ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 61

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If the killer was good with computers, he could have stalked any one of his victims remotely. In this case, the stalker can read your emails, texts, apps, and social media, even responding as you, without ever having physically met you or touched your computer. If your devices are connected, he’ll have access to the whole system. Cyber stalkers usually gain access through Remote Access Trojans, which are hard to detect.
Someone else posted a link to a great podcast on the last thread in which an attorney was saying it’s more than a coincidence that Door Dash and the murderer showed up at the same time. Cyberstalking would...
It is so easy to stalk someone online, even for a regular person. You can learn their names just by listening how other people call them in public. Then you go to IG, search any name with U of Idaho tag or stuff like that, it shows the girls photo, you follow them and their friends. You have a sense of their schedule like how late they sleep by when they interact with other people in IG, such as liking a picture, make a comments, in other words, when they are awake. you can even like their pictures, the girl will send you a heart or thank you message in return, now you know when they are active. You go to LinkedIn to find their major, their high school. Or just google people finder and immediately their addresses, phone numbers, even political party if you registered before will show up. If their sisters, parents, cousins are active online, you even know about the victims' family, their home address, when they bought the house, how much they bought it. BK may entered the house before to know the room plan, he might, but he doesn't have to, as the room photos are usually online for students to see and rent.
Personally (other than the sheath of course), I think he made a major mistake by turning his cell phone off after already traveling away from his residence then turning it back on before returning.

How does he answer the question of where did you go?
Conversely, how would he explain being in the vicinity of the murder house via cell phone pings when his white Elantra (with a single license plate) is also in the immediate area?
Yes, and I agree - if there was a target, it was Maddie. From what we can glimpse.

You are not the only one:

It is very common for Ph.D. students to visit campuses before deciding. And yes, applications are usually one year out.

I wish we knew.
IMO, the perp was masked here too. It makes you wonder……
I dunno. SG said one thing, and his attorney said another thing. What's up with this? JMHO
When Kaylee's family hired an attorney, there was a reason for that, IMO, and there would be a difference between what a distraught, grieving family member was saying in the first 7 weeks between the murders & someone (BK) being arrested for the murders, and after they hired legal counsel. SG is a victim of these horrific crimes, as are all the families of the victims of these crimes, and he is entitled to his opinion, and that opinion changing as things progress in the case and new information becoming available, IMO. This is what he is saying now:

Kaylee Goncalves' father assumed suspect followed victims before Moscow murders​

"I miss what she meant to the family," Steve Goncalves said about the loss of his daughter. "She knew how to make memories."

Author: Morgan Romero
Published: 9:27 PM PST January 8, 2023
Updated: 6:29 AM PST January 9, 2023

BOISE, Idaho — A grieving father reflects on the week he began getting answers. Steve Goncalves' daughter, Kaylee, was taken from him nearly two months ago.

... [...] ...

"I feel relief. It was nearly seven weeks of absolutely no clear guidance that we were on the right track," Goncalves said. "We knew there was evidence but all that can mean nothing until you have a face and a person or personality to put it towards."

... [...] ...

He said that he just didn't want the story to die. So he kept trying to get everyone involved that he possibly could, and kept talking about his daughter to build the momentum.

When police announced they arrested a man they think took the students’ lives, that momentum increased.

“It took forever for me," Goncalves said.

“If there was ever a team, a dream team to solve a crime and put it together correctly, we got them," Goncalves said.

He said he felt relief after waiting seven weeks for some kind of answer.

... [...] ...

“It was worth the wait and they had a lot of evidence to show for it. We're on the right track and there's still a long way to go, but it feels good. It feels good to be where we are right now,” Goncalves said."

Kaylee Goncalves' father assumed suspect followed victims before Moscow murders
Cuomo is interviewing Tinder date girl on News Nation.
She seems nice and believable.

She didn’t say anything new, mainly a reminder about dating and inviting situations with strangers. Kind of ironic, as she was able to safely end her date with BK. AFAIK, the students didn’t invite him in, and they never got the chance to kick him out.

I am inclined not to believe that. Not ruling it out but I do not find it credible. There are small divesions and other hints of deception. I could be wrong but that is my opinion

This has risen to level of being a cultural phenomena. There are scores of fake Bryan Kohberger social media accounts. People like to drive fame to themselves. I think we can bet that people who knew him will be coming out of the woodwork and a whole lot more people who never did will be as well.
So much is just not making sense… I don’t care how smart BK thinks he is, this all just seems like too much. My rambling thoughts:

K and M were both found on M’s bed, but is that where they originally were? K’s dog was shut in K’s room, which is where I would expect K to be as well. It makes sense to me that K and her dog were both in K’s room. When K leaves her room, she closes the door behind her (to prevent her dog from getting all wound up and jumping on the unknown person in M’s room).

