ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 71

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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One person’s DNA was on there. One person was driving a matching car, and had traveled to the scene multiple times. One person’s phone was off during the hours in question. One person was found thousands of miles away, spotted taking trash out in the dead of night, while wearing gloves, and dumping it in the neighbor’s trash can. One person scrubbed his car clean while the FBI watched.

I’m confident the DNA of multiple victims will be found in his car; you can’t get it all.

So much more is coming.
I think so, yes.
Sept 23rd was an 'altercation' with his professor

SEPT 23 altercation with professor at WSU
NOV 13 Murders of Maddie, Kaylee, Xana and Ethan
DEC 19 terminated from WSU
DEC 30 arrested at parent's home in PA

PCA says crimes began around 4:04. Vans are quiet on tile and wooden floors.
XK order's at 4 and her TT activates at 4:12.
So the murders of KG and MM occur upstairs first around 4:06 until and up until at least 4:12 with DM peering out her door on 2nd floor twice.

Then, the killer confronts EC for whatever reasons, perhaps somewhere between Xana's bdrm and the kitchen as there becomes a mighty bloody fight on the 2nd floor according to parent, SG, with Xana fighting back getting her sliced fingers.

Terrifying way to fight.
Terrifying way to end a night.
Terrifying way to end 4 lives.
I know lots of people can't grasp why DM called friends before police, this case here in the UK with the headteacher killed by her husband, she rang her sister 7 minutes before she was shot. She never rang the police and she was obviously a grown adult. I think in a fear moment it's just impossible to act rationally that those who have the benefit of hindsight have
When I was in my 20s, I was living alone in a studio apartment on the UWS of Manhattan. Late one Tuesday night, around 11:30pm, my doorbell rang. When I answered via the intercom, there was a male voice that said, “UPS.” I knew it was most definitely *not* UPS. I stopped answering, but they kept buzzing my apartment only for close to 30 minutes. I should have called 911, but I called my dad, 50 miles away, who talked me down and very rationally said, “why are you calling me? You should be calling 911!”

By the time the police showed, the person was long gone. Anyway, all this to say that when we are scared, or when our adrenaline is up, I agree that we don’t always act rationally. I can’t find fault with DM’s actions here, because until you’re in that situation, you don’t know how you’ll respond.
we don’t know w complete certainty a Kabar was used. If the knife proves to be different this could be reasonable doubt. I do think the state will have much more evidence than what's been provided in the PCA.
MOO the murder weapon, whether a Kabar, other fighting knife was transported to the house by the murderer, who used the knife, became separated from it accidentally and left it behind, and that is why his DNA is on it.
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It puts him there months before, and the morning after. The car led them to him. So I couldn’t possibly disagree more.

If any of the social media connections and restaurant connections are true, this case is the definition of a slam dunk. I’d argue it already is.
imo from what's in the PCA its far from a slam dunk. LE admits his phone pinged when he wasn't around so thats reasonable doubt. Theres no murder weapon so the sheath alone could have been stolen or borrowed from someone else to frame BK. He could be in the area to jog. Theres reasonable doubt in the PCA but again I believe there will be 10k plus pages of discovery before it's all done. MOO
One person’s DNA was on there. One person was driving a matching car, and had traveled to the scene multiple times. One person’s phone was off during the hours in question. One person was found thousands of miles away, spotted taking trash out in the dead of night, while wearing gloves, and dumping it in the neighbor’s trash can. One person scrubbed his car clean while the FBI watched.

I’m confident the DNA of multiple victims will be found in his car; you can’t get it all.

So much more is coming.

Someone with ocd and a compulsion to wipe away all dna from a leather knife sheath then leave it behind at a quadruple homicide scene is beyond my natural way of ordering life.

There was never an expectation, in his plan, that he'd leave so much as a single cell on the snap button at the CS. If the CS was messy as we've heard, he knew ME's finding a single drop of his blood, among the volumes of blood lost by the victims who bled out, would be deemed impossible.

He's awake late running the vacuum and driving around Moscow. Ringing in the ears and snow vision are unpleasant health conditions no one wants to endure but these symptoms may have kept him awake by night. They're irritating, continual, and commonly permanent, conditions. Perhaps there were also nightmares or hallucinations and voices.

AlexMurdaugh allegedly donned a bleu raincoat before murdering two members of his family with gunshots or else he wrapped the weapons in the raincoat as it tested positive for GSR. The #Idaho4 killer may have placed bloody items, knife, socks, mask, gloves into a backpack and once inside his car, there's a sheet of clear plastic covering the interior of his vehicle so the interior remains clean as possible.

Maybe there was a clean sweatshirt donned to cover his bloody clothes as he sped away. Were there shoe covers pulled on before walking out of the slider and onto the concrete patio? Planted along the getaway route to change into are a set of clean clothes and shoes, perhaps, with moist wipe cloths in the glovebox or trunk. His clean getaway perplexes me.

So, yeah, there is more coming, in the least, by June.
30 news groups ask Idaho Supreme Court to reject gag order
The coalition of news organizations, which includes The Associated Press, contends the gag order violates the right to free speech by prohibiting it from happening in the first place.

