ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 65

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I'm with you there. I don't think we have enough evidence to say anything with certainty. Obviously, if he did try to plan, he missed some things, which probably eats him up inside. Or, his level of "meticulous" is not LE's level of meticulous. I don't think he just winged it totally, but it's possible he sort of did. I do think he never planned on getting caught. Maybe.
"I don't think he just winged it totally, but it's possible he sort of did."
"I do think he never planned on getting caught. Maybe."

At this time and unless something changes --- I think LE did a good job, mostly behind the scenes !
Kudos to them !

I'm with you there. I don't think we have enough evidence to say anything with certainty. Obviously, if he did try to plan, he missed some things, which probably eats him up inside. Or, his level of "meticulous" is not LE's level of meticulous. I don't think he just winged it totally, but it's possible he sort of did. I do think he never planned on getting caught. Maybe. Can you tell I'm teetering? :)
So you think he set up a DD account with his address, payment method etc. and had food delivered to someone else's house at 4 a.m.? I doubt that happened but it would be really awesome evidence if it did!
I don't necessarily think this, but it would contribute to a more perfect crime :) if done correctly and to awesome evidence if not!
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Fair enough.

I did have a small worry when I first read those defense arguments.

Mostly thinking about the grieving families, and want justice for their sake !
I guess I'm trying to cheer myself up with the assertion that the arguments present so far aren't strong enough ?
Guess we'll see.
Of course, I want justice, too. Which is why I'm all for a robust defense.

1. He needs to be convicted beyond a reasonable doubt. Which calls for a good prosecution AND defense.

2. We don't want him (if found guilty) getting off on a technicality upon appeal. Everyone needs to be by the book and strong in their respective corners.

If guilty...

I think that when confronted with death penalty, he might plead guilty.

I noticed when he was in Court for the 1st time - when death penalty was mentioned - he started rocking in his chair (as orphans in need of comforting).

I think he is terrified.

I don't necessarily think this, but it would contribute to a more perfect crime :) if done correctly and to awesome evidence if it not!

It doesn’t seem like perfect crime material to me. You bring someone else to the scene who’ll be a witness. You make sure that one of your prospective victims is awake and about. You leave a bizarre electronic trail of evidence.....

What do you gain?

All moo, of course.
And burners can be purchased everywhere. I can't help but wonder why he wouldn't have been using a burner phone all along.
Just now catching up. Pardon if this has been commented on already.
IMO he could have purchased a burner phone and that info hasn't come out yet. It's possible if he did have a burner phone he may have stupidly grabbed the wrong phone on his way out the door and not realized it until he was too far to turn back so he turned his off instead. It will be interesting to see what was recovered from his apartment. I also wonder if there has been a subpoena for his banking records.
And burners can be purchased everywhere. I can't help but wonder why he wouldn't have been using a burner phone all along.

My thought is that he super needed a smart phone, not just a cheap online or convenience store phone. And one still has to have a plan with a carrier, which requires some initial form of payment.

At any rate, I feel this dude couldn't navigate around Idaho without a smart phone. Definitely JMO.
I initially thought, and for some time that he planned meticulously, and then blew it on the night but I am not as certain as I was. I'm wavering, trying to reach a position on what the current evidence tells me before returning to my mapping...

If he did murder the students could it be that he didn't start out with that in mind and maybe he was just imagining what it would be like to plan a murder. But then something set him off and he lost control and in a compulsive rage ended up in a fit of desperation murdering four people. Not even following what partial plan he was working on? Becoming so careless he gave no thought to the consequences of his actions. Thus leaving a trail of breadcrumbs of incriminating evidence behind that would seal his fate. I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe he never intended for things to go that far. I'm reaching for an explanation for his carelessness because I believe he knew better than to set himself up like he did. JMO
My thought is that he super needed a smart phone, not just a cheap online or convenience store phone. And one still has to have a plan with a carrier, which requires some initial form of payment.

At any rate, I feel this dude couldn't navigate around Idaho without a smart phone. Definitely JMO.
You can get burner smart phones in my experience. You would just need to set it up with a different Google account
"Experts discussed damning evidence posted to social media by the suspect of the Idaho murders."
"The word ‘goal’ stands out for me, too. ‘How did you achieve your goal?’ I have goals, we all have goals, they’re positive things, they’re not crimes, for the most part," she said. "So the fact that he is talking to criminals about their crimes, and describing them as goals, definitely struck me as odd, and that the person who’s writing that question finds crime to be something to aspire to."

IMO, I think people are reading way too much into that Masters project that BK had to complete. I don’t think BK was aspiring to be a criminal, he was trying to complete his Masters degree.
If guilty...

I think that when confronted with death penalty, he might plead guilty.

I noticed when he was in Court for the 1st time - when death penalty was mentioned - he started rocking in his chair (as orphans in need of comforting).

I think he is terrified.

But the State has to offer him that first. If they say we're not accepting any plea bargain except guilty to capital murder and throw yourself on the mercy of the court for sentencing then he has no choice but to go to trial and hope he can convince enough members of the jury that they should spare his life.

Just because he wants to plead guilty to avoid death doesn't mean the State has to agree with it. In a case like this, they might because a trial would be long and expensive so if the only point of contention is death or life without parole, then they might be willing.

