ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 65

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Simple question, and sorry if it's already been discussed, but since we've been discussing BK's cellphone tracking:

WHY, if he allegedly went to the trouble to turn it off during the time the crime was committed, did he leave it on so he could be tracked going right back to the area at 9am the next morning? I mean maybe he was looking or listening for police activity on his phone, but it seemed like the whole theorized purpose of such a trip would be to see said activity in person????
I don’t think he was worried about it at all. I think we’re going to find he already has an explanation for being there and for multiple trips there. It may even be that his earlier trips to that area had nothing to do with the murder victims, at least at first - it could be how he ‘found’ them.

I think he was completely focused on not leaving any DNA/fingerprint evidence or living witnesses knowing that without that, it would be difficult to make a case against him. If there’s not more DNA evidence or if the existing gets thrown out for any reason, and he has a plausible reason for being there that he can prove…combined with no cuts or bruises on him…then the case against him is much weaker, in my opinion.
With the gag order in the place and the next hearing not scheduled for months, is there any hope of new factually confirmed information on the case?
I am waiting to see if there is any action in the case after the discovery period (by the 24th). The search warrants were sealed until March 1. MOO

It does seem very odd to me, too. He doesn't seem to be "eat up" with common sense, as my grandfather used to say. Based on what I saw online, his Criminology degree from DeSales covered causes of crime, ethics, research methods, criminal justice system and processes, statistics and data analysis. They do have forensics degrees but that doesn't seem to be what he took. So it looks like he didn't know a lot of investigative or forensic details that would keep him from getting caught.

It appears he wasn't concerned about his phone being seen in the area repeatedly before the crime, since it was seen so often. Maybe he thought as long as his phone didn't show during the murders, he would be free and clear. That would be short-sighted, but possible.

He may have needed the map feature right after the crime for that long, circuitous route in the wee hours. I can't think of any reason for that trip other than to dump evidence. The next morning, maybe he simply forgot to turn it off for that morning trip back.

We don't know that he actually avoided the area entirely after that. He could have put his phone in airplane mode each time. To me, it looks more guilty that he stopped being trackable in that area after the murders. Innocent people wouldn't think of being tracked at all. But, with a guilty mind, he might not have seen it that way.

He must have thought his car would not be identified he wasn't planning on police ever getting as far as IDing his phone,and if they did...well it wasn't pinging at time of crime. Possibly? IMO. That's why I keep returning again and again to his drive by activities 3.29 to 4.04am Nov 13.
As you read the article there seems to be some contradictory information so don't know if that headline is accurate.
I can't find the tweet now but I saw an earlier thread with MSM confirming he did not have access to this lab. It was a whole process to gain access (fingerprinting, background check, etc) and it was confirmed he was not permissioned.
However, there aren’t enough cell towers in that area to be so accurate that they can completely pinpoint anyone’s exact location.
There was a WS member in the Delphi threads, I believe, that has extensive knowledge of cell towers and just how accurate location data from pings can be, even with two towers. I believe he said he worked for Lucent? Maybe? But he would be invaluable to this thread.
Oooh nooo.., we aren’t going to have pages of discussion on the vegan diet again are we ??? Lol

Just speculation on my part
I get it ... that whilst in confinement the prisoners need to be treated in a humane fashion.

My only takeaway from the 'vegan' side of the discussion here ( And, I don't mind talking about it as we have a wait ahead of us for the next hearing ! ;) ), is that unless BK would have a serious health issue without his vegan food, I don't think the jail should cater to his every wish; iykwim ?

Every demand of his, or perceived 'slight' from the jail or corrections officers --BK might use it to his own advantage; as he has studied criminal justice and knows the law and possible loopholes.

My opinion is that the request for a vegan diet may be the start of other demands for preferential treatment ?
BK is no one special.
The bright light and smiles of four beautiful young people have been forever silenced, allegedly because of him -- pending the trial.

Much like Charles Ng who made a mockery of the justice system (From the Leonard Lake and Charles Ng serial killings).
It's hard to believe that they're still trying to ID some of the remains of the killer's victims !

