ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 71

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Coroner isn't LE.

No links because Moscow wasn't consistently inconsistent. Nothing for defense to present concerning this, instead, they need to explain a few other things concerning their client.

I don't think you have much experience with lawyers if you don't know they can make a lot out of a little. I have worked for--literally--thousands of lawyers in my life, and for most of that time it was my job to oppose lawyers in house in order cut costs.

Casey Anthony's lawyer got a not-guilty verdict with a story about a backyard drowning for which there was NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER.

Posters here--no, I was not among them--and media figures complained for weeks about inconsistencies in official reports. You are rewriting history now to claim there were no contradictions. I have listed some of them for you.

You are correct, I suppose, that the coroner isn't technically LE. I'm honestly not sure how to categorize a woman who is both a defense attorney and a county coroner. But the coroner and the mayor are both government officials and, for purposes of defense arguments, may be lumped in with police officers, the prosecutor and those who did the autopsies.

Just because you and I don't believe something to be true isn't insurance that a defense attorney won't run with it. FTR, I think you and I agree in all or almost all important particulars.

[ETA to clarify some of my language.]
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I find it problematic to assert that only guilty people lawyer up. There are any number of reasons someone may choose to not cooperate and to immediately ask for a lawyer, including having a bad prior experience with LE or being very cognizant of how quickly a seemingly friendly chat with cops can turn into you being suspect #1. MOO
It makes complete sense for anyone being interrogated by LE to have an attorney present. I’d go so far as to say it’s the smart thing to do. That said, if I found myself being questioned about a crime I didn’t commit I have little confidence I’d do the “smart” thing. I’d likely talk until LE themselves asked me to shut up.

On the other hand if a SWAT Team burst into my house in the middle of the night, after an initial “what the H?” the next and only word out of my mouth would be “Lawyer”.
The preliminary coroner made a few word statement, the head full autopsy coroner will submit a full report and testify about that full report. Doesn't matter that the preliminary coroner said there were stab wounds because THERE WERE. The head full autopsy coroner will confirm those stab wounds plus ADD self defense slash wounds giving a more detailed comprehensive full report WHICH IS NORMAL AND WHAT THEY GO BY.

Both will confirm manner of death was stabbing.

None of this will help defense, jury will be sickened and sicker knowing victims were awake suffering mental anguish. Defense has zero to help them here. Zero.

The initial statement leaving out slash wounds is not anywhere near enough for the defense to help BK look less like a methodical cold blooded heartless evil monster killer. Make no mistake, stabs and slashes, the jury will have to hear this, the families will hear this, photos will be shown and BK's attorneys will try to get them thrown out but they will lose that Motion.

"Death isn't pretty" said the prosecutor of 8 victims shot in the head when defense tried to get crime scene photos of victims thrown out. Defense lost.

2 Cents

Just to be clear, I think you are probably right about this. My best guess would align closely with yours. But then I was certain O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony would be convicted!

I was merely raising a hypothetical, as we do here from time to time.
According to Banfield, this is the "Alleged job termination timeline"

September 23 Altercation with WSU professor
October 3 Meeting to discuss "professional behavior"
October 21 Email to BK regarding "failure to meet expectations"
November 2 Meeting to discuss "improvement plan"
December 7 Meeting to discuss progress on "improvement plan"
December 9 Second altercation with professor
December 19 TA position officially terminated
In my years as a TA and years as a professor supervising TAs, I never asked for one to be terminated--not even in one case of blatant insubordination--and I never heard of one being fired.

Although a TAship should be considered a job, IME such positions are considered financial aid as much as teaching jobs. Nobody wants to take aid away from a promising researcher, whether or not s/he is a good teacher.

I have no experience at WSU, but I suspect BK must have been very difficult to deal with--or had undergraduates absolutely up in arms!--to be fired after one term.
In my years as a TA and years as a professor supervising TAs, I never asked for one to be terminated--not even in one case of blatant insubordination--and I never heard of one being fired.

Although a TAship should be considered a job, IME such positions are considered financial aid as much as teaching jobs. Nobody wants to take aid away from a promising researcher, whether or not s/he is a good teacher.

I have no experience at WSU, but I suspect BK must have been very difficult to deal with--or had undergraduates absolutely up in arms!--to be fired after one term.
Makes we wonder if there was some kind of violence or sexual harassment in the reasons for his dismissal. Those are a bit more difficult to excuse and move beyond than hard marking, rudeness, or poor work ethic.