“Justice cannot survive behind walls of silence. For that reason, ‘a responsible press has always been regarded as the handmaiden of effective judicial administration, especially in the criminal field,’” coalition attorney Wendy Olson wrote in the court filing, quoting historic court rulings about prior restraints on free speech.
“Other remedies like the passing of time, a change in venue, voir dire, jury instructions, and jury sequestration can cleanse any jury taint without offending the right to speech.”
So we know that they found his DNA on the sheath and a possible Vans shoe print. We really don't know what else they have that actually have that puts him in the residence. More DNA perhaps. But let's assume that the sheath and the footprint are all they have in the house. So the defense has to somehow cast doubt on that evidence. The shoe print is really not that difficult. There are thousands of Vans sold, and there are probably multiple students that own that type of shoe. Unless there is a something specific in the tread wear that matches. The sheath is another issue. But, there is a possible explanation the defense may bring up regarding that. What if they say that BK visited a flea market, yard sale, or retail business and picked up the sheath and was looking at it. Didn't purchase it but did touch it or hold it. I know it's a stretch, but remember all they have to do is convince one juror that it is a possible explanation. I honestly believe they have more evidence, but putting him in the house is important.
Banfield is stating that he was terminated on December 19th. He had two confrontations with his professor, had been on an improvement plan and ultimately terminated. Fired over behavioral problems, that had started as early as October.
December 19th makes sense as the date to officially document BK was terminated and would not go forward into the next term as a TA as it was the last day before the end of the Fall 2022 Academic term, JMO.

The Washington State University Pullman Catalog
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It's Vanity Fair. You're not going to get cold, neutral reporting out of them. They rarely breaks news. The demographic they cater to likely know very little to nothing about this case. This is par for the course for all of their long reads.

The average web sleuth poster is probably 1000000th on their list of the editors considerations.

As always, consider the source.
I used to read Vanity Fair all the time years ago. They've always featured true crime stories over the years as long reads and I always liked reading them. Dominick Dunne was also a writer at VF for years, his daughter was murdered and his focus was and crime writing at times IIRC.

True, VF is not breaking news but I always thought well researched for what it is... however I'm not sure the integrity anymore as I don't get much time to reach much these days (except Websleuths of course lol and that's even sporadic)!

The 5th paragraph in gives a graphic clue to what has been speculated/rumoured... And there are some extremely detailed tidbits that makes me think the article was probably researched fairly well considering what's published these days with no fact checking. I'll read with a grain of salt in case, but I'm interested to read regardless.

Bryan Kohberger reportedly fired as teaching assistant | Banfield​

2/7/2023, 11:22 pm CST

Bryan Kohberger reportedly fired as teaching assistant | Banfield

According to Banfield, this is the "Alleged job termination timeline"

September 23 Altercation with WSU professor
October 3 Meeting to discuss "professional behavior"
October 21 Email to BK regarding "failure to meet expectations"
November 2 Meeting to discuss "improvement plan"
December 7 Meeting to discuss progress on "improvement plan"
December 9 Second altercation with professor
December 19 TA position officially terminated
According to Banfield, this is the "Alleged job termination timeline"

September 23 Altercation with WSU professor
October 3 Meeting to discuss "professional behavior"
October 21 Email to BK regarding "failure to meet expectations"
November 2 Meeting to discuss "improvement plan"
December 7 Meeting to discuss progress on "improvement plan"
December 9 Second altercation with professor
December 19 TA position officially terminated
Not surprising.
At all.

According to Banfield, this is the "Alleged job termination timeline"

September 23 Altercation with WSU professor
October 3 Meeting to discuss "professional behavior"
October 21 Email to BK regarding "failure to meet expectations"
November 2 Meeting to discuss "improvement plan"
December 7 Meeting to discuss progress on "improvement plan"
December 9 Second altercation with professor
December 19 TA position officially terminated
Sounds like BK's cross country move to Washington wasn't panning out so well.

Within a few months of moving there his application to intern with Pullman PD was turned down, and he was terminated from his TA position at WSU.

If he was doing well in his coursework, that would probably be the only saving grace/reason to stay on when he was "so far from home" and his support systems there.

Makes me wonder if he self-sabotaged his situation there, so he had excuses in place to high tail it back home and hide out thousands of miles away from where he "briefly lived" after doing what he allegedly did.

I really don't put a lot of weight behind the early slip ups. No investigation goes perfectly and the bigger the crime, the more opportunity for slip ups. Plus, small towns are just not prepared for the glare of that much press. Plenty of big time professionals who really should know how to talk (or not talk) to the press blow it fairly often. Yes, the mayor is a city official, but he's not the police or the prosecutor. He should have kept quiet but, unfortunately, putting a microphone in a politician's face is like turning on the porch light for a moth. They just can't help themselves. But, to Moscow's credit, they realized where they were lacking and took steps to correct it. At least MOOoooo
I hope it was clear that I was NOT calling the MPD inept. But I also knew that 40 Los Angeles cops didn't instantly decide to frame a famous football player before they even knew whether he was in town at the time of the murders. And I knew that a Mark Furman "role playing" with a screenwriter meant nothing in terms of how he treated African Americans during his work on the force.

But a skilled lawyer was able to convince much of the country--black and white--otherwise. Even today, Furman is almost always called "that racist cop" by the media, despite the testimony of his patrol partners to the contrary!

So let me say this once and for all: my question was only whether a cagey defense attorney could use the mere appearance of government confusion in the first weeks as an argument that all LE testimony should be doubted!
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