Dog recorded barking starting at 4:17, so is when the dog knows there is a struggle on the other side of that door. Did he kill M in her sleep, then K walked in on it?

But knowing his car was speeding away at 4:20, was K the last victim? I think so. And is it accurate that K’s wounds were more savage? That would be consistent with M killed in her sleep, K awake and trying to defend.

I’m also wondering, when BK originally unsheathed his knife, did he just stick the sheath back in his pocket? He obviously didn’t have it strapped to his leg or worn on his belt, but a hoodie could offer that nice big front pocket where he could enter with the knife not visible. I wonder if perhaps that’s exactly what he did and the sheath fell out unnoticed while he was struggling with M and throwing her on K’s bed.

All of this allows no time to attack X and E afterwards, that had to have been before. We know his car was seen pulling into the street at 4:04 and we know X was awake and on Snapchat at 4:12 - that leaves an 8 minute window to park his car and enter the house. And only another 8 minutes (until 4:20) when the car is seen speeding away. Allowing 2 minutes to get downstairs, out of the house, back in his car and take off - so all of this happened in 6 minutes?
I surmise that the killer swung straight past Xs room first (between 4:04 and 4:12). She likely detected something but didn’t think to investigate until she heard entirely too much commotion. She steps out to investigate (around 4:12) and likely sees the back door open. Alerts the house to it and the killer flies down to attack immediately. After the final two he makes his exit.

I actually don’t see it taking much longer than 10 minutes. The sheer amount of people in the house kept forcing him to move on to the next action without pause if his goal was to get away with it.
A few people mentioned that K was no longer living at this address, she was visiting to show her friends her new car. This is what was said a few pages ago. Did K post about these plans on social media? Where are we getting this information from?
We got the information from an early interview with K's mom, aunt and her sister A.

Mom - Kaylee just left home, she just left on Friday.. she left on Friday morning to go to a Pi Phi party and she had just bought a brand new Range Rover and she just.. she contemplated all day long, back and forth, whether she should go home because she just really wanted to show it to Maddie and some other friends and whatnot. And, she's just like 'mom, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go to the Pi Phi party and I'm gonna.. Maddie's gotta see my new ride' and I'm like 'for sure', like I mean, it was nice, it was really nice. She'd just bought it that day, all her own, and I talked to the girls on... she had a fun time on Friday night, both of the girls, and then both of the girls texted me on Saturday.

Allabouttrial's transcript
When Kaylee's family hired an attorney, there was a reason for that, IMO, and there would be a difference between what a distraught, grieving family member was saying in the first 7 weeks between the murders & someone (BK) being arrested for the murders, and after they hired legal counsel. SG is a victim of these horrific crimes, as are all the families of the victims of these crimes, and he is entitled to his opinion, and that opinion changing as things progress in the case and new information becoming available, IMO. This is what he is saying now:

Kaylee Goncalves' father assumed suspect followed victims before Moscow murders​

"I miss what she meant to the family," Steve Goncalves said about the loss of his daughter. "She knew how to make memories."

Author: Morgan Romero
Published: 9:27 PM PST January 8, 2023
Updated: 6:29 AM PST January 9, 2023

BOISE, Idaho — A grieving father reflects on the week he began getting answers. Steve Goncalves' daughter, Kaylee, was taken from him nearly two months ago.

... [...] ...

"I feel relief. It was nearly seven weeks of absolutely no clear guidance that we were on the right track," Goncalves said. "We knew there was evidence but all that can mean nothing until you have a face and a person or personality to put it towards."

... [...] ...

He said that he just didn't want the story to die. So he kept trying to get everyone involved that he possibly could, and kept talking about his daughter to build the momentum.

When police announced they arrested a man they think took the students’ lives, that momentum increased.

“It took forever for me," Goncalves said.

“If there was ever a team, a dream team to solve a crime and put it together correctly, we got them," Goncalves said.

He said he felt relief after waiting seven weeks for some kind of answer.

... [...] ...

“It was worth the wait and they had a lot of evidence to show for it. We're on the right track and there's still a long way to go, but it feels good. It feels good to be where we are right now,” Goncalves said."

