ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 42

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She's telling us what she knows about her personal experience with the alleged killer. Why is that disgusting?
I'd be interested to hear what his reactions were around women.
It almost feels like the male victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time ?
Another question :
Did the surviving roommates know who BK was, even just in passing, or did they recognize him from (possibly) BK following/stalking them ?
Speculation only, not even MOO! I have been thinking about motive from all angles, and taking a bunch of things into account. What if the victims (any combination of them) did mess around with BK in some way - perhaps they used him for something (money, party space, drugs?, drives, etc.). Once recognizing the one-sided nature of their relationships, BK came to understand his role in it, and planned this revenge since it is very much in line with his interests and studies. His perceived injustice, paired with a history of bullying and trauma led him to the act just to show them "EXACTLY what he was capable of". Don't mess with BK.

I wonder too, if this was the case, if the girls were not already aware that he was upset and they had been starting to worry about their well-being. HG may have been with them to "make sure they got home" which would explain why he threw his hands up when they hurried off to their uber. (LOL, hoodie guy - from villan to hero in one day). Also, maybe MM told Adam "everything" because K started getting messages from him asking if they were ok.

This is ALL speculation, and I try not to go only on what information is readily available to us. We only know what was caught on camera, and what has been sleuthed up online.
Yes, that's a big mistake. For me his biggest mistake was picking a home that obviously had many residents. He would know that it was a student area, and thus likely many people occupying that house. BK could have been killed himself that night by one of the residents. He almost certainly didn't take into account that a male could be there that night. JMO.
It seems likely that he’s never lived in student housing before, as he lived close to his other schools. Imo, he probably didn’t know the bedroom doors would have locks unless he entered the house before. Agree that he didn’t expect a male, probably from limited social experience and knowledge. You don’t know what you don’t know kind of thing.
Disclaimer: my opinion or speculation.

If this guy was so concerned about meat being prepared in pots & pans how on earth did he eat out? Did the guy ask how good was prepared when he ordered? Even some burger places warm/ toast the bread/bun on the same surface as the meat.

Was just thinking about that and decided to post. Doesn’t require an answer.
I have friends who are vegan, they only go to vegan restaurants. It really has nothing to do with OCD like some articles have stated, it is just a way of life for vegans. Vegans are just very careful, think of it like how some who are allergic to certain foods, just being very cautious.
as to whether he was bully or bullied, often times IME one can be both. Bullied people often resort to bullying themselves.

Sounds to me like he had a weight issue and was a good student in HS. That alone can cause one to be targeted for bullying. He was awkward and girls "ewwwwed" at him. Per one account in articles from a former friend, when he returned for senior year he had dropped a lot of weight. I wonder if that is when he became involved with heroin? Another article described a female friend discussing him disclosing he had struggled with addiction in HS and another recounted him asking her to drive him around for what she later discovered was a search for heroin. I believe she said that was after HS when they were in college. Somewhere in all that he also became involved with boxing.

Many people will crawl out of the woodwork now to recount how creepy he was. That is to be expected in a high profile case. But some of the information that will come out WILL be relevant to understanding this individual, his motivations, and his crime. MOO
True that and the internet is wild and journalists desperate.
Nothing makes any sense at all at this stage.

I understand his social media has been removed but people are claiming they saw it even though it was most likely removed prior to his arrest.

LE have played an absolute blinder here.
Not a single detail leaked, nothing at all.

But the frenzy is frenzied, as always.
Scott Reisch, a lawyer youtuber (approved source) did a background check on BK (post-arrest) and found no social media. The records only showed that he owned a Kia, which was very similar to the Elantra model sought by police. Perhaps the Elantra is owned by a relative?
What could have started as Adderall for the treatment of an overweight, bullied schoolkid, might well have turned into self-medication with something cheaper. However, that you mentioned stimulants is highly intuitive, as stimulants make OCD worse. JMO.
Stimulants are occasionally used to treat OCD in combination with other medications. I think it's unusual but I have a close family member who is treated this way and has seen enormous improvement on these meds.
I think that possibility may still be open. His comment to LE asking if he was the only arrest is interesting. I'm sure it could be just a pre-thought out rabbit trail, but it's also possible he was encouraged/inspired/assisted by someone. A potential accomplice wouldn't have had to be physically involved in the crime, but could have helped to plan it, etc. <modsnip>
Super interesting thought imo. Anyone in the victims’ circle who had a prior record may have answered that survey that the suspect put on Reddit and in fact, anyone who replied to that survey should be investigated. That was just this year that he did that survey, correct? Probably there are records of it/responses to it on his electronic devices. LE will go over that with a fine tooth comb imo and discern connections.
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His path through academia has been a long circuitous one. I wonder about what his family thought and saw. Did they worry about him? Did their own areas of study make them recognize problematic behavior? Did he have any other work history aside from the part time security position many years ago? How did he support himself, or did his family assist? Did he live at home until he went out to Washington, or did he reside in a campus setting?