Makes we wonder if there was some kind of violence or sexual harassment in the reasons for his dismissal. Those are a bit more difficult to excuse and move beyond than hard marking, rudeness, or poor work ethic.

Good point. Per the reports above--I can't get the sound to work on Ashley Banfield's internet broadcast--one of the claims was that BK applied different standards in grading females v. males. THAT might well provoke a quicker response from the administration, and rightfully so.

I never had a complaint like that re my TA colleagues.
Good point. Per the reports above--I can't get the sound to work on Ashley Banfield's internet broadcast--one of the claims was that BK applied different standards in grading females v. males. THAT might well provoke a quicker response from the administration, and rightfully so.

I never had a complaint like that re my TA colleagues.
Well, I assume your TAs never murdered anybody either. BK is operating under a different moral code and conscience than the vast majority of people. I'm sure if he did mark women down, he thought he was being fair and that they should be grateful for the mark he gave them. If past behaviour is a good indicator, he would have been very startled to be called on it, and may have even doubled down for a while. They said that roughly half of the class asked him probing questions about his grading at that confrontational session. I wonder what percentage of those were women or nonbinary folks.

Scott Bonn, an author and serial killer expert, weiged in on what he believes could have led Kohberger, a suspect in the murder of four Idaho college students, to kill.

“He (Kohberger) reached a tipping point where he simply couldn’t take it anymore, and he had to act out on his fantasy of killing,” Bonn said Tuesday night on “Banfield.”

imo from what's in the PCA its far from a slam dunk. LE admits his phone pinged when he wasn't around so thats reasonable doubt. Theres no murder weapon so the sheath alone could have been stolen or borrowed from someone else to frame BK. He could be in the area to jog. Theres reasonable doubt in the PCA but again I believe there will be 10k plus pages of discovery before it's all done. MOO
I hadn’t heard / read that LE admits his phone pinged when BK wasn’t around. Where was BK when his phone was elsewhere? Could you please point me to a source of this statement?
Thanks for this. If I’m reading pg. 15 correctly, it discusses his phone location on Nov 14. The murders occurred on Nov 13, and pages 13 and 14 cover the phone and Elantra movements.

On November 13, 2022 at approximately 2:42 a.m., the 8458 Phone was utilizing cellular resources that provide coverage to 1630 Northeast Valley Road, Apt G201, Pullman, WA, hereafter the "Kohberger Residence." At approximately 2:47 a.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage southeast ofthe Kohberger Residence consistent with the 8458 Phone leaving the Kohberger Residence and traveling south through Pullman, WA'
This is consistent with the movement of the white Elantra. At approximately 2:47 a.m. the 8458 Phone stops reporting to the network, which is consistent with either the phone being in an area without cellular coverage, the connection to the network is disabled (such as putting the phone in airplane mode), or that the phone is tumed off The 8458 Phone does not report to the network again until approximately 4:48 a.m. at which time it utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to ID state highway 95 south of Moscow, ID near Blaine, ID (north of Genesee). Between 4:50 a.m. and 5:26 a.m., the phone utilizes cellular resources that are consistent with the
8458 Phone traveling south on ID state highway 95 to Genesee, ID, then traveling west towards Uniontown, ID, and then north back into Pullman, WA. At approximately 5:30 a.m., the 8458 Phone is utilizing resources that provide coverage to Pullman, WA and consistent with the phone traveling back to the Kohberger Residence. The 8458 Phone's movements are consistont with the movements of the white Elantra fiat is observed traveling north on Stadium Drive at approximately 5:27 a.m. Based on a review of the 8458 Phone's estimated locations and travel, the 8458 Phone's travel is consistent with that of the white Elanta.
Further review indicated that the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources on November 13, 2022 thsl are consistent with the 8458 Phone leaving the area ofthe Kohberger Residence at approximalely 9:00 a.m. and traveling to Moscow, ID. Specificaily, the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to the King Road Residence between 9:12 a.m. and 9:21 am. The 8458 Phone next utilized cellular resources that are consistent with the 8458 Phone traveling back to the area of the Kohberger Residence and arriving to the area at approximately 9:32 a.m.
I don’t believe this for a second. I think he killed the first victims, and then moved on to the next while forgetting the sheath. I just don’t get the logic of leaving evidence behind, even if you think it’s clean and can’t hurt you. It told them the brand of murder weapon.

