ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 64

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I'm not understanding how the 911 call is still a part of the active investigatory records and could interfere with enforcement proceedings? It was my understanding that everyone at the house during that call was cleared.

“I think it’ll be released when the prosecution believes that we can release that,” Mr Fry said in an interview with ABC affiliate KREM-TV. “That may be at trial ... That may be before then.”

Mr Fry declined to comment on whether what was discussed in the call could lead to any arrests.

The 911 call was made at 11.58am on 13 November - while the students are thought to have been killed between 3 and 4am.

“The surviving roommates summoned friends to the residence because they believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up,” a statement by Moscow Police early on in the investigation read.

“Multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher before a Moscow Police officer arrived at the location. Officers entered the residence and found the four victims on the second and third floors.”

It is unclear whether the “unconscious individual” wording is attributed to the caller or the dispatcher.

When pressed by The Independent on why the call could not be released, the department said: “The contents are exempt from public disclosure because the records are active investigatory records which, if released, would interfere with enforcement proceedings...”

IMO the call is crucial for the jury to know what was the "view"of the scene by the colleagues that called. As I understand the way they spoke firstly about the call was just a general language used to justify why they went to the scene WITH ambulances.

Also, IMO, I believe knowing the exact words used, who made the call and which cellphone was used are also informations that will help to build de crime scene.
He was a TA

Being a TA does not pay enough to fund school and living expenses, at least in my experience.
I had another job too

I'm very curious about the WiFi. It's not in the PCA. There's a gag order. I don't believe LE would have told Kaylee's dad.

Unless SG or someone he knew owned the router, I don't know how he would have access to that info...
Did he obtain the data from the landlord or would LE lock that down right away?

He could have been told this info prior to the gag order.
Why he thinks his telling such info to the public is somehow helpful is beyond me.

Can you imagine the reaction of the DA and lead prosecutor every time they hear SG has an Interview? I bet they scramble to the TV to see what he has said

I'm still stuck on his actual wording......“The contents are exempt from public disclosure because the records are active investigatory records which, if released, would interfere with enforcement proceedings...”
semantics imo
"Unconscious person" is what the dispatcher will assign to a call to get help over there faster.

I also believe many people bored and not so bored listen to dispatch scanners.
I was listening when police closed a street near my house for several hours. I heard lots of boring and mundane. zzzzz (Except for a suspect chase feed)

Nothing will create more drama and ordinary citizens rushing to a scene than a "murder". The whole town could possibly be there before LE secures the scene.
Is Le Bar right? Is he even calling her statment hearsay in this quote?
MOO it's unfortunate that so much space and time have been given to this.

Prior to testimony, usually, hearsay is only a concern when a witness is retelling information from yet another person or LE doesn't contact the real witness and uses 2nd hand repeated unverified information.

Everything in the PCA or a police report that quotes a witness's statement is technically hearsay. That's not really important until and if the witness needs to testify and can show the knowledge is firsthand knowledge.

The witness statement/information supplied supports the probable cause and LE is acting in good faith in using and relying on the witness statements to get warrants, refer the case for prosecution, etc.
I believe they were planned, too coincidental IMO. But LE/FBI may never reveal the details of it. MOO
Fbi and Indiana State police denied it. Dateline's LE sources told them that the stops were unrelated AND Dateline reported last night that BK was barely on LE radar when he made the trip to Pennsylvania. The results of the initial genetic genealogy testing that identified the Kohberger family tree came after BK had left for Christmas vacation according to last night's Dateline episode. It was these results that led LE to surveil BK in Pennsylvania, eventually leading to obtaining BK's dad's DNA from discarded trash which was enough for an arrest.
Dylan saw what she saw, and gave a statement to the police. That is not hearsay. It is herasay that she saw BK. But Dylan's statement does not say that she identified BK. MOO
Sorry, a little late to the party and still catching up. Hearsay rule in the laws of evidence vary from state to state. In California, there is a specific exception to the hearsay rule for a statement made by a witness identifying the perpetrator of a crime. (California Evidence Code section 1238.). Therefore,DMs description give to LE would be admissible but only for the physical characteristics of the person she described. It would be interesting to know if LE has tried to get DM to indenting BK since his arrest. That would be risky IMHO.
I *thought* he got free tuition and free housing. I don’t really know why I thought so. Is that possible? JMHO
Grad students in their first year do not get free tuition at WSU. All people who TA get a "tuition reduction" but tuition is still there. I figure he had to pay half. Note in the quote below that in the first, it is a 50% reduction for the OOS (out of state) tuition. OOS tuition is around $28K. Half of that brings it closer to in state tuition. If he were to have qualified for in-state tuition by Year 2, I believe he will would have had to pay *some* tuition because I believe they do not give 20 hour teaching appointments while students are still doing coursework. He would have gotten 50% off of the $12,400 in state tuition pricing in his second year. Still has to pay $6,200 somehow. For me, that's not chicken feed.

