozen shocked D- who’s descriptions of the killer was amazingly vivid which were more likely observed up close. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe that as he was seen walking towards the exit, he turnaround and walked up to the third floor or stay somewhere in the property. It’s not impossible, but it’s very unlikely. If, he was comfortable enough to stay with an alive witness who could be on the phone with 911 in her locked bedroom, what prevented him from going back to the house and retrieve his missing knife sheath. Who knows though..

Re: BK passing DM on his way out of the house, I previously believed that he may have seen her but didn't care because he was disguised (wearing a mask) and had completed his intended mission. The possibility that BK has visual snow has thrown this into question for me. If BK still has visual snow--and from what I've read, it sounds like a chronic condition--this could change everything. It has changed my own ideas about the events of Nov. 13, and I think it likely will influence BK's legal defense strategy.

Here's a brief overview from the Cleveland Clinic:

Symptoms include seeing "snow" or "static" everywhere you look, having difficulty seeing in the dark, and insomnia (among other, very unpleasant-sounding symptoms). So I now think it's more probable that BK truly didn't see DM as he was leaving the house. Visual snow also could have made it more difficult for BK to locate the knife sheath, if he did intend to retrieve it. Finally, it seems like some of BK's odd habits, like vacuuming at 1am and being generally very active in the late night and early morning hours, may also be tied to Visual Snow Syndrome.

I was anticipating a novel legal defense in this case, but I'm now getting a sense of just how novel it may wind up being.
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