Kaylee Goncalves' father assumed suspect followed victims before Moscow murders

I think when it comes to that dad that he was also goaded by press outlets and that they took advantage of his understandable emotional state.. You can be sure every reporter assigned by to this by their outlet under enormous pressure, and one way to try and get new tidbits was to stoke feelings that police were not giving out enough info. Essentially a blackmal against LE by some of the news outlets that put that dad in the middle.

Lots of reporting beats involve long-term trust based quid pro quo relationships between reporters and sources. Crime beats especially do. But that works on local level, not so much when cops are dealing with reporters they will never see again, and reporters with cops they never will see again. I think what we saw was the national and international (EG Daily mail) press, absent relationships with local cops, choose instead to deploy blackmail. Specifically: don't give us new leads we need each day and we will attack you as podunk bumkins in over your heads. FRankly when I first herad the dad hired a lawyer I was 99% sure that was paid by daily mail.

But I think the dad, and in fact the lawyer, have been first class in their statements since the arrest was made.
Confused on what that has to do with hunting? I’m born and raised in Dallas TX. City Girl yet I have a Rifle, know how to use and go hunting from time to time. I travel to get to deer lease. IMO. Dad and Buddy boy could to.
I was born slightly north of San Antonio, grew up in SA, I’ve lived in Houston and Austin metros then back to San Antonio…I’m kind of confused that you’re comparing Brooklyn (NYC) to any city in TX. It’s possible Brooklynites hunt, but not as likely in TX or other southern/western states. My dad didn’t hunt but our neighbor did.
I searched the thread for Slate and didn't see this posted. My apologies if it's a dupe

There was a time when DNA evidence was controversial. Forensic Genealogy may well become the first line of defense against serial killers. Fast, accurate identification will assuredly save lives.
This is exactly where I am right now. This just doesn’t make sense, logistically. For him to do this in the short period of time, they would have had to have been lined up waiting for him and just let it happen. Since this is not what happened, the only thing that makes sense is BK had a friend or two with him. Just keep thinking he‘s part of some group that fantasizes about this or even did this as a team event. That, or BK was the driver for them. I know we only have a tiny fraction of the information, so maybe once more comes out, it will make sense? For now, I just don’t see how it’s possible.
MOO this started as his normal pattern of stalking and probably fantasizing in his car. Some reason triggered a move to drastic action. He took a knife he kept in the car a covid mask and went into the house to rape the one he had an obsession with.
Once inside at the M room he found two instead, killed them both, and then trying to leave was blocked by, a young woman wounded or killed her, then the wakening boyfriend, finished off the young woman and quickly left. Did not see the last one looking out her door.
I am inclined not to believe that. Not ruling it out but I do not find it credible. There are small divesions and other hints of deception. I could be wrong but that is my opinion

This has risen to level of being a cultural phenomena. There are scores of fake Bryan Kohberger social media accounts. People like to drive fame to themselves. I think we can bet that people who knew him will be coming out of the woodwork and a whole lot more people who never did will be as well.
People who've known BK during his 28 years of life and have heard about him being accused of 4 murders, and are willing to come forward and want to share their experiences about interacting with him are welcome to do that and add to the picture of who BK is/has been, IMO.

People who set up fake SM accounts regarding BK & are purposely putting out disinformation on the Internet &/or are trolls or worse, are not the same as people who know him saying what their interactions with him are like in MSM, IMO.

The person who says they met him on Tinder & they went out and he did A, B, C should be able to prove it with records on Tinder if push comes to shove, as should the many people who went to school with him who have also said what their experience was like interacting with BK on MSM. It can be "looked up" if so-and-so went with BK on a date through Tinder or so-and-so went to school with him.

Whereas manipulation of SM accounts and disseminating false information and such, is much more surreptitious and harder to prove. JMOO
My gut says BK had at least one in person (albeit brief even) interaction with at least one of the victims that set off his stalking/obsession with them and the house.
Personally, I think it's just the house.
That house sticks out like a sore thumb, both structurally and situationally. Super dark neighborhood, large dark back yard butted up against woods, strangely secluded in a fairly densely populated area, multiple levels and points of ingress egress on opposite sides. No cameras, no security system, and (normally) no males.
It's a predator's dream location. :(

SG was talking about BK and a link to kaylee a few days ago and mentioned a spotify connection (and maybe instagram)
They may have just come to realisation that was a fake account . so now he's saying there's no links. another person wrote posted this earlier and I'm adding the spotify account because they didn't mention that
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