It was one of California's longest and most expensive trials at the time, costing millions of dollars, partly because the court said Ng repeatedly attempted to delay and disrupt his own trial. That included extended debates over whether he could represent himself and who would be his attorneys.
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I can't find the tweet now but I saw an earlier thread with MSM confirming he did not have access to this lab. It was a whole process to gain access (fingerprinting, background check, etc) and it was confirmed he was not permissioned.
Also, Moscow Police Department does not participate in this lab project, so BK wouldn't have been able to have access to Moscow LE activties through this lab project.
I am slow to catch up (and am still not caught up). My apologies if this has been asked over and over. I just finished watching the 20/20 episode (but I recall reading this in the PCA) - about them checking the neighbor's trash. More specifically, the 20/20 episode said that BK took the garbage out and put it in the neighbor's bin. Is this accurate? There are only three reasons I can think of to put your trash in someone else's bin - either you don't have room in your own, and use theirs; or you don't want to pay for your own trash service, and again, use your neighbors, or third, because you suspect the authorities may be going through your trash, and you want to throw them off. Thoughts?
I have no confidence in speculating motive, at this point, because we know so little of the evidence or how his mind works, imo. He could have been stalking any or all of them, he could have been set off by the student confrontation about his grading (kinda crappy of the professor, imo), or any of the other reasonable speculations talked about. All extremely plausible ideas, imo.

I still haven't let go of BK's expressed interest in cloud and/or digital technology in solving crimes. Seriously, the very thing used to identify and arrest him is what he wanted to do for a career. It could be a coincidence, or not.

I'm on the fence about everything, but if I had to lean one way, I'd lean towards BK targeting that house for the "type" of people who resided in it, rather than them as individuals. A house full of perfect people would capture the nation's attention. I think he obsessed over the planning, too. Not like a mental health symptom, but just that he had formulated a plan and went over every detail in an attempt to carry it out effectively. Jmo.

Can you even imagine trying to plan something so meticulously? It would almost be maddening. I bet he was glad when it was over, just so his mind could relax, but then...then he realized he'd left the sheath.
I initially thought, and for some time that he planned meticulously, and then blew it on the night but I am not as certain as I was. I'm wavering, trying to reach a position on what the current evidence tells me before returning to my mapping...
He must have thought his car would not be identified he wasn't planning on police ever getting as far as IDing his phone,and if they did...well it wasn't pinging at time of crime. Possibly? IMO. That's why I keep returning again and again to his drive by activities 3.29 to 4.04am Nov 13.
And as far as his atty. saying it's not out of the ordinary for his dna to be on the knife sheath, what was it doing at that house ?
As far as I know, BK was never there are a partygoer or any other reason --as in--- the victims didn't know him ?
Sooo... what was it doing there ?

The Pennsylvania public defender's comments on the knife sheath, which was found next to one of the victims featuring Kohberger's DNA on the button snap was shrugged off by LaBar as 'touch DNA' or 'transfer DNA.'
'Which would mean that it could remain on that sheath for an indefinite period of time, if undisturbed,' he explained.

" That's one way of attacking that type of evidence that doesn't put him at the scene of the crime the night out, just that he merely touched that sheath at some point in time..."

So, someone else took BK's knife, and they used it to kill people ?
And BK's cell phone pinged near the area because he was just out for a night time drive ?

I think the defense' arguments at this time are weak !
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And as far as his atty. saying it's not out of the ordinary for his dna to be on the knife sheath, what was it doing at that house ?
As far as I know, BK was never there are a partygoer or any other reason --as in--- the victims didn't know him ?
Sooo... what was it doing there ?

The Pennsylvania public defender's comments on the knife sheath, which was found next to one of the victims featuring Kohberger's DNA on the button snap was shrugged off by LaBar as 'touch DNA' or 'transfer DNA.'
'Which would mean that it could remain on that sheath for an indefinite period of time, if undisturbed,' he explained.

" That's one way of attacking that type of evidence that doesn't put him at the scene of the crime the night out, just that he merely touched that sheath at some point in time..."

So, someone took BK's knife and they used it to kill people ?
And BK's cell phone pinged near the area because he was just out for a night time drive ?

I think the defense' arguments at this time are weak !
He's honestly done a good job for only having had a client for less than a week before he was whisked away. JMHO
I get it ... that whilst in confinement the prisoners need to be treated in a humane fashion.

My only takeaway from the 'vegan' side of the discussion here ( And, I don't mind talking about it as we have a wait ahead of us for the next hearing ! ;) ), is that unless BK would have a serious health issue without his vegan food, I don't think the jail should cater to his every wish; iykwim ?