Did he believe that he would not be caught, or did it not matter to him, as long as he could go down in history? Was he nervous in these past weeks, or reveling in the comparisons to Bundy?
Good questions. Classmate said he went back to school and acted the same, even more talkative. They did say when the murders were discussed in class, he did not say anything that anyone can remember. I think he’s a total sociopath that acted completely normal. I also think this was not his first rodeo. They will find others. I’m also wondering what his family thought. Apparently there are those in the mental health field in his family, if true, but sounds like he has been having issues for a while in some regards. I’m so glad they got him.
Many people will crawl out of the woodwork now to recount how creepy he was. That is to be expected in a high profile case. But some of the information that will come out WILL be relevant to understanding this individual, his motivations, and his crime. MOO
Exactly. No one thinks to comment or share things like this, its all reactive after the fact. I take a lot of that/this type of stuff with a grain of salt, unless someone has conversations etc in screenshtots
Yes, but there are many other criminology PhD choices.

Why WSU/Pullman, WA?
Last night on Fox News, a panel of experts were discussing this case and the arrest of BK during a one-hour special hosted by Nancy Grace. One of the former LE/FBI panelists asked this exact question, saying that this is one of the issues that LE should be looking into. Why WSU's criminology PhD program, was there a certain professor there that he wanted to study with, and what was the focus of that professor's research, etc.
MOO this looks like an Incel murder. Revenge on “women.”
It might very well be, though we haven't enough information at this point to make it definite. I'll say this, though: I expected more ex-girlfriends to have come out of the woodwork by now to give interviews to the media, and I haven't seen any. One of my initial speculations was that the unsub was a severely disaffected person, probably sexually frustrated, who saw the victims as symbolizing the source of his disaffection. On the other hand, there are some indications of his being a sociopath, or psychopath, or whatever else the pedants want to call it.
Well, I'm old-school and always thought the two words defined the same thing.
Yeah-- no worries, despite the poster's comments in the reply to you, with such cerainty and without citations, the question of the difference is still very much up for debate.

In 1847, the term psychopathy was coined. It orginally referred to ANY disease related to a mental illness. It comes from Greek roots meaning “suffering soul.” In 1885, the term psychopath became more widely known in relation to the murder a girl named Sarah Becker in Russia. A woman confessed to the murder, but her confession was thrown out after a psychiatrist, described her as a “psychopath.” The English-speaking world took it as a mark of the violent, self-interested nature of the woman accused, Ekaterina Semenova, and wa-la the modern definition of psychopath was born.

In the 1930s, a taxonomy for mental health conditions began to develop and psychopath was reserved for those who showed those types of behaviors.

Then, in 1930, an American psychologist, G. E. Partridge, studied the general category of psychopath closely. He came to the conclusion that psychopathy was too broad a definition to be useful. He proposed changing the expression to sociopathy to define antisocial behavior. To him, sociopath meaning “a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience."

Because the American Phystriatic Association does not recognize the term sociopath or psychopath (instead they focus on the much broader Antisocial Peronality Disorder), little research has been done on either. It's underfunded and underesearched.

The modern armchair psychologist separation of psychopath and sociopath by born with or created is not backed by research, which suggests all personality disorders start with a biological proclivity toward them and complimentary life experiences.

This, my friend, is a long way of saying you are not confused because there is not an acceptable psychological or medical definition.
I have friends who are vegan, they only go to vegan restaurants. It really has nothing to do with OCD like some articles have stated, it is just a way of life for vegans. Vegans are just very careful, think of it like how some who are allergic to certain foods, just being very cautious.

Do you know anybody allergic to a certain ingredient asking for new pots and pans if the ingredient they are allergic to was cooked previously?
Im not either.

One thing to have pots and pans in your home for certain foods but to go or be in someone else’s home and ask/demand that is a little much and would be directed to the door.

It’s possible that his particular quirks were accepted by his own family members (like in most families) and not seen as pathological, just seen as how he is, what he likes/dislikes. Accommodated. Tolerated.
It sounds like his pan request is not about meat/vegetables, but about exerting control over others.
Just dropping by after catching up on some articles and interviews done with people who knew him and went to school with him. So many things running through my head. I can’t help but wonder how long he’s been a ticking time bomb after struggling to fit into society, being bullied, having things thrown at him by girls (so strange!), being sheltered, etc. I wonder if he has struggled with homicidal tendencies most of his adult life and tried to overcome it by studying criminology, or did he choose this field because of his desires to commit homicide and wanted to soak up everything so he could and hide behind his profession while continuing to quench his thirst for killing. Obviously there is something terribly wrong and off with this man - is he just plain evil, or is he deeply flawed (or both) but the psychology behind it and what motivated him to study the field intrigues me. Was he born this way? Did his experiences push him into evilness? We know so little about him so far. For the victim’s family’s sake, I hope he does not fight the charges, and comes clean with everything and accepts his fate. I doubt this will happen, but if he could be useful in some sort of way to understand what turns a person into committing such evilness - that would be better than him fighting the charges. I’m praying he just gives it all up - I know …I’m dreaming.
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