In order to get a greater discount, all of the OOS grad students are required to show that they are following the steps to become tax-paying WA residents (such as registering their car in WA - which BK did do).

//Graduate assistants who maintain at least a half-time (20 hrs. /wk.) appointment are eligible for full tuition waivers. Students appointed a quarter time assistantship (10 hrs./wk.) are eligible for half tuition waivers. To qualify for a tuition waiver, students must reside within the state of Washington. Non-resident graduate students on assistantship appointments are eligible for a non-resident waiver for the out-of-state portion of tuition during the first year they are on assistantship appointment at WSU. During that first year, students are responsible for taking all necessary steps to establish legal residency in the state of Washington. If residency is not established, non-resident graduate students will be responsible for non-resident tuition after their first academic year. International students are provided an out-of-state tuition waiver with their assistantship appointment throughout their academic career.//

Typically, first year grad students do not get 20 hours of TA time. That usually happens once one has advanced to candidacy (aka ABD) in the third or fourth year. There are good reasons for that, and of course, professors definitely prefer the older doctoral students whom they have gotten to know and who are much better at being TA's.

It sounds to me is if BK was TAing for just one class, only one class has ever been mentioned. Full load would be 4 classes at WSU, and the full tuition waiver comes with doing 2 classes, not just 1. That's so that the candidates who have completed everything but their dissertation can spend more time on their research, but also hone their teaching skills in readiness for the job market.
Fbi and Indiana State police denied it. Dateline's LE sources told them that the stops were unrelated AND Dateline reported last night that BK was barely on LE radar when he made the trip to Pennsylvania. The results of the initial genetic genealogy testing that identified the Kohberger family tree came after BK had left for Christmas vacation according to last night's Dateline episode. It was these results that led LE to surveil BK in Pennsylvania, eventually leading to obtaining BK's dad's DNA from discarded trash which was enough for an arrest.

Who were Dateline's "LE sources"? Did they say?

Because they were onto the Elantra very early on and already had BK's name from the WSU campus police. I can understand why LE would wait to dig through PA trash, because they surely needed to advise and work out a plan with local LE there.

Who was it that confirmed use of GedMatch? That's my real question, because Dateline is the first MSM source to confirm it. Nancy Grace merely said "probably" and all the other mentions of GedMatch were by LE retirees or otherwise ex-FBI or ex-Cia or ex-something else.

It's not in any LE announcement that I can find.
I *thought* he got free tuition and free housing. I don’t really know why I thought so. Is that possible? JMHO

If he was a student given full out of state tuition, and also housing then a prof gave him some kind of funding in addition to what typical PhD students would receive. Maybe they had funding for three or five PhD students with different amounts.

PhD’s would take about 12 hours a semester- total hours anywhere from 80-120 hours
Two years coursework, proposal for dissertation, research, write, defend.

An exceptional student could get that given that funding. All profs would know- this was that prof’s Golden Child. Who you do research for and teach For can be different profs.

Imagine one prof pulling in the Golden Child and humiliating them. I can’t see that happening
Was he humiliated by the prof that he worked under, who funded him? I can’t see that.

Was it not working out? Did he not work well with others, disrespectful to important people?
A prof could get their funding back to be used for another student if he quit.
Was that some prof’s attempt to get him to quit?

If he was a student given full out of state tuition, and also housing then a prof gave him some kind of funding in addition to what typical PhD students would receive. Maybe they had funding for three or five PhD students with different amounts.

PhD’s would take about 12 hours a semester- total hours anywhere from 80-120 hours
Two years coursework, proposal for dissertation, research, write, defend.

An exceptional student could get that given that funding. All profs would know- this was that prof’s Golden Child. Who you do research for and teach For can be different profs.

Imagine one prof pulling in the Golden Child and humiliating them. I can’t see that happening
Was he humiliated by the prof that he worked under, who funded him? I can’t see that.