The other factor here is the families. While the State is not required to get the families approval to make a deal, they often do as a matter of good taste and post-conviction PR. I say this because SG has been pretty adamant in interviews that he wants BK to face death if convicted. If that's the case, the State could try to convince him a LWOP deal is the best option or if the others agree forge ahead with it. It will be interesting to see how he reacts if that starts to happen.

But for now, the defense has several months to determine how much of the evidence they can attack and if it's in BK's best interests to take their chances on a trial.
Imo, BK is the killer. It’s ok to ask about alternate theories, but this post contains so much bias (imo). Both groups you mentioned are more at risk of having a crime committed against them, than committing the crime. Idk if I need to link articles because I thought this was common knowledge but will just in case.
crime 1 crime 2
IMO thank You!
If convicted, BK won't have an easy time of it behind bars.
It's one thing to stab four innocent helpless people who have prob. had no defensive training, aka military/SEALS, etc.--- and being housed in gen. pop. with other inmates who may be bigger and tougher than him.
IMO, I think people are reading way too much into that Masters project that BK had to complete. I don’t think BK was aspiring to be a criminal, he was trying to complete his Masters degree.
The reason I struggle with that "project" is that it posted to Reddit so late. He graduated only a few weeks after that, and his professor said he wasn't able to complete the project. So, I'm thinking for a Masters, he should have been working on that project weeks before he posted it to Reddit.
I’m also wondering if the DoorDash driver is a witness. The timing is awfully close. And I’m wondering if the front door was, in fact, wide open in the early hours before they were discovered. Did the killer exit the sliding glass door or did he turn around and exit through the front door? Did he go stand in front of D’s door or was the footprint from walking by? I still have more questions than answers. JMO
The escalation theory from stalking to murder is interesting. That would explain why, on those 11 or 12 late night ocassions, he didn't turn his phone off.

Pretty much up to this point, my thinking has been that at least on the night of the crimes, BK's intention was murder (knife), but something happenned that resulted in him laying to waste any self preserving or cautionary plans he may have had. I think this is because I cannot get past how he drove past the residence four times between 3.29 and 4.04, and parked, it must have been, on Queen street either directly in front of the house or very near.
IMO, is it possible that BK was looking for somebody other than the roommates?
This is all very fascinating, not least because we should perhaps consider a spiritual dimension. Maybe we should listen to what the person says, eg re the ‘screaming demons’ in Bryan’s earlier TapATalk writings, and what BTK said about his demon, (Factor X). I think BTK (much later) said there were actually two demons, the other called ‘Batter’. I recall his Lutheran pastor visiting him after his arrest, and opining that Mr Rader was possessed by a demon.

I certainly agree that we are all not capable of the horrific acts engaged in by the likes of murderers such as these.

Some of us might even be brave enough to confront, maybe putting our own lives at risk, if we witnessed or suspected evil activity.

I am still thinking about some points you made in earlier posts. For instance, I am looking up information on the 1960s university sniper, Mr Whitman, with whom you drew a possible parallel with the current case. He seemed to have insight that there was something going awry in his brain, writing that he hoped an autopsy would be done. Neither he nor the doctor he consulted could seem to stop either the murderous fantasies, or him from ultimately killing. A tumour was indeed found post mortem, pressing on the amygdala. We cannot reasonably look at diagnostic events of the 1960s with 2023 spectacles, the doctor would not have had an armoury of tests such as functional MRI scans with which to see into the brain. Providing some Valium and a follow up appointment may have seemed reasonable. Whether this arguably increased the rage I do not know.

Thank you so much for this post. I had forgotten Whitman's tumor was pressing on the amygdala - which wasn't even very well understood back in the 60's. Also thank you for your general faith in humanity. This topic actually kept me awake last night.

We focus a lot on murder, here at WS (obviously). And I believe that many of the some 600,000 missing people in the US have been murdered. We are not the world's most murderous nation, of course, but our rates are 2-3X higher than some other places (and way lower than other places).

Yet, most people never murder anyone. Or even think about an actual murder, much less plan one. I can get my mind around many types of murder, ones that seem to have a clear motivation. Nearly everyone who is murdered is murdered either by someone they know or in a context where there's lots of alcohol and partying, or for some kind of gain.

The Idaho murders are so difficult to understand. Like Whitman's actions, it feels like an act of terrorism to me.
And as far as his atty. saying it's not out of the ordinary for his dna to be on the knife sheath, what was it doing at that house ?
As far as I know, BK was never there are a partygoer or any other reason --as in--- the victims didn't know him ?
Sooo... what was it doing there ?

The Pennsylvania public defender's comments on the knife sheath, which was found next to one of the victims featuring Kohberger's DNA on the button snap was shrugged off by LaBar as 'touch DNA' or 'transfer DNA.'
'Which would mean that it could remain on that sheath for an indefinite period of time, if undisturbed,' he explained.

" That's one way of attacking that type of evidence that doesn't put him at the scene of the crime the night out, just that he merely touched that sheath at some point in time..."

So, someone else took BK's knife, and they used it to kill people ?
And BK's cell phone pinged near the area because he was just out for a night time drive ?

I think the defense' arguments at this time are weak !
PA guy should have kept his mouth shut. He’s just commenting for the visibility. IMO
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