I swear. It seems like people leave law enforcement and then immediately lose their minds.
Trying to earn that paycheck for being an "expert". smh
Banfield is stating that he was terminated on December 19th. He had two confrontations with his professor, had been on an improvement plan and ultimately terminated. Fired over behavioral problems, that had started as early as October.
If I remember correctly, wasn't he back in PA by then? They were pulled over on 12/15. I think they were back in PA on the 16th.

That doesn't mean what you think it means....

Cell phone triangulation works off of 3 towers. LE is saying that one of the 3 towers BKs phone pinged off of was in Moscow. And the other two were likely further west somewhere in WA. Which tells them he wasn't in Moscow but close enough for his phone to communicate with a tower.

LE is well aware of the challenges to cell phone triangulation data as a primary means to place someone. Hence their use of video evidence to bolster the weaker cell phone triangulation evidence. A car like his in the same place the cell said he might be, a video from a grocery store in the same place his cell said he might be...etc.

And they could have easily omitted that specific line about the Moscow tower from the PCA if it was damaging to their case and instead handed it over in discovery. As they likely have thousands of ping data points to pick and choose from. The very fact that they put that line in the PCA means they can probably establish where he was on that day, somewhere in the middle of the 3 towers.
That doesn't mean what you think it means....

Cell phone triangulation works off of 3 towers. LE is saying that one of the 3 towers BKs phone pinged off of was in Moscow. And the other two were likely further west somewhere in WA. Which tells them he wasn't in Moscow but close enough for his phone to communicate with a tower.

LE is well aware of the challenges to cell phone triangulation data as a primary means to place someone. Hence their use of video evidence to bolster the weaker cell phone triangulation evidence. A car like his in the same place the cell said he might be, a video from a grocery store in the same place his cell said he might be...etc.

And they could have easily omitted that specific line about the Moscow tower from the PCA if it was damaging to their case and instead handed it over in discovery. As they likely have thousands of ping data points to pick and choose from. The very fact that they put that line in the PCA means they can probably establish where he was on that day, somewhere in the middle of the 3 towers.
I didn't say it meant anything. I was simply providing the link the OP was referring to. JMO
To fur
I didn't say it meant anything. I was simply providing the link the OP was referring to. JMO
Sorry. I responded to the wrong message. It was intended to be a response to this message.

imo from what's in the PCA its far from a slam dunk. LE admits his phone pinged when he wasn't around so thats reasonable doubt. Theres no murder weapon so the sheath alone could have been stolen or borrowed from someone else to frame BK. He could be in the area to jog. Theres reasonable doubt in the PCA but again I believe there will be 10k plus pages of discovery before it's all done. MOO


This is what LE likely meant. IMO.
Someone with ocd and a compulsion to wipe away all dna from a leather knife sheath then leave it behind at a quadruple homicide scene is beyond my natural way of ordering life.

There was never an expectation, in his plan, that he'd leave so much as a single cell on the snap button at the CS. If the CS was messy as we've heard, he knew ME's finding a single drop of his blood, among the volumes of blood lost by the victims who bled out, would be deemed impossible.

He's awake late running the vacuum and driving around Moscow. Ringing in the ears and snow vision are unpleasant health conditions no one wants to endure but these symptoms may have kept him awake by night. They're irritating, continual, and commonly permanent, conditions. Perhaps there were also nightmares or hallucinations and voices.

AlexMurdaugh allegedly donned a bleu raincoat before murdering two members of his family with gunshots or else he wrapped the weapons in the raincoat as it tested positive for GSR. The #Idaho4 killer may have placed bloody items, knife, socks, mask, gloves into a backpack and once inside his car, there's a sheet of clear plastic covering the interior of his vehicle so the interior remains clean as possible.

Maybe there was a clean sweatshirt donned to cover his bloody clothes as he sped away. Were there shoe covers pulled on before walking out of the slider and onto the concrete patio? Planted along the getaway route to change into are a set of clean clothes and shoes, perhaps, with moist wipe cloths in the glovebox or trunk. His clean getaway perplexes me.

So, yeah, there is more coming, in the least, by June.

I would suggest that the difference between planning and the reality of executing something like this would be quite significant so I'm hopeful he made other mistakes that LE has discovered.

I'm not prepared to accept the online self diagnosis as fact until I see it verified by a professional and I feel that if he's functioned fairly well up to the point of the murders, there's no reason to give him any sort of pass on it now.
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