ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 66

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So this is how to get around a gag order and taint a jury pool. I have been wondering when this sort of thing was going to start. jmo

Edited to add: I'm not being snarky...just disappointed.
Would the judge who issued the Gag have the power to pull the article? Has the 'investigative source' broken the order?
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I think a lot of the speculation re: Kaylee being the target was wildly exacerbated by how vocal her dad was in the media before they arrested someone. I will never tell someone how to grieve and I'm not even going to pretend to remotely understand how they are feeling but I thought from the beginning her dad was putting a lot of emphasis on her as THE victim - detailing her injuries, saying only she had defensive wounds, saying "he didn't have to go upstairs" (what does this even mean and why would he think that?), even suggesting Kaylee could have ripped the sheath off of her attacker before sadly succumbing to her injuries? You can't rip leather like that especially while fighting for your life and if that was the case the PCA probably wouldn't have specified the sheath only contained 1 source of DNA, later believe to be Bryan's.

I wouldn't expect them to put the same focus into someone else's kid(s), but for me personally, I've tried to avoid any media with him in it because all four victims and their possible links to their killer need to be explored equally. His adamancy about her having a stalker/knowing the perp, and then once BK was arrested he immediately said there was no connection between them, goes to show at least some people were right in saying he was doing too much to keep focus on the case. I also don't agree with any family saying right off the bat, "my kid didn't know this person whatsoever" unless that has been confirmed after forensics on the electronics, you absolutely do not know every single person your kid has interacted with.

SG's precious daughter, daughters, if you include Maddie, which he does, was viciously butchered by a knife wielding perp.

He is a crime victim in this case! I think I may need a nap bc I feel like crying.
Thank you. That makes me wonder if he left via the front door? The PCA said he was headed toward the slider, but he could have turned around. They did not say that he exited via the slider which I thought was odd. Probably reading too much in to that. JMO

YW. I think the front door was opened because the intense smell of death was permeating throughout the 1122 House. The PCA states the killer exited the slider because the eye witness DM, saw him walk past her as he left out of the sliding glass door.

Curious who he messaged. The article says the receiver of the messages may not have even read them, although I feel like they would know that by now?
wonder if this was the connections Steve Goncalves, father of Kaylee, 21, said his family had found between the University of Idaho student and suspect BK? I am speculating Kaylee was the focus of this crime and the rest were collateral damage.
Yup! This is why I don't understand anyone being shocked they pushed the trial out to end June. Give the media 5 months to run wild with their guilty verdict before the trial even starts, give Reddit 5 months to continue blasting out the families' social medias and personal info, give everyone eligible to serve on a jury 5 months to fill their heads with predispositions and assumptions. Last but not least, give the defense 5 months to build a case. By the time 6/26 rolls around, I'd say the chance of a mistrial will be pretty high.
I personally wouldn't worry about it too much. Plenty of high profile cases have stretched out forever and received guilty outcomes.
Woah. Check this out…

<modsnip - no source link for screenshot>

Edit: screenshot was of the Zillow listing for 1122 King Road. Last sentence of the description caught my attention.

This is a lot of maintenance worker activity, especially HVAC related, that would likely be done over the summer in anticipation of the start of the fall semester.

Just woah. I’m pretty sold on this theory now.

I agree with the person who responded to my original comment saying that it would have been released. And I also agree with the person who responded to them suggesting that maybe LE just didn’t know or didn’t have enough evidence yet.

This could potentially be huge. (Or could be not relevant at all.)

What do y’all make of it?
I was talking about the HVAC the other day. I had a theory that he may have put something into the hvac to knock them out and the mask he was wearing was a breathing apparatus mask.
Of course this is all just speculation MOO
wonder if this was the connections Steve Goncalves, father of Kaylee, 21, said his family had found between the University of Idaho student and suspect BK? I am speculating Kaylee was the focus of this crime and the rest were collateral damage.
I don’t think it was Kaylee. Attorney SG walked that back. JMO
I was talking about the HVAC the other day. I had a theory that he may have put something into the hvac to knock them out and the mask he was wearing was a breathing apparatus mask.
Of course this is all just speculation MOO
I'm not arguing. Just asking. How does that work? What would he put in the HVAC that would knock them out but leave DM alert enough to look out her door and be able to describe the assailant later? Where would he put it?
Interesting, if true.

Kohberger's now-deleted Instagram account — which was viewed by PEOPLE before it was removed — followed the accounts of Mogen, Gonclaves and Kernodle, but there was no public interaction.

It's unclear why Kohberger didn't get a response to his messages, but authorities say that the victim may have missed them completely.

"She may not have seen them, because they went into message requests," says the investigation source. (Instagram users are not notified when they receive a message from someone they do not follow back, and the messages go into a special folder.) "We're still trying to determine how aware the victims were of his existence."
If it’s the account I think it is (followed k m and X ) I’m pretty certain it wasn’t him. Just hours after the arrest was leaked there was about 8 or 9 different accounts of Bryan Kohberger or Bryan Christopher Kohberger, they were clearly trolls either making new accounts or changing the name of an existing account.

I don’t trust this source and I’m highly suspicious that someone would leak info like that…
Browneyes posted what she’d be pondering about until the hearing in June and one of them was WHY THAT NIGHT? Or something to that effecct. Sorry brown eyes if I’m getting it wrong….