Was it not working out? Did he not work well with others, disrespectful to important people?
A prof could get their funding back to be used for another student if he quit.
Was that some prof’s attempt to get him to quit?


Agreed, this guy was not any professor's Golden Child. You could be right about the frustrated professor's attempt to get him to quit.

Of course, such professor/TA/student mediation attempts (bit ole meeting where the students could feel safe talking to the TA) were not uncommon back when I was in grad school. However, most profs just told the TA's to work it out among themselves and severely requested that whatever was causing students to complain about one particular TA had better stop.

In one instance, a person was pulled from their TAship in my program, for various reasons and we all had to take up the slack. In another instance, a student submitted the same paper to two different TA's (not in my discipline, it was actually a class I was taking) and got radically different grades and took that to the prof who spent about 1 minute on the topic and said "So, you're now going to be in the Good TA's section, you can avoid Bad TA if you like." I was in Bad TA's section and was given no such option. I knew that TA for years, too, because later when I was doing a post-doc out of the medical center, he was there, as a medical student! He had switched subjects entirely. His demeanor and style had also changed completely.

He is now a psychiatrist not too far from where I live. I run into him occasionally, he of course doesn't remember me at all.

I agree with you that BK had the bare minimum of funding (the TA-ship) and had to finance the rest of his first year. If he had stayed on course, he might have gotten half off the in-state tuition for 23-24 (reducing his burden to $6000 or so instead of $14,000 like this year).
Well, if the prosecution decides to not put her on the stand, her description of the person she saw wouldn’t be in evidence.

I think that the defense calling her to testify would be a spectacular example of an ‘own goal.’ If they call her, they can’t cross-examine her. In other words, their questions would have to be more like: “Tell us what happened at 4:00 am.” Less like: “Now, the next morning, you weren’t even sure this had happened, were you?”

No, I’m not a lawyer. I’d love for one to weigh in on this.

If the prosecution does not call DM to testify, I doubt the defense would call her as a witness in their case. Not much to gain, other than to confirm DM could not identify BK as he walked toward her. But, plenty to lose potentially if DM gives an unexpected answer. Could potentially blow up on them, like asking OJ to put on the bloody glove in open court!
Right I feel like a plea bargain would only be helpful if for example they could not find the bodies and he agreed to lead authorities to them in exchange for a deal or something like that. In this case, the accused really has no bargaining chip IMO

What puzzles me is that BK has the right to plead guilty. Right? He can just stand up and say, "Yep, I did everything I'm accused of, I plead guilty."

But, AFAIK, he cannot get the DP without a trial, so even if he did admit guilt, he would still have to have a trial? I have no real clue, just spitballing, but your post made me think of that.

Is either the Dateline or 20/20 from last night available online? Thanks
Pretty sure you can watch it on Peacock TV. I can't remember if the app costs anything or not.

(Just checked - they definitely have it on their website, I just can't remember if I paid anything to join, I don't think so).
If he was a student given full out of state tuition, and also housing then a prof gave him some kind of funding in addition to what typical PhD students would receive. Maybe they had funding for three or five PhD students with different amounts.

PhD’s would take about 12 hours a semester- total hours anywhere from 80-120 hours
Two years coursework, proposal for dissertation, research, write, defend.

An exceptional student could get that given that funding. All profs would know- this was that prof’s Golden Child. Who you do research for and teach For can be different profs.

Imagine one prof pulling in the Golden Child and humiliating them. I can’t see that happening
Was he humiliated by the prof that he worked under, who funded him? I can’t see that.

Was it not working out? Did he not work well with others, disrespectful to important people?
A prof could get their funding back to be used for another student if he quit.
Was that some prof’s attempt to get him to quit?

According to this he could have got a tuition waiver? I dunno where I dreamed up the free housing lol.

Ph.D. Students​

Departmental Funding: Students funded by the department with a Teaching Assistantships (TA) or Research Assistantships (RA) receive a specified stipend each month (for nine months), health insurance benefits, and an in-state tuition waiver (for WA state residents). Out-of-state tuition is waived the first year until the student establishes residency.

If BK observed this house on multiple occasions, why did he only kill the people in 1 bedroom on the 2nd floor, skip the second bedroom and then move to the 3rd floor. Why not kill the people in both rooms on the 2nd floor? Did he have a reason to spare DM’s life?
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