So much is just not making sense… I don’t care how smart BK thinks he is, this all just seems like too much. My rambling thoughts:
K and M were both found on M’s bed, but is that where they originally were? K’s dog was shut in K’s room, which is where I would expect K to be as well. It makes sense to me that K and her dog were both in K’s room. When K leaves her room, she closes the door behind her (to prevent her dog from getting all wound up and jumping on the unknown person in M’s room).
Dog recorded barking starting at 4:17, so is when the dog knows there is a struggle on the other side of that door. Did he kill M in her sleep, then K walked in on it?
But knowing his car was speeding away at 4:20, was K the last victim? I think so. And is it accurate that K’s wounds were more savage? That would be consistent with M killed in her sleep, K awake and trying to defend.
I’m also wondering, when BK originally unsheathed his knife, did he just stick the sheath back in his pocket? He obviously didn’t have it strapped to his leg or worn on his belt, but a hoodie could offer that nice big front pocket where he could enter with the knife not visible. I wonder if perhaps that’s exactly what he did and the sheath fell out unnoticed while he was struggling with M and throwing her on K’s bed.
All of this allows no time to attack X and E afterwards, that had to have been before. We know his car was seen pulling into the street at 4:04 and we know X was awake and on Snapchat at 4:12 - that leaves an 8 minute window to park his car and enter the house. And only another 8 minutes (until 4:20) when the car is seen speeding away. Allowing 2 minutes to get downstairs, out of the house, back in his car and take off - so all of this happened in 6 minutes?