Every demand of his, or perceived 'slight' from the jail or corrections officers --BK might use it to his own advantage; as he has studied criminal justice and knows the law and possible loopholes.

My opinion is that the request for a vegan diet may be the start of other demands for preferential treatment ?
BK is no one special.
The bright light and smiles of four beautiful young people have been forever silenced, allegedly because of him -- pending the trial.

Much like Charles Ng who made a mockery of the justice system (From the Leonard Lake and Charles Ng serial killings).
It's hard to believe that they're still trying to ID some of the remains of the killer's victims !

It was one of California's longest and most expensive trials at the time, costing millions of dollars, partly because the court said Ng repeatedly attempted to delay and disrupt his own trial. That included extended debates over whether he could represent himself and who would be his attorneys.
A vegan diet can be easily (albeit unhealthily) accomplished in jail. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are vegan. Pasta with marinara sauce is vegan. Oreos are vegan. Potato chips are vegan. Fruits and veggies are vegan.
As far as I know, BK was never there are a partygoer or any other reason --as in--- the victims didn't know him ?
We don't know if BK ever visited the house before. It is possible he stopped by during one of the parties at the King Road house, uninvited. If it was a party with a lot of people, he would not have been detected, especially if it was in the late summer, early fall, when the weather was warm and the party was outside in the patio area, in front of the house, and inside the house, with people going in and out.

We know that a 28 year old neighbor who worked as a chef in Pullman (but lived in an apartment near the King Road house) claims to have crashed/stopped by one or more of the parties uninvited, so BK might have done the same, which would have given him the opportunity to become familiar with the layout of the house.
And as far as his atty. saying it's not out of the ordinary for his dna to be on the knife sheath, what was it doing at that house ?
As far as I know, BK was never there are a partygoer or any other reason --as in--- the victims didn't know him ?
Sooo... what was it doing there ?

The Pennsylvania public defender's comments on the knife sheath, which was found next to one of the victims featuring Kohberger's DNA on the button snap was shrugged off by LaBar as 'touch DNA' or 'transfer DNA.'
'Which would mean that it could remain on that sheath for an indefinite period of time, if undisturbed,' he explained.

" That's one way of attacking that type of evidence that doesn't put him at the scene of the crime the night out, just that he merely touched that sheath at some point in time..."

So, someone took BK's knife and they used it to kill people ?
And BK's cell phone pinged near the area because he was just out for a night time drive ?

I think the defense' arguments at this time are weak !
I don't hold much of any opinion about his ex lawyer at this point. I got a little worked up about him a couple of days ago over a DM article that appeared to suggest LeBar had called the roomates's statement hearsay IMO MOO but since then I'm not convinced that he actually said that MOO. It's a bit of a cliff hanger wondering what the defense will be. Have to wait. IMO there's lots of evidence coming related to how this crime actually ocurred. Gaps to be filled in.
He's honestly done a good job for only having had a client for less than a week before he was whisked away. JMHO
Fair enough.

I did have a small worry when I first read those defense arguments.

Mostly thinking about the grieving families, and want justice for their sake !
I guess I'm trying to cheer myself up with the assertion that the arguments present so far aren't strong enough ?
Guess we'll see.
We don't know if BK ever visited the house before. It is possible he stopped by during one of the parties at the King Road house, uninvited. If it was a party with a lot of people, he would not have been detected, especially if it was in the late summer, early fall, when the weather was warm and the party was outside in the patio area, in front of the house, and inside the house, with people going in and out.

We know that a 28 year old neighbor who worked as a chef in Pullman (but lived in an apartment near the King Road house) claims to have crashed/stopped by one or more of the parties uninvited, so BK might have done the same, which would have given him the opportunity to become familiar with the layout of the house.
I didn't think about that possibility !
I've wondered if BK knew the combination lock ?
From someone else, and not necessarily the residents ?
I initially thought, and for some time that he planned meticulously, and then blew it on the night but I am not as certain as I was. I'm wavering, trying to reach a position on what the current evidence tells me before returning to my mapping...
I'm with you there. I don't think we have enough evidence to say anything with certainty. Obviously, if he did try to plan, he missed some things, which probably eats him up inside. Or, his level of "meticulous" is not LE's level of meticulous. I don't think he just winged it totally, but it's possible he sort of did. I do think he never planned on getting caught. Maybe. Can you tell I'm teetering? :)
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