BUT, i started thinking about several of your thoughts and that one hit me like a bolt of lightning after it meshed with you pointing out the cars in the front. Kaylee’s Range Rover. It was her last night there! She was was moving to Austin!!!

y’all may all be going duh! But this is the first time i thought of this, and i feel so silly for not thinking of it sooner. It was his last chance to eliminate her. I hate typing that :(
But that night in his mind he thought now or never, so he literally went Rambo. It WASN’T well planned. She was graduating early!! THAT caught him off guard.
This seems viable as it does appear he went crazy with his back-and-forth (possible thoughts of "should I/could I"). This theory would have to take into account that he knew (of) Kaylee and all her personal information (e.g., her new car (how did he know it was her car?), her last night there, etc.). Seems so unlikely that someone would drive up to a house with 4 cars out front and think it would be a good night to strike.
Just a public service announcement to anyone interested in Air Mail's two-part Howard Blum story on this case: The website is offering a free month when you sign up for a subscription. (I have no affiliation with this website but I am a subscriber.)
Thanks for the reminder! Had subscribed a few yrs ago, lapsed and just re upped

Excellent source!
I can’t imagine who might risk a mistrial

Publicity and leaks will not make a mistrial. Even if 100% of all evidence was disclosed to the public (which sometimes happens in other cases in other states), the jury pool just gets parsed even more... but they still find a jury. Even if they know of the evidence, the question is have they already made up their mind.
I'm not arguing. Just asking. How does that work? What would he put in the HVAC that would knock them out but leave DM alert enough to look out her door and be able to describe the assailant later? Where would he put it?
I don’t really know what he could of used. I was going to add that whatever it was (if this happened at all) wasn’t strong enough as DM was awake but maybe it was just to make them sleepy or groggy?
Of course it would also depend on wether the hvac was on an circulating air.
Like I said in my original post, it’s just speculation. It just came to me as an idea
If it’s the account I think it is (followed k m and X ) I’m pretty certain it wasn’t him. Just hours after the arrest was leaked there was about 8 or 9 different accounts of Bryan Kohberger or Bryan Christopher Kohberger, they were clearly trolls either making new accounts or changing the name of an existing account.

I don’t trust this source and I’m highly suspicious that someone would leak info like that…
I hope you're right and this is just a rehash of old news. Although if it is old news, it's being presented as new news IMO.
What is considered a "high rate of speed?"
With so much stuff about the car etc, I could put this remark on any post
, but why would a 28 year man want to be driving a car around at all these strange times. I get he could be shopping etc, but really ,.but at all the middle of night times
When in your early 20's say you got a new car and you want drive it round everywhere, or if your a boy racer, you pick your mates up, and go driving round poseing, in front of women etc. But none of this applies to BK ?
Here's the part about possible stalking from the affidavit. I'm far from a cell data expert but to me it reads that LE estimated that his cell phone pinged off the same tower/s that residents of 1122 would utilize. Would that be considered stalking? idk (page 16)

On December 23, 2022 pursuant to that search warrant, I received historical records for the 8458 Phone from AT&T from the time the account was opened in June 2022. After consulting with CAST SA, I was able to determine estimated locations for the 8458 Phone from June 2022 to present, the time period authorized by the court. The records for the 8458 Phone show the 8458 Phone utilizing cellular resources that provide coverage to the area of 1122 King Road on at least twelve occasions prior to November 13,2022. All of these occasions, except for one, occurred in the late evening and early morning hours of their respective days.

One of these occasions, on August 21, 2022, the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources providing coverage to the King Road Residence from approximately 10:34 p.m. to 11:35 p.m.
Stalking certainly seemed to be what they were implying. I'm expecting that to be firmed up by further evidence in court. MOOooooo :)
I personally wouldn't worry about it too much. Plenty of high profile cases have stretched out forever and received guilty outcomes.
I'm not worried honestly, I look forward to the trial starting to hopefully put the correct person behind bars. While I love spending most of my down time online with fellow sleuths, a verdict that is still 5+ months away won't make me lose any sleep...yet. Lol
With so much stuff about the car etc, I could put this remark on any post
, but why would a 28 year man want to be driving a car around at all these strange times. I get he could be shopping etc, but really ,.but at all the middle of night times
When in your early 20's say you got a new car and you want drive it round everywhere, or if your a boy racer, you pick your mates up, and go driving round poseing, in front of women etc. But none of this applies to BK ?
The Tapatalk posts that I do believe belong to him state he has struggled with insomnia for years. His neighbors have also stated he was up all night, walking around vacuuming and running the garbage disposal at strange hours, it makes sense for him to be awake at that hour and his defense could easily say he just wanted to get out of the house.
Yup! This is why I don't understand anyone being shocked they pushed the trial out to end June. Give the media 5 months to run wild with their guilty verdict before the trial even starts, give Reddit 5 months to continue blasting out the families' social medias and personal info, give everyone eligible to serve on a jury 5 months to fill their heads with predispositions and assumptions. Last but not least, give the defense 5 months to build a case. By the time 6/26 rolls around, I'd say the chance of a mistrial will be pretty high.
There have been thousands of high profile trials in this country, many that take years to resolve. Media speculation and social media ridiculousness will have the same impact on this trial that it has on past trials